I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

Before long, Finn and Amelia reached the very back of the dropship. This was the end of the road for Finn and it was all up to Amelia now. With a simple nod of his head, he murmured a quiet “good luck” without even looking at her. Clearly, his conscious wished he could do more but in reality, this was all he had. Without looking back, Finn walked out another exit back into camp to avoid any suspicion and the lush forest and freedom stood out in front of Amelia.

Meanwhile, Bellamy and a group of five other delinquents were scouting ahead. The entire forest was absolutely silent with no signs of life anywhere. However, everyone knew to be vigilant and watch closely because they were more than susceptible to attack. Before they even reached the village though, something strange happened. A very loud horn rang out through the air and everyone froze. Nobody had any clue what this meant or who blew the horn. Was this some kind of call to attack? They started to run but quickly halted when they noticed something else different.

A greenish, yellow fog started rolling down the hills. This was definitely not something they wanted to stick around and explore because it looked deadly. Before Bellamy could even get anyone’s attention, the others started sprinting away in different directions just scared for their lives. Bellamy followed suite and started to sprint his way back towards the camp since they were not so far away. He also needed to warn the others back at camp. Maybe that bitch Amelia knew something about this fog.


Ryan continued to gaze deeply into Clarke’s eyes, just admiring her beauty. It was likely a total of three minutes before Ryan made another move. “It’s so sexy when you call me Master.” He purred into her ear, showing his appreciation for the term she just used. After a peck to her lips, Ryan grabbed the blonde by both of her hands to pull her upwards. With him, he grabbed the roll of duct tape and that was it. Pulling her to the nearest tree, a smirk was starting to grow across his face as the ideas started to spin.

He positioned Clarke beside a low hanging branch, raising her arms high above her head while her hands rested around the branch but did not actually touch the wood. Then, the young made took the duct tape and wrapped it around both of her wrists five or six times to hands bound tightly in the air. The branch location would prevent her arms from ever moving back down. A smirk grew on his face even more when he kissed Clarke again. “It’s time for your gag again. Keep those pretty lips shut for me baby.” Ryan whispered and ripped off three pieces of duct tape this time. The first piece went across her upper lip and the second went across her lower lip so they both overlapped in the center. The last strand of tape covered both of her lips and a sexier tape gag than before was finished. The look in his eyes showed how aroused this made him.
When they reached the end Amelia felt shaky at the thought of trying to run. Giving a nod in thanks she wasn't sure where to go. Because of her directions Bellamy would at least have an idea of the direction her village was in, since she told him it was the opposite way. Of course she had absolutely no idea about its new condition and that she had no home to go back to. She didn't get more than a few steps outside into the forest before she heard the faint sound of the horn. The woman groaned. There was no way she could willingly put herself in the situation of being beat again. Maybe she would have if she had any hope that he could be reasoned with but that just wasn't the case.

Amelia knew it was do or die and she made the only choice possible to her. Despite the pain she did the best she could to run to some nearby caves. They weren't as far from the camp as she would like but it would keep her safe from the fog.


Clarke could tell he liked when she called him that and figured she could probabaly do it a little more often. Maybe it would appease and she would get 'rewards'. Relaxing a little bit longer he then pulled her up and she didn't quite expect when he tied her hands to the tree. Well she had a feeling he would always keep her guessing now that they were experimenting different things in their relationship. Keeping her mouth shut she let him gag her again and even made some muffled noises once he was finished and squirmed around a bit.
Only a few moments after Bellamy started to run, he could hear faint screaming from his counterparts not too far away. His eyes closed quickly then reopened at the thought of what pain happened to them. Well, he was not so worried about their fate as was his own. No doubt those screams were of pain because of the fog. Bellamy did not want to find out what exactly happened so he kept on running and running. He was the only person to make it back to camp and he immediately began shouting to everyone. “Everyone, get inside of the drop ship. Now! Some kind of fog is coming our way and we are in danger!”

Everyone looked to Bellamy as a leader and nobody wanted to take that chance so everyone fled towards the drop ship quickly. He found his sister and was not even thinking about anything else during this time. Soon, everyone that was near the campsite found their way inside the drop ship. Bellamy watched the sickly fog roll over camp as he closed the door to the drop ship right before it actually reached and now all they could do was wait.


