What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

She shook her head and took a step back, reaching up to cup his cheeks. "No, you're my Sildriel." She pulled his head down closer and gently kissed his forehead. "And I love you." She whispered, an old memory surfacing in Sasuke's head. A young girl bringing him food while he was locked in a cell. "I love you."
Amaya shook her head and pet his hair, getting a far-away look in her eyes. "No... They..-" She shook her head, making a soft noise. "It doesn't matter.."
She furrowed her brows and shook her head. "Sanctuary?" She cocked her head to the side. "I-I don't..." An image of Akihime appeared in her mind and she looked down. "I can't.."
Amaya got that same far-away look in her eyes again, and she froze for a moment. "I... I belong to the Empire... I don't get to choose if I leave." She said, looking up at Sasuke. "I'm so sorry, please..."
He scowled, stepping away, "Then we have nothing more to discuss. Don't try to stop me the next time we meet." He said before casting Invisibility and fleeing the area.
She stood where he left her with wide eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Sildriel.." She whispered, unable to move from the spot she was standing. After collecting herself and putting her cowl back on, she returned to the Blue Palace, her heart heavy.
Amaya had cleaned herself up the best she could, wiping away all the blood and setting her broken nose before she returned. "Akihime-sama?"
Amaya practically had tears in her eyes when Akihime took her hands, and before Akihime could say another word, she moved closer and locked her lips with Akihime.
She made a noise of surprise, not really expecting it, but returned the kiss nonetheless, giving Amaya's hands a gentle squeeze.
Amaya pulled away and looked at Akihime. "Can we go somewhere private..?" She seemed particularly vulnerable at that moment, her eyes misty and face bruised.
She nodded and took Amaya to her room, locking the door to keep anyone - including Mitsunari - from disturbing them. "What's troubling you, Ama? I'll help however I can.."
Amaya shook her head and moved over to Akihime, running her fingers through her hair and looking into her eyes. "Can I kiss you..?"
Akihime blushed brightly and started stammering, "O-Of course, I-I mean, I don't mind and if it's what you want then I can't really say no, I'm here to help and care for you...!"
Amaya kissed Akihime deeply, closing her eyes and making a soft noise as she moved Akihime toward the bed.
Slowly running her hand down Akihime's chest, she wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other cupping her cheek, her face flushed as she moved to kiss down her neck.
Amaya moved her hands down to the laces on the front of Akihime's dress, slowly undoing them as she kissed down to her dress.
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