What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya pushed passed the group that had formed outside of her bedroom door, heading to the bath house that was held within the Sanctuary. Getting into the hot water after she had removed her filthy clothes, she rubbed off the awful smelling goo, wincing at the pain in her back. A few of the scars on her back had opened up in the fight, blood dripping down her back and into the water.
She had been bathing for a while, feeling eyes on her as she did so, and only stopped bathing after a couple of moments of neither of them speaking. "Why are you here?" She asked over her shoulder.
She didn't respond, only turned her head back forward, continuing to scrub off the goo from her skin. "Yeah." Was all she acknowledged him with.
"Good." He stated firmly, crossing his arms. He made a noise and moved closer, using a small healing spell to close up the wounds on her back.
She stayed still when he healed the wounds on her back, her shoulders relaxing a bit as the pain faded. "Thanks." She muttered when he finished, reaching her hand around to scrub the blood from her back.
"Promise me you'll never take a contract on Akihime's life." She said, not looking away at all. "Do me this one favor and stay far from her." It came out as a demand, but sounded a little more like she was pleading with him.
He scowled lightly, "A contract is a contract, Amaya." He answered, "I can't tell someone no because you still love a girl who doesn't even really know your name."
"Then may I invoke the Wrath of Sithis." She said darkly, grabbing a clean robe and pulling it on before leaving the bathing room.
Amaya said nothing, only turning down the hall to her bedroom, but she knew better than to invoke Sithis again.

((Time for missions and angst~?))
The passing few days went by without incident, Amaya fulfilling small contracts and keeping mostly to herself - normal things.
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