What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Astrid gave a slight nod. "When you're finished with the contracts from Nazir, come and see me, I'm sure I'll have something for you by then."
He nodded and went to the bunk room, picking a bed and changing into his armor. He headed to Nazir, who happily gave him his assignmemts. Sasuke stared at the papers and looked at the names of the people he would be killing before heading off to go hunting.
Sasuke's list was was three simple names: a bard, a coal miner, and a homeless man. All three jobs would be rather easy, but they were his first jobs.
The bard didn't seem like it would be very hard. It was a bard. So he traveled to find this bard, this Orc, and decided to watch him. That's qhat assassins did, right? They watched and waited.
The bard was just another average looking Nordic man, looking to be mid twenties, blonde hair and blue eyes. Of course, by the time Sasuke arrived at the local inn he preformed in, he was shitfaced and lounging around outside alone. Almost too easy.
Sasuke watched him quietly, waiting for the right moment. There was a lot of thought that went into this, because obviously he didn't want to get caught.
(( :'3 wanna make a long post for these so we can get Sasuke to Solitude?))

The bard was taking long swings from his wine bottle, stumbling on occasion, as he did his best to keep upright.

Sasuke watched the bard for days before Sasuke finally ended the bard's life in the dead of night while he slept in his bed. The assassin was gone before they could interrogate him, on his way to his next target. The coal miner was easy as well; he made it look as though the mine collapsed while he was working. The homeless man, though. The homeless man was hard for him. Not because he was a challenge, but because as he watched him, he heard the man crying for a woman, he would assume a loved one. This actually made Sasuke hesitate, missing his mother so much. So he killed the poor man painlessly in his sleep so he could be with who he sobbed for. Sasuke returned to the Sanctuary and informed Nazir of the kills and was thusly rewarded.
After giving Sasuke some time to rest and count out his money, Astrid appeared before him with another mission. "This one may be a couple steps up from what Nazir has given you, but I don't think you'll have any problems with it." She handed him the paper with his next list of contracts and locations. "I hope you're up for a little revenge?" Every man and woman on the list lived in Solitude, and they all had either owned slaves, or still did.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed, recognizing half the names on the list. "Don't worry. None of them will continue to draw breath. I will see to it personally." He said.
"Excellent." Astrid turned to leave. "And happy hunting." She said with a slight smirk on her face, knowing Sasuke would be more than happy to kill these people.
Amaya would often wear the guise of one of Akihime's hand maidens while there where visitors to see her, wearing the same robed dresses and veils to hide their faces, adorned in jewels and silk scarves. Many nobles from around Skyrim had come to see Akihime for divinations of all kinds - marriage, their wealth, or even more political matters. Whatever the reason, every person that came to Akihime that week were supporters, and large donors to the Empire, meaning very important clients. And every single one of them, were on Sasuke's list.
Akihime was happy to help all of them, regardless if she hated how they treated their indentured servants. While she was busy with the masters, she had her other handmaidens feed and tend to the slaves, helping them be comfortable and show them that there was still kindness in the world.
Sasuke watched all the slave owners carefully, face hidden by his cowl. He would make them all suffer slowly.
Amaya stood closest to Akihime as she preformed her divinations, and upon sensing a familiar blood lust, she slowly glanced around, scowl set deep on her face as she looked for the source.
Akihime was discussing a divination with one of the slave owners at the time, oblivious to the murderous intent as she focused. She lost concentration, however, when something wet his her face. She looked and her eyes widened in horror. The owner had a dagger through his throat, choking on his own blood while a Brotherhood assassin swept through the room, gutting and slicing the throats of the other slave owners.
Amaya went to work immediately, leaving Akihime behind with the other screaming hand maidens who flocked around the Oracle. Drawing her ebony daggers and going after the assassin. Before his dagger could find its way into the belly of a fat Argonian, his dagger was blocked by the woman in handmaiden garb, her other hand twirling her blade around as she brought her arm up to stab him in the neck.
The assassin kicked her knee in to knock her off kilter, pushing her back and stepping away quickly. He woukd have to finish the job another time. He darted off quickly, making an escape.
Amaya collapsed to the ground as she felt a firm pop in her knee, but barely felt a pinch. Looking up to Akihime, she slowly stood. "Akihime-sama, please, tend to the most gravely injured." She said, pushing her knee back into place with an audible pop.
Akihime nodded quickly and called to the healers to help her. Sasuke panicked as he rushed from room to room, trying to find a way out of this huge palace.
A hand clamped tightly around Sasuke's wrist and his arm was twisted behind his back before he was slammed into the wall and pinned there. "Don't move." Amaya growled into his ear, a blade to his side.
She twisted Sasuke's hand further, obviously not liking the Imperial Bitch comment; slamming her knee into the back of his, she got on top of him when he fell to the ground, pulling his hands behind his back to put cuffs on him. "Shut up."
"Yeah, no." He said and curled his fingers toward the cuffs, touching them just enough to use an old Alteration spell he had found in a tome, the locks on the cuffs swinging open. He used all his weight to shove her off before casting Invisibility and rushing out of the room.
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