With both hands on Clarke’s ass, Ryan lifted upwards so they could wrap around his waist. Then, Clarke was suspended in the air while being held by her boyfriend so it would not be comfortable by any means. Looking deep into her eyes again, he smiled and kissed her lips over the tape gag and suddenly took his throbbing cock and just forced his way inside of the girl, penetrating her deeply as he moaned her name against the tape, starting to hold her body steady as his hips while thrusting harder and harder into Clarke, his cock hitting deep inside of her tight little pussy to provide her as much pleasure as possible.
Amelia barely made it to the caves when she started seeing the fog come into view and over the camp of the sky people. Had Finn stuck around slightly longer she would have warned him about it. She didn't quite understand it either. It was only a couple of days ago that it last happened, and usually there was more time in between each occurence, which was why she hadn't said anything to anyone. But she didn't dwell on that much while slipping inside the cave. It was likely they would all run in the dropship anyway the minute one person died so she doubted they would all die anyway. It didn't alleviate much guilt but she hoped at least Finn wouldn't die, since he had helped her. She went far back into the caves. At least she could try to sleep a little.. sometimes the fog didn't go away for well over an hour or two. But she was more concerned with eating which is why she ate and drank what was put in the pockets of the clothes.


As Ryan pulled her up, the only thing Clarke could really do was wrap her legs around him. The position was far from comfortable, and her arms felt a little shaky from how they were tied to the tree branch but that was almost forgotten when he thrust inside of her. It only took a couple of thrusts before she was at full arousal again, both of them clearly enjoying what was going on. The discomfort was momentarily forgotten as he caused pleasure to start coursing throughout her body. She began moaning against the tape as he continued to thrust hard, and fast inside of her.
Everyone inside the drop ship was panicking and asking questions about the fog. Sadly, nobody would have any answers at this moment in time. In fact, Bellamy did not even care about the fog or Amelia or about anything else going on within camp. The only thing he was thinking about was his sister Octavia. He was hugging her tightly and making sure she was alright. Thankfully, she was safe and everyone inside the drop ship was safe. It would be impossible to tell when it was safe to venture back out again though. Bellamy had no idea how to figure out when they should check again. For the meantime, he just released her from his grasp and let her sister do whatever while he relaxed and just rested. All of this shit was tiring him out so he decided to catch up on his sleep and take a nap right then and there while resting his head against the cool metal. By an hour or two, everyone was off doing their own thing and just playing the waiting game while they still asked each other about this strange fog.


Never before did Ryan think he would ever see Clarke naked, tied to a tree, and gagged. Already, her moans were getting him near the edge of his climax and he couldn’t stop moaning. His lips were insatiably kissing the duct tape and making out with her just like it was not even there. His hands remained on her thick ass and began squeezing even harder than before, his cock still hitting deep inside of the girl. “You can cum whenever you’re ready, baby. Your Master gives you permission.” He purred softly into her ear and started to kiss down her neck while sliding one hand down to begin rubbing her clitoris for extra pleasure.
Feeling grateful, the food had been more than enough to at least make her feel better, and full, despite how exhausted she was. Once she got back home and warned everyone, she did want to try and spare the persons life who helped her before her people attacked. Resting her head against one of the rocks, it wasn't comfortable but she fell asleep anyway. It was well over three hours later when she woke up and slowly went closer to the entrance to see if the fog was still out. Her heart pounded as she grew closer and worried she would go out and it would still be around causing her to die. Luckily that wasn't the case and she just hoped now she could quickly get back to her family. Keeping her head down low, she stayed close to the caves as she walked as to try and not be spotted. She didn't know the fate of the sky people but she wasn't sticking around to find out.


Clarke would have never thought something like this would be possible. She might not have every envisioned this per say, but it was better than anything she had ever imagined. She couldn't believe they were actually exploring the dynamics that they had both had fantasies of. It made it hard for her not to grow close to her orgasm rather quickly. When he gave her permission, and even used his fingers to rub her, that was what did her in. He barely rubbed circles a few times before she was moaning loudly against the gag and shaking as she came on him. Her bree thing was jagged as just inhaled through her nose and felt the pleasure coursing through her.
After ensuring Octavia was safe and sound, Bellamy decided to take a walk in the small area where nobody was hanging out around. After some time to himself, the male decided to check on his captive and find out some information about whatever the hell was going on. When he reached the holding area, his heart dropped when he saw Amelia was missing. How in the hell did she get untied and escape? There was no chance she did this on her own. Someone had to have helped her but he had not the slightest idea who it was because he thought nobody knew about all of this torture he was doing to her. To everyone else, he was simply asking questions. Well, Bellamy should have thought about that and all the screaming she did. It was a dead giveaway. Immediately, he swore to himself and decided to look around the drop ship to see if she was still inside because she did have her knife back now and she was a danger to them all. Bellamy had to be careful here.


