What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Before Sasuke could reach her, Hideyoshi grabbed him and smashed him into the wall. He coughed and ground his teeth, disappearing in a puff of smoke and reappearing by Amaya.
"Of course, Listener!" Cicero rushed over, stabbing Hideyoshi in the thigh on his way before vanishing with Sasuke and Amaya to the Sanctuary.
When they arrived in the Sanctuary, Sasuke could see Amaya in better light, and she looked pretty dead. Her chest was still, and she didn't move a muscle, her breathing no longer could be heard.
"Babette!!" Sasuke hollared, rushing Amaya to his room. Babette groaned as she walked into the room.
"Don't worry." She huffed and went to work.
It took a few minutes, but Babette finally got Amaya breathing again, but she wasn't out of the woods yet. Her injuries were horrific, and she was still struggling to stay alive.
"What happeed to her, it looks like a bear and a sabre cat were playing tug of war with her." She said. Sasuke furrowed his brow.
"She was captured and tortured." He answered. Babette made a noise.
"These runes will have to be burned off." She said. Sasuke kept quiet.
The runes that were on her arms and chest were now glowing brightly, showing that whatever they were there for, they were working. Her legs were still broken, and only needed to be set and healed, but her arm had been set incorrectly, meaning it would have to be broken again and set correctly.
It took hours for Babette to fix up all of Amaya, having to set both of her legs, break and set her arm, sew up the gash in her head, disinfect and heal the lashes on her back, flush the poison from her eyes, and burn off the tomes from her body. Laying in bed covered in bandages and poultices, Amaya looked a little more peaceful, resting easily.
The door opened and Babette stepped out, "She'll live, but she needs to stay in bed. She can't move for any reason other than sustainance or the chanber pot. If she moves too quickly, everything will reopen and she'll never want to move again." She said. Sasuke nodded.
"Thank you, Babette."
"I take payment in blood potions." She said as she walked away.
Amaya could be seen from the doorway, laying still in bed, and though she was fighting for her life, she seemed to be in only a minimal amount of pain.
Sasuke moved to sit beside her in a chair, watching her silently. He said nothing for a long time, did nothing, except carefully hold her hand.
After a long while of Sasuke sitting with her, Amaya began to grow restless in her sleep, her face twisting into a look of fear, her body twitching slightly as tears rolled down her cheeks.
He wiped her tears away and frowned, wondering what could be causing her such pain. He placed his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes, focusing on what was troubling her.
The moment Sasuke focused in on Amaya's thoughts, he was ripped from reality so fast it took the air from his lungs, now in a different place, he watched as a young Dunmer girl was dragged from a familiar stone chair, and her head forced under water. It was like Sasuke was actually there as she began to thrash and kick, the water spilling over the edge as she struggled to pull her head from the water that a blurry fugure held under. A muffled scream could be heard from under the water and bubbles rose to the top, her struggling getting weaker and weaker. After she was till for an entire minute, she was pulled from the water and dropped to the ground, where the blurry figure would stomp on her stomach until she vomited up a large amount of water. This would happen again and again, until the scene changed. This time the girl had a face, but the figure was still as blurry as ever, this time pulling teeth from her head one by one; the scene changed again and again, showing the girl in various different torture proceedures: her feet being boiled in oil, being whipped and beaten, different joints dislocated, having parts of her skin removed, bones broken, fingernail and toenails removed, and poisoned. The man eventually became easier to see and his face would be revealed to be Mitsunari's, the young Dunmer girl Amaya. Sasuke could hear and smell it all, her blood, the vomit, the burning flesh; he could hear every snap of her bone, pop of a dislocated joint, and every horrible scream that came from her.
Sasuke shook his head quickly and forced himself to move away, pressing himself against the wall. He was breathing heavily, his chest tight with agony. "I'm sorry...so sorry..."
Amaya didn't seem to notice that he had moved away, still unconscious, but even then her look of agony was gone, and her face relaxed once more, though a few more tears fell down her face.
As Sasuke stayed with Amaya, small snippets of the horrors she had endured while a slave of the Empire would surface in his mind, and on occasion, tears would fall down her cheeks, but Amaya didn't wake, even after three whole weeks had gone by.
Sasuke was forced to leave every now and then to fulfill a contract, killing and murdering the only way to keep the horrible things he saw when accessing her mind. When he wasn't doing contracts, he was with Amaya, wanting to be there when she finally woke up.
While Sasuke was gone on contracts, Cicero would often watch her in Sasuke's place to ensure nothing happened while he was away. It was on the very day he had left for a contract, when Amaya opened her eyes.
Amaya could just barely hear Cicero speaking, fading in and out of consciousness before all sound came rushing back at full volume. Listening to him, she turned to look at him, or rather look in his general direction, her milky white eyes staring passed the Jester.
She stared for a moment longer before slowly closing her eyes, parting her lips to speak. "Where is Sasuke..?" She asked in a hoarse whisper.
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