I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

During the following hours of the excursion, Bellamy Blake continued exploring. Areas they scouted close by camp looked to be safe so Bellamy and a small group continued exploring. They found another body of water they could use and even killed a deer in the wood. Animals were rare to be seen yet they finally spotted one close by camp. The best discovery happened to be inside of some cave. At first, there were only barrels of gasoline and Bellamy realized it was useless. However, something different was inside the barrels. Weapons. Automatic guns. Handguns. Shotguns. A lot of them. They hit the jackpot and celebrated immediately. However, some of the guns were jammed up and only fired blanks so they spent time sorting through what guns they could actually use and the ones that were useless.

Upon returning to camp, Bellamy was also sorting through bullets when someone grabbed his attention. “Bellamy, she is awake now.” Nodding, he left the weapons alone with some of the others to continue looking through the materials. Then, Bellamy approached the tent where she was being kept during her recovery. When Bellamy got inside of the tent, he stopped at the entrance to look at her. “Well, you look like shit.” He spoke lightheartedly, eyeing her up and down.


A few words were decipherable here and there but the sexiest part was just listening to how muffled and helpless she sounded. Ryan felt the arousal only growing while his lips connected to her neck again, sucking on her skin and kissing down her collarbone before he pulled back and was ready to start the action. Gripping the blonde roughly, he flipped her onto her stomach and hovered behind of Clarke, letting the tip of his cock rub against her thigh. His hands wrapped underneath her chest so he could grip her tits tightly and squeeze them, digging his fingers into her skin.

Taking her from behind sounded like a hot idea right now in his opinion. That’s what he intended to do. Ryan kissed her neck again and without further warning, he just shoved his throbbing girth inside of the girl’s tight pussy from behind. Almost as soon as he entered her, Ryan moaned out rather loudly into her ear and started to thrust forward, sending his cock deeper and deeper inside with each thrust as he felt her pussy clamp on him already. He was eager to make her moan right now and listen to those sexy noises again.
For awhile Amelia just continued to sit there and hated how weak she still felt. Glancing over when Bellamy walked in she frowned slightly at his words. "Uh thanks..." she spoke quietly before looking away. She wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, but it didn't make her feel much better as she decided to ask the question on her mind. "Why did you bother saving me?" she asked and assumed that their supplies had been used on her. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out why and it didn't make sense to her. Unless he thought they would make up for those supplies when the village was attacked.


The moans continued as he kissed and fondled her and Clarke was enjoying every minute of it. When he flipped her around, she was feeling excited about being in a different position than they usually did. Without much warning he shoved inside of her and she moaned louder as he thrust deeper and deeper. With already being aroused it didn't take much for him to hear the muffled noises and moans of pleasure like he liked.
“I told you, I do not want you killed. I want you here and I intend for you to be assimilated into our camp. I’ve told you this, haven’t I?” Bellamy questioned as if she should easily accept this fact and not be questioning him about the situation. He simply shrugged and crouched down beside the brunette woman and tilting his head towards the side to speak to her further. “Can I get you anything else now? How are you feeling?” Bellamy questioned before just settling into his seat. It might take her a while to recover but Bellamy was going to do his best to help her. It really did matter to him about her getting better.


Ryan could not help but smile at the glorious noises Clarke produced from behind the gag. Additionally, moans of pleasure were also falling from his own lips and his hands tangled into her blonde hair while pulling and tugging away at it. The smile grew even wider as his cock slammed into her again and again knowing that it would not take long for the blonde girl to reach her orgasm. His free hand rested on her left ass cheek and fondled the flesh while not slowing down at all, her entire body being shaken and rattled with all of this thrusting.
"I suppose.." Amelia sounded unsure. What he said about assimilating, she wasn't sure how to feel about that. Even if she did conform to their customs and whatnot, she doubted they'd ever see her as anything other than what she was. Shaking her head slightly, "I'm... fine." It was obviously a lie but it was her default response. "Just some rest I guess. And maybe water," she spoke and was kind of tired of resting, but at this rate it was all she would ever physically be able to do from how hurt she was. Leaning back she laid down on the side that wasn't injured. "I guess I should probabaly thank you."


The noises never ceased and not only was being shaken from the movement but also more subtly from the orgasm building up. It took only a few more thrusts before she was moaning as loudly as physically possible through the gag and then exploded all over him as she was breathing rather heavily. Little shivers of pleasure could be felt and even some more noises could be heard as well. She was vaguely aware that he likely hadn't given her 'permission' but at the moment she was too into the sexual activity to think much about it.
Sighing quietly, Bellamy felt quite offended that Amelia lied to him. Clearly, it was not the truth and he wanted to know the truth. He retrieved a bottle of water and then squatted down beside of her, handing the bottle to her. “You don’t need to thank me, Amelia. I was doing this because I care about you but I know you’re not fine so how about you tell me what you are feeling right now. What’s wrong and don’t lie to me. I already know you too well.” He spoke, crossing his arms and waiting for her answer, curious as to what was going through her mind at the current moment in time.