Ryan moaned out rather loudly when Clarke came all over his throbbing cock. It just felt phenomenal as always. This allowed for a new angle from this position and he was just too happy while kissing her and playing with her body. After a few more thrusts and a few more of Clarke’s gagged moans, Ryan reached his own peak as well. He filled Clarke up to the very brim and even spanked her lightly a couple times while his seed just filled her up. After the orgasms finished, he nuzzled their noses together and just removed his girth from inside of her and finally undid the duct tape from her wrists and let her down onto the ground, leaning her against the tree as they were both breathing deeply, not quite ready to take off her gag yet.
Amelia knew she should just take off in a run, but after sparing a glance towards the camp and seeing no movement, she walked at a pace that was easy for herself but still kept her moving in the direction towards her home. All she could think about was seeing her family again, even though she knew her brother would demand answers about her physical state and what happened to her. She kept the hood over her head, keeping her head towards the ground. She might have had her knife back but she didn't exactly have the strength to fight and would rather not if she could just get away before being found out that she had escaped. Albeit not without help, and she knew what it meant for both her and Finn if she was caught.


Clarke was still breathing heavily as the orgasm slowly came to an end and she was able to start getting her breathing back to normal. When he undid the tape on her hands, they ached slightly as she moved them from  the position they had been in. She had closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy the little acts of affect on he did, like the nose nuzzles, and really enjoyed it. While he couldn't see, and she really couldn't do it, she would have been smiling had she not still been gagged. Once her hands were free she used them to hold him close while they were both leaning against the tree and just enjoying things for a little bit longer. She felt extremely content and couldn't have been more happy with their time together.
There were not any windows in the dropship to see out of. Therefore, Bellamy had to walk all the way to the nearest exit of the drop ship. He looked around and noticed the fog was gone. He returned to the front and checked the door and everything seemed alright. With that thought in mind, he told everyone else that the fog was clear but he did not mention anything about Amelia. What he did do was take one of his weapons he crafted and start looking for her. Something told Bellamy she would not escape out the front so the back exit was the only plausible exit. From that point forward, he was merely walking along the area to see if he found her. By most chances, she was probably dead from the fog if she found no place to hide. That sprouted the thought of him checking any nearby locations where she might could hide during the fog. No way she got that far especially in her condition in the little time that had passed by.


Finally, Ryan did remove the tape from her lips and toss it onto the ground. Gently taking her by the hand, he led her towards the water and gathered all the rope and tape and blankets, putting it close by. “I guess we should still wash off though. Especially now that we got even dirtier.” Ryan winked, pulling her into the water again. This little bathing took no time at all and soon they were both clean and ready to head back. They each had a towel and blanket to dry off with before getting dressed. It was actually disheartening for Ryan to see Clarke getting dressed again. She looked too sexy to be clothed but he knew it would not be able to last forever. When they were dressed, he took her by the hands again and hugged her tight to his chest. “Did you have fun, baby?”
With each step Amelia still felt like she wanted to pass out despite the few hours of sleep she had gotten. While she would have liked nothing more than to find some place to hide and rest, she didn't want to risk it. She didn't know if her captor survived the fog and wasn't willing to bet her life on if he died or didn't die. So the girl forced herself to keep walking as best she could. After a few minutes longer she almost swore she heard noises, but that could have easily been paranoia. Whether it was or not she forced herself to walk a bit more briskly. Her heart was pounding with fear from the thought of the fog, the sky people, and even her own people mistaking her as a person who fell from the sky thanks to the clothing.


