What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

They returned to the dark room where the familiar chair sat waiting. "If you please." Yoshitsugu gestured to the chair, "It won't take long~ but unfortunately for you, it will feel like an eternity~"
Amaya felt the familiar icy grip of fear squeeze at her heart, but she pushed forward, sitting in the chair and slowly lifting her arms to put them on the arms of the chair so she could be strapped in.
Mitsunari strapped her down firmly before going through the different torture tools he had. He started with small cuts along her body, anywhere he could see flesh is where he cut into her. After the was done, he gave her a healing potion and waited for the wounds to close before heating the blade and starting the process again.
Amaya cringed hard as he made slow cuts along her body, grinding her teeth with tears running down her cheeks. Covered in blood and shaking as she death gripped the chair.
This continued what seemed like hours, but it had only been a few minutes. When they finished, she was given a healing potion and sent on her way.
Amaya was still shaking as she walked, taking small sips of the potion as she returned to her room for the day.
For the next couple of weeks, Amaya went through the same training daily, but nothing ever got any less painful, it seemed to hurt worse. After all the physical training one day instead of torture tools, Amaya came into the darkened room to see a table full of poisons.
"I hope you're ready for your poison training." Mitsunari said, but he knew that she would never be ready for what they were doing to her. She just accepted it and that's how he liked it.
Amaya said nothing as she moved to her chair, taking a seat and staring at the many bottles with her breath held through clenched teeth.
The paralytic poison was neither painful or painless, having to try her hardest to move while under the poison. When they moved to a health poison however, Amaya was hunched over in pain, holding her stomach. "I feel like I'm going to be sick." She managed out, closing her eyes.
Amaya clenched her teeth in shame and pain, but she forced herself into a sitting position. "I-I can continue now." She said, though she was already breaking out in a cold sweat.
Amaya sweating got heavier and she felt like every muscle in her body had been worked overtime, still dealing with the nausea from the health poison, she finally fell out of her chair to wretch on the ground, vomiting on the floor.
"She's done." Yoshitsugu stated. Mitsunari nodded and waited before giving her an antidote and allowing her to leave. Akihime waited anxiously in her room, worried for her friend.
Within the first year since she had begun her training, Amaya had built up her immunity to low level paralytic poisons, able to walk almost as normally as one would normally do so. She no longer cried when cut or burned, but she would still lose consciousness at the average rate when submerged in water, and her hand-to-hand combat and swordplay where improving rapidly, with again an average rate of archery. Her writing and reading improved greatly with Akihime teaching her, able to read fluently, and her writing had nary a wobble in it.
Within two years she was able to withstand paralytic poison and preform simple tasks such as writing or dressing in armor, and then removing it in the same order. Her swordplay had gotten considerably better and she no longer had to be only on the defensive when sparring with Mitsunari. She no longer cried out when she was lashed with a whip or electrocuted, able to remain conscious submerged in water for a good amount of time. Her other combat skills had all improved greatly, and archery was no longer an issue.
Four years after she began her training, Amaya no longer shed tears when her fingernails where removed, her feet submerged in boiling oil, or her fingers dislocated. She was able to spar against Mirsunari while drugged with three different poisons - though not for very long - and Akihime had even learned the Dunmer native tongue to teach Amaya as well, which they could both speak fluently in, but Amaya had a hard time writing.
Five years after her training had began, Amaya was able to actively fight Mitsunari while under the influence of five potions for a maximum of twelve minutes, able to hold her breath for three and a half minutes, withstand fires being started directly on her limbs, partially skinned, and bones broken without so much as a flinch. Akihime was the only reason she wasn't crippled beyond repair, her godly healing abilities mending her broken bones, and even allowing her missing flesh to scar over rapidly.

Amaya sat strapped the same chair she had been returning to for five years, eyes fixed ahead. She no longer cried or screamed, thrashed or flinched- even when the blade of a torture tool was pushed through her shoulder and out the other end, her eyes would only glaze over, becoming half-lidded as she gained a thousand-yard stare that could counter a draugers.
Mitsunari grabbed a pair of pliers and moved to her, gripping her chin and holding her mouth open as he closed the pliers around her back molars and ripped them from her jaw.
Blood began to pour from her mouth immediately, and once he let go of her chin, she let her head fall back into its original position.
"And how are we to be certain she won't take all of this training and use it to eliminate the Oracle? Need I remind you, she is of great importance to Lord Hideyoshi?" A man known as Hanbei stood across the room, watching Mitsunari remove the teens teeth with little interest. "You did purchase her. At an auction no less."
Mitsunari glanced to Hanbei before looking to Amaya, "Tell me your only purpose here." He ordered, "Why do you continue the endure this training?"
"To serve and protect the Oracle of the Empire, be it if it cost me limb or life, the only reason I continue to draw breath is to ensure the safety of Akihime-sama." Amaya spoke without hesitation.
Hanbei let out a soft sigh, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "Ah yes, and tell me why the word of a slave is worth my time?" His eyes narrowed. "Mitsunari, I want to be guaranteed the Oracles safety. Now prove it to me, do not think mere words from a slave are good enough for Lord Hideyoshi."
"Because I trust Yoshitsugu's judgement. He chose her for a reason and I will never second guess him. The answers you seek are not with me, Lord Hanbei." He said calmly, "But your Oracle trusts her. That shoukd be enough, I would assume."
Hanbei cleared his throat, turning his head away and letting out a sigh. "Very well." He headed for the door, not giving either of them another glance. "Just keep her under control."
"Of course." He said, bowing his head. He turned back to Amaya and removed her other molar just to make it even before releasing her and letting her leave.
Amaya was on her way toward her bedroom to clean herself up, rinsing out her bloody mouth, and gathering the tools she's need to replace her missing teeth, setting out two already made silver teeth.
There was a knock on her door before it opened, "Ama~!" Akihime called cheerfully, "I heard you were back from training and came to check on you!" For 14, she was blossoming into quite the beautiful young woman. She had come a long way from the shy little girl she was five years ago.
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