What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

The next morning, Sasuke went out to the market, hearing the chatter about how a Breton was found dead in the inn and no one knows who killed him. Sasuke smirked softly to himself, gathering more food and things for the safe house. He stopped when Akihime appeared beside him to buy things of her own, but she didn't seem to notice him. His eyes widened slightly, "What are you doing here?" He asked. Akihime looked to him hesitantly, looking confused.
"I...live here?" She replied awkwardly before returning to her shopping. Sasuke grabbed his things and hurried back to the safe house.
Amaya had been sorting out her weapons and all of the things she brought with her; which was just her armor, weapons, and her small leather roll with her blood and hair samples. Glancing up, she noticed Sasuke looked a little freaked out, his eyes wide and he was gripping the basket handle of the groceries a little too tight. "What's wrong?"
She set down her weapons and gave a slight not, seeming oddly calm about the whole situation. "I did. And she didn't seem to remember me either." She then went back to her tinkering.
"She's the one acting like she doesn't know me. And she seems happy, who am I to send her back to Solitude?" She looked up. "I'm not her protector anymore." Although she acted calm, it was clear in her eyes that she was heavily conflicted.
"I don't think she's acting. She looked me dead in the eyes and was confused. After taking you away, would confusion be the first thing she would feel towards me?" He asked.
"I don't know, Sasuke, I don't know what's going on!" She sounded agitated now, which was reasonable. "What do you want me to do?"
"What's there to figure out? We've parted ways! And even if I did something, she doesn't know who I am! Should I befriend her and bring her back to the Sanctuary with us?" She scowled. "She doesn't know who I am."
((Panic it is!))

The two Brotherhood members returned home, and Amaya often practiced her blood magic while she didn't have jobs to tend to. While the both of them lounged around the Sanctuary, Amaya had taken the form of a tall Altmer man, having now held that form for nearly two days straight.
Golden eyes fell on the vampire. "Thank you for the heads up, but please keep your thoughts to yourself." His deep voice was almost a sneer.
He grunted softly, watching her walk down the hall and out of sight, before standing. As soon as his feet hit the ground, his legs went numb and he felt something drip from his eyes. Touching his eye, his fingertip had blood on it. Then he began to vomit violently, falling to his knees. Blood pooled on the floor as he retched up large amounts of blood, his visage slowly returning to Amaya's normal one. "Sh-Shit.." She staggered to her feet, but immediately slipped and collapsed in her own blood.
Amaya ground her teeth together as Nazir helped her, barely able to walk. "Just get me a healing potion. I have to clean up the blood; and don't tell Sasuke - please."
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