What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"The Night Mother, of course~! Our Unholy Matron~" He chimed, "I need to get yo my keeping. Mother won't be happy if I'm late!" He said and jogged off
Amaya looked to Sasuke with a confused look. "I understand this is the Brotherhood, but who is the Night Mother?"
"She is the Bride of Sithis, our Dread Father. Centuries ago, when the Night Mother was still living, Sithis spoke to her and told her that if she wanted the honor of being his wife, she would have to sacrafice her five children in his name. She did, obviously, and our siblings live on in the Void forever with Sithis." Sasuke explained.
"Ah.." Amaya sounded intrigued, a thoughtful look on her face. "And this, Cicero fellow, he called you the Listener, what does that mean?"
"I am the Night Mother's chosen son. She speaks to me and tells me of others who pray to her. She is where our contracts come from." He said.
Again, Amaya nodded, looking a little overwhelmed by everything she had to take in, but then again, it could've been from having her memories taken, then put back; it had to be taxing on her mind.
"Why don't you go sit down and take a moment?" He offered, "I have a couple things to take care of and then I'll help you get situated."
"Yeah, sorry, I just need a minute." She said quietly, finding a spot to sit, and resting for a moment, a blank expression on her face.
Sasuke nodded and headed off to finish his duties. The Sanctuary seemed to hum and howl faintly as the cave drafts moved in. A Redguard sat a few seats beside her at the table, eating quietly. "What are you doing here?" The familiar voice of Babette asked as the Unchild stepped into the room. She was glaring hatefully at Amaya, "How did you even get in? Disappointed that the whole of Solitude missed a few of us?"
Amaya was a little unsettled by Babette once she appeared. "You're wrong." She frowned heavily. "I'm not here to try and kill anyone." She said, but she had a long day, and she sounded small and tired.
"We lost everything because of you." She hissed, "You aren't welcome here." "That's enough, Babette." The Redguard said calmly, not looking up from his food, "Sasuke invited her here. He must trust her to some extent to let her in again."
Amaya could feel Babette's hate radiating off of her, and she could hear the Redguard's dislike of her in his voice. Closing, her mouth, she turned her head away from the two. She deserved their hate, she had destroyed their family and their home, and now had come back like it was nothing.
Babette stormed off in a huff, raving about how she was going to have a word with Sasuke when he came back. "Don't pay her any mind. Though a mature woman she is, a child she still tends to be." The Redguard said, "Though you may want to watch your food and drink for a few days, she may try and poison you."
"Thank you. I deserve no kindness, I know what I've done, and I claim to innocence." She said. "But I cannot undo what has happened." She said softly, standing from the table. "All I can say is: I'm sorry."
She nodded slowly, then moved to the fireplace, taking a seat before it to warm up a bit more as she waited for Sasuke to return.
Amaya perked when she saw Sasuke, and stood from her spot by the fire. "You took your time." She teased, but it was a little hard to tell with her almost-serious expression.
She gave a nod and followed Sasuke, glad to have him back, other than the Redguard, who she learned was names Nazir, she was pretty much on her own.
"No." She answered before he could finish speaking, looking up at him. "I just... Wanted to know where I fit in here. If I'm welcome, I'd like to stay."
"Well, you have to benefit the Brotherhood in some way if you want to stay here. You'll have to learn the Tenets as well." He said, "Is there anything other than your sword skill that you can provide us?"
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