What is Life's Greatest Illusion? ~*1x1 Sengoku/Skyrim rp for DarkMudkip and Jikkah*~

Amaya was standing in the corner before the wash basin, scrubbing her hands violently in the bloody water. She had gotten the remaining amount of blood from her hands, but she just kept scrubbing. Scratches ran up and down her arms as she cried quietly, scrubbing as hard as she could to rid her hands of the blood that was no longer there.
Akihime moved over and gently took her hands, "Ama, it's ok...you're safe, I promise...you're all clean..." She said gently. "Come, I have tea and every single dumpling the cook could make. They're super yummy...!"
Amaya looked to Akihime with haunted eyes, nodded slowly and followed her out of her bedroom.
Akihike took Amaya to Akihime's room, where a steaming teapot and cups with a plate piled high with dumplings sat waiting on a small tea table Akihime had set up. "I have apple dumplings, snowberry dumplings, jazbay dumplings and juniper dumplings! If you want anything made, I'll request it lickity split! Is there any Dunmer foods you like? I've never tried Dunmer food before, I bet it's very earthy and aromic.." She was so bubbly and happy to have someone to talk to, she couldn't seem to stop.
Amaya sat down at the table and stared at the food before slowly reaching out and taking a dumbling, not knowing which one, and taking a bite. "I've never had Dunmer food." She said, taking a bite of the dumpling, which was still warm and tasted sweet.
"Really? I'm sorry, I hope I didn't upset you...maybe we could try some one day! Our cook can make anything...!" She said cheerfully, "I hear ash yams are kinda bitter...but I'm willing to try anything!"
"I mean... I have... But only as a baby, I don't remember what it tastes like." She took another dumpling, tears filling her eyes. "These are really good..." She wiped her tears away. "Thank you for sharing them with me.."
Akihime grinned, "You're my friend, Ama, I will share all my things with you~!" She chirped before cramming some dumplings in her mouth and pouring them both some tea, "I hope my father wasn't too scary while I was gone. Everyone says that he makes them feel uncomfortable, but I don't mind it so much! He's been like that since we left Akavir for Skyrim.."
Amaya didn't want to be heard speaking ill of one of her masters, so she said nothing, only taking another dumpling and eating it.
"I like books... I just.. Don't know how to read them." She admitted, wiping crumbs from her dress.
"But is that ok..? Are you allowed to do that...?" She looked to Akihime nervously, wringing dress skirt anxiously.
"It'll be fine! It'll help you, too! Cuz if they want you to protect me, you're going to need to know how to read written orders, right? And spell tomes and strategy texts...!" She said.
Amaya gave a small nod of agreement. "Ok... Thank you for teaching me how to read." She said, bowing her head to Akihime.
Amaya nodded and grabbed a couple books off of the book shelf in Akihime's room, bringing them over to start her lessons.
After a few days of practicing her reading and writing, she had started reading at a basic level of reading, and a questionable level of writing. She had calmed down quite a bit since she had killed the intruder, in fact she completely acted as if nothing had ever happened.
Amaya's face flushed as she did her best to copy the letters Akihime had written on the paper, hers still a bit wobbly, but they were taking shape. "Thank you.."
((What now? •v• ))

Amaya nodded, continuing her writing in silence, focusing hard on each letter she wrote.

The door opened and Akihime looked up, seeing her father and Mitsunari enter, "Forgive us, Akihime. But it's time for Amaya to start her training." "Aaww...be gentle with her, please? She's been really good recently.." Akihime requested.
Amaya slowly set down her pencil, swallowing the lump in her throat before she stood slowly, then moved over to Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari. "I-I'll be back, don't worry.." She said, staring at her feet.
"Be careful, Ama!" Akihime called, "I know you'll do really well!" Yoshitsugu chuckles softly and slowly leads Amaya out of the room.
Amaya followed the two quietly, eyes downcast as she walked, looking down at her hands and taking a shaky breath.
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