What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya slowly rolled onto her side, hacking and wheezing as she lay stunned, her heartbeat roaring in her ears, spots dancing in her vision. She slowly pushed herself onto her hands and knees, and she vomitted what little was in her stomach, taking shaky, large breaths. "A-Akihime... Sama... Don't.." She managed out, not wanting any misfortune to fall upon her.
Akihime gave a reassuring smile, "It's ok, Ama. I will fulfill the promise I made." She said before returning her harden gaze to Mitsunari, "She has been through enough and has learned her lesson. You don't need to beat it into her."
"She will learn respect how I see fit!" Mitsunari snapped. Akihime glared, clenching her fists.
"Crippling her is no way to teach her anything! Can you teach a warhound to hunt by beating it with a rabbit pelt? Can you teach cattle to plow by beating it until it moves? No! If anything, that teaches it fear, and then it will never listen! Amaya is a living being and deserves more respect than you give her! She risks her life for me and you repay her with hate and violence! I will not stand for it, Lord Mitsunari!" She hissed. Mitsunari trembled with rage before suddenly rushing at her.
"You detestable conniving viper!! I'll teach you respect!" He yelled. Akihime cast Thunderbolt, sending Mitsunari flying into the wall, rendering him unconscious. Akihime moved quickly to Amaya and helped her stand, "Are you all right, Ama...? He didn't hurt you too bad, did he?"
Amaya could barely stand on her own, wobbling and having to hang onto Akihime so she wouldn't fall to her knees. "I need a minute.." She said in a raspy voice, still breathing heavily, gripping Akihime with shaking hands. "Thank you for coming back.."
Akihime smiled and helped her walk, taking her to Akihime's room, "I told you that I would protect you. You're my friend and I love you and I will always be here for you."
Tears pricked at Amaya's eyes for the umpteenth time that day, and she nodded, her overwhelming feelings keeping her from speaking as she followed Akihime to her bedroom.
Akihime set her down on the bed and moved to shut the door, locking it to keep Mitsunari out. She moved back to Amaya and healed the quick spreading bruise around her neck. "You're too pretty for tears, Ama. If you cry, you should cry when you're happy...I love it when you're happy..."
Amaya just nodded, but still tears came to her eyes. "I am happy." She whispered, her tired eyes holding a sad kind of joy. Akihime had come back for her.
Akihime finished healing her bruise and smiled brightly before sitting beside her, holding her hand gently, "I'm glad. You're even prettier when you're happy." She complimented, "Why don't you rest, hm? I promise to keep you safe." She gave Amaya's hand a gentle squeeze to reassure her, "I won't leave, I promise."
She gave a small nod, keeping a firm hold on Akihime's hand as she lay on her side, head resting in Akihime's lap. Curled up slightly, Amaya lay with her eyes closed for a while, before her breathing slowly got deeper and slower, showing she had finally fallen asleep.
Akihime pet her hair gently as she slept, refusing to let go of her hand. She hummed softly, hoping it would help her sleep a little more comfortably.
((Time for conditioning!))

The next morning, Amaya was summoned by Yoshitsugu, more than likely to repremand her for leaving. Bowing deeply to him, she kept her eyes down. "Lord Yoshitsugu..?"
"I have been informed that my sweet daughter kept you from a sound beating from Mitsunari yesterday." He noted, "He would have seriously crippled you for abandoning your duty as protector."
Amaya's face flushed and she lowered herself further. "Please accept my deepest, most humble apologies, my Lord." She always felt shame when speaking to Yoshitsugu, even if she did nothing wrong at all.
He waved his hand, "All is forgiven, child. I'm sure you had a viable reason for leaving. At least you came back. Akihime was a wreck with you gone." He told her, "She refused to do even the smallest fortune until she knew you were safe."
She clenched her fists and sat frozen, she had been so selfish, not even thinking of how her actions would affect Akihime. "Surely... There must be a way I can atone for this?" She asked quietly, looking up at him with pleasing eyes. "Please, I never wanted harm to befall Akihime-sama, even if it is emotional strain..!"
Yoshitsugu gave a dismissive shrug, "I suppose there is a small way to atone for your wrong doing." He said, "But I haven't the faintest clue as to what it may be."
"Please, Yoshitsugu-sama!" She bowed once more, her head touching the floor of his room. "I'll do anything, please!" She begged, guilt eating away at her. "Please help me atone for hurting her..!"
Yoshitsugu loved the misery slowly radiating off her, gently placing his hand on her head, "The only way you can atone for causing her such harm is to suffer through the same misery as she did. Understanding the level of grief and suffering you placed on poor Akihime will be enough to redeem yourself for your misgivings."
She slowly brought her head up to look at him, brows furrowed in confusion. "But how?" She asked, shaking her head. "I-I don't know how I would feel the same pain- I don't have anyone else." Clearly she was at her must vulnerable, like an orphaned child, and like that child, she hungered for someone to guide her.
A dark smirk formed under the bandages covering his mouth before touching two fingers to her forehead. Using a touch spell he had brought back from his days in Cryodiil, Amaya felt as if her body was made of lead. Her chest started to ache and her heart would skip and throb with grief. She felt trapped and alone, much like how she left when Sasuke abandoned her and told her to leave him. "This spell will last the rest of the day. You will experience Akihime's grief until the setting of the sun, after which your sin will be completely forgiven."
Amaya was brought to tears once more, gripping her chest tightly and sitting on the ground, she nodded slowly. "Th-Thank you.." She barely made out those words, sitting unmoving before him.
Standing on wobbly legs, she bowed one last time before she turned to leave, feeling like she was wearing solid lead armor.
Yoshitsugu chuckled darkly to himself before returning to his books.
As Amaya walked down the hall, a figure could be seen out of the corner of her eye; and they had familiar wild ginger hair and black and red armor.
Amaya stopped when she finally registered the figure, turning to face them. "Sildriel..!" Her heart fluttered weakly, a smile growing on her face.
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