What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

She gave a dry chuckle, opening her eyes to look up at Hideyoshi. "Cooperate? I've been nothing but cooperative." She mocked.
"So you will tell the location of your Sanctuary." He said. Sasuke didn't have to glare or motion for her to keep quiet, he knew she wouldn't say a word.
Hideyoshi turned to Sasuke, "And you?"
"Choke on it, Nord." Sasuke hissed. Hideyoshi stared at him before grabbing Amaya by the neck.
"She will die." He threatened. Sasuke inhaled sharply and clenched his jaw.
"Sasuke, I'll die even if you do tell him." She hissed through her teeth, struggling to turn her head around and look at him. "Don't you say anything..!"
"Yeah, sorry, she's one family member as compared to everyone else I need to protect. One for a thousand sort of thing." He stated. Hideyoshi locked eyes with Sasuke as he slammed Amaya into the wall, watching the Listener flinch and resist jerking forward.
Amaya cried out as her head slammed into the stone brick, grasping at his hand and trying to peel his large fingers from her throat. Wheezing, she grinded her teeth, but only glared at Hideyoshi.
"I won't ask again." Hideyoshi said. Sasuke cursed at him in Bosmeri, the points of his ears turning red. Hideyoshi slammed Amaya into the wall again before throwing her into the floor so hard that the stone cracked.
Amaya hit the ground and lay where she landed, blood trickling from a large gash on her forehead. She groaned weakly, stirring and looking at Sasuke with dazed eyes. "T-Tenet number two... Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets.." She recited the tenet to him, her way of telling him to keep his mouth shut no matter what happened.
"Tenet Five..." He said softly, frowning faintly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry..." He said softly before melting into a pool of shadow, "I'll come back for you, I promise."
"Stop him!" Hideyoshi yelled but the guards were too late, Sasuke had vanished as soon as they got the cell open.
Amaya watched him leave, then let out a soft wheeze, which slowly turned into a weak laugh. Even in her position as a prisoner injuried and on the floor, she still managed to laugh- laugh at the fact Sasuke had left so easily.
Amaya grunted weakly as she dragged herself away from the crater in the ground, moving to a more hidden location behind the stone chair.
Her beatings would continue after that, each harder than the last. Her bones were broken and mended before being broken again, she would be tied to her chair with a cloth over her face as they poured water over her, and she had nullification runes burned into her skin to keep her from escaping as Sasuke had. That hurt the most, more than anything done to her before, even when they had poured poison into her eyes ad temporarily blinded her; the runes caused her more pain than any of those things combined.
Amaya hadn't said a single word since Sasuke had left, the only responses she gave were the grunts of pain when beaten. Her health rapidly decreased as the days passed, and soon she didn't even bother to move from the spot they had dropped her in her cell, unable to move really. Her body was black and blue, her eyes had been swollen shut for days, both from the poison out in them and the beatings. Her limbs had healed incorrectly and broken many times over, leaving her unable to walk or use her arms at all. At that moment, she was left cuffed to the whipping post, slumped forward against it, her lower body lay on the ground, while her upper body was hanging from the post. Her armor had been torn from her person and her back was a bloody mess of sliced flesh, but definitely the worst thing was the runes. Infused with magic, they hurt every time her heart pumped, every time she took a ragged breath, but she was barely conscious anymore. The smell of death hung heavy around her, and it was clear she'd be dead within the next few days if the beatings continued as they did.
Light footsteps could be heard in the silnce of the prison, the lock on the door being tampered with before sikently opening. "Oooh, she doesn't look so good, Listener.." Cicero's voice said in a hush. Sasuke moved to Amaya quickly, looking her over with panicked eyes.
"Amaya...? Can you hear me...?"
Amaya didn't respond to Sasuke, not moving a muscle when the door opened, or when he spoke to her; she wasn't completely gone yet though, her raspy breathing showing she still drew breath and her body still held life.
When Amaya was freed from the shackles, she collapsed forward immediately, landing face down with a heavy thud. She didn't even make a noise when she fell, the pain of falling on her face nothing compared to the pain she was currently in.
Sasuke attempted to catch her but didn't expect her to be a sack of potatoes. He picked her up gently and called to Cicero, who followed happily.
When Sasuke picked Amaya up she let out a weak cry of pain, her face twisting in a look of agony. Moving hurt her the most, and touching any part of her body made it worse, but the glowing runes branded into her flesh seemed to be the source of most of her pain, tears leaking from her swollen eyes.
Sasuke hushed her gently, "It'll be ok."
"Listener, someone is coming...!" Cicero said in a hushed tone. Sasuke hissed and tried to get away as quick as he could without hurting Amaya.
The more Sasuke moved, the more Amaya was jostled, making the freshly closed wounds on her back open once more, leaving a trail of blood behind as she was carried. Though in a great amount of pain, she didn't make any more noises, knowing she had to be quiet if they wanted to escape.
Before they could reach their exit, Hideyoshi rushed at them and toppled Cicero over, grabbing Sasuke and throwing him aside. Sasuke was forced to let Amaya go, causing her to tumble into the ground. Hideyoshi moved and grabbed her before throwing her hard across the room, causing her to fly through the wall.
"Amaya!" Sasuke yelled and jumped up to rush to her side.
Amaya lay under a growing pile of rubble as the wall she had been thrown through collapsed further, heavy bricks landing on her. She laid unmoving, blood dripping from the sides of her mouth, seemingly not breathing; worst of all her head was cracked open, gushing blood from the deep split in her skull.
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