What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya remained unconscious for a day and a half before she finally came to, her head still fuzzy and aching as she slowly sat up in bed.
Looking around in a haze, Amaya slowly slid off the bed, stabilizing herself against the wall before she moved to the window. Even though she was sluggish and still a bit out of sorts, she left quietly through the window.
A while after she leaves, Solitude is on high alert and looking everywhere for her. Mitsunari was storming all of Solitude looking for Amaya, furious beyond belief. Akihime was locked in her room, accused of setting a slave free.
Although she hadn't even been gone for a full hour, Amaya was nowhere to be found inside or around Solitude.
Amaya obviously took the guise of someone else, traveling as a Bard to gather information on where Sasuke could have gone. Then she got word of the Dark Brotherhood reading their head again, and after asking further, she made the connection between what Sasuke had been wearing, and the Brotherhood. Heading out once again, she set off to search other holds for where they would be located, heading toward Dawnstar for more leads.
Not wasting any time, Amaya headed for the main keep in search of the Jarl who ruled there; a ruffian who preferred the seas over land, and just a bit older than herself. Entering the keep, she kept her hood pulled up, knocking the snow off her boots before heading further inside.
The young Jarl in training was far too focused on not only making a rather impressive looking fishing net, but reading the study books of how to properly rule a Hold.
"Jarl," She bowed her head to him, though his back was turned to her, she still kept herself bowed out of respect. "I come to you seeking information on a certain group, one that I've heard you may have some knowledge about."
"It's about the Dark Brotherhood." She said, not moving from her spot, hoping the name alone would stir something inside him.
"Please, any information at all would help me greatly; I heard one of your iron miners was killed recently by one of their members." She begged him, brows furrowed and a soft frown on her face.
He fumed, wanting her to leave. He didn't need that type of trouble here. "Last I heard anything were when folks spotted oddly dressed people hurrying into the woods 'round Falkreath."
Amaya bowed deeply to him once more. "Thank you for the information, Jarl." She said, then stood to leave, only to freeze when she heard the door to the keep open and two sets of footsteps enter.
"Jarl of Dawnstar, we come from Solitude with information on a woman who has committed treason against the Empire, and has fled." One of the two held up a wanted poster, a picture of a woman on it; a dark elf with light colored hair cut short. A dark look crossed Amaya's face and she looked to Chosokabe. The soft sound of a blade being drawn could be heard from the woman who stood before him, but with her heavy cloak on, no noticeable movement could be seen.
"We're going to all the nearby Holds and towns for any information on her, there's a reward."
Motochika looked to the guards before looking to her and glaring. He nudged his head to the woman, "Never seen her here before, she ain't a resident of mine. She came here lookinh' fer a place to hide. Git her outta my Hold."
Amaya's eyes widened slightly and she stood stock still, glaring right back at Chosokabe as she listened to the guards move up behind her. She waited until she felt a hand on her shoulder before she spun around to face the guards, slicing through the first guards throat so hard she nearly took his head off, kicking his dying body away from herself, she scowled when she felt the other guard grab ahold of her hand and turned in time to see him draw his weapon. Grabbing onto his arm and shoulder, she easily swung herself around, hooking one leg around his neck before squeezing her other leg tight against the other side of his neck. In one swift motion, she twisted herself around, swinging with all her body weight and breaking his neck. Landing on one knee as she fell, she reached for the poster with her face on it, eyes glued to Motochika as she breathed hard.
She back-peddled quickly, bringing her knife up to block his blow, backing into a wall. When her back hit the wall, she took her eyes off of Motochika for one second, but when she looked back, it was too late, and he was already upon her.
He swung the flail hard, his lack of depth perception, sadly, causing him to miss and dig the weapon into the wall beside her head. He cursed and tried to pull it free.
Panick set in and Amaya slammed her dagger deep into Motochika's thigh, then making a mad dash for the door. He couldn't have been but a few years older than her, yet he was massive, and the look in his eye was something only a beast would hold. Slamming through the door, Amaya barreled past someone, nearly knocking them down as she went, only turning when she heard chains rattling behind her. She had only a second to react as a chain with a heavy weight on he end came right at her, throwing her arm up to keep the blow from hitting her in the head. She muffled a scream behind clenched teeth and skid to a stop in the snow. She didn't have to even look at her arm to know it was badly broken, keeping her eyes glued to the woman who held the chain and sickle. The chain had wrapped around her arm and was pulled tight, keeping Amaya from moving further away, the only way to loosen the chain was to move closer. The woman holding the chain was covered in soot and grease, and had her hair pulled up in a messy fashion with a bandana, a scowl on her face.
"Oi, Motochika, you still breathing in there?" She called, not taking her eyes off of the dark elf.
"Aye, I'm fine. I'm still breathin', though she won't be soon." Motochika replied, ripping the knife out and moving toward them.
With little choices left, Amaya let her arm go lax, moving forward and slashing at Nana with her second dagger; blood splattered on the snow and Nana stumbled back, then fell forward to her knees, the chain slipping free from Amaya's arm. Taking her chance, she ran for the stables, cutting a horse free and scrambling onto its back before fleeing from Dawnstar.
"Shit!" Nana hissed, holding a hand over her bleeding nose. "No, I'm fine, she just got me good." She growled, gently feeling the deep cut over the bridge of her nose.
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