What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya stayed in her room, her conflicting feelings weighing heavy in her heart; she wanted so desperately to be healed by Akihime, but forcing it felt so terribly wrong and awful, like she was defiling Akihime and just using her.
Sasuke continued to terrorize Akihime; watching her, pouring water over her head, leaving food just out of reach, gagging her when she felt exceptionally screamy. He found a sick enjoyment in it, watching this all powerful God in mortal form cowaring like a child.
Amaya didn't like the dread that radiated all around the Sanctuary, soon struggling out of bed and heading slowly for the door, using the walls to keep herself upright.
Amaya was stopped in her tracks when she nearly walked right into him, eyes widening slightly in surprise. "I'm hungry." Was all that fell out of her mouth, feeling something odd with the aura around him.
She scowled softly hesitating for a moment before turning back around and slowly shuffling back to bed; he was acting suspicious, well, he always acted suspicious, but more so than often.
He left the room, shutting the door behind him, before returning a few moments later with garlic bread, vension and some apples. He sat beside her and gently set the tray in her lap.
Carefully groping around for her food, she picked up the apple, and felt it for a moment, frowning softly. "Where is Cicero?"
"I thought he was taking Akihime back to Solitude?" She said, brows furrowing as she slowly rolled the apple in her hands.
He sat silently for a moment, "He returned the other day, it doesn't take long to get from Dawnstar to Solitude...a day and a half at most."
She stared blindly ahead at the food on her lap, a frown on her face. "You smell like her.." She muttered.
Amaya only scowled more, then started to eat in silence, still not liking how Sasuke was acting. Something was off.
She turned in his direction to scowl at him. "I never asked you to stay, or even bring me food, both of those you did on your own free will."
Amaya would try many times for the next couple of days to leave her room, but it seemed that Sasuke knew every time she left her bed. Waiting for him to leave on Dark Brotherhood business, she carefully got out of bed once she was sure he was gone, using the wall as a guide as she quickly made her way to the door.
Cicero was busy preserving the Night Mother, his soft hums of delight echoing from the Unholy Matron's designated alter. Babette could be heard in her garden mumbling to herself and Nazir was trainign the initiates. No one would stop her from investigating the Sanctuary.
Making her way down the hallways slowly, she listening intently on any noises that sounded out of the ordinary for the Sanctuary, then she smelled it. It was the oils Akihime bathed in, she could still smell them inside the sanctuary. Moving quicker now, she stumbled a few times as she moved toward the torture chambers, waiting just inside the doorway and listening.
"Please..." Akihime's voice sobbed weakly, "I'll heal you...just let me go home..." She sounded exhausted and if Amaya could see her, she would see that Akihime had lost a bit of weight. She was covered in dirt and she looked raggity, like a beggar that managed to get a hold of some nice clothing. "If this is for your contract, then please! Please just kill me!" She begged.
When Amaya heard Akihime's voice, her eyes widened and her heart dropped into her stomach. Lurching forward, she moved toward the sound of Akihime's voice, only to stumble and fall to the ground. She still pushed forward, crawling on the ground until she felt her hand touch Akihime's legs. Carefully pulling herself into a sitting position, she felt for the shackles on the wall, brushing Akihime's cheeks and arms before fumbling with the locks. "Sh, please." She whispered, I latching one and working on the other. "I'm so sorry... Oh Sithis... I'm so sorry.." Tears fell down her face as she unmatched the other cuff. "Please, just go home- you remember the way you came in right? I promise you'll never be bothered by us again..." She choked back sobs, wishing she could just see Akihime's face again. "Just please, please don't tell your lords where our home is... I can't lose this family to them too." She begged quietly.
Akihime trembled as she watched Amaya free her. When her hands were free, she rubbed her wrists gently, the skin red and chafed. She bit her lip and hesitated before gently cupping Amaya's cheeks. She concentrated and closed her eyes, "Mara, I beseech you, return sight to this young Dunmeri woman. My Lord's have wrongfully taken her ability to view the beauty and grace you and Dibella have graced this world. She has allowed me to keep my life, and I wish to repay this kindness." She prayed softly. Amaya's eyes burned lightly, as if something were stuck and irritating her. Akihime's hands glowed faintly as she began to heal Amaya's eyes.
She sat in shock as her eyes were healed, her eyes burning with irritation that made her blink away tears, the milky white of her blind eyes fading to her normal red colored eyes, her sight returning in full. She blinked once more as the glowing light faded and she felt her lower lip quiver. "Thank you..." Fresh tears fell down her face.
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