What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Hideyoshi left her to herself and it was quiet for a long while before a black smoke formed in the corner. "Are you ok...?" It was Sasuke, moving over to check her over, "Sithis, he fucked you up good.."
Amaya was grinding her teeth in pain, but seemed to relax a little when she saw Sasuke. "Y-Yeah, I can't really move my arm... Or walk.." She gave a weak, nervous grin.
Amaya shook her head, a soft frown on her face. "Don't bother... They'll be rebroken by tomorrow." She said softly, almost sounding like she anticipated to stay there longer.
Amaya almost looked like she could cry, but she only nodded. "I can still walk if you fix my leg up a little, but I don't think it'll be all too fast." She said.
He shook his head, "I'll carry you if I have to." He said and moved to fix her leg but a sharp pain coming from his back straight through his abdomen stopped him. Looking down, he saw a very long sword sticking out of his abdomen, coated in his blood. He coughed and looked back, glaring at Mitsunari. "I see the rats have come to drown together."
"Sasuke!!" Amaya's eyes widened in horror, trying to move closer to Sasuke, panic engulfing her at the sight of her love impaled.
Grabbing Sasuke by his hair, Mitsunari ripped his blade from Sasuke's body and kept him in place. "I wonder if I should just slit your throat right here, Listener." Mitsunari sneered. Sasuke ground his teeth, blood falling from the corners of his mouth.
"Might as well, I'm not going to tell you anything." He hissed. Mitsunari looked to Amaya, seeing how terrified she was of Sasuke's pain.
"Perhaps she will?"
Amaya felt her chest tighten and she glanced to Sasuke, then back to Mitsunari. "Tenet 2: Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets." She heard Sasuke's voice in her head, and she clenched her fists tightly, turning her head away from Mitsunari and saying nothing.
"She knows better. Goes against the rules." Sasuke said, "So you may as well just kill us both."
"If we didn't need you, I would." Mitsunari said before he and a couple guards dragged him away, Amaya's cell being locked once more.
Amaya watched Sasuke be dragged into the cell across from hers, where he was thrown in and the cell door was slammed shut and locked. Dragging herself to the iron bars, she watched Sasuke with a worried look. "Sasuke.." She called softly. "How bad is your wound?"
She gave a slight nod, but still looked concerned. "If you can get out you should leave, they won't kill me for a few more days at least."
"Sasuke, I appreciate that, more than you can imagine, but please, this isn't something you can do alone." She begged him softly.
The two were locked down in the poorly lit cells for what seemed like days, and in that time, Amaya had relocated her shoulder, but could do nothing to fix her arm and leg. Even laying on the ground was painful, her arm and leg badly swollen and bruised, and she was starting to look ill.
"I feel awful.." She muttered, leaned against the bars so she could sit up. "I don't know how well I'm doing, but judging from the smell coming from my arm.. Not good."
She shook her head. "I've been through much worse.. I'll be ok." She said softly, closing her eyes to rest.
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