What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya stopped when he spun to face her, a frown on her face. "... I'm going to Morrowind. I'd like it if I could see you again, even if you're on a job." She said, her eyes holding hurt, her face blank as she turned to head in the opposite direction as Sasuke.
"I don't think that will be happening. I already told you that I don't want anything to do with you." He said before turning and starting off to finish the contract.
Amaya clenched her fists tightly when he spoke, but kept her eyes trained ahead. Pulling her hood over her head to hide her hair, she headed North East, hoping to make it to Windhelm and leave by boat.
Amaya had just crossed over the White River when night fell, so setting up somewhere to crash for the night, she drifted off into a light sleep, taking refuge in a large hollow tree. She woke up sometime durning the night, feeling the presence of something or someone nearby. Staying completely still, she listened carefully, the only light being the moon shining down on them.
The sound of a chain rattling could be heard near by. It was Motochika, he had been following her for a long while and had refused to stop.
Amaya was completely hidden inside the fallen tree, it being big enough for her to fit comfortably inside, and she could only be seen if someone where to look inside. Slowly pulling her legs closer to her chest, she sat in silence, holding her breath as she listened to the heavy chains.
"Where are ye, snake?" Motochika hissed lowly, "I have a debt to repay ye fer Nana. She's rather pleased with the scar over her nose an' told me to repay ye in kind."
Amaya closed her eyes as she waited for him to pass, listening to his heavy footfalls as they reached right beside the tree she hid inside.
Motochika knocked against the hollow tree to see if it was truly hollow. When he heard something was indeed inside, he gripped the chain of his flail tight, "Found ye."
Amaya expected to feel fear, for it to grip her chest tight and make her run as fast as she could, but she felt nothing. Resting her head on her knees, she waited quietly, a hole beginning to open in her chest.
Motochika smashed half of the tree, splitters flying everywhere. He grabbed Amaya by her shirt and threw he into the closest tree. "What's the matter, huh?! You were so willing to get away before!"
Amaya slammed into the tree hard and she felt her neck crane at an awkward angle as her head hit the tree. Landing on the ground, she slowly stirred, touching the bloody gash that had opened over her brow. Blood dripped to the ground and Amaya watched it become a pool of blood, hearing Motochika talk, but not understanding him.
He fumed and marched toward her, "You're just a damned jellyfish, aren't ye? Well, I'm gonna feed you to the sharks lookin' fer ye."
Amaya looked up at Motochika, blood running down the side of her face as well as tears. She hadn't even really registered that she was crying, she thought it was just the blood. Watching him grow closer, she blinked; she really looked young, younger than Nana and Motochika himself, she was still rather young.
Amaya was rather easy for Motochika, weighing next to nothing compared to some of the things he's lifted. Following along, she walked numbly, obeying Motochika.
Amaya said nothing, she only continued to walk beside Motochika, sort of an indication she was at least okay enough to walk.
For the next few hours, the two of them walked in silence and when dawn broke, Amaya was still on her feet, an eerie blank look on her face, eyes far off in a thousand yard stare.
They were back in Whiterun by the time morning came and Motochika was exhausted. He took her to the stables where he bought the carriage for Solitude and climbed in the back, pulling Amaya with him.
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