What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Sitting down in the carriage beside Motochika, Amayawas easily dwarfed by the young ogre, but she had still shown she was a threat back in Dawnstar; strangely enough she hadn't tried anything yet.
Motochika was only asleep for what seemed like seconds before the feeling of a warm liquid seeping into his pant leg woke him, but he hadn't wet himself. When his eyes opened, the first thing he would notice was his pants were covered in blood, but only on the side where Amaya was. The girl sat there like she had been for most of the ride, only she held one of her daggers loosely in one hand, her throat cut open.
He jerked upright and looked through his bag for a healing potion, which he was glad Nana had packed. He poured half over the wound, waiting for it to close enough before he forced the rest down her throat.
Amaya sputtered and coughed as he nearly jammed the entire bottle in her mouth, but didn't struggle too much. Once the wound had closed enough to only need to be wrapped up, hot tears poured down her face, and she sat clutching the dagger.
Again, Amaya seemed to have no words for Motochika, only shaking her head and turning away from him, shaking slightly.
Amaya sat in her own blood the entire ride to Solitude, never once falling asleep, never once speaking a single word.
When they finally arrived, Motochika pulled her from the cart and walked her up to the gates. The guards saluted him, "Welcome, Jarl! You...brought the fugitive!" "Aye. Make sure she's tended to before giving her back to whomever is searchin fer her." "If you wish, we can fetch Lord Mitsunari right now." One said. Motochika made a face but nodded, "Make it quick, I have duties to attend to."
One of the other guards nodded and hurried off to find Mitsunari, leaving Motochika to keep ahold of Amaya. A few of the guards watched Motochika and Amaya, whispering among themselves as they waited, all frowning softly.
The both of them stiffened quickly. "Nothing, Jarl, it's just.. Surprising that you support something like that." One spoke up, but didn't look directly at Motochika. Motochika could feel Amaya stiffening beside him as she watched Mitsunari moving quickly toward them.
The two looked at each other with a nervous frown. "W-We didn't mean nothin' by it, Jarl, honest no disrespect!" The older of the two pointed at Amaya.
"But you are returning a slave.." He said cautiously.
His eye widened and he looked to Amaya quickly. There was no way this girl could be a slave, she was trained too well for a slave. He glared at the guards and advanced on them, "You think it funny to prank me like that?!" He spat, "You mean to tell me that this highly skilled warrior is a slave?!"
Both men backed away as Motochika advanced on them, fear in their eyes.
"No! No! You've got it wrong! Well, yes she's a slave, but she's isn't a housework slave!" The youngest one blurted out.
"She acts as the Oracle's guard, stays in the Blue Palace! Mitsunari himself trained her..!" The second said.
Amaya didn't move, and had little to no reaction, only standing in place.
"Why do you think such a high bounty was on her head?"
Motochika fumed more, only turning when the gates opened. "Ama!" The Oracle herself rushed towards Amaya and looked her over with tears in her eyes, "By the Nine, what have you done to her?!" Akihime spun on Motochika, glaring, "How dare you harm her in such a way!"
"I have done nothing to her. She did it to herself. Why do you think there's more blood on her than me?" Motochika huffed. Akihime gently took Amaya's hands.
"I-It's ok now, Ama...you're home...! I'll protect you now, I promise...!" Motochika shook his head slowly, disappointed in not only himself but how Amaya was treated. Mitsunari approached slowly, and the grip on his sword tightened when he saw Amaya.
Amaya looked down at her bloodstained hands in Akihime's pristine ones, the empty feeling in her chest growing larger. "I don't want anything to do with you." Sasuke's angry voice echoed in her head and she slowly closed her eyes, tears dripping down her cheeks as she felt Mitsunari's anger.
"Let's get you inside and cleaned up, hm? I'll tend to your scar." Akihime said gently, lacing her fingers with Amaya's, "We'll get some food into you as well." She added, gently leading Amaya passed Mitsunari and back into Solitude. Mitsunari glared hatefully at Amaya as she passed before moving to Motochika.
Amaya didn't dare look in Mitsunari's direction, following after Akihime with little coaxing, not looking back at the man who had brought her back to her life of slavery.
Akihime took Amaya back up to the Blue Palace, where she moved up to the bathing room and took Amaya inside, shutting the door. "I was so worried about you when I saw you were gone. I didn't want to ask Mitsunari to look for you, so I requested the guard. I guess they mistook my intention and placed a bounty on you. I'm so sorry..." She filled the bath and helped Amaya undress, "I'm sorry, Ama...I just wanted you home safe. You mean so much to me." She said softly, helping Amaya into the warm bath.
The water of the bath gradually became more and more red as the blood that was caked onto her skin came off, a sullen look still upon Amaya's face. "Thank you." Was all she whispered, eyes downcast.
Akihime stayed with her, helping her wash off the blood and tending to the scar, "Did you try killing yourself...?" She asked meekly, hands shaking.
"I did." She answered, slowly scrubbing blood from her arms and chest, her voice was empty, bags under her eyes.
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