What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

She held the potion, looking down at the bottle with a frown. "Sasuke, I've been through worse than this, please, you don't have to worry so much.."
Amaya frowned softly, but nodded and uncorked the bottle, drinking the potion. Finishing it off relatively quickly, she wiped her lips and looked to him. "Happy?"
"I can still do my job." She said quickly, brows furrowed in worry, a slight panic flashing in her eyes.
Amaya obeyed Sasuke, resting for a few days, then leaving the Sanctuary to skulk around Dawnstar. She wore a hooded, heavy cloak over her Brotherhood armor, but had left her weapons and blood back in her bedroom. The cloak did well to hide her face and armor, allowing her to walk around freely and visit the lively little town.
"Nana! Get the tub ready!" The sound of Motochika hollaring for his wife could be heard over the cold wind, the Jarl hauling a rather large net full of fish from the dock.
"Aye!" Nana called back as she pushed the heavy tub into place, keeping it in place so it wouldn't tip over when the fish were dumped in. Amaya watched the crew work, greatly bored from being locked down on bed rest for the past couple of days.
Motochika and his crew were just a handful of the people who were busy doing their fair share around the Hold. It was boring but eventful at the same time.
Amaya soon moved on to walk about the small shops and stores, meandering about and enjoying the fresh, crisp air.
"Ah, there you are~" A familiar haunting voice called. Yoshitsugu stood a ways behind her, Mitsunari at his side. "We were wondering where you had run off to."
Amaya's eyes widened and she spun to face the two to confirm it was really who she had heard, then she bolted immediately, heading for the hills and the forest beyond.
Mitsunari bolted after her at lightning speeds, hitting her knees and knocking her down before pinning her down. "I don't think so." He hissed.
Amaya grunted as she was forced face down in the snow, Mitsunari putting all of his weight on top of her to keep her down. She struggled to push him off, fighting hard and reaching for her dagger - only it wasn't there, she had left it behind.
Mitsunari bound her and hoisted her up, a lot stronger than he used to be. He dragged her back to Yoshitsugu, who smiled beneath his bandages. "We missed you, child~ where have you been?"
Amaya followed as Mitsunari dragged her back to Yoshitsugu, though she still made it hard on him by struggling against him. When Yoshitsugu asked her his question, she only responded with a glare.
"Answer him." Mitsunari snarled. Yoshitsugu continued to look happy to see her, "Akihime has returned to continue to aid Skyrim. Did you know she was missing?"
Amaya felt her chest tighten up when she heard the news about Akihime, but still, refused to give Yoshitsugu a verbal answer, spitting at his feet this time.
Mitsunari grabbed her jaw tightly, almost to the point where it felt like it would break under the pressure. "Do as you're told and answer him. He still owns you." "It's alright, Mitsunari. We'll bring her home and punish her properly there." Yoshitsugu said.
"You can't own people." She hissed out through clenched teeth, glaring up at Mitsunari, hatred in her eyes. During the struggle, her cloak had been pulled over one shoulder, exposing her Brotherhood armor.
"I see...you're in the Brotherhood now. Good to see you're putting your skills to good use~" Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari shoved her along, taking her to the carriage. All the while, Sasuke sat and watched from a distance.
Amaya fought against Mitsunari the best she could, but without any weapons, she was out of luck. Being forced onto the carriage, she sat beside Mitsunari, glaring down at her feet.
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