What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Sasuke fixed his clothes and put their armor in the knapsack, taking it off the saddle before sending Shadowmere back. They headed into Leyawiin and went to the inn, ordering a room and heading up for the night. "Tomorrow morning, we begin our search."
Amaya nodded, closing the door behind them when they entered their room. "So, I know he is almost Master class in Illusion, but do you know what he looks like?" She asked quietly.
She gave a nod, sitting down on the bed. "Got it, and do you know anything about him?" She asked, pulling out a rolled up leather pouch, laying it out on the bed beside her. There were small jars of blood, and some locks of hair, even a small amount of flesh.
She stopped and looked up at him. "Around." Looking back down at the vials, she read each label before putting it back. "What else do you know about him?" She repeated.
Amaya stopped moving, a look of disgust growing on her face. "Then we'll get him by the end of the week." She said quietly.
The next day, the two of them walked the city, keeping an eye out for their target. Amaya kept the glass bottle with the piece of flesh in her pocket, slipping into a dark alleyway, and a moment later, a young girl, no older than fourteen stepped out, big blue eyes, unmarked skin, and long golden locks down her back.
"Got it, just make sure you won't be seen when you're tailing me." She whispered softly, her voice sounding rather young, then she headed off down the road in search of the Breton.
Sasuke kept to the shadows, watching her to make sure nothing happened. It didn't take long for the Breton to appear, smiling brightly at the disguised Amaya. "Hello, sweet child! Where are your parents? You shouldn't be out and about on your own." He said gently.
The young girl smiled brightly in response. "They said they needed some time together, so they sent me to the market to buy myself whatever I'd like." She said, showing him the small coin purse.
Her ice blue eyes widened. "You can do magic?" She whispered, eyes flickering with excitement, nodding her head quickly. "Please show me some!"
She took the rose with a soft gasp, smiling up at him. "It's beautiful." She whispered, then took his hand in her soft one. "I don't have too much, but I can buy us a sweetroll!" She said, pulling him along.
"I'm Aldi." She said happily as she walked with him to the market, still holding onto the rose.
"What a beautiful name." Alabore said gently. Sasuke scowled heavily as he watched. After a while, Amaya was able to get away from him and Sasuke waited in the alleyway for her.
Amaya soon came trotting down the alleyway alone toward Sasuke, still disguised as Aldi. "I've found out where he's staying. It's a small inn just a mile south, right on the edge of town. I'm going to meet with him again later tonight." She said.
"It's fine, just... Make sure you kill him before things get too far." She said, then hurried off down the alleyway and out of sight.
When the sun began to fall, Aldi headed to the Inn Alabore told her he was staying in, her cheeks rosy from the crisp winter air, and her golden locks bouncing slightly as she walked.
Alabore waited inside, fidgeting with his mug. He didn't really like staying in one place with the Brotherhood after him, but the girl, Aldi, was just so beautiful.
Alabore felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, before a gentle peck was placed on his cheek, then Aldi plopped down into the chair beside him, smiling as brightly as the sun. "Hey, you're here!"
He almost melted when his eyes fell on her, "I couldn't just abandon you like that..." He replied, "I couldn't, in conscience, make friends with such a lovely young woman and leave her waiting."
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