What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"Where is Akihime-dono?" She asked, but it was a demand, it was a question, worry growing in her gut.
Amaya pushed passed him, hurrying up the stairs and heading straight for Akihime's bedroom, budgeting through the doors and looking for her.
The door to the closet suddenly slammed shut, "No, please! I can't take it anymore! I'm sorry!" Akihime's voice sobbed from the inside.
Amaya felt her skin grow cold, and her heart dropped into her stomach when she heard Akihime cry. Slowly moving toward the closet, she crouched down and knocked gently. "Akihime-sama..?"
"N-No, I didn't... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for things to go on this long.." She dropped her head in shame, her heart aching. "Please, forgive me, you know I'd never do this to hurt you..!"
The closet door slowly opened and Akihime eased her way out. She was covered from head to visible toe in bruises and scars, her once perfect skin marred with ugly patches of physical abuse. She kept her eyes down in shame, "E-Everything hurts....Lord Mitsunari said that because you were gone, I had to be responsible for your punishments...."
Amaya felt her throat close up and she stopped herself from embracing Akihime out of fear she would hurt her more. "Please, heal yourself, Akihime-dono!" She pleaded, her face flushing red with anger and sadness.
"I-I've tried...but when I did, he would just beat me harder..." She whimpered, "But you were happy where you were...so I endured it for you...to keep you safe..."
"Heal your scars and bruises, I won't let him lay a finger on you ever again. I'm never leaving you. Not ever." She promised, gently placing her hand over Akihime's.
Akihime dried her eyes and nodded, casting Healing. As soon as she did, there was a pounding on her door, making her immediately stop and cower for cover under her bed. "Akihime!! This will be your last chance to twll me where she went!! I've waited long enough!!" It was Mitsunari, shouting and screaming. Akihime's weak and terrified sobs could be heard from under the bed, not wanting to come out. "H-Hide, Ama, please...!"
"Akihime-sama, please, continue to heal your wounds, I will take care of this." She said quietly, then stood, pulling off her heavy cloak and moving toward the door, wrenching it open and staring straight at Mitsunari.
Mitsunari didn't quite register that it was her for a second before he began to shake with rage. "You...! You saved me a lot of trouble coming to look for you...how DARE you leave the Blue Palace! No one gave you permission to do so!"
"I-I did, Lord Mitsunari, she said she would be back...!" Akihime cried from under the bed. Mitsunari's attention turned to Akihime's hiding spot instantly and he moved towards the bed.
Amaya quickly moved forward, grabbing Mitsunari's upper arm and pulling him to a stop. "She no longer has to take over my punishments. And I doubt the people of Solitude would like it very much if they were to hear you have been defiling the Pracle by laying your hands on her."
"And I'm sure they'll become suspicious once rumors spread that she's being beaten, that certainly will bring everyone running." She hissed.
Amaya waited for Mitsunari to leave before she moved back to the bed and crouched down next to it. "He's gone, Akihime-sama.."
Akihime crawled out from under the bed and dried her eyes, "Thank you so much, Ama..." She said before hugging her tightly, "I'm so glad you kept your promise....even though you're a little late...you came back.."
Amaya sat there letting Akihime's hair and calming her nerves, coaxing her to heal her wounds. "Heal your wounds, Akihime, Mitsunari will not harm you."
Akihime nodded and moved back, casting healing to mend her bruises and scars. Not soon after, she was back to her pristine self. "I don't want Mitsunari beating you anymore...so I had this crafted while you were gone..." She stood and moved to her vanity, pulling out a beautiful silver necklace with a flawless ruby gem attached to the chain. "It's a Necklace of Remedy...so even if he does hurt you, this will help."
Amaya took the necklace and looked it over, gently stroking it with her fingertips before putting it around her neck, gently grasping it. "Thank you, it's beautiful." She smiled softly.
Akihime smiled brightly, "I may not always be readily available to heal you, so this will compensate until I can. I'm glad you like it." She fidgetted shyly, "Think of it as a welcome home gift.."
Her face flushed and her ears grew hot, but she smiled sheepishly. "Now I wish I had gotten you something while I was away.."
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