Ryan did not pay too much attention about the lack of permission at first. Instead, he felt too damn good to acknowledge it and stop. Not too much longer after this, his own orgasm reached and his cock flexed and clenched before the amazing, euphoric orgasm took over his body and his semen spurted out of the tip of his cock and filled her up to the very brim, making him throw his head back and loudly moan while kissing her neck, letting her tight little pussy be filled with his juices again as he played with her body, wanting to just feel her skin on his own for the time being.
Taking the bottle she opened in to take a sip while mentally frowning. It was still hard for her to believe that he actually cared about her, except maybe in the way of her staying alive to give them useful information. She couldn't exactly forget a lot of the things he did to her in the blink of an eye, even though he probabaly would have preferred if she just suddenly got over it. Of course she was in no shape physically, or mentally, to argue with him so she just sighed after drinking a good portion of the water. "Nothings wrong.. other than my shoulder injury..," she first said and didn't intend for it to come off rude or anything of the sort. "Or that I don't want to get better.. people died. And I'm not looking forward to what way you come up with to punish me with a knife," she said hesitantly and was already bracing herself for a bad reaction. She didn't much feel like bringing up past torture, so she didn't specify, nor was she trying to start anything but he wouldn't have let her just dismiss what was wrong with her otherwise, so she had to say something. And saying that was probabaly the safest answer she could give.


Clarke was just coming down from her own orgasm when he had his. She felt too good to think about anything else at the moment and was really enjoying the different ways they could now experiment since they liked the same things. Finally her breathing was getting to be normal again as he experienced his own pleasurable sensations and she really liked how they were able to make each other feel so good. She almost said 'I love you' but knew he wouldn't really be able to decipher what she said so she would just wait until later to tell him that.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Amelia. I’m not going to punish you for what happened. Instead, I’m going to reward you for being brave. Just because other people died does not mean you deserved to die, too. I want you to get better and you need to get better. I am going to help you even though you keep pushing me away. Those deaths are not on you. Those deaths are on that scout that killed them for no reason and injured you, too. We will take revenge on them, I promise you that much. You just get some more rest and let me know if I can do anything else for you. I’ll have some of the others with medical training look at your bandages again soon. Until then, I have a few matters that need my attention but I’ll stop back by here soon.” Once stating this, Bellamy patted Amelia gently on the back of her head before crawling towards the entrance of his massive tent and standing when he could. After shooting one final glance to Amelia, Bellamy exited the tent and zipped up the opening to give her some sense of privacy. Perhaps she needed some space right now and he intended on giving that to her to an extent but her injury still needed attention.


Deciding to give Clarke a break before continuing, Ryan untied her. The bindings on her ankles and hands were removed first before the gag coming off last. Of course, the gag was always going to be the last thing removed. Once she was free of her bondage, Ryan pressed a kiss to her soft lips and gently held her hands within his own. “I loved that so much. I love you so much. Let’s just take a little break right now and cuddle and talk all you want before I experiment with a few different things.” The male spoke eagerly, showing how excited he was to continue playing with Clarke after a brief intermission.
It was probabaly good he had to go do some things because the girl wasn't exactly sure what to think, let alone say in response to his words. She couldn't say that she expected him to speak of somehow rewarding her and had obviously expected something bad to happen once she was better. When he left it was hard to say how long it was before someone came in to check on her bandages but eventually they did. Things seemed to look fine but they cleaned it a bit more before putting on fresh bandages. They didn't really talk to her much other than saying she was lucky to have gotten back to camp when she did. Other than that she was found to be by herself again and used the time to finish off the water bottle before laying down again.


When he untied her, Clarke did rub her wrists lightly to help with the soreness. While they weren't cuffed extremely tight, they still became a bit stiff or sore. Particularly when they were in the same position for awhile. "I love you too," she whispered with a smile. She had really liked their last couple of times and knew that he definitely had as well. "Oh, experiment? Is it a surprise?" she asked curiously but had a feeling it probabaly was. He normally liked to keep her guessing, she knew, while moving to lay against him. It felt good to relax with him for a bit before doing anything else.
It took around two more hours before all the weapons had been cleaned and checked out. Most weapons and bullets were salvageable and of course Bellamy got to choose what weapons he wanted while also choosing who got whatever guns he wanted them to have but he kept the bulk of them in his tent, thinking of a place to lock them up in storage so he could control everything. With three or four massive bags filled with guns, Bellamy returned to the tent and greeted Amelia. He was actually not sure if she knew what a gun was or not so he dumped a couple at her feet and held one in the air in front of her. “See this? This will make us invincible. Have you ever heard of guns before?” He questioned, tilting his head at her and placing a bullet in the chamber of a handgun then unloading it to pass the time.


“Yeah, it is a surprise. I’m going to live out a few more of my fantasies I’ve had about you. I think you’ll love them too, though. I’m having so much fun with you down here. I think we’re very lucky to be given this chance.” Ryan spoke quietly, still nuzzling her against his body. If it were not for this project on Earth, then they would both have likely been floated already. Their love was too strong to die it seemed and nothing would ever impact them. Lying across of Clarke, he stared to stroke his fingers through her blonde hair and begin peppering kisses down her neck towards her collarbone, enjoying their time together where they didn’t have to do anything.
While she didn't sleep the whole time, Amelia did lay down the whole time she was by herself other than when her wound had been checked. It seemed silly to move more than she had to which was why she wanted to take it as easy as she could for her shoulder to get better. Who knew when they would attack the village, but they'd probabaly force her to go, and she didn't want to still be injured if that happened. When he came in and dropped the weapons by her, instinctively she pulled her feet up closer to her and away from them. She had never seen a gun before but had heard the word before. A hint of a frown had graced her face when be said that in a tone that might have been too confident but she ignored that and just responded to the question. "I've heard the word before... but I haven't seen one. My people don't use them though." There were reasons for that but he probabaly wouldn't understand why, she thought.


