What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Aldi giggled and rested her elbows on the table, resting her chin in her hands. "You really think I'm pretty? The boys at school say some mean things.. They pinch my arm sometimes too, I don't think they like me very much.."
"Ma says the boys only do it 'cus they like me, but I don't like them very much." She frowned softly, then smiled again. "But I really like you, Mr. Alabore! You're nice, and funny." She smiled, cheeks red.
She smiled her sun-bright smile once more, but this time, she looked tired. Letting out a soft yawn, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "Mr. Alabore? Do you have somewhere quiet I can lay down for a little while?" She asked, eyes half-lidded.
"Could I?" She asked. "I won't stay the night, I just need to rest a little." She said, putting her hand on his.
Aldi entered the room, and went straight for the bed, flopping down on the bed, and in doing so, her skirt rode up a bit. Laying on her side, with her hair sprawled around her, she looked up at Alabore with tired eyes, then smiled softly and closed her eyes.
He swallowed hard and moved closer, reaching out to try and touch her leg. He stopped when a blade was pressed to his throat and a familiar bloodlust filled the room.
"You've been sloppy." Sasuke said lowly, "But there is no running this time."
When Sasuke spoke, Aldi opened her eyes, sitting up and pushing herself off the bed. "You took your time. This man disgusts me." She said, walking passed Alabore to stand a ways behind Sasuke. Smoothing out her skirt, she brushed her hair over her shoulder.
Alabore's eyes widened, "A-Aldi?" He asked weakly. Sasuke pressed the blade closer.
"She's with me, and she's not actually a cute little girl~"
"That's rather rude coming from you." Her voice was different, it was Amaya's voice, and the visage of Aldi slowly shimmered and revealed a young Dunmer woman instead. "Sorry to disappoint." She shrugged. "I feel like my grey skin sometimes is a turnoff for most men, I guess I went a little young this time. Oops." Her eyes held disgust as she looked at Alabore.
Alabore's shoulders sunk and he closed his eyes, "You caught me fair and square then. I'm ready."
"Have fun rotting in Oblivion." Sasuke hissed before dragging his blade quickly across the Breton's throat, cutting it open and watching him choke on his old blood.
Amaya stood, watching the Breton fall to the floor and quickly bleed to death. Once he was dead, Amaya moved over to Alabore, cutting some of his hair off, as well as taking some of the blood that still trickled from his neck.
Amaya nodded and pocketed her loot, standing and making sure her clothes were blood-free, before heading out of the room, leaving Alabore's corpse behind.
It was around the time everyone was starting to head home and turn in when they left the inn. On the way to the safehouse, someone accidentally collided with Amaya and was sent to the ground. "O-Oh Gods, I-I'm sorry!" A familiar voice stammered. It was Akihime, but she was different. Her hair was no longer exceptionally long, but cut down to below her shoulder blades, and her usual elegant attire was replaced with the generic clothes seen worn by everyone in Cyrodiil. She gathered her things quickly and stood, bowing to Amaya. "I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!"
Amaya was also sent falling to the ground, rubbing her forehead where she had smacked it against Akihime's head. Her eyes widened upon hearing her voice and she looked up at Akihime, moth open in awe. "A-Akihime.." She blinked in shock, staring at her old friend, her chest tightening.
Amaya felt like her heart had been split open with an axe, and she quickly stood, making her way down the road without another word.
"Fine." She let out a shaky breath, slowing to match his pace. "Let's just get to the safehouse."
Amaya gave a slight shrug. "Just ran into someone, that's all." She said casually, moving to sit at the table.
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