What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya said nothing the entire ride to Solitude, said nothing when she was walked into Solitude, and nothing when she was brought before High King Hideyoshi himself.
"You singlehandedly brought chaos to the Empire's doorstep." Hideyoshi started, tone calm, "By fleeing from Solitude, you allowed the Oracle to be removed from the safety of her room and taken to Cyrodiil where her memories were completely erased."
Amaya listened to Hideyoshi's words, standing before him, not kneeling. Her eyes were fixed to the far wall, and when he finished speaking, a smirk crept onto her face.
"What seems to amuse you so." It was more a statement than a question. Mitsunari watched in silent loathing, Yoshitsugu trying to keep him calm.
"The fact that a fourteen year old girl simply walked out the front door and not one of you could stop her." She said, bringing her eyes to meet Hideyoshi's.
"She didn't just simply leave." Hideyoshi stated, "But that doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is that you abandoned your duty to join a gang of filthy rats and scum."
A soft scowl appeared on Amaya's face, clenching her fists at the names Hideyoshi called her family, but she had no harsh words to bite back with.
Hideyoshinwaved his hand and Mitsunari almost gladly dragged her away. On their way to the dungeons, they passed by Akihime and tall young man with brown and red hair. Akihime watched Amaya with confusion, "It's you...from Cyrodiil...wait, Lord Mitsunari!" Mitsunari stopped and turned to Akihime as the Oracle approached.
"My Lady, this girl is filth, please keep away from her."
"Hush, Shima." Akihime waved her guardian away before stopping before Amaya, "You knew my name...did we know each other before I lost my memory? Please...I-I don't remember..."
Amaya felt her heart seize when she saw Akihime, and her throat tightened when she spoke to her. Grinding her teeth, she frowned softly. Akihime didn't need to go through the same pain as before, she didn't deserve it. "I was contracted to kill you." She said, her voice almost a whisper, almost not believing the words that came out of her own mouth.
Akihime lowered her gaze, "I-I see..." She muttered, "Thank you for sparing me...I hope your Dunmeri Gods show you compassion." She said gently. Shima took her arm gently, hoping to guide her away.
"Let's go, my Lady. She's not ours to deal with."
"Ok, Shima..." Akihime followed her guardian, linking arms with him to keep herself stable; she looked so heartbroken and confused.
Amaya swallowed the lump in her throat, tearing her eyes away from Akihime, not wanting to watch her leave.
"Let's go." Mitsunari dragged her away again, throwing her into a familiar prison cell. "Because we have no further use for you as protector, you will be beaten until you can no longer use the skills you have been taught. Your only purpose from this point is to be a maid. You're a slave again and will remain that way until I get bored of looking at you and either sell you or kill you."
Amaya grunted when she was thrown to the ground, landing on her chin when she fell due to her arms being bound behind her back. Struggling to get to her knees, she looked to Mitsunari, blood dripping from her split open chin. "I never stopped being a slave to you people anyway." She growled out. "That much will never change... Same as the fact that you haven't been able to make me cry in pain for years now, I guess you're only good for beating small children."
((Start the torture~?))

Amaya felt a cold tingle run down her spine, but she only turned her head away from Mitsunari, remaining in her kneeling position on the ground.
Amaya sat in her cell by herself, listening to the water dripping somewhere in the darkened room, only lit by a few torches on the wall. As she looked around, she saw the familiar outlay of the room: the steel chair with leather straps she spent s good portion of her youth in, chains attached to the walls at various heights and lengths, a stretching rack, a large cauldron fixed to the floor so it couldn't be knocked over, and a thick wooden post with metal shackles- a whipping post. She turned her head away from all of the devices she knew so well, letting her eyes close as she sat on the cold stone floor.
It didn't seem like a lot of time passed before the cell door opened again. Hideyoshi ducked into the cell and towered over her, not saying a word before slamming hs foot into her chest, smashing her into the wall.
Never before had Amaya felt so much raw power behind ones attack, not even when fighting up against Mitsunari. She hit the wall and cried out in pain, landing hard on the ground, wheezing for air. She could tell her sternum was broken, but she couldn't move, laying on her side with her hands bound behind her back.
Her arm made an awful popping and crunching noise as her arm was mangled, biting back a scream of pain as her broken arm fell to her side.
A scream of agony was torn from Amaya when her leg crunched under his foot, using her good arm and leg to try and escape his wrath, her head spinning.
Amaya pulled herself to the far wall, using it to pull herself into a sitting position, arm and leg both broken, but her arm was mangled badly, and wasn't something that could be fixed with simple potions or spells.
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