What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"Hai." She smiled softly, happy to be back.

With the following weeks, Amaya would fall back into her normal routine, protecting Akihime, patrolling around her bedroom at night, and sometimes taking breaks with Mitsunari.
As Akihime had promsed, the Necklace of Remedy helped Amaya a lot with her "breaks" with Mitsunari, and he didn't really seem to give notice. Akihime spent all the time she could with Amaya when they were both free to do so, sharing tea and dumplings with her.
While the wounds healed, the pain didn't diminish in the slightest, leaving her often times with shaking hands and a craving for skooma. Pushing through her days, she continued her jobs without fail, her life falling back into its normal old routine.
"So...why did you leave...?" Akihime asked gently, "I know it isn't my business but..." She stopped, "Sorry, you don't have to tell me!"
"It's ok, to be honest, I needed to experience something beyond the chains of slavery... It sounds stupid, I know, but, I just needed to leave for a while." She said quietly, not looking up at Akihime.
"I understand..." Akihime said gently, "I've really only known these walls...I barely remember my life in Akavir. I wish I could leave, too...to explore Tamriel and help those who can't traverse to Skyrim to seek my aid. But father says it's safer here, I can be protected better from those who wish me harm. But really...I don't care about that anymore...I don't care about what would happen to me if I left...if I lived or died...just seeing the world outside of Solitude would be enough..."
"I wish I could take you Akihime-sama.." She smiled softly and took her hand. "We could travel the whole world, see it together."
Amaya smiled more, then gave her hand one last squeeze before heading off on patrol. "I'll only be a few hours, I need to check the docks and farm." She said, always being overly cautious when it came to Akihime's safety.
"Hai, hai..!" She said, giving her a soft smile before heading off on her patrol, the sunset painting the city red.
Amaya walked down the path that looped around Solitude, checking the barn over quickly before moving down to the docks to do the same, night falling quickly.
Amaya was honestly surprised so see Sasuke, stopping dead in her tracks and looking at him. "I'm ok... Why're you here..?" She moved closer to him, her heart fluttering in her chest.
Amaya's ears burned with embarrassment, and she rubbed her neck. "Of course I haven't! But... I would be lying if I said I don't want it anymore.." She muttered. "Of course, I won't be seeking it out anytime soon, if ever."
Her face reddened in embarrassment. "Akihime-sama and I are not in an exclusive relationship..!" Her face flushed more. "We aren't dating is what I meant!"
Amaya crossed her arms over her chest. "I need to get back to my patrol, but thank you for checking up on me." She said.
She blinked and took a small step back. "You do matter to me, but I need to do my job." She said, her heart racing at how close he had gotten.
"Well, listen...helping you out back in Cyrodiil made me miss being with you. I guess it's because I'm still recovering from the Sanctuary...but I just..." He exhaled heavily, "I don't know..."
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