What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya shot to her feet once more to give chase, but eventually she had to turn around and head back to Akihime. Entering the room with a slight limp from her injured knee, she looked over the scene. "Akihime-sama, how are the guests fairing?"
"Akihime-sama, it alright, please calm down." She said softly to keep Akihime calm. "You're doing a great job, keep working on the injured." She said, then moved to help remove the deceased so Akihime didn't have to see them.
Akihime continued to heal those who were not on the verge of death, tears pouring down her cheeks. She had hoped to never see such things, so much death. It was a selfish desire, considering her gift, but seeing that there were people she could not save made her almost nauseous.
Amaya removed the bodies and searched the immediate vacinity before hurrying to Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu. "My lords." She was covered in blood and kneeling on the floor. "An assassin has made his way into the Palace. The Oracle and most of the visitors are secured, but.."
"The assassin escaped and three of our guests have perished." She finished, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Akihime-sama is doing everything that she can."
Mitsunari fumed but Yoshitsugu waved him down yet again. "Thank you for doing your best, Amaya. Maybe if he turns up again, you won't fail to catch the assassin." He said calmly.
Her face flushed pink with embarrassment, feeling shame that she let the killer slip away so easily. Looking down, she cleared her throat and nodded, bowing her head lower. "Please forgive my incompetence, I will search for him immediately."
"Of course, right away." She said, standing and returning to Akihime to make sure she was safe, then to try and calm her down some more.
Akihime was a wreck, her eyes distant and filled with horror. She was shaking so much, to the point that the cup of water she held was half empty from being spilt everywhere. She didn't even notice, to be honest.
"Akihime-sama.." Amaya knelt down beside Akihime, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Drink some more water, you need to get your energy back after your readings.."
"Y-Yes, of course..." She muttered and brought her shaking cup to her lips, making a small mess of herself. She looked down at her soaked dress and frowned, "O-Oh..."
Amaya took Akihime's hands and placed the cup on the ground, gently pulling Akihime to her feet. "Let's get you cleaned up." She said softly, leading Akihime to her room. "Stay here, I get the bath running." She said, closing the door to Akihime's bedroom for privacy before moving to the joining bathroom. Filling the tub with hot water, she added the usual oils and salts that Akihime bathed in to calm her after an upsetting reading.
Heading back out to Akihime, she took her hand again, squeezing her hand tightly. "The bath is ready."
Amaya helped Akihime into the bathroom, making sure she didn't fall. "Do you need help? Would you like me to stay?"
Amaya bowed deeply to Akihime, moving to sit in the chair against the wall. "I will not leave your sight." She promised.
Akihime sat in her bath silently, the water a faint pink from the blood that was on her hands. "Wh-Why...? Why would anyone do something so awful...?" She muttered numbly.
Amaya sat in her chair in silence for a moment; she didn't feel an ounce of pity for those whom had been slain, they all owned slaves, but what made her angry was the fact it was done in front of Akihime. Amaya had always worked her very hardest to make sure such sights didn't make it to Akihime's eyes, but never before had an assassin moved so boldly. "Akihime-sama..." She stood and moved over to the tub, kneeling beside it. "Please don't think of it any longer, I will find the man responsible for today's events and I will see that he pays for his crimes."
She made a small noise and nodded, "I trust you, Ama.." She said meekly, "But I just..." The looks of horror and agony frozen on her guest's faces haunted her and she covered her face, "I can't get them out of my head...they were terrible people for their pife choices, yes, but that doesn't earn death..."
Amaya felt her heart quiver as she watched Akihime anguish over the deaths she had witnessed that day. "Please, try to calm your mind, I'll ask the healers for a tonic to help you sleep." Warm arms wrapped around Akihime's delicate shoulders as Amaya held her gently, petting her damp hair slowly.
Amaya held onto Akihime as she cried, a soft frown on her face, waiting until Akihime calmed down a bit more before gently caressing Akihime's jaw and bringing her head up to kiss her.
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