What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Akihime's heart broke, "N-No, I didn't want that! I wanted a friend, I wanted someone to talk to! I was so happy when we found you, you were perfect! You're still perfect! I love you to pieces, and I hate how they treated you! If I could turn back time, I would make it so none of it happened!"
Once Amaya felt the pain subside to a bearable amount in her hands, she slowly shifted onto her side so her back was to Akihime. "But you can't." She whispered. "Nothing will change."
Akihime's eyes filled with tears and she hurried out the room, rushing to her own to muffle her heart broken sobs. Yoshitsugu went to check on her, to see why such delicious misery was radiating from his daughter, but Akihime turned him away and demanded to be alone.
The next couple days that passed where full of silence, Akihime's usual cheerful demeanor gone, and Amaya was just as quiet as always while working, able to hide most of her face behind the cowl of a handmaiden. Quiet tension filled the room that was usually occupied with Akihime speaking to Amaya, Amaya keeping her eyes away from Akihime, maintaining her distance as well.
Akihime didn't focus as well as she usually did, giving half hearted divinations or just denying people all together. She just wanted to be alone, and usually spent her time in her room and away from others.
Amaya was slowly becoming more and more bruised, with Akihime's declining state, Mitsunari's rage spiked to a new level, which meant more punishments. One eye was bloodshot and covered in bruises, her lip badly cut, and other various lumps and bruises covering her body; she was even still fighting off a concussion that was caused when she received one too many kicks to the head from Mitsunari.
Akihime didn't bother healing her, didn't go near her or talk to her or even look at her. She ignored Amaya as well as her other handmaidens, not wanting anyone to come within a few feet of her. While walking to her room after another half hearted divination, Mitsunari stormed towards Akihime like a Daedra fresh from Oblivion.
"Do you have any idea what your childish behavior is doing to the Empire?!" He spat at her. She stopped and slowly looked back with a blank expression.
"Do you have any idea how much I don't care about your Empire?" She asked blandly. His whole body personified his rage.
"You disrespectful piece of garbage!!"
"Your words mean nothing to me, Lord Ishida. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room." She said and turned to continue her journey down the hall. Mitsunari shook and drew his sword, the enchanted blade glowing an unearthly shade before he swung it downward and a beam of light raced toward her. She turned and cast a shield spell, the beam dispersing harmlessly around her. Mitsunari stood shocked as Akihime bowed to him and left down the hall.
Amaya was still doing her duty as protector, only following a few dozen paces behind Akihime this time, and waiting outside of her bedroom doors. Waiting for the shield to disperse as well, she walked quietly after Akihime, bowing her head to Mitsunari as she passed.
Akihime shut and locked her door, not wanting anyone to disturb her. She remained locked in her room and refused to leave for anything.
Later, after his wounded pride had healed, Mitsunari marched to Amaya and grabbed her wrist in a vice. "This behavior is your fault, isn't it?" He snarled at her, "You did something to her and now she refuses to help the Empire and High King Hideyoshi!"
Amaya flinched when Mitsunari grabbed her wrist, not dating to look him in the eye. "No, I didn't... I didn't mean too, I only told her the truth. I swear, I haven't touched her again.." She said quietly.
"It is still your fault!" He snapped. Akihime's door opened slightly and the Oracle peeked out from the crack she made in the door. "Lord Ishida...try not to cripple her...she still has a job to do." She instructed dully before shutting the door again.
Her heart ached as she heard Akihime's instructions to Mitsunari, averting her gaze to the floor. "Please forgive the Oracle, she is still young and has a large heart, many things are troubling, and it is not easy on her." She said softly.
Mitsunari dragged her off to the familiar cell to begin her punishment. He strapped her to the chair and began beating her with the sheathe of his blade with all his might, jaw clenched tight.
Amaya took every hit with a grunt, not letting out a single cry of pain as Mitsunari took his anger out on her. One blow in particular did make her see stars however. One firm land on her ribs and she could tell the entire right side had been crushed. Hacking and wheezing, blood dripped from her mouth, her head slumping forward.
He stopped and scowled heavily. If he continued, she wouldn't be able to do her job properly. So he turned and told the guards to get the healers, not quite done with her yet.
The guards did as they were told, fetching one of the healers to stabilize Amaya. The older man came without question, but when he saw that his patient was strapped down to a chair, he shot a questioning glance at Mitsunari, saying nothing. Going to work on her, he gave her a couple healing potions and used a spell or two to mend her ribs if just a little. "She's stable for now, but don't go breaking those ribs again, I have my own business that need tending to."
Mitsunari merely waved him off, not caring for his opinion. He waited for the healer to leave before beating her again. There would be no comfort or special treatment waiting for her from Akihime. As far as she knew, Akihime had washed her hands of Amaya.
After a while of beating, Amaya no longer made any noise at all, battered and bruised she sat slumped in her chair, one eye swollen shut and the other blinded by her own blood. She could hear ringing in her ears, and tasted blood in her mouth. Her remaining vision was out of focus, and she started to get a dull look in her eye, but not because she was removing herself from the situation, she was actually starting to lose consciousness.
Mitsunari huffed and signalled that she be taken away, she would be no use to them if she was made completely lame. The guards dragged Amaya to her room and laid her in her bed before leaving her. Usually, Akihime would be here by now, sobbing weakly over the wounds as she healed them; but there was only silence, just the ringing in Amaya's ears and the usual noise of the Palace - which sounded even more muffled now.
Amaya's body didn't respond when she tried to sit up, her breath coming out in short wheezes. Slowly her vision was going completely black, and the ringing in her ears becoming more and more dull as she began to slip into the clutches of unconsciousness, breathing shallowly.
It would be a long while, but Akihime worked up the courage to check on Amaya. Whether or not the Dunmer saw her as a friend, it was her job to help those in need. She left her room and moved to Amaya's, looking horrified at the sight of her. "Oh, Ama...." She muttered, moving closer and gently petting her hair, "Ama, I'm so sorry...this is all my fault."
Amaya didn't stir from her slumber like she usually did when Akihike touched her, in fact, she didn't even move a muscle. Laying still on her bed, she was just barely breathing, her skin pale, and her pulse weak.
Even after Akihime had healed her back to health, she still didn't wake, though her vitals did return to a bit more normal standards.
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