What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"Aye." Nana nodded and stood following Motochika inside. "See to that leg too.." She muttered.

Amaya took a day and a half to ride to Falkreath, only taking small breaks for the horse to rest up. She had wrapped her arm in a temporary splint, she headed off into the forest looking for any sign of where Sasuke might've headed too. The pain in her arm had grown so bad, she was seeing double sometimes, shaking slightly with pain.
As she rode through the forest, causing quite an odd sight to behold, more guards that had been sent to Falkreath were still asking around for her. The villagers informed them of an odd woman in the woods and the guards set out immediately.
Amaya found a hidden path, just off the main road, and headed down to the small clearing where she found an odd looking door. Running her hand down the stone door she tried to pull open the handle, but the door didn't budge.
"What is Life's greatest illusion?" A chilling, breathy voice sounded from all around her. There was clearly no one else there, was it the door?
Amaya turned around in a full circle, nearly jumping out of her skin when the voice spoke. Not understanding what to really do, but recognizing the symbol on the door to that of what Sasuke wore, she waited outside, taking shelter behind a bush under a tree.
It would be a while, other people who wore the same armor as Sasuke came and left frequently until the ginger himself finally appeared.
When she saw the familiar reddish hair, she stood quickly and moved out from the bushes, cradling her arm. "Sildriel.." She called softly; her health was declining, her skin was pale, and her arm swollen and bruised badly, obviously broken. The heavy bruising on her face had turned yellow and purple, but was still rather clear.
She shook her head and reached out with her good arm, cupping his cheek with a sad smile. "It doesn't matter, I just... I wanted to see you again." She said softly. "I want you to leave with me. Let's go to Valenwood, to- to Morrowind, anywhere but here!"
Amaya felt her face flush with embarrassment, her heart skipping. "I-I just thought..." She looked down. "It's just good to see you again, are you doing well here?" She looked back up to him, dropping the subject quickly. "Are you happy?"
Amaya nodded and followed Sasuke, cradling her arm once again. "I'm glad that you're happy, Sildriel." She said. "How.. How have things been?"
"Sasuke.. Right." Amaya nodded as she followed him inside, watching the door close on its own before they turned the corner. "Sasuke," It felt weird to use a different name. "As long as you're happy, then I'm happy, yeah?" She smiled slightly, arm still causing her quite a bit of pain.
He rolled his eyes lightly, "Sure.." He said before taking her through to the back of the Sanctuary where Babette and Gabriella were working. "Babette, Gabriella, can you give me a hand?" "Who's this?" Babette asked, a faint jealous tone in her voice. "A friend." Sasuke answered.
Amaya instantly didn't feel comfortable in the presence of the young girl, but trusted Sasuke enough to trust her. Standing beside Sasuke, she bowed her head slightly to them, but kept her mouth shut.
"You look like a stampede of horses ran you down." The Dunmer woman said, gently taking Amaya's good arm and bringing her to sit by the alchemy table, "Babette?" "Yes, yes, I'm already on it.." The Un-Child was going through the book shelf full of reagents to make the proper potions and poultices.
"Not horses.." She said quietly, following Gabriella and sitting down in the chair with a slight wince. After sitting down, she was finally able to relax a bit, feeling she had nothing to fear from the people Sasuke hung around, the couldn't be worse than Mitsunari. "Thank you." She said, watching the two work; upon closer inspection, bruises new and old covered her from head to toe, some peaking out from beneath her clothing, which hid most of them.
Gabriella waved her hand as she worked. Babette pouted up at Sasuke, arms folded over her chest, "You never told me there was someone else." "There is no someone else, Babette." Sasuke said dryly.
Amaya mostly kept to herself, listening in on Sasuke's conversation with Babette as Gabriella worked, but also responded to Gabriella's questions and commands when needed.
"Is she going to stay?" Babette asked. Sasuke shrugged, "That's for Astrid to decide.." He replied, "Go bother Cicero or something." Babette looked offended before stalking off.
After a while, word had made it to Astrid about the guest in heir home, and went to investigate. "Sasuke, what's this about you bringing home a girl?" Astrid had her usual tone, one that sounded annoyed, but after spending enough time with her, one could tell she was on curious, as well as cautious.
Sasuke made a noise, "She's a friend...she was badly beat up so I brought her in to get fixed up. I'm not asking her to stay, in fact, I know how bad of an idea it is. So she's leaving when we're done." "Oh, good, I get to try my mind wipe spell." Festus said as he stepped in to grab a couple spell books.
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