Clarke hadn't much thought about the fact that they were 'dirtier' now and needed to wash off again, but the water did feel nice and cool after their little fun she had to admit. His words had caused a bit of a smirk as he had pulled her into the water. After a few minutes of being in the water, she even dunked her head to cleanse her hair before they retreated back to their clothing to get dressed again. While she was kind of sad they had to go back, she knew they needed to and it wasn't like they could get away again later on to be alone together. "I did. Did you, Master?" she smiled at him before placing a peck on his lips.
It took about fifteen minutes before Bellamy stumbled upon anything promising. A set of caves were just around the corner and he figured this was a perfect shelter during the fog. Entering the cave, he looked around the area and noticed how there were indeed some footprints along the area. However, the trail ended just outside the cave because of all the grass and forest around. Bellamy had no idea how to use any clues to track down a person in the woods for obvious reasons. The male just decided to walk forward in some random direction and hope it would lead him where he wanted to go. All he knew was that he must find Amelia before she got back to her people. If she got word to her village about what happened then all of the delinquents were going to be dead, that was for sure.


“Of course I did. You make a sexy submissive and I love you so much. Being called Master makes me feel happier than I ever imagined.” Ryan told the girl and a look of love and adoration spread across his face. Before moving, he pulled Clarke tightly into his body and wrapped his arms around her. “You’ve made this experience perfect. I love you more than you could ever know.” After whispering this to his girlfriend, Ryan pecked her lips one more time before pulling away just to grab her hand within his own as they started to walk back towards camp but Ryan kept them walking at a slow pace because he felt no rush and he just wanted to continue enjoying the sights and sounds of this forest.
From the caves to where she was, it was probabaly no more than twenty minutes, and with her current state it could probabaly take someone half of that time to get there. Amelia couldn't remember feeling so much anxiety before as she walked further and further away from the camp and closer towards home. Had it not been for the fog she wouldn't have been so worried, but now she had to worry that she was already being looked for. Shoving her hands in the jacket pocket, she dug her nails into her hand to try and focus on that pain rather than every little sound around her. Part of her just hoped she could run into someone she knew from home before getting there because it was hard traveling by herself while in so much pain.


Clarke found herself more than a little happy and relieved that he had enjoyed it so much. In hindsight it seemed silly that she had been worried he would think it was odd. But she has worried that it was something that he wasn't into and would look at her differently, not in a good way, when he had seen her surprise. "I'm glad to hear. I love you so much," she smiled and held him tightly while returning the kiss. She was also in no hurry to head back and was content to walk at just an easy pace and enjoy the sights with her boyfriend. Despite the conflict they would have to face down here, she was glad they were sent down as it meant being together while facing everything. Up in the Ark they were locked away by themselves while just waiting to die.
Bellamy continued walking forward with all of his senses heightened. For all he knew, Amelia’s people were already planning an attack or preparing the attack. His pace was quick and worrisome and after a total of fifteen minutes, he heard footsteps thirty yards to his left. Ducking down behind of some bushes, he watched as a figure appeared and for a brief moment he worried for his life until he noticed how the person was dressed. It was a sky person, thankfully. Shaking his head, he wondered why someone else was out so far. He slowly approached them from behind and after standing a few feet back, he spoke up. “Hey, what’re you doing out here? It is not safe out here for anyone.” Bellamy commented, not knowing who was really hidden in the clothes since the person still had his or her back away.


“Now whenever I look at you, I’ll be imagining you all tied up and gagged while I fuck you hard.” Ryan whispered into his lover’s ear as they walked. Once saying this, he just smirked and then winked at Clarke because he figured that’s what she wanted anyways. He was so happy that she decided to be bold because they both had the same fantasies and were just waiting to act on them. Now they were on Earth and could do this often so when they got back to camp, they noticed something seemed off but Ryan did not worry about that right now. “I think we should set ourselves up a tent. I don’t want to sleep in the drop ship all the time. No privacy.” He pointed out, seeing the wall was coming along well and everyone was starting to put up tents around the camp. He figured they might as well.
Walking a little bit longer, Amelia wished her village was slightly closer so she wouldn't have to go so far on her own, but sadly that was not the case. It was just a few minutes before she heard footsteps behind her and froze as he spoke. The voice made her internally cringe and her heart skip a beat. Couldn't she just catch a break? Amelia had no clue what to do. Obviously she couldn't speak or he would know it was her, but what could she do to get away? She could tell he was too far back for her to shove him and run, but luckily a swarm of birds squawked loud enough to hurt her ears before swarming around her, and maybe even Bellamy, for a moment. A burst of adrenaline kicked in and she took off running as fast as she could and hoped the oddity would confuse him long enough for her to get away. She wasn't entirely sure that she could outrun him, but maybe luck was finally on her side.


