What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya pulled back slightly, but only to pull her handmaiden dress over her head. Moving back down, she kissed Akihime's breast, gently groping the other as she sucked teasingly at her nipple.
Akihime grew nervous, "A-Ama, please..." She panicked slightly. There was a knock and Akihime tried pushing her away to keep from getting caught. "Oracle, are you well?" It was Mitsunari. "I-I'm fine, thank you...!" "You don't sound fine."
Amaya was selfish and too caught up in her own hurt and lust to notice that Akihime was having a conversation with someone. Only when she felt Akihime push her away, did she become aware of what was going on. The previously locked door was now hanging off its hinges, her eyes meeting Mitsunari's; panic filled her eyes as she scrambled to grab her dress, covering her exposed chest.
RE: What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp DarkMudkip/Jikkah*~

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Mitsunari shouted angrily, gripping his sword sheathe tight. Akihime fixed her dress quickly, "L-Lord Mitsunari, it isn't-!" "Silence!! This filthy rat dares lay her hands upon you in such a manner, and you let her?! I should have her hands removed from her wrists!!" He yelled. Akihime stood quickly, "Please, it's fine, she didn't force me!" "She will be punished!!" He rose his hand to smack Amaya clear across the face but his hand did not connect. Instead, Akihime took the blow, wincing and holding her cheek. "Y-You will not harm a hair on her head..."
"Akihime-sama.." Amaya had recovered her gown and had dressed herself, moving to stand beside Akihime. "You should go to bed." She said softly, making it known she accepted her punishment by moving to Mitsunari's side. "It is late." She whispered.
Akihime's eyes widened, "B-But, Ama.." She gasped and grunted when Mitsunari shoved her hard to the ground before dragging Amaya away. Akihime struggled to get up as quickly as she could, "Ama!!"
Amaya followed Mitsunari quickly, keeping up with his fast pace as they left Akihime's bedroom. Her chest felt heavy, something she couldn't quite understand or place what was happening within her body.
"You disgusting filth, putting your hands so freely upon the Oracle. As if she would ever return such intimate feelibgs." He berated.
The more he belittled her, the more ashamed Amaya became, her face flushed with embarrassment, eyes downcast as she followed Mitsunari.
For the first time in years, Amaya hesitated, but quickly made up for that mistake by taking a seat in the chair, her heart racing.
He strapped her down and took an iron rod from the wall before moving back over and swinging it with all his strength, effectively breaking her hand.
Pain, the feeling that tore through her hand and up her arm was definitely pain. Letting out a wail of agony, she insinctivly tried to pull away from Mitsunari, but was restrained by the chair. Whatever the exact cause, only one thing was certain, seeing her childhood love and friend brought back a rush of emotions, along with all of the pain.
He scowled and brought the rod down on her other hand, breaking it as well. He returned the rod to its place on the wall before searching for something else to beat her with.
Amaya had time to bite down on her lip this time, muffiling her scream of pain. She shook in the chair, confused on why she could no longer ignore the pain she was in; focusing hard, she did her best to let her mind wander, tears flowing down her cheeks.
He grabbed a thin switch, a long piece of wood he used to beat her with, moving back towards her. He rose the switch and began to beat her with all his might, grinding his teeth.
Every time the switch made contact with her, her skin split open and released blood, making her wince with each hit. Slowly her eyes became glassy, the far away look on her face showing she no longer felt anything he was doing to her, letting herself slip away while her body was battered.
Mitsunari switched arms when the arm he was using started to ache from exertion. He stopped when he couldn't swing anymore, panting softly. He released her and ordered the guards to take her away.
Amaya was dragged to her room and dumped inside before the door was closed on her. Laying on the ground, she stared blankly ahead, her bruised and mangled hands limp and useless at her sides, covered in welts and gashes, blood drying on her and the floor.
The door opened again and hurried footsteps made their way to her before she felt warmth cover her body. Akihime was hard at work healing her, fighting hot tears.
Amaya's cuts healed into thin scars, and her bones mended, but the bruising remained. Not looking to Akihime, she spoke quietly. "You shouldn't be here."
Amaya blinked away tears and the image of Mitsunari striking Akihime came to mind. "I do not want you here." She said, hiding the pain in her voice. "I'm your protector, nothing more."
"You're wrong." Amaya turned her head to look at Akihime, her eyes holding a dead look. "I'm just a slave you bought at an auction, and for years was tortured and trained so I could serve as your guardian."
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