What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Her eyes widened and she blushed heavily. Was this really happening? Her heart skipped and picked up before she shyly kissed back, her eyes sliding closed.
Amaya's face was hot as she kissed Akihime a bit more deeply, placing her hand on the back of her neck to hold her close, her own eyes closing.
((It's gonna be awkward if Mitsunari comes in >~> ))

"I-I don't want to get you wet, Ama..." She said shyly against her friend's lips, "I-It would be suspicious.."
Amaya opened her eyes and let out a soft breath, then moved away so she had room to pull her handmaiden gown over her head, leaving her just in her leather armor pants. Moving back to Akihime, she cupped her face to pull her into another kiss, making a soft noise
Akihime made a weak noise of delight, pressing against Amaya gently. She had butterflies in her stomach, her cheeks and ears were burning. She had never felt like this before; she loved Amaya dearly but she had no idea that it would be this deep of an affection.
Amaya sat on the edge of the stone bath and easily pulled Akihime halfway out of the tub, holding her up against her own body and deepening the kiss and letting out a small moan.
"A-Ama, we can't...y-you could get in trouble..." She mewled, but didn't pull away. She couldn't pull away from her, she was completely lost in the moment.
"It's ok.." She lifted Akihime out of the tub and laid her down on the side of the below-ground bath, crawling to hover over her before kissing down her neck, her hands on Akihime's hips.
Akihime tried to argue but was interrupted by her weak mewls and moans. There was a knock at the door and Akihike jumped in alarm, "Y-Yes?!" She called. "Yoshitsugu wishes to speak with you. Make sure you're doing well." Mitsunari said from the other side. Akihime blushed and fidgetted, "Th-Thank you, Lord Mitsunari, I'll be there in a moment!"
Amaya stood quickly and pulled her handmaidens down back on, making sure Akihime was back in the bath before she moved to the door and opened it just enough to keep Akihime still hidden. "She will be done soon, please forgive our tardiness, I wanted to make sure she was calmed down enough." She bowed her head to Mitsunari, but didn't notice that her hand maiden dress was wet, and inside out.
Mitsunari stared at her gown with slightly narrowed eyes. He would give the benefit of the doubt for now, but he decided to keep an eye on the both of them from now on. He nodded and left without another word.
Amaya closed he door and rested her forehead against the wood, letting out a soft sigh. "I-I'm sorry, I touched you without asking permission, please forgive my... Obscene actions, they were highly inappropriate."
Amaya glanced over her shoulder at Akihime. "You didn't..?" She asked quietly, face flushed with embarrassment.
Amaya turned to Akihime, rubbing her neck. "We could... Do it again..?" She suggested, clearly flustered just as much as Akihime.
Amaya bowed to Akihime. "Of course, I'll escort you to your father, and then I'll be off to search for the assassin." With that, she left the bathroom to fix her clothing and make herself decent looking as she waited for Akihime.
Amaya waited until Akihime left before she went for a change of clothes, a clean handmaiden dress and cowl, then headed off on patrol.
Akihime went to see Yoshitsugu while Amaya went looking for the assassin. Sasuke was hiding at the lighthouse, waiting for night. Maybe if he was under the cover of darkness, it would be easier.
Amaya skulked around the Blue Castle before she widened her radius. Walking down the road passed the docks, she kept up her appearance of Handmaiden, but with the double ebony daggers on her hip, it was clear she was much more.
The fishermen and dock workers kept away from her as she stalked down the path, knowing full well not to mess with a woman with an aura to kill. Sasuke kept out of sight, not wanting anyone to call the guard on him. He could handle a few lazy Nords easy, but not the attention it would bring to him. He needed to be more discrete.
Amaya searched nearly all of Solitude and along the coast line, stopping just outside the house that owned the light house. A soft scowl on her face that was hidden by her cowl, was only given away by her bloodlust.
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