Clarke couldn't help but smile and she knew she would think about that as well. She couldn't wait for the next time they were able to have some alone time again. It did seem like something was off when they got closer to camp, but if it was anything too bad they would be told about it soon enough anyway so she didn't let herself worry too much just yet. "I think so too. That way we won't have people coming in and out all of the time," she agreed. "Do you want to start on that?" she asked and wouldn't mind working on having their own space.
Eyes squinted, Bellamy waited for an answer. Something was wrong but he could not tell what because a loud screeching noise sounded followed by a swarm of birds flapping violently nearby himself and this unknown person. In the distance, he saw this person taking off into a sprint and though he had no real reason to follow, he decided to sprint anyways. His reaction time was thrown off because of the birds and he was unable to sprint at full speed until making his way around the swarm. Eventually, he was hitting a full sprint and rather easily tracked down this person. When he caught the figure, he reached his hand out to grab underneath both triceps and spin around so the person was easily toppled down onto the ground with himself. After sliding across a few rocks, Bellamy grunted and panted before flipping Amelia over and seeing her identity. The shock was clear on his face as he now hovered over her, both arms pinned above her head as he was unable to speak.


Ryan led Clarke back inside the drop ship to find the proper materials. The tent itself, a couple sleeping bags and blankets, nails, and a hammer. Plenty of supplies were given for tents from the Ark since this was the only way they would have shelter if something happened to the ship. Then, Ryan walked himself and his girlfriend away from the center of the camp but not too far away from anyone before deciding on their little spot of land. “How about here?” He asked, glancing around before unfolding the tent and quickly grabbing one of the nails and the hammer to start driving the stakes into the ground for support. Ryan intended to do all the work here so Clarke could just relax and watch him for now.
How she was managing to run as fast as she was, Amelia had no clue. All she could think about was the fact that if she was dragged back to the camp then she would never get another opportunity of escape, or worse, she might not even be capable of walking for a long time once he was through with her. So it just made her run faster and faster until her lungs started to ache. While she wanted to be able to stop, she couldn't quite do that, and the choice was made for her anyway as she felt an hand tug on her arm, which caused her to trip and stumble. Scrapping against some rocks as she fell down, the pain should have left her unable to move, but fear and adrenaline were taking over. All she wanted to do was be out of this nightmare and somewhere safe again. Her breathing was ragged as turned her over from her stomach onto her back. Sheer desperation was kicking in as she tried to twist her hands free from being pinned down and seeing the shock made her take advantage and do the only thing she could think to do. Using her head she slammed it against his own. It may have been stupid as all it did was hurt her too, which it hurt like hell, but she hoped the pain would be just as bad, or worse, for him and cause him to loosen up his grip.


Clarke helped grabbed a few of the things they would need to set up a tent. There really wasn't much in the way of pillows, but makeshift ones could be made easily enough with a couple of extra sleeping bags and a couple of blankets to stuff in them. The bags felt soft enough so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. "This looks fine," she agreed. It wasn't too far away for it to be considered unsafe and for people to get to them easily if they were needed. Plus it was just enough away for them to have a good sense of privacy, which she liked. Setting the stuff down she sat close by to where he was working. It seemed like he was going to do it by himself, but if he needed anything then she would hand it to him and was enjoying the view.
Certainly, Bellamy did not expect for Amelia to use her head as a weapon. His eyes were glaring down into Amelia’s when this happened so he was able to react somewhat quickly to the movement of her head but their skulls still contacted violently. It must have hit Bellamy right in a sweet spot because it fucking hurt so bad and he released her from his grip. If Bellamy was not pissed off right now, then he was certainly pissed after this. He spent a few moments on the ground clutching his head hoping for the pain to subside but he realized this was Amelia’s chance to get away so he forced himself back up to his feet and took off running. It was a valiant effort to get away but Bellamy tracked her down again. This time, he shoved her down face first and was on top of her from behind so she was unable to use anything as a weapon. His body kept her pinned down and her arms were also restrained to the ground. His lips touched her ear and he whispered something into Amelia’s ear. “You should not have done this, Amelia. I told you to fucking stay put. I don’t know how you got out but I will find out.” Bellamy promised to her and he did not sound like he was in a mood to compromise or forgive. There would be grave consequences for the woman to pay because of what she had done.


