What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Akihime frowned and lowered her gaze, "It was because of my behavior, wasn't it? Because I was so cold to you. Amaya, I am so sorry...words cannot even begin to make up for the cruelty I showed you. I feel such deep regret for letting Lord Mitsunari harm you; but I swear I won't let it happen ever again...! I love you, Amaya!" She said, tears falling down her cheeks, "I love you so much...with all my heart...please forgive me..."
Amaya dunked one arm under water, rubbing off the small gooey clumps of blood; she was silent for what seemed like a very long time. "I'm not mad at you, Akihime-sama.." She said softly.
Akihime hiccuped and dried her eyes, moving closer to the edge of the tub, "Let me make it up to you, please...show you that there is still kindness..." She gently took Amaya's hand and helped wash her arm, "Your emotions are everywhere, right now...but there is one that stands out..." She said softly, but her voice was heavy, as if she was in a trance, "Betrayal. How could he do this? I thought we were friends." Her voice was multi-toned, as if dozens of people were speaking in sync with her, her eyes were dull and lifeless.
Amaya felt hot tears fall down her cheeks and her lower lip quivered, her face scrunching up as she began to cry hard, the pain fresh in her mind once again.
Akihime jumped, not realizing she had channeled Amaya's emotions and projected them. "Ama! Don't cry...! It's ok...! You're safe now...!" She moved and held Amaya close, not caring if she got wet in the process, trying to comfort her. "It's ok, Ama...sshh...it's ok..."
"I don't understand what I did wrong..!" She cried into her shoulder. "I thought that we were family, but he hates me! He's found a new family and now I'm nothing!"
Akihime frowned, not really knowing what Amaya was talking about, but continued to hold her regardless. "You aren't nothing, Ama...you're my friend! I think very highly of you...you're family to me...!" She told her, smiling. She hoped it would be enough to cheer her up, "Whoever this man is, he obviously isn't worth your time...you shouldn't waste any more thought on him...! It seems that he's made some choices and walks down a path he doesn't want you to follow. If anything, he's pushing you away to keep you safe...!"
"I love him..!" She sobbed, shaking her head, holding onto the front of Akihime's dress, her entire body throbbing with pain.
After Amaya had cried until no more tears would come out, she finished her bath in silence and dressed in fresh clothes, wanting desperately to just lay down and sleep.
Amaya wanted nothing more than to lay in her bed and sleep, and she nearly opened her mouth to say "Please stay with me", but she remembered Mitsunari's warning to stay away from Akihime unless doing her job. "I'll be okay, thank you, Akihime-sama.." She said softly.
Icy fear of Mitsunari's rage trickled down her spine and she shook her head. "I will see you in the morning, please sleep." She smiled softly. "And thank you." She said, then left for her room.
Akihime reached out to her, unable to have the chance to call out to her to stop her. She frowned heavily and left the bathing room to head to her bedroom, hoping that Amaya would be ok. Mitsunari had been stalking around, looking for Amaya.
Amaya was in her own world, recalling her brief moments with Sasuke earlier in the week, her eyes growing misty once more. Reaching her room, she opened the door, then felt a familiar ominous presence behind her. Turning, she was face to face with Mitsunari. "M-Mitsunari-sama.. I-I.." She backed into her room, shaking slightly.
"No, I- Mitsunari-sama, please forgive me, I meant nothing by it, please." She was finally backed against the far wall, eyes wide. "I only wanted-" She silenced herself before she could continue, her legs feeling like jelly.
"Wanted what? Freedom? Thanks to your idiotic decision, freedom is the last thing you will ever have." He sneered, advancing on her to the point where he was a mere few inches from her.
Amaya turned her head away and looked down, then slowly looked back up into his eyes, a soft frown on her face. "Please, I just want to be free." She whispered softly, brow furrowed, eyes begging him.
His hand shot out and wrapped around her throat, smacking her against the wall from the force. "The only way you'll be free is if you're dead." He hissed murderously.
A soft choking noise sounded from Amaya as his hand started to crush her windpipe, gripping his wrist tightly and struggling to push him away.
He lifted her off the ground slightly, using her weight to help strangle her. He glared hatefully, locking eyes with her, wanting to watch the life leave her eyes.
Amaya's struggles got weaker and weaker, her eyes dipping closed for a second before they shot back open. Saliva was beginning to run down the side of her mouth as she gargled and tried desperately to breath, but her airway was completely clamped shut. As her vision faded and she began to lose consciousness, she balled up her fists and hit Mitsunari in the face, legs kicking and trying to reach the ground to take the strain off her neck.
Mitsunari was caught off guard, dropping her and stumbling back. When he recovered, he was beyond livid, "How dare you!!" He yelled and unsheathed his blade. Before he brought it down on her hand, his sword was ripped from his hand. Akihime stood at the door, using Telekinesis to take away the blade.
"That is enough!" She snapped, throwing the blade and having it dig into the floor a few feet away. Mitsunari glared, clenching his fist,
"Didn't Yoshitsugu tell you to not intervene?" He asked through his teeth. Akihime began to shake, but didn't back down.
"I made a promise to her and swore to protect her like she has sworn to protect me. I will not fail her!"
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