What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Sasuke didn't notice the overwhelming bloodlust until it was too late. "Don't move." A blade was pressed to his throat, and another to his back.
"I am a handmaiden." She growled out, reaching around and taking his dagger to toss it away. "On the ground." She snarled.
Amaya pulled another pair of handcuffs out and tightened them around Sasuke's wrists, sitting on Sasuke's lower back as she patted him down for weapons. "You're going to rot in chains." She hissed, grabbing the back of his cowl to pull it off.
Sasuke used all his weight to shove her off, hoping to his feet and using a touch spell to unlock the cuffs. He fixed his cowl and grabbed his dagger, ready for a fight.
Amaya was on him again in a second, her blade clashing with his while she swung upward with her second dagger to stab him in the stomach.
The woman hit the wall of the lighthouse with a grunt, but was quickly rebalanced. "Don't speak with me so familiarly." She hissed, twirling her blade and slashing out at him again before throwing a punch.
Amaya was taken aback by such a vulgar and straight forward attack, dropping one of her daggers as she staggered, and then fell onto her back with a groan. Her white cowl was staining red with blood, a clear indication that her nose was broken.
The young woman had short white hair with longer bangs, red eyes stared back at Sasuke. She let out a snarl and tried to pull free from his grip, thrashing beneath him.
She stopped struggling and stared your him with narrowed eyes. "No, probably not." She sneered, unable to push him off.
Amaya brought her leg up and hooked it around Sasuke's shoulder, wrenching him off of her and going for her knives.
((He had already moved away xD ))

He tumbled before jumping back up and lunging at her, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her down.

She grunted when she hit the wall and her airway was cut off, but she moved quckier, slamming her blade through his forearm.
Her head spun when he hit her, her vision blurring; grabbing his cowl, she yanked it off and reached out to to dig her thumb into his eye socket, but when she saw his face she stopped. "S...Sildriel...?"
An image of his childhood friend appeared before his eyes, only to vanish and leave the teen before her. "I thought you were.." Her eyes started to tear up. "I thought you died."
Before Sasuke could respond, he was caught in a tight embrace. Amaya wrapped her arms around him, her chin just barely able to rest on his shoulder. For the first time in a long time, she felt pure joy, her heart aching as tears fell down her face. "Sildriel.. I-" She could hardly form a sentence in her head, overwhelmed.
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