Within the time of half an hour, Ryan finished the tent. It was sturdy and set up for himself and Clarke. All sleeping bags and blankets were placed inside before Ryan grinned at his girlfriend and crawled inside before motioning her to join him. This tent was rather small but that did not matter. It just meant he and Clarke would be closer together and that was perfectly fine with him. It already felt like a nice little home for them to sleep in at night to be safe and just get away from everyone else. When he pulled Clarke inside with him, his arms immediately went around her waist and their bodies were flush together. “It is a tight fit… but I like it like this. Now you don’t have a choice but to cuddle with me.” Ryan teased, leaning forward to nuzzle his nose against her cheek sweetly.
Luckily it worked,and Amelia scrambled away rather fast. Her head ached more than she would have liked, and it ended up being for nought as he caught her again within a couple of minutes. Wincing in pain as she was shoved back onto the ground, stomach first this time, she felt paralyzing fear kick in as she barley moved a muscle. Not only that but the pain was starting to return as the adrenaline wore off. She didn't comment on him finding out who helped her, but already planned to deny she ever saw who they were because of blindfold. "Let me go, I just want to go back to my family. I won't tell anyone anything.." she begged and was too ashamed to even tell anyone half of what he had done to her. "Or... kill me. I can't take anymore!" she whimpered, and despite the previous action, she was afraid of him. Already she was shaking uncontrollably, and knew she wouldn't be able to handle another round of torture well. If at all.


Clarke did whatever little bit she could to help, but Ryan pretty much had it all under control. So for the most part she just watched and let him set up the tent. It ended up being a bit on the small side, but that didn't really matter to her. The only things that would really do in there, aside from sleeping, was activities that would require them to be close anyway. After he was done he pulled them both inside and she couldn't help but smile amusedly. He almost made it sound like her cuddling with him would be a bad thing, but it wasn't to her. If anything she enjoyed the thought. "No, the horror!" she grinned playfully and lightly caressed his face with one of her hands.
Somehow Bellamy found this amusing. The fear kicked Amelia into gear and her true colors were showing. She looked vulnerable and Bellamy decided to take a different approach. Leaning down close to her, he pinned both of her arms above her head while whispering to her. “Do you really think your family wants you back after this? You led us right to the other village, remember? Your body is defiled and nobody will ever want you again. You might not realize it Amelia, but back at our camp, that’s where you belong. I fed you, I kept a roof over your head. I was merely trying to extract information because of what your people did to mine.” Bellamy decided his new approach would twist everything around. Physically and mentally, she was vulnerable. If he was able to twist her beliefs and viewpoint on the situation then something incredible might happen. This might not work and Bellamy understood that but he wanted to try and see how she reacted to him acting this way.


Ryan turned his head slightly so he could kiss the palm of her hand on his cheek. Both of his legs wrapped around her waist and his arms were around her shoulders. “God, I can’t stop thinking about how sexy you looked all tied up.” He whispered to her in a sexy little admission. Yes, he looked at her differently now but in a good way. That’s almost all he could even think about now. He was such a lucky guy. “Think about all the free time we have now. I was so scared I would never see you again, Clarke. I can’t imagine a life where you’re not with me. We’ve been through so much together but all of it has been worth it if we finally got to earth." Ryan murmured, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. Obviously his love for Clarke was special. He got arrested and sentenced to being floated just because he sneaked inside the sky box to see her. He had thrown away his life for this girl but they were given a second chance now.
Amelia knew he would refuse, though she did not expect what he did say. Some of it was easy to dismiss, but the rest was harder, especially with how he twisted things around. While she wasn't so easy to believe her family didn't want her, she did already have thoughts that no one would in a physical way because of what happened. So it didn't help when he brought that up. "No..." she shook her head, but the hesitancy probabaly made it clear that some of what he said got to her at least a little bit. "You took me before they did anything.." While Amelia was pretty sure about that fact, she had blacked out and who knew how long she had been unconscious. It could've been hours and she wouldn't know that. "Your wrong.." she insisted but couldn't be certain about anything other than his mention of her family and the fact that his 'taking care of her' was that he kept her tied up and tortured. Her people was also no stranger to torture, so she wasn't sure they would condemn her for breaking under pressure.