Clarke was curious, of course, when he spoke and did say it was a surprise and that it had to do with more fantasies. He did seem to be under the impression that they would both enjoy them, which she had no doubts that they would. "I think we've had a lot of good luck," she spoke and thought of how he just recently almost died since they've been on earth. Smiling she shivered a bit in pleasure at the kisses and enjoyed as he ran his fingers through her hair. "And now there won't be anything to seperate us again.." she whispered and used her own fingers to caress his face. It was definitely crazy to think about the different ways they had been lucky but she was glad for it.
Hearing that guns were scarcely used brought a smile to Bellamy’s face. “That’s perfect. It just means we can overtake some of the other villages much easier. A bullet will overpower an arrow. These things are easier to aim and do much more damage. It is a great time for us. I’m glad you’re here to witness it Amelia. I think we should go out for a walk soon. I know you need to rest but you also need to keep your body moving so your muscles don’t atrophy.” After saying this, Bellamy packed all his weapons back into the bag, locking them away inside some kind of safe box inside his tent. They were all safe now and Bellamy slipped one handgun inside the back of his pants, deciding to keep a weapon on his person always since the world was unpredictable and Bellamy had no idea when they might need to be protected. Once everything was packed away, he gestured to Amelia with his left hand for her to get up. “Come on now, let’s get some air. It will help your recovery anyways.” Bellamy murmured, crossing his arms and staring right down at the woman, waiting for her to respond.


“I love you, Clarke.” Ryan whispered softly before pressing their lips together in another kiss. Both hands cupped the blonde’s face lightly while lying on top of her body. At this point in time, Ryan felt recharged and ready for some more fun. “Now, you can just lay right here baby. Let me get a couple things together and then we’ll play again.” After saying this, Ryan pulled away from Clarke and stood tall while searching through the bag he brought with them. A blue scarf and a red scarf was removed and Ryan returned to his lover. “Cross your wrists together for me baby, in front of your body.” Once giving this order, Ryan gently wrapped the blue scarf around her wrists and tied a tight knot in the center of her wrists before repeating the same process with binding her ankles. Once Clarke was bound again, he began kissing down her body, his hands resting on her ass while pressing against her skin.
Amelia was almost relieved when he didn't bother asking why and was just focused on the fact that grounders didn't use guns. The reasoning actually felt a little silly to explain anyway and was probabaly better left alone. She didn't think a victory wouldn't be quite so easy if scouts got the best of them like they had last time, but she didn't say that. Instead she felt weary about the thought of trying to take a walk and she was actually nervous about where they were walking to. She couldn't help but assume bad things considering how the last few days had been for her. "Fine.." she sighed lightly and thought air would be good. The destination if there was one, unnerved her though. Besides that, she wasn't in the mood to argue about a simple walk. "Where are we going?" she asked while slowly standing up using her good arm.


Clarke definitely felt the same way even if she didn't get the chance to say it before the kiss. But she knew that he knew that and that they both cared for each other deeply. Still she was curious about exactly what he planned to do and listened as he spoke of not moving. When he finally pulled out a couple of objects she saw that they were two different colored scarves. "Yes Master." There was obviously a hint of eagerness as well as amusement while she complied with what he said and crossed her wrists. They were then tied and so were her ankles. She was obviously enjoying the start of the new round as he began kissing over her body and responded to it. "Mmm you know I love that."
During the next week, Bellamy continued prepare camp for a war. He also paid close attention to Amelia, working to help her recover and she was doing just fine now. After a few more scouting trips, Bellamy and about one dozen other delinquents were ready to attack this certain village they had been looking at for a long time now. Everyone had been properly trained with fighting and with weapons. They were all ready to take the battle to the frontlines now. Bellamy just gave a speech to the group and told them this was key to their survival and everyone was rallied behind Bellamy for sure. Along with the group, he was forcing Amelia to come along. During the past week, he worked diligently to continue gaining her trust and hoping to twist her mind even further, mixing the perfect combination, in his mind, of good and bad towards her but he brought Amelia with him up front to lead everyone out the gates of the camp and that’s where they were going now.


Here’s where the exploration was going to continue for Ryan and Clarke. Sitting on his knees at Clarke’s bound ankles, he raised her feet into the air with both hands underneath her heels. Puckering his lips, Ryan pressed a few kisses down along the edge of her left foot, then kissed on top of her foot before trailing down to her toes. From that point, Ryan licked at her big toe and then wrapped his lips around it before kissing and sucking down the line of her toes. Once her left foot had been given attention, he moved towards her right foot and repeated the same process as well. When he finished, Ryan pushed her bound feet so his cock rested in between the instep of her feet, making her feet wrap around him. “Here’s another little fetish I’ve always had…” Ryan murmured, slowly grinding against her soft feet.
With every passing day it grew harder to fight against the growing confusion that Bellamy was ultimately wanting to cause. Sometimes it was hard to guess what mood he was going to be in where one time he could be acting nice towards her and the next he was 'reminding' her about her family and how they were only safe if she obeyed. Needless to say it was working as she would try to keep from getting on his 'bad' side. If he even had a side other than that and the whole nice routine wasn't just an act. But just as expected she was made to go to the village again. While this time he didn't seem to tie her up, she didn't have a weapon and was kind of relieved about that as she didn't want one. She didn't want to kill unless it was in self defense even though Bellamy had been subtly trying to twist her view point about her people.

