What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya stood there for a moment, then slowly brought her arm up, and ran it down her face, which was no longer hers, But Sasuke's own visage. "I specialize in infiltrating and blending in," She spoke in his voice. "Though changing my appearance and voice is all I can really do in the magic aspect, I also specialize in more... Unsavory fields; torture and the like." She waved her hand again and returned to looking like her normal self.
He looked incredibly impressed. "We'll use you for difficult contracts then. People we ourselves can't get close to. Good." He nodded, smirking, "Welcome, kinda, to the Family."
"We have books that will educate you about the Brotherhood if you don't want to hear me or Cicero ramble forever. And the Tenets are very simple." He held up his right hand, fingers extended, "Tenet 1: Never dishonor the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis. Tenet 2: Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. Tenet 3: Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. Tenet 4: Never steal the possessions of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. And Tenet 5: Never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister."
Amaya nodded as he listed off the five Tenets, taking each and everyone and properly memorizing them.
Four months had gone by, and Amaya had settled into her new life with the Brotherhood, eventually getting her very own room. On the days she wasn't working, she filled dozens of journals with what seemed like scribbling, but was actually writtwn in the Dunmer language. Blood magic. That had been what had allowed her to change her entire form, voice and all, to that of another's. The more she researched it though, the more she found out about the dangers that came with the powerful magic. That's why she had written most of her notes in the Dunmer language, in case anyone came snooping through her notes.
Being of the age seventeen now, she had grown a bit more, but not by much, and her looks had hardly changed, except she wore the Brotherhood garb now instead of Empire attire.
Amaya put her quil down and looked up from her many journals spread out before her. "Got a contract?" She asked, growing anxious to actually take up one of her own.
He nodded, "I'm gonna take you out to deal with this one. He's been bouncing around everywhere when we get close. Last location is Cyrodiil."
She nodded without hesitation, blowing on her writing to dry the ink before closing the journal and standing. "I'm ready whenever." She said, grabbing her belt that held her daggers and tying it around her waist.
Amaya still wasn't quite yet used to his teleportation magic, and it always made her head spin, but it was getting better. "Who's our target?" She asked, swallowing the lump in her throat.
Sasuke shook his head before summoning Shadowmere, climbing oonto the horse before pulling Amaya in front of him and trotting through Cryodiil. "A Breton mage who decided he wanted to try and sell miracles to people."
Amaya made a face. "Miracles? What, did he bottle some Nirnroot juice and sell it to treat Rattles?" She asked as they rode.
"Granting wishes and saying he could talk to the dead, blah blah..." He grumbled, "Well, he finally got caught and you wouldn't believe how many people prayed to the Night Mother to have him killed."
Amaya let out a soft laugh, but nodded. "And this one little Breton was giving you the run-around?" She glanced over her shoulder, a teasing smirk on her face.
Sasuke groaned, "He's almost Master level in Illusionary magic and I can barely tell him from anyone else. He always knows when I'm nearby.."
"I was thinking you could change into someone and gain his trust. Long enough for me to deal with him." He answered, "I'm told he's in Leyawiin."
"You know I'll need to ingest something of someone else to change my appearance. Something organic." She looked back again. "Have anyone in mind, or do you want him to just get a new lady friend?"
"Hai." She nodded, keeping a good grip on Shadowmere. Once they arrived at their destination, Amaya dismounted the horse, stretching her legs a bit. "I'm still not used to riding these things." She muttered.
"This thing happens to be the greatest horse in all of Tamriel." He stated, patting Shadowmere's neck affectionately. He moved and reached into the knapsack he had tied to the saddle, pulling out civilian clothes, "Here, so people don't lose their minds when they see us."
"Yes, horses. That's the problem." She said, stripping off her armor. "Not just this one. All of them, they don't like me, and I don't like them." She pulled on her clothes, packing away her armor.
"She's still a horse, and I still don't like them." She muttered, smoothing out her clothes and fixing her hair. Amaya had always been skiddish around horses, often staying clear out of their way; but no, it couldn't be that an assassin was afraid of horses, could it?
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