What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Mitsunari took a step toward her, "Why do you insist on making things difficult for everyone? Why did Yoshitsugu even purchase you? They should have given you to us for free for all the bullshit you bring here." "Stop!" Akihime yelled, "Just stop!"
Amaya took a step back when he took a step toward her, eyes wide and stuttering as she tried desperately to defend herself against both Mitsunari and Akihime.
"Get out of my room!!" She yelled and she threw her hands towards them, a huge bright green explosion shooting from her hands. Mitsunari was sent tumbling out of the room, the door slamming behind him.
Amaya was thrown so violently, she hit the wall hard, gasping in pain before collapsing to the floor, her body glowing a faint green before fading away. She groaned and coughed, gasping a bit for air.
Akihime looked and bit her lip, "Oh no..." She muttered and moved over, "A-Ama...? Are you ok...? I-I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I didn't mean to hurt you..."
Amaya shook her head, getting up to her knees. "I-I'm ok, you didn't hurt me.. I just need to catch my breath.." She said, looking a bit dazed.
Amaya got a confused look on her face. "Th-Thank you..?" She bowed her head. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to upset you so badly."
Akihime sniffed and dried her eyes, "If you want to continue to see the assassin, then you have my blessing...j-just...I want you happy.."
"Assassin..?" She looked at Akihime dead in the eye, and it was clear that her confusion was real. She blinked and shook her head. "I don't understand.."
Akihime sat silently for a moment. In her flurry of emotions, she must've done something to wipe Amaya's memory. But how, if she had no knowledge of such a spell? She shook her head, "S-Sorry...nevermind..."
"You look pale, are you alright..?" She gently touched Akihime's forehead, feeling for a fever. "Did you over exert yourself..?"
Amaya nodded, but stood and helped Akihime to her bed. "Would you like for me to stay with you tonight?"
Amaya nodded her head and helped Akihime prepare for bed, then took a seat on the small couch across the room.
"I love you, too, Akihime-sama.." Amaya whispered softly, blowing the light out in the lantern so Akihime could sleep.
Days passed and Akihime seemed back to her usual self. She felt guilty for a time for wiping Amaya's memories of the assassin that tried stealing her away, but she perked right up soon after. She and Amaya spent more time together, Mitsunari having less of a reason to beat the protector nowadays.
Amaya busies herself with her reading and writing while spending time with Akihime, occasionally munching on a dumpling or drinking tea as she worked hard to improve her literature skills. Sometimes they'd just sit and listen to the city hustle outside the windows of the castle. Amaya seemed happy, never once worrying over the assassin whom had once meant so much to her, it eased Akihime's guilt, but deep down, the guilt was still there. But she had Amaya, and Amaya followed her around like her very own puppy, tending to her needs and being there every second she was needed.
Akihime forced down her guilt as best as she could, but she knew she would have to fix things soon. She sat quietly as Amaya practiced her reading, helping her with the harder words as she always did, but she wasn't all that focused.
"Akihime-sama..? Is something wrong?" Amaya had set down her pen and was staring at Akihime, a look of concern on her face.
"Would that be ok...? I'm not really supposed to leave..." She said anxiously, playing with her hair, "I mean...I might if I say I'm going to Temple..."
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