I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

Amelia wasn't sure how long she was out for, but when she did start to wake up it was easy to tell something was different. The whole trying to escape thing almost just seemed like a dream that turned out horrible and she expected to wake up back in the dropship tied up like she had been before. Either that or what happened was real and she still expected to wake back up there with being bound, gagged, and blindfolded. That didn't seem to be the case though as she found herself looking up at unfamiliar surroundings and even realized there was a sheet over her as well as the fact she was still wearing the clothing from before. She was momentarily surprised by all of this that she didn't even notice if she was alone or if anyone else was there with her.


Drinking some of her own water, Clarke was also hesitant to go back towards Mount Weather. There had already been one attack that caused a life to almost be lost, and she didn't really want the possibility of that happening again. So when he mentioned about not being sure about trying to go there again, she had to nod slightly in agreement. Starting to eat the bit of food she thought for a moment as he asked if there was any ideas she had. Smiling lightly as he touched her face, she knew she didn't want to risk him getting hurt again. There had to be some other way they could get food... "Well... there's people down here. That means there has to be more animals than just the deer, right? Maybe we can hunt," she spoke but knew trying to hunt for food couple be just as dangerous. "Or maybe there's other places that were stocked with supplies.. Mount Weather can't be the only place." How they would find them though was beyond her.
Bellamy noticed when Amelia woke. The male slowly crawled beside of her and crouched down beside of her. Gently, he took his right hand and placed it onto her cheek while his other hand started to slowly massage the small of her back. “Hey there, Amelia. How are you feeling now?” He questioned, still taking that gentle and different tone from before. The male finally retracted his touch and pulled the blankets up tighter to provide more comfort. “Can I get you anything?” Bellamy continued, acting as if they were just close friends and she was spending time together with him inside his tent. Bellamy was acting accommodating to her and just doing everything he could to make this better for her. She would probably have many more questions but he did not care. Bellamy would answer them and continue this psychological torment and confusion.


Ryan started thinking, his mind rolling with possible solutions to their issue. Yeah, they could probably hunt for other animals because some other humans had to survive somehow but hunting would not be the only thing they could do. “Well, I don’t think we should try Mount Weather again but we could search that map for any other places that might have supplies. Anything underground or somewhere else.” Ryan suggested with a shrug, leaning down with a kiss. A couple hours had passed and it was getting dark. Obviously, they would not start on anything until tomorrow so since it was getting late, he gently tugged her hand into his own before tugging her back inside of their tent. When they were inside, he immediately pulled the blonde girl onto the floor and all of the blankets, zipping up the tent behind them. It was a tight fit and their bodies were pressed closely together. “Here we are, baby. Let’s get some rest.” He murmured into her ear, leaning down to press kisses down her neck.
Tensing ever so slightly, Amelia wasn't surprised that she hadn't been alone. What she couldn't quite understand though was that he was still acting concerned and caring and she couldn't quite figure out why. Unless he just got a kick out of confusing her, she had no idea. "I..." she didn't quite know what to say. "I'm fine, she said easily enough even though that was far from true. The blankets felt nice, but she still felt a lot of pain with any amount of movement, which was why she was keeping as still as she could. Shaking her head at the second question she was too afraid of saying the wrong thing. With him acting oddly nice, she felt like she was on eggshells and one wrong move would result in how he had treated her before. "Why am I here?" While it was obviously better than being in the dropship and tied up like she had been before, she didn't quite understand what his plan was with acting the way he was and what he was trying to accomplish. She wished he would just let her go after finding out everything he wanted to know, but she knew that wouldn't happen.


Again she agreed at the mention of not trying to go to Mount Weather again. If there was anything else that they could try then she would rather do that first. Who knew how many humans were living here on earth, and with their numbers being so few she did not want to do something that they were sure would put them in danger. And going back there was definitely a known danger. "Yeah. Nuts used to stockpile for the end of the world.." she trailed off and hoped maybe one of those nuts had stocked items in a place close to where they were. Getting up she followed him back to the tent and even yawned as they reached it. She was a lot more tired than she thought but still smiled as they were pressed close together. "Rest sounds good.." Shivering slightly at the kisses she brought a hand up to run lightly through his hair and hold him close.
color=#FF6347]“You’re here because you belong here, Amelia.”[/color] Bellamy responded with an amused grin. It was interesting to watch how the young woman reacted and moved. She kept deathly still and hardly moved a muscle. Looking deep into her eyes, he allowed one hand to remain cupping her face while straddling her. However, he did not make any sexual moves and instead just remained on top of her body. “I am going to keep you safe, Amelia. Just wait on it and see.” He told her with a growing grin. How in the world he would get her to like him and change her mind, he was not sure what to do. But he did realize that it was going to take time and finally he just fell off her body. “Tell me everything I need to know about this world, that you can think of. Give me a crash course.” He spoke with a little nod. He knew it was a rather random thing to ask but he wanted to get her talking. He figured the more that he disclosed his desire to know about her and get her talking that maybe she would open up to him much easier than she would now.