Clarke cuddled closer to him as she rested her hands around his neck and lightly ran her fingers on the back of his neck. A smile creeped onto her face as he again mentioned their activities from earlier and was glad that her surprise turned out so well. While she could tell he was thinking, and looking, at her slightly differently it wasn't in a bad way, she knew. Now that they were free they could really explore their relationship. Nodding slightly she agreed with everything he said. "It has" she agreed. "I can't imagine my life without you either. Which is why I was so scared after you were hit with the spear.. I never want to see you hurt like that again," she admitted softly. Of course she knew the reason why they were given a second chance down on earth, because the Ark was dying. At this particular moment she wasn't thinking about that though. "I know we can get through anything together."
While every word Bellamy spoke did not resonate with Amelia, he was smart enough to know at least a few did. A light chuckle left his lips and he kept the girl pinned down. “You’re rushing to a judgment, Amelia. I was simply protecting my people. Now I understand that you are not such a threat. You can have a better life back here at our camp. Nobody else will want you. You’re special Amelia and I realize that.” His voice was so soft and sweet, very out of context for how he had been talking to her and acting towards her. Bellamy hoped this would confuse her and really serve to make his purpose true. He intended on bring Amelia back and still keeping her captive but hoping that her mental state would soon become so bad that she could not fight off whatever he was saying. He looked deep into her eyes again before slipping one hand underneath the shirt from behind. “Nobody will ever care for you like I do.” He murmured into her ear eagerly, his tone continuing to change.


“I will do my best to be safe and not risk anything again but I refuse to let you get hurt, Clarke. I love you too much and I would do it all again but you helped save me with your medical expertise and I am alright now. We are alright. I know that no matter what we are faced with here on Earth, we can survive it together and we will be alright.” Ryan whispered this into her ear before letting their lips touched together again. His legs remained locked around her body and he was now lying on top of her. Just thinking about how close he was to losing Clarke if he had not jumped in the way was terrifying and made him hold the blonde closer to his body. His nose nuzzled against her cheek before kissing the crook of her neck, arms wrapping around her body and placing his hands onto her waist and holding her closely to his body.
"I was never a threat!" Amelia spoke, interrupting slightly at the beginning. Maybe that wasn't completely true, as she had fought off some of the people, but that was only after they wanted to take her prisoner. It was all kind of a moot point though as nothing said could change what happened, and she understood that. While it probabaly could have had a double meaning, Amelia involuntarily took it to mean nobody would want her sexually or romantically. Which was why she internally cringed when he said it again. When you coupled that with him suddenly acting.. kinder? The woman didn't know how to react or respond. It wasn't easy to forget a few of the things he did to her, which just made it confusing when he continued to speak. She was still scared of him harming her again yet with the way he was acting she didn't quite know what to expect. Vaguely she was aware, or at least pretty sure, she didn't have any choice about going back or not, and that he was screwing with her with what he was saying, but she didn't quite know what to do either.

"No..." was all she could think to say again, but didn't quite sound as certain as before. She was conflicted on believing that he cared anything for her, yet his tone was convincing, but she was growing tired in every way and was tired of fighting a loosing battle. Maybe if she just complied he would act more like this and not treat her badly? Please..." she begged again in a low voice and just wanted to see her family again. Her resolve was dwindling by the minute though and she ended up speaking barely above a whisper. "What do you want from me?"


While Clarke understood that he would do anything to keep her safe, and almost died to protect her, it was still hard to think about his life being in danger again and it being indirectly her fault. It made her feel lucky to have someone that cared so much about her, but she also dislike the thought that there might be a next time and that she wouldn't be able to save him. This made her hold him a little tighter as they held each other. Extending her neck a little she liked when he gave some attention to her neck. After a moment she did the same thing and trailed kisses upward until she reached his lips. "I love you," she breathed and wanted to do whatever she could to keep everyone safe, that way in turn he would be safe and not have to risk his life protecting her. "I know your right and that we will manage to survive down here."
Every word Bellamy spoke was starting to resonate with Amelia. He realized this and saw the confusion within her eyes. For a few moments, he realized that her expression went from defensive and threatening to merely scared and exhausted. She was not showing herself to be fighting anymore. Bellamy thought this interaction was truly going his way and everything was going to end up well for himself. He waited for Amelia to stop and he just simply shook his head and laughed dryly. “I just want to keep you for myself. I want to give you a nice life and make each other happy. You’re not even giving me a chance, Amelia. You will learn that life is tricky and sometimes that you might not realize it at first, but things do work out in the end. This is a blessing for us both, Amelia. You need to give this a chance.” He murmured quietly into her ear, a smirk growing across his face.