They lead the way and luckily there wasn't issues this time. It seemed they had really prepared, she thought. There were scouts, but the group seemed more alert and many would trail off to silently take care of the threat which made it easy to just go right up t the village. Of course some people that weren't warriors were still awake and could be heard talking as everyone grew closer before they'd split away to ransack the village, but it was hard for Amelia to not listen into what the people would be talking about in the native tongue. Most was just pointless banter but there was one thing that caused her to grow slightly pale.


Clarke could almost safely say she hadn't expected him to start paying attention to her feet. It was different but not in a bad way. Actually she was just kind of glad that she wasn't too ticklish down there. Well she was but not to the point where the tiniest touch would send her giggling and squirming go get away, which was why she was able to just focus on what we was actually doing. She thought it felt kind of nice and soon enough he began to grind against her. "You had more I didn't know about?" she teased lightheartedly and obviously had no problems with what he was doing now and was even enjoying it as she would make little noises to indicate that fact.
They started inching closer to the village and it was late afternoon. Bellamy did not want to strike late at night since they did not have any light. While they scouted the place quite well, he did not have anything memorized down to the exact inch so some light to see where in the hell they were going was pretty damn necessary. The sounds of people talking filled his ear and Bellamy looked towards Amelia and noticed something odd about her facial expression but he did not really feel bothered by it or ask her what was going on. He figured she just might be having second thoughts about attacking this village or something like that. Nonetheless, everyone else was ready to go and the plan was set into action. There was some kind of watch tower near the east entrance and that’s where they wanted to overtake first. If they got an advantage in the air then that was best for everyone.

Bellamy silently moved through the bushes and trees along the edge of the village. He and a couple others were able to silently eliminate everyone from the tower. Bellamy thought about some way to get everyone outside and then was struck with an idea. Some kind of horn was in the tower, he figured it was some kind of warning horn like when the fog hit earlier. Unsure of what it was going to do, he blew the horn, hoping that the people of the village would slowly all file out of their homes together towards a specific direction, making it easy to keep track of everyone and easier to massacre everyone and be able to return back to camp before it was very late.


Simply, Ryan nodded in response before flashing her a charming smile. Pulling away from her feet, the male flipped Clarke onto her stomach before grabbing her ankles again and bending her legs backwards so her bound feet were in the air again. This time, he placed his cock back in between her feet from this angle and started to grind again, placing both hands onto her ass so he could squeeze and fondle the flesh. “I love you, my sexy little slave. Give your Master a foot job. Jerk me off with your feet. I know this is different but I am sure you can get used to it quick enough.” Ryan murmured, hoping she would continue enjoying this because he certainly did and that was obvious with how hard he was getting.
It was hard not to focus on what she heard but luckily no one seemed to notice the change in her. Either they didn't notice or they did and just had more pressing matters to worry about at this particular moment. But whatever the reason she was glad for it and didn't really want to talk, let alone when these people were about to massacre a whole village. She was always watched and forced to stay wherever Bellamy was, so it wasn't like she could warn the people living here. Things would have went very badly for her if she had anyway. Nervously she watched as people exited their homes after the sound of the horn. If the homes were a bit more sturdy and built better they could have just hid from the fogs inside and never left, but this was one of the smaller villages so the buildings weren't as grand and weren't as equipped to keep people safe from the fog. The warriors sleeping were easy to tell since they either had weapons in their hand or at their side. Those were the ones she first saw get shot. The loud noises from the guns still scared her and caused her to jump since her mind was still filled with grief from earlier words.


This was definitely knew for Clarke so she felt a little hesitant at first when he spoke of what he wanted her to do. Of course she was aware that he also realized this was something new and different. Despite the constraints and being in an angle that might not be considered the easiest way to pull off his request she slowly began to start moving her feet. At first she had a slight worry that she might move them to quick which would cause him to slip from her feet but then realized he either wouldn't let that happen or probabaly just readjust if it did somehow manage to happen. So before to long she was getting a little bit faster while trying to listen to make sure he was liking it and that she wasn't doing it in a way that was unpleasurable. So far that didn't seem to be the case which was what helped her grow more comfortable with doing this new request.
Everyone started to file towards a certain area of the village when the horn was blowing. A smirk grew across Bellamy’s face and when he noticed that the warriors and guards seemed to lead the way, he realized this was almost too perfect. On his count, the delinquents jumped from the grass and started firing. The first people to get shot were the warriors of course. Hardly any of these fighters were able to do anything against the weapons. A couple of them were able to hurl their spear at the group but they all missed because they did not have time to aim. After the biggest threat was taken out, the village people started scattering, screaming, and crying. Bellamy did not care nor did anyone else care as they fired off shots at everyone they could to soften the forces, hoping to take some prisoners as well to help around the camp and do the shitty jobs that nobody wanted to do. The center of the village was cleared out and then everyone broke into groups of three or four to scour the village for any survivors and Bellamy pulled Amelia along with him. “See Amelia, this could be your village but its not. I am a man of my word.” He reminded her, showing that he could do this to her village as well if she stepped out of line.


