What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"Enjoying your impoverished life, Amaya? You couldn't wait to get as far from me as possible, could you? 'I love you'. Sure, maybe you did. But the lap of luxury is so much nicer than a dirty half-elf, huh?" He sneered, not moving from his spot.
"N-No! You're wrong! I do love you Sildriel, I would never lie about something like that." She took a step forward. "I only left because you told me too! You're so much happier with your new family, I-I didn't want to take that from you..!"
"They're dead. All of them. Because of you. You lead the guard to the Sanctuary and they torched it. Festus was used as a pin cushion. Veezara was murdered and stripped of his armor for further embarrassment. Arnbjorn was butchered like a dog in the road. Gabriella was stabbed in the back! I have nothing now. And it's all your fault!"
Amaya felt like her chest was collapsing in on itself, making her fall to her knees in pain. She clutched at her chest as she struggled to breathe. "No, no, no, no, no!" Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. "I didn't... You know I didn't do it, I didn't tell anyone, I would never betray you like that, please, you have to know I'm telling the truth!"
"Ama...?" Akihime's voice pulled her away, if only enough. Sasuke was no longer there, in fact there was never anyone there to begin with. Akihime moved over and knelt beside Amaya, "Are you all right? Who were you talking to?"
"H-He was here..!" She looked around frantically, eyes wide and full of tears. "He was here! He was just here!" She finally looked at Akihime, eyes reflecting a broken soul. "He was here."
Akihime didn't want to make things worse, so to help at least calm her down, she went with it, "Who? He must've left before I got here, because I didn't see anyone.."
She turned her attention back to trying to see him, looking around frantically. "Sildriel! He was right there!" She pointed to the empty space in front of her. "Please, we have to find him!"
"I'll ask the guard to look around but I'm sure he's long gone by now. Come, you look stressed, let's get you to relax.." She offered, taking her hand gently.
She nodded numbly, slowly standing as Akihime helped her to her feet. "He left me again.." She whispered quietly, following Akihime.
Nine months would go by, and Amaya slowly readjusted back to her life in Solitude, even though her freedom was short lived.
Amaya was allowed out in brief increments during the day, gathering information for the Empire, and it was on one of her excursions that she got a hold of troubling information. "Yoshitsugu-sama, please, if they're willing to hire assassins to go after her, wouldn't it make more sense to kill him outright? I've already tracked him down, he's staying in Markarth, please, allow me to do this."
Yoshitsugu made a noise, "You better be quick about it. Who knows how angry Mitsunari will be once he realizes you're gone. He won't be happy with me for letting you out of sight."
Amaya bowed to him, looking grateful. "Thank you my Lord." She said, then headed off to Markarth to find the man who desired to put a price on Akihime's head.
Amaya would be gone most of the day, but with Mitsunari so busy, Amaya was hardly missed. Nigh had fallen when Amaya had finally fracked her target to the Silverblood Inn, where he was half unconscious in his room, bottle of wine still in hand as he laid sprawled on the bed. Slipping into the room unnoticed was easy, but trying to cut the man into small enough pieces was a bit more challenging. Sitting atop his bloody corpse, she worked her knife against his neck bone, hearing a satisfying crunch as she cut the bone. His arms had already been removed, and he had been gutted like a fish, eyes carved from his head and stuffed into his mouth, from which had plenty of room since she had removed his tongue.

((Wanna bring in Sasuke~?))
((*shudders* Sure...!))

Suddenly, barely noticeable, a dagger blade was pressed to her back, "What are you doing here?" It was Sasuke, and he was livid, "What in Oblivion do you think you're doing?"
Amaya made one last cut to completely sever the mans head before she stopped moving, letting out a tired breath. Her own rage built up in her chest and in the blink of an eye she had turned on him, slashing at him with her blade. Her blood splattered face was twisted with rage, eyes burning as she tackled him to the ground.
"Shut up!" She snarled, yanking one hand free and punching him hard in the face over and over. Her eyes nearly glowed with rage as she beat on him, teeth bared at him.
He grunted and hissed before managing to get a hit in, slamming his fist into the side of her face and sending her tumbling off him. He stood and brandished his dagger, an odd looking black blade that glowed with a dark aura.
Amaya was back on her feet in seconds, weilding her own ebony daggers as she rushed him again, having no regard for her safety at all.
He deflected her attacks fluidly, scowling softly, "Any particular reason as to why you've come to deal with my contractor and not me?"
"I didn't know you'd actually be here." She hissed, finally jumping away once she couldn't land a blow. "You knew of this contract?" Her voice was quiet and cold, making a fist around her knife. "Did you know whom he was targeting?"
"The Oracle, Otani Akihime. Apparently, he asked her to marry him and she told him politely to fuck off. He didn't really like that all too much, I suppose, and hired a hit on her. What a pig." He answered, "I don't discriminate when I'm contracted. I kill who I have to and take the payment." He then made a face, "Except that one time with dana..."
Once she heard Akihime's name pass Sasuke's lips, Amaya saw red. She was on him in a second, again knocking him to the floor and wrapping her hands tightly around his neck.
He choked and winced, grabbing her wrists and trying to ease the pressure at least, "What's got your chainmail twisted?" He hissed.
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