What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya blinked in surprise and turned to face him fully, cheeks flushed and ears burning. "Sil- Sasuke... I-I don't know what to say.."
Amaya's throat tightened and she felt her heart skip a beat, but her face held a sad expression. "Sasuke.. I-I can't leave Akihime behind... She's a part of my family.." She answered quietly, but it sounded like she desperately wanted nothing more than to leave with Sasuke at that very moment.
She shook her head, grow in heavily. "The last time I left her, I came back to her in a horrible state, I can't leave her, Sasuke. I'm sorry. I want nothing more than to join your family, to be free with you, but I won't leave her behind.."
He frowned softly and nodded, "I understand.." He replied. Up the road, Akihime had been making her way down the path to search for Amaya, genuinely worried and feeling a darkness sitting outside Solitude. Sasuke noticed her before looking back to Amaya, "Then let me do one thing before I go." He requested. Akihime had stopped where she stood, moving to hide and watch silently.
Amaya gave a nod of approval. "What is it?" She asked, seeming not to have noticed Akihime just yet, still holding Sasuke's hands and looking up at him.
He took a breath before kissing her gently, closing his eyes. Akihime's eyes widened and she bit her lip to keep quiet. Shove him away, she thought, He can't just do that so freely.
Amaya was taken completely off guard when he kissed her, eyes wide for a moment before she made a weak noise, and kissed back. Closing her eyes, she leaned into him, heart beating hard in her chest.
Sasuke peeked up at Akihime and saw the look of raw heartbreak on her face. He smirked inwardly and closed his eye, pulling Amaya gently against him as Akihime rushed back to the Blue Palace with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Amaya's heart quivered and she placed her hands on his shoulders, holding herself close as she deepened the kiss, bringing her hand up to cup his cheek.
"O-Oh... Goodbye.." She watched him leave, a little confused and a little disappointed, but she gathered herself quickly and continued on her patrol.
Akihime was back in her room, crying softly into her pillow. She was having a bad dream, she had to be. Amaya said she loved her. "So why...? Why him...?"
Finishing up her patrol route rather quickly, Amaya headed back to the Blue Palace, her heart still racing from the kiss. Shaking away the thoughts of Sasuke, she headed inside and up to Akihime's room.
Knocking on the door, Amaya slowly opened the door. "Akihime-sama?" She saw her wiping tears from her eyes and entered with a frown. "Akihime-sama..? What's wrong..?"
Amaya frowned and moved closer. "Akihime-sama, if something is bothering you, you can tell me." She said, not knowing what Akihime had seen.
Amaya froze in her spot. "Akihime... I-I don't... I don't understand.." Had she seen what had happened with Sasuke? She hadn't been gone long enough to make Akihime concern for her safety and come looking for her, and she hadn't seen her either. "I do love you." She said.
"Don't lie to me!" She snapped, glaring heatedly, "I saw you with that assassin! How you melted into him! I wanted to make sure you were safe because I felt this horrible presence outside the Hold walls. I was so scared for you, but I see now that it was your lover! How long have you lied to me!? Was it when we first shared a kiss together?! Was that the start?!" New tears poured down Akihime's face, her voice shaking with grief, "Gods, I'm so stupid...to think you could ever love me."
Akihime was right, she was right about everything. Dropping her gaze to the floor, she felt her ears burn red. "I cannot deny that I kissed him of my own will, and that I still have feelings for him... But Akihime, I do love you, and I'm so sorry I hurt you again.."

((Time for chaos~?))
"Shut up!!" Akihime screamed, "Stop with your lies! I can't take it!" "What is all this yelling so late at night?" Mitsunari growled, entering the room, "What have you done now?" He glared at Amaya, gripping his sword.
Amaya backed away from Mitsunari, putting her hands up and looking from Akihime to Mitsunari. "Nothing..! I-I, Akihime-sama, please!"
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