What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

The only response she gave him was to press her thumbs against his windpipe, glaring hatefully at him. It was only when he grabbed her wrists did he realize he was no longer holding his dagger, instead, it was buried to the hilt in Amaya's stomach, the wound slowly leaking blood.
She leaned all her weight against his throat, gripping his neck so tightly her hands shook. She didn't seem to even care for the blade sticking out of her stomach, her rage overtaking her. "You've already taken one family away from me, don't you dare touch my new one!"
"You'll lose her if you don't take care of that wound!" He wheezed, trying to push her away. She was strong for a twig of a thing, he was trying to avoid the Blade of Woe as much as possible, not wanting to make the wound worse.
Amaya wasn't giving him many choices, she was starting to bleed out, he would end up unconscious soon with her cutting off his blood flow and airway. "If you leave here, she'll die anyway."
Her eyes widened, and a look of hurt crossed her face before she let go of his neck, stumbling back and falling against a dresser, sitting on the ground with her face in her hands.
He coughed and hacked, struggling to breathe. He sat up and panted, rubbing his neck. He moved and gripped the Blade of Woe, removing it quickly and putting a rag to the wound to stop the bleeding. He handed her a potion and moved to the door with a small struggle, "I'll leave this new family alone for your sake." He said, his voice hoarse, "Take care..." And with that, he vanished in a plume of shadowy smoke.
Amaya sat in her spot on the ground for a moment longer before she threw the bottle against the wall, listening to it shatter before standing up and staggering to the door herself.
It took longer than usual for her to make it back to Solitude, and once she did, she crawled in through her window, collapsing on the floor and holding her stomach with a groan of pain.
Amaya was rather quiet for the couple of weeks after she had returned from killing the man who had put a price on Akihime. Sitting with Akihime as she practiced her penmenship, she chewed on her lip, mind going a thousand miles an hour.
"Are you all right, Amaya? Your writing had improved greatly since we were young! You write so elegantly now!" Akihime praised with a smile.
Amaya set the quill down and looked at Akihime. "Akihime-sama, may I ask something of you?" She whispered, a soft frown on her face.
"Would you.. Would you be able to let me leave for a while?" She asked. "I need to get away from here, it- it won't be forever, please.."
Akihime felt her heart sink. Did she do something wrong? Was Amaya unhappy with her? Was she not being a good friend? "Um...Lord Mitsunari will be incredibly unhappy..."
"I know, but I need this, please?" She asked, taking Akihime's hands in hers. "I just need a month."
Amaya brought Akihime's hands close and nuzzled her hands. "I promise, I promise a thousand times." She said softly. "You're my family, and I love you."
"I love you, too, Ama. As long as you promise to return to my side...then you have my permission to leave..." She said softly, fighting tears.
Amaya kissed her cheek gently, giving her hands another squeeze before giving her a gentle smile. "I will come back." She promised.
Amaya left that night, heading to Windhelm and taking a boat there to Cyrodiil.

Three months passed, and Akihime hadn't gotten a single glimpse of Amaya, not one word, a letter, nothing.
The Imperial City was huge, and was a largely a great place, but there where slums there too. Business had been flourishing back in Skyrim for the Dark Brotherhood as of late, and clients were coming by the handful to them, one calling for them to be in Cyrodiil itself.
Sasuke, being the new Listener and wanting to see one of the most prosperous areas for the Brotherhood, took the Cryodiil job without even mentioning it to the others.
All went smoothly for his first contract in Cyrodiil; his client was in the great city, and so was his target, and it didn't hurt that the client was offering him double the usual price.
Sasuke moved throught the Imperial City, trying to find his target. Maybe he should have brought Cicero with him, at least then he wouldn't be lost.
Dusk fell and there was still no sign of the target, not even in his usual hangouts around the city. While tracking him through one of the more poor areas, something caught Sasuke's eye. Many women loitered around, nearly all of them dressed in skimpy clothing and heavy makeup. It wasn't unusual to see prostitutes in the slums, it was actually quite common.
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