After a few minutes passed, Bellamy finally lifted off the girl’s body but kept her pinned down enough so she could not do anything drastic. However, he did wrap his arms underneath her body and pulled her into his arms to carry her. A smirk was still on his face looking confident as ever. “Now, let me just take you on back home to our camp.” Now he was going to carry her like a true gentleman but he was never off his game because he was ready for anything that she was going to attempt. However, the male did not expect anything from Amelia since she just looked like she was giving up. Bellamy wanted to make sure it stayed that way so now he needed to continue showering her with affection for her emotions to be further played with.


Ryan continued smiling at Clarke, finally pulling away from the kiss. While he wanted to remain inside of their tent for a longer time, they did need to help out around the camp and help building the wall. Holding Clarke’s hand within his own, he pulled the blonde out of the camp. Everyone was doing their own thing as the night was becoming near. Ryan pulled his girlfriend towards the nearest part of the wall of the camp. His eyes scanned the nearby area, finding some tools for himself and Clarke to use to help cutting some woods and putting the logs against the wall. It was nice to just be outside and take in the air while starting to build up their walls. He had no idea what was happening now and who would attack next. It was up to them to keep their people safe and make sure that all was going to be alright. During their time, Ryan constantly talked with Clarke and made little passes at her so they both enjoyed their time.
Listening to what he said, she didn't particularly want to give 'this', or him, a chance. Everything that he had done previously was still in the back of her mind, which was what made it hard to accept the nice act. Yet she was pretty sure she couldn't actually refuse to go back to the camp or else he might just revert back to torment and torture. It was slightly startling when he did pick her up and she subconsciously wanted to refuse and to walk herself. Whether she could walk very well or not, she wasn't actually sure, since she had barely managed to get all this way on her own before he found her. It bothered her to think she'd never be free anymore and couldn't see anyone she knew again, but she was too exhausted and knew she couldn't fight and escape in her current state. In the end she ended up passing out from now tired she was and everything she had been through. It might have been for the best because she probabaly would have started freaking out when the camp came into sight from her horrible time spent in the dropship.


Reluctantly Clarke got up with him and knew they should start doing something productive to help the camp. While she would love nothing more than to just lay around with Ryan all day, that would not keep them or anybody else safe. So she followed him towards a spot not too far from where they had been to start working on the wall. Taking one of the tools she helped with cutting some logs and was glad to talk with him to help the time be more enjoyable. After doing that for a couple of hours Clarke left for a few minutes to go grab them some water and rations from in the dropship. They hadn't eaten much of anything since landing and she wanted Ryan to keep up his strength. "It's not much.. but it should be enough to tide us over until we can figure out what to do about supplies," she said when coming back and sat down beside him with the food and water.
After taking a few more steps, Bellamy noticed how Amelia simply passed out and became dead weight on top of his arms. Well, he should not expect her fighting back while he carried her back to camp. However, she became so much heavier after slumping over unconscious in his arms. The walk home was not quite as long as Bellamy thought. Upon arriving inside of the camp, people did look at him curiously and with strange eyes but nobody questioned him. Whether or not the girl was dead, no one really cared to ask. During his entire time spent away from Amelia and before meeting her, Bellamy prepared himself a large tent in the middle of the camp. It just radiated leadership and being in charge because it was in the center and it was big. Inside, he lightly placed her down onto one of the sheets, even covering up her body and deciding to take a seat beside of her. The male just wondered how she would react if he started to take care of her and resist being violent and tormenting.


Ryan thanked his girlfriend for retrieving some food and water for them both. When she returned, he gladly accepted the food and bottle of water. Thinking about the supplies left for them on Mount Weather, Ryan could not help but cringe. Last time they attempted to find the mountain, Ryan almost lost his life. Nobody wanted to go with them before and nobody would surely want to go this time. The threat was very real and apparently Mount Weather was strictly off limits. How in the world did they gather supplies? Fresh water was abundant but food was a different story. With no animals and no cooking ingredients or utensils, what were they to do? Ryan merely shook his head and started to eat his small rations. His only objective was ensuring that Clarke was fed enough and her level of energy was solid. “I don’t know, babe. We’ll have to talk to other people. I don’t even know if we should try it again though.” Honestly, Ryan was not jumping with joy at the thought of going back towards Mount Weather again. They would just have to see what other people thought. “Do you have any ideas?” He asked Clarke, lightly placing one hand onto her face, cupping her cheek in a gentle manner.
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