At first, Clarke’s strokes were uneven and hurried but it felt like the female settled into a pace rather quickly. With a growing smile across his handsome features, Ryan released a moan from his throat, keeping both hands on her bound ankles. Damn. This felt so fucking good and he allowed Clarke to know that. Usually, he was quieter during sex. He was pretty loud the last couple of times when she was all bound and gagged and he was moaning loudly and often right now. That meant he was certainly enjoying himself, feeling her soft feet stroking each side of his cock. This was better than any hand job and it was even up there with Clarke’s blow jobs. He loved whatever she did to him but this was new and this was sexy. He felt his cock throbbing already as he watched her cute feet all bound together while jerking him off. “Keep that up baby. That feels so damn good. You’re going to make me cum again pretty soon.”
As everything started happening, Amelia found that she couldn't even watch. The gun shots and the screaming and crying were more than enough to be heard that she didn't need to see it too. It was hard for the girl not to feel sick to her stomach but it was for more reasons than what was happening now. When Bellamy dragged her along and spoke of her own home, she suddenly felt about ten times worse as she realized things could get bad for her if he found out he didn't actually have leverage over her anymore. After not even a second she came to the decision to keep it a secret. Then maybe if he did eventually find out he'd see that he hadn't needed it and that everything he had done previously was enough to have her trying to keep it from happening again. Actually, she hoped to maybe even get him to care a little bit by that point about her.

"Bellamy..." Obviously more was wrong with her than what had just happened. They were by a home anyway that was obviously empty now and suddenly she felt the overwhelming need to forget about the mind numbing grief that was going on internally. It might have been sick or twisted but there was no other options. Even if she had the energy, or desire, to 'seduce' someone it wasn't like it would necessarily work, or that Bellamy would be okay with her fucking someone else. So she went with the obvious option, seeing as he was the only one around her all of the time anyway, it made sense in crazy and dark way.  So she figured maybe it would work since there were many others there to do whatever had to be done. So she tried to pull him along. Obviously she had no weapon and was in no state of mind to cause any harm if that thought even crossed his mind. "Remember what you said to me that first day?" Amelia knew the words were too vague for him to really be able to guess what horrible thing he had said but she figured her next words and action should be easy enough for him to get what she was talking about. "Prove it," was what she added before pressing closer to kiss him. She knew he thought of her as his property, or something along those lines, so she figured she might as well use that to her advantage to distract herself from the fact she had no loved ones left. At least that she knew of.


While it had seemed like a while to her before she settled into a decent pace and felt comfortable, Clarke knew it probabaly wasn't as long as she thought and that it was either fairly quick or an average amount of time. Either way she was starting to get the hang of it and had a rythm going by that point. It was easy to tell that everything they had done on the ground was more enjoyable to him than what might have been considered 'normal' sex. It was the same way for her too, she was realizing. While she had still enjoyed it before and was even vocal about it, the pleasure just seemed to be more heightened now. Hearing what he said she continued on with what she was doing and maybe even went just a tad faster as she stroked him with her feet and did her best to make him really enjoy what was happening. It seemed to be working both from what he said and the moan she had heard a few moments ago. She really enjoyed this and enjoyed being the one to make him feel good. And knew they could do this as much and often as they wanted.
When Amelia dared to speak his name, Bellamy truly expected some kind of retaliation. Clearly, the brunette was upset with the entire ordeal of slaughtering this village. Rightly so. Their moral values did not exactly line up and Bellamy expected some resistance. Keeping his gun aimed downwards and by his side, he turned to face the woman and see what she wanted to tell him. “What do you want?” Bellamy questioned, almost certain it was going to be something about what they just did or about begging to let her go to her family or to not kill her family. However, he was in for quite the surprise when she asked him to remember what he told her on the first day. To be honest, Bellamy had no idea what she was talking about because he said whatever the hell he felt like saying that day and did not bother to remember. It was not a big deal to him anyways. However, his memory was finally sparked when she basically jumped into his arms and kissed him. This took Bellamy by surprise and threw him off balance for a small moment until he recovered and then gladly returned the kiss. He felt the emotion and need behind the kiss and it was easy to tell she wanted to forget about everything. Indeed, it was sick and twisted but he was her only option right now for sex and she was just going to have to deal with that.

A smirk played on his lips as he continued kissing her, sliding his hands down to grab the woman by her ass and give a rough squeeze. After squeezing the flesh, he picked her up and placed both hands underneath her thighs and basically busted through that door of the empty house. A family probably used to live here but they were all probably dead now. Once inside, Bellamy walked her towards the form of a bed that was in the house and just dropped her down. Dropping his weapons and his backpack by the foot of the bed, Bellamy returned his attention on the woman. “It seems like you are starting to come to your sense.” A sadistic smile grew on his face and he realized what an amazing day this way. They destroyed one village and he was able to do this with Amelia right after their conquest. Crawling on top of the bed, he continued kissing her again and cupped her face, shoving his tongue right inside of her mouth and making the kiss as deep as possible to get the moment heated again.


