What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

((I think there were actual prostitutes - or at least hinted - in Oblivion! I don't remember, I have to play again xD ))

He felt uncomfortable and tried to leave as quickly as possible, not wanting to be here any longer than he needed to.
Hands were suddenly upon Sasuke's person just as he passed a dark alley, but they weren't the hands of someone trying to rob him, no not at all. The hands slid down to his belt and he was groped. "Why don't we go somewhere private~?" A woman's voice purred in his ear, sounding a bit slurred and her breath reeking of alcohol and sleeping tree sap.
The woman didn't stop following him, and would eventually catch up to him once more, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Oh come on, I can make it worth your while~" She cooed, but something was off, her voice was oddly familiar.
The woman toppled over, tripping on the cobble stone road and landing on the ground. It was Amaya, her face painted up, dressed in skimpy clothes, and obviously strung out on many different things. Her hair had grown shaggy, and she had some bruises on her, but other than that, and the obvious weight she had lost, she was fine. If being a drugged up prostitute could be considered fine.
He looked like a mix of angry, shocked and confused. "What the hell, how am I always running into you in the worst types of situations?" He hissed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up, "What the hell are you doing here, go back to Skyrim!"
When Amaya was jerked to her feet, a couple of small glass bottles scattered to the ground, and she gasped, yanking away from Sasuke and dropping to her knees, she quickly gathered up the skooma bottles. It was like the woman before him wasn't even Amaya, but it definitely was, and she didn't even remember Sasuke.
Amaya looked panicked and angry when one of the bottles shattered and her precious skooma was wasted. "This is my corner, I don't have to go anywhere." She growled out, then yanked herself away one last time. "If you aren't gonna buy, piss off."
He ground his teeth before casting Paralyze on her. He caught her and carried her off, hiding in the shadows as he took her to his safe house.
Amaya was completely limp in his arms, eyes half-lidded and her mouth hanging open slightly. She was light in his arms, head lolling back her dead looking eyes staring at Sasuke.
Getting her inside, he set her on the bed and tied her down to keep ger from running. He decided that he would sit here and help her get over her new addiction. And once she was clean, he would get his answers.
After the paralyzing spell wore off, Amaya was kicking and thrashing, trying to break free as she writhed on the bed. "Let me go!" She demanded, glassy eyes wild. "You freak! Let me go!"
Amaya struggled for a good portion of the night, screaming and spitting at Sasuke, it was odd seeing her behave in such a way, she never had acted anything like that before. After a few hours, she finally passed out, breathing heavily. Her face was relaxed, but she had dark circles under her eyes, showing she probably had many nights without sleep.
Amaya only stirred from her sleep when her body ached for skooma, waking up shaking. "I need more.." She muttered, trying to roll onto her side, looking for skooma, alcohol, sleeping tree sap, anything.
"No, no.." She twisted and turned, but it was much more sluggish. "Please, you don't have to pay me.." She looked to him with pleading, broken eyes. "I'll do whatever you want..!" These were words that never would have come out of Amaya's mouth, even with a knife to her throat.
"Who's Amaya?" She groaned out, fidgeting about and pulling at the rope holding her to the bed. "Who's Otani..? I've never even been to Skyrim..!" She said weakly. "Please, even just something to drink..!"
"No not water you idiot." She grimaced again. "A strong drink..!" She looked to be a bit nauseous and in pain, already going through withdrawals.
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