What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya nodded, but let out a sigh. "It's alright, I can only assume he was trying to get closer to you through me." She said. "Please forgive the interruption."
She stood and nodded, leading Akihime back to the market, so she could be in the bustle of the crowd for a little bit longer, keeping close to her.
Akihime took Amaya's hand gently, both out of affection and to help her stay grounded. Being outside was so overwhelming it actually scared her, but she was so excited to see everyone go about their lives.
Amaya would eventually bring Akihime back to the Palace, and after spending time with her for a few more hours, she retired for the night, sleeping in her own bed.
Amaya shifted in her bed before sitting up, feeling eyes on her. Turning to the window, she scowled softly, seeing a figure outside.
Amaya eventually pulled a dagger from under her pillow and moved toward the window, cautiously opening it and gripping her blade. "Who are you?" Even with his cowl and mask on, Amaya should have recognized Sasuke even through the warped glass of the window.
"Why don't you remember me? What happened? We reconciled not a week before. It's me, Sildriel." He used his real name, hoping it would hint that he wasn't messing around.
"I know no one with such a name, now leave." She growled, and she was serious. "If you've come here for Akihime-sama, you've sorely overstimated your power."
He scowled lightly. That Oracle must've done something. He made a noise and disappeared in a plume of smoke, leaving Amaya to herself.
Amaya stood where she was for a moment longer, scowling, before she returned to bed, keeping a hold on her knife.
A few days passed by and the odd red haired man never returned. Akihime's demeanor seemed to change a lot; she was becoming more isolated and fidgety.
Amaya sat with Akihime as she bathed, a soft frown on her face. "Akihime..? Is everything alright? The past couple of days, you've been out of sorts.."
"You're my family, Akihime-sama, you can ask anything of me." She said softly. "I love him..!" Amaya's voice echoed in Akihime's head.
Amaya frowned heavily, looking a bit hurt, but she nodded. "Yes, Akihime-sama.." She bowed to her, then headed out of the bath house to her room.
She covered her face and sobbed weakly, her guilt finally becoming too much. She would have to fix everything and accept the consequences of her actions. "I-I only hope you can forgive me, Ama...." She whimpered.
Amaya sat in her room, a soft frown on her face, confused as to why Akihime had pushed her away.
Akihime finished her bath and got out, redressing and heading to her room. She gasped loudly, seeing the assassin sitting on her bed with a scowl under his mask. "You've been naughty, Oracle." He stated. She quaked with fear, eyes wide, "I-I didn't...m-mean to..." "That's too bad, because I don't forgive so easily." He said and stood, "You're going to fix what you did to Amaya, and if you don't, I'm going to kill you." He hissed. Akihime stopped breathing, tears falling down her cheeks, "I-I don't know if I can..." She whimpered. He scowled more and pulled out the Blade of Woe. "That wasn't the answer I was looking for." He growled and stepped closer. She was frozen in terror, body shaking, "A-A...ma..." She wheezed, unable to scream.
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