At this moment, Ryan studied Clarke from head to toe. Her face was beautiful and her body was perfect. Curves in all the right places with a thick ass and some large breasts. Her legs were long and toned while her feet looked absolutely adorable and cute. Plus, the scarves binding her wrists and ankles added to the perfection. She was the perfect damsel in distress, the perfect hostage. The quicker that her feet moved, the more that Ryan moaned. Unsure of how long it had been, he knew his orgasm was approaching must faster than normal. He felt his length throbbing already against her feet and knew he was not lasting much longer. Throwing his head back when he felt the pleasure become immense, he squeezed her firm ass one more time before he finally found his release. Four spurts of his hot, sticky semen shot out from the tip of his cock. A few strings of cum landed all over her feet while the other overshot her feet and splashed all over her thighs and even her ass since her body was so close to him. “Clarke… Oh fuck… that was the best orgasm ever.” He breathed out while riding his orgasm with her. “I love you so much…”
A part of her knew how this was more than a little insane of her. To even be thinking about sex right now after the horrible incident that just happened was bad enough, but when you added the fact that the person she was asking it from was the one who orchestrated the whole thing just made it twice as sick. But in that moment Amelia felt extremely selfish in the fact she was only thinking of her own pain and loss rather than of all of the people who just died moments ago. So instead of feeling repulsed with herself, she was merely relieved when he didn't reject her. She didn't exactly think that he would, but she did realize that he could have just as a way to continually remind her who was in charge. But since it benefited him, the brunette would have been slightly shocked if he did push her away. The only time Amelia found herself wondering what the hell she was doing was after he had dropped her onto the bed. Luckily it wasn't uncomfortable, so it didn't hurt when he did that, but for that brief moment of him setting his things down, she questioned her own sanity.

Unfortunately for her, she felt like his words held a small amount of truth to them. Maybe not in the way he was referring to exactly, but it hit her that she had no reason to leave now. Even if he let her go right now, or another opportunity to escape presented itself, she had no where to go or no one to return to. That thought was enough at the moment to make her overlook the cruel pleasure he got from all of this. It was also why she went right back to the kiss without even a second thought. Pressing herself as closely as possible it wasn't long before she was tugging at his shirt to pull it off. It also made her realize how frustrated she had been since being recaptured which was probabaly another reason why she seemed so eager. She even helped to get rid of her own shirt and would have probabaly been willing to say anything to appease him even if she would regret it later.


Clarke was starting to be able to tell easier when he would get close to an orgasm. The months apart made it easy to forget little derails but now as they would make love more often she noticed little things just before he would cum. Like the way his member began to throb the closer he came to a release. Plus there was the more easy tell of him being vocal with the moaning. She did her best to continue the current pace she was going. While it may have been a little bit easier if she were on her back, she managed well enough and enjoyed being able to pleasure him in this way and in the position or way he wanted. Ryan really was her one and only love. Just before she felt the hot and sticky liquid on her skin, she knew it was coming and even without him saying it she could tell how much he had liked it. "I love you too," she breathed and even smiled despite the fact he wouldn't really be able to see it. "Did you really enjoy it?" The question may have been silly upon first hearing, or first thinking about it, but she just liked to hear how happy she made him.
Again, Bellamy was unsure about what exactly happened to Amelia. What changed her mind and made her want to have sex with him? It was a topic that Bellamy was able to spend hours thinking about if he tried. However, the young man decided to think about that later and perhaps ask Amelia herself, later. For now, all he wanted to do was have sex with her. If she was actually going to be into it this time, Bellamy was going to enjoy it so much more. They were already kissing and they were already getting heated. He felt the brunette pull at his shirt and assist him with removing the shirt completely. After the material was tossed to the side, Bellamy returned his mouth against hers, kissing her deeply and sliding his tongue inside of her mouth while stroking through her hair over and over again, pressing his body close to her. She seemed more eager than him because she was pulling off her shirt as well. Bellamy just smiled at her, helping her get rid of the thing. Both of his hands returned to her chest, squeezing her breasts over and over again before his mouth went to start kissing her exposed and naked chest.

His tongue played with and flicked her nipples before his teeth started nipping and biting on her breasts. Reaching down, the male pulled down her pants, pulling the jeans all the way down her legs. As he pulled the material down her hips, Bellamy made sure to kiss over her flesh, down from her thigh and all the way down until he was able to shed her pants completely leaving her clad in only her panties. His hands reached underneath of her body, gripping both of her ass cheeks while squeezing and massaging the flesh with his fingers, digging it deeply into the skin and even slapping her ass a couple times. “I can tell you’re enjoying yourself already. That’s good.” Bellamy growled into her ear before slipping two fingers inside of her panties and pressing into her clitoris, rubbing circles all over her mound as he continued kissing her and making sure she felt every inch of his body against her. “Tell me how badly you want me.” He murmured, his eyes dark and lustful at the moment.


“Yes, I loved it. I plan to have more fun with your feet in the future.” Ryan was already thinking ahead. If they were simply sitting around camp, he could pull Clarke’s feet into his lap and look inconspicuous. It might look like a girlfriend just relaxing her feet in her boyfriend’s lap when in reality it was going to give Ryan the biggest hard-on possible. He realized that his new love of her feet was going to open up so many new possibilities. It was going to be especially easy when Clarke could use her feet to pleasure him easily.

