What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"Untie me, Sildriel." She growled at Sasuke, looking to him, finally coherent enough to recognize him.
"Untie me." She demanded, then looked at him with furrowed brows. "And why wouldn't I remember your name?"
She stared at him in shock for a few moments. "You're lying." She hissed out. "I don't do skooma."
He held out one of the empty bottles, eyebrows raised, "Notice the different change of clothes? You were in something a little more revealing when I found you."
Amaya stared in disbelief at the bottle, then looked down at her clothes. "Untie me. Now!" She snapped, her heart jumping into her throat. "How long have I been here?"
She hissed out a series of curses, jumping up and rubbing her wrists. "What day is it? What- what month?" She asked, growing more frantic.
She froze where she stood, stiff as a board. "I need to get back to Skyrim." Was all she said as she headed for the door, not bothering to put on more clothes.
"I don't know!" She snapped over her shoulder, then stopped and cursed again. "I don't have any septims..!" She patted herself down and then looked to Sasuke. "Did I have anything else on me?"
She stopped and looked to Sasuke, eyes showing fear. "I've been away for three months. I only meant to be gone for one. I need to get back to Akihime, I promised her I'd be back."
"I don't have money for a boat." She ground out through her teeth. "Everything I had come here with is gone."
Amaya took the money, then turned to leave. "Thank you." She said quietly before heading down to the docks and buying her passage to Skyrim.
Amaya took two weeks to get back to Skyrim, and when she finally docked at Windhelm, she had just enough money left over to buy some warmer clothes. Starting her trek back to Solitude on foot would take at the very least three days.
When she finally arrived at Solitude, the guards looked hesitant to let her in, "It's best you actually stay out of the city...Lord Ishida is on a war path."
"Move." She growled as she pushed passed the guards and opened the gates, entering Solitude and heading straight for the Blue Palace.
When she arrived at the Blue Palace, Yoshitsugu was the first to greet her, as if he had already known she was on her way. "And where have you been, sweet child?"
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