What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

"B-But Hanbei-sama...Ama needs me right now...she's really scared..." She said softly, looking distressed.
"She will be fine with me, dear. Go on~" Yoshitsugu said. Akihime frowned but nodded, giving Amaya's hand a gentle squeeze.
"I will be right back, I promise." She said, before taking Hanbei's hand and following him to start her lessons.
Amaya looked up at Yoshitsugu, her blood-stained hands trembling. "I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to kill him, I promise I didn't.. It just happened..!" Her voice cracked and she started to shake.
Amaya just nodded, turning her head to look back at the ground, sniffling softly and wiping away her tears.
((Time for her training~?))

"I killed somebody! I-I can't kill people! Killing people is wrong!" She put her hand over her mouth and hunched over. "I feel sick.."
He pet her head gently and soothed her, "Come, let's have you fed and get you some tea. You can relax and wait for Akihime to come back."
Amaya nodded and followed Yoshitsugu, keeping her eyes off of her blood covered hands. "I don't want to kill anyone ever again.." She muttered.
Amaya finally looked up, but where they were didn't seem like it would be a kitchen. "Where are we going?" She asked softly, looking up at him with dark circles under her eyes.
"Training?" She looked to Yoshitsugu. "What, I-I thought we were..." She looked back to Mitsunari, and upon seeing the dark look in his eyes, she froze up, a cold chill running down her spine.
((Honestly, he really was going to take her for food, but I'll roll with it!))

Yoshitsugu only smiled as Mitsunari dragged her off to start conditioning her.
((Shit! Sorry!))

Amaya stumbled after him, wincing when his armor dug into her arm. "What is my training?" She asked Mitsunari.
Amaya watched him strap her wrists and ankles, frozen in fear with wide eyes. "I don't want to do this." She whispered. "Please."
"I don't want to protect anyone! I want to go back home!" Her voice cracked, her mind in a fragile state from having taken a life earlier, and it showed in her eyes. Every ounce of weakness could be seen in her terrified eyes, her face twisted into one of someone desperate.
"Mitsunari, why don't we give her some time, hm? Let her get accustomed to how things will be for a while?" Yoshitsugu suggested. Mitsunari huffed, "She needs to start soon." "And she will. Not to worry. Let her go and be with Akihime for now." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari didn't look happy but he aggreed, unstrapping Amaya and letting her go.
Amaya fell out of the chair and scrambled away from the both of them, shaking slightly, and staring at the two with an animalistic fear. "I don't want this." She muttered, gently rocking.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice, dear.." Yoshitsugu said gently. Mitsunari nudged his head and the guards escourted Amaya to her room.
Amaya had to be dragged back to her room, kicking and screaming the entire way there. Once she was locked inside, she collapsed on the bed in tears, curling into a small ball.
After a littke while, the lock jiggled before coming open and the door was pushed open slowly, "Ama...?" It was Akihime, wondering where her new friend was, "I brought some tea and dumplings...you want some...?"
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