He pulled his cock away from her bound feet before crawling closer towards the blonde and sitting her upright to sit on her knees. “I think you’ll be tied up for a while today. I have to recharge because you have worn me out already. How about you give me a little show and struggle for me. I think you look so sexy when you squirm around and try to break free.” Ryan murmured, giving Clarke a quick kiss on her lips, moving his hands down onto her ass and squeezing her ass again while nuzzling their noses together again. Finally, he removed his hands from the blonde’s body so she could struggle for him.
It probabaly should have worried Amelia more that she was getting turned on so quickly. Part of it could have just been because she had already wanted sex before even entering the house, but it was slightly concerning to her that he was able to get a positive reaction out of her so easily. Then again the whole thing should have been more of a concern to her that she initiated it all, but those were concerns for a later time. For now she really wasn't able to think about that, especially when his attention ventured towards her chest. From how heated things were already getting, it didn't take much for her to begin making noises as he squeezed and used his mouth on her breasts. And then her pants were removed leaving her in just her panties. It was safe to say her reasoning for this was working as she found it hard to really think about anything else. Her senses were too overwhelmed with him, between touch, taste, and hearing it was hard to think about much else than what was currently happening. Of course she would remember her situation for a brief moment when he would speak but there was nothing she could say in response.

It was more than a little obvious she wanted this and couldn't exactly deny his claim that she was already enjoying it. If anything she was enjoying it more than she should of, but that was again a concern for a later time. Amelia was already moaning a little against his lips as he pressed closely and used his fingers to play with her clitoris. The woman could have easily came up with many different reasons why he wanted her to tell him that she wanted him, but it seemed irrelevant at that moment. If anything she was worried that he might stop if she didn't. "I need you." The words slipped out of her mouth without really thinking. It may have been stupid to give him so much power, but he was already the one in control out of the two of them so it wasn't likely it was drastically change anything. Or at least she thought so anyway. Later on it was very likely she would think differently though. "I need you," she repeated and clung to him a little more as she would get more turned on. "Take me.." she whispered in between kisses and it almost sounded like a beg as her want for this grew as things grew more heated.


A small smile graced Clarke's lips as he spoke that. The blonde was sure that he was already thinking of ways to sneakily please each other out in the open without anyone really realizing. While it was doubtful anyone would care if they had sex out in the open, and she was sure others from camp already had, it was more fun to think about what they could do sneakily without being caught. It kind of added a little excitement to whether they would be caught or not. When he spoke again, what he said was no surprise to her. She had already figured they would be away from camp awhile and spending more alone time together. While they already had, they were both young and easily able to regain energy to go more rounds which is why Clarke had suspected they were far from done.

The thought of a little show was amusing to think about, in a fun way of course. Once he had finished with the moment of affection Clarke took a minute to let her breathing return to normal from the activities they just finished a few minutes ago. Once she did that the blonde began to struggle a bit. She wasn't sure if he would like any dialogue with it but she added a bit anyway just to see how he would react. "Please don't... don't do this," she begged to him while struggling a bit more in an attempt to get free.
Bellamy knew that he was in control. Bellamy also knew that would never, ever change. However, he just enjoyed the prospect of hearing her beg for him and express her need for him. It sent him on a power trip that he enjoyed. It was one thing to know that he was in control. He did know that. However, he loved to hear when other people acknowledged that, especially when it was a pretty girl that was naked and he was about to have sex with her. It was so fun, watching Amelia look into his eyes and tell him that she needed him, that she wanted this. Bellamy was pleased to hear her say that not only once, but two more times. The smirk only grew across his face as he was kissing her, pushing close against her body. They had really came a long way from what happened when they first met. She was the feisty one, trying to get away from him and begging for him to not rape her yet here she was, suggesting that they have sex and basically push him into the small hut to get going. Not only was this not much of a romantic scene anyways, but they had just slaughtered all of these people and the only thing she was thinking about was having sex. Bellamy really liked how her evolution went and what she was thinking right now. He was pretty damn happy with things and he kept his mind in the present, ready to have some fun with her.

The dark haired male felt his brown eyes grow wide. While looking at the woman, Bellamy stopped rubbing her clitoris and instead reached down to dig his fingers into her firm, fleshy ass. It felt so round and fit so well in his hands. He kept squeezing over and over again as his lips connected to her neck one more time. By this point, he was rubbing his testicles against her thigh and rubbing the tip of his cock against her wet folds. His lips were leaving a few dark hickeys on her neck and finally he was ready to go. Raising his hips, he slipped his thick cock inside of her tight hole, moaning out when he entered her. His hands continued squeezing her ass over and over again while starting to thrust again and again, sending his cock deeper inside of her than ever before. “Oh yeah, I’ve missed this Amelia.” Bellamy whispered with a smirk, the makeshift bed already rattling and shaking violently with the force of his thrusting.


Almost immediately, Ryan felt his erection build again. Clarke started to twist her hands and wrists together, her fingers picking at the scarf that bound her tightly. Then, her cute feet started twisting too and she was really getting into it. Another source of pleasure for Ryan was seeing that how he tied her hands and feet made it impossible for her to escape that easily. She was actually tied up well and tight just like she had been kidnapped. Not only was all of that taking shape, but she was using dialogue as well. She was begging him to not do this to her and that truthfully made the male even happier.

“Yes, I do. You’re my captive now and I will do whatever I want with you.” Ryan growled, raising his hand up high to slap her right breasts and then using his other hand to slap her left breast as well. Cupping her left breast, he wrapped his lips around her nipple and started sucking. His intent was for Clarke to continue squirming and struggling while he kissed her breasts. After spending time with that one, he pulled back to give attention onto her right nipple and repeat the process he just used with her left nipple. Once satisfied, he pulled back and situation his cock in between her tied hands. “Now, be a good slut and jerk me off.” Ryan growled his order, looking into her beautiful blue eyes.
Amelia could tell, and already knew, that her saying that would please him. She also knew he wouldn't really understand why she said it, and probabaly didn't care why either. In the back of her mind she realized that she was creating a mess for herself by doing this but at the current moment she didn't really care. He might use her wanting this against her, but that was something to be concerned with later on once it fully hit her what she was doing right now. Plus it wasn't easy to think about that currently anyway as he dug his fingers into her ass which caused her to bite her lip a bit. He wasn't exactly gently with his actions but considering their first two times together, she was somewhat used to the rough nature of what he was doing. It was probabaly how she was able to handle it to some extent when he finally did push himself inside of her, which caused a gasp as she still wasn't quite used to his length and had to adjust to it.

Even if the brunette wanted to speak, she couldn't exactly say that she 'missed this' seeing as the last time he had forced himself on her. Of course she had been trying not to think about that, which was easy with her grief, but he made it hard when making comments like that. At any rate, she couldn't think too much about that anyway and was too focused on what he was doing and how painfully deep he was going. It took a few minutes for her to adjust to that but she finally did. When she finally did it was easier not to feel as tense. The moans grew louder as she clung to him and the kissing became more intensified on her end.


Clarke knew that the twisting wouldn't cause her to get free. Ryan knew how to tie a good knot though she wasn't exactly sure where he had learned to do so. Still she continued to act as though she were trying to get free and even pleaded a little bit more with him not to do whatever he wanted with her. When he spoke of her being a captive and slapped her breast, she made a startled noise but it was pretty obvious that she didn't mind him doing that. The second time she still made a noise but that time it was more for show since she expected it that time and did enjoy when he did things like that.

Clarke wasn't sure if he wanted her to continue when he started to give attention to her breasts hut she assumed so. So when he was doing that she still tried to squirm a bit and plead but sometimes a moan escaped from what he was doing. It might have kind of taken away from the playing the part of a captive, or maybe he would just like that more that she was making noises of pleasure even though she was begging with him not to do what he wanted with her. The blonde pretended to look hesitant and unhappy with his demand of jerking him off but she pretended to reluctantly comply as she began to use her hands and rubbed them up and down his cock.
While time passed during their interaction, Bellamy noticed the shift in Amelia’s actions. She went from feeling mostly pain to feeling all pleasure. Her moans were starting to grow louder and her kissing intensified the passion. In response, Bellamy used his own tongue on the woman, sliding the warm, wet surface inside of her mouth to deepen the kiss to the highest extent possible. He was starting to moan repeatedly, his hips slowly rolling against Amelia’s. His cock was pressing deep inside of the woman and he knew this had to be deeper than ever before. His fingers twirled around her long hair, twisting and pulling at her locks. His breathing increased and became deep, only breathing through his nose right now since his mouth was so busy with Amelia and kissing the woman with passion and desire. Bellamy had never experienced something quite like this before but it made him happy.

The hand not in her hair traveled down in between their bodies to begin massaging her clitoris. He wanted Amelia to orgasm again and he wanted her to enjoy the orgasm. With this thought in mind, the young, dark-haired male kept pressure on her clit and kept rubbing circles and other random shapes with every intent to bring her over the edge. His eyes were wide open when he pulled away from the kiss. “Fuck, you feel so good. You’re going to make me cum soon.” He muttered, wanting to keep his orgasm away for as long as possible. Bellamy wanted to take his time and enjoy this, so he slowed down his thrusting rate but still ensured that his girth hit deep inside of the brunette. He was gentle now and found he enjoyed this pace even though all they had done before was rough and fast. This was not so bad after all.


Honestly, Ryan enjoyed the mixture of emotions form Clarke. During one second, she was begging for him to stop. During the following second, she was moaning and had this look of euphoria on her face. “Keep going baby, you’re doing great.” He whispered to her so she knew he was enjoying this. When her tied hands wrapped around his cock and hesitantly started pumping up and down his length, Ryan moaned immediately. First of all, her soft hands felt nice on his rough, veiny cock. Secondly, seeing her hands tied together was an erotic scene in itself but seeing her hands tied together AND stroking his cock was enough to drive the young man wild. They were in their own little world right now and Ryan did not care about anything else during this moment.

When Clarke continued her attack with her hands, Ryan reached one hand up to cover her mouth. His fingers pressed over her lips so any moans or words she made were muffled. He chose to not use an actual gag to place inside her mouth because gagging her with his hand sounded just as hot. To ensure that she did make noises, his free hand slipped down in between of her legs, finding the entrance to her tight little hole before two fingers slipped inside of Clarke’s warm, wet pussy. Then, Ryan started to thrust them back and forth inside of her pink folds, his eyes wide open and looking directly into hers while they touched each other.
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