At this point, Ryan simply crawled on top of Clarke and covered her body with his own. His arms both tightly wrapped around the blonde, pulling her chest right against his own. Reaching down, the male began kissing up and down her neck. Her skin was just so soft and warm as always. It felt like home no matter where they were. “I love you so much. I love you more than anything in this world. I love being so close to you, baby girl.” Ryan purred, pressing another kiss to her lips. On the Ark, they had never been able to spend a night together before either because of parents or because of being locked away but that was different now. In fact, he intended to sleep right on top of her in the most wonderfully comfortable way possible for them both, their legs and body wrapped together tightly. This was absolutely going to be the best night of sleep.
The answer wasn't a satisfying one as Amelia was pretty sure he understood what she meant, but that was likely the best answer she would get and didn't press further. When he climbed on top of her she did expect him to to start touching her as usual and was surprised when he didn't. Oddly enough the brief thought of why he hadn't crossed her mind but she immediately pushed it away. What he said next kind of confirmed that he had no intentions of being through with her anyway. The 'request' was draining to even think about but what was more draining was the thought of what he might do if she refused to tell him anything.

Closing her eyes for a moment she first started on about how there was twelve different clans, and some grounders that weren't in a clan, along with the fact that there was a commander that oversaw the clans. She did use this as an opportunity to speak of the mountain men though and emphasis that they were a greater threat than her people and how they were the ones that caused the fog to come. "I don't think much is known about them.. but they're the reason the clans have a.. peace agreement with one another.. we've learned things like bio warfare to fight back.. and I'm sure they'll try that here if given the chance," she spoke and was pretty sure they would try to infect them with viruses or diseases if even the smallest opportunity became available.


It felt nice and warm when he crawled on top of her and she really enjoyed the kisses. Burying herself into him, it just felt right to be like this and was looking forward for them being able to sleep together each night. They had never been able to before on the Ark and now there was no reason that they couldn't. She had no complaints about him trying to sleep on top of her in whatever way they could find comfortable. "I'm so lucky to have you" she breathed and had no clue what she would do if he wasn't around. Luckily she didn't have to worry about that and didn't plan on ever letting that be the case.
It certainly added to Bellamy’s and the camp’s advantage having Amelia here with them. If he poked and prodded in the right location and said the right things, she might help them take over this village. People were getting anxious because of the lack of supplies. After she said this, Bellamy simply crawled off her body and looked at her, not as a threat, but just looked at her. “That’s why you’re going to help us, Amelia. In a few days we will go to that village. If you are a good girl and you help us then I might release you. I just want to get a good start. That’s all I do. And sometimes it is all about survival so that village will suffer but its better than your family dying, isn’t it?”

No matter what happened, Bellamy would always hold that over her head. If she helped them attack this village and take the food, he said that he might release her if she cooperated. Why would she believe him or not believe him for that matter? It was really ambiguous and it was at least a little hope. Keeping her alive with just a small amount of hope was key. Plus, better these people than her home, right? He also held that over her, saying that he would just wipe out the entire village she lived in if she did anything stupid and that was a promise. He just needed to find more weapons somehow and that was the task over the next couple days while Amelia recovered.


“I’m lucky to have you too, my beautiful little slave.” Ryan whispered, starting to smirk at his last few words. He was the Master, she was the ‘slave’. Not literally, but he still enjoyed using that context with her and since she enjoyed it earlier, he saw no reason why he did not do it now. “Good night, sleep well my love. I’ll see you in the morning.” With that, he gave her one more gentle peck on the lips and then closed his eyes, allowing their foreheads to rest together as he slowly drifted off to sleep, arms and legs tightly wrapped around the blonde as he just let his body relax and sink into the blankets underneath them, able to concentrate only on her and fall asleep rather quickly.
"Me? Help how?" The thought of helping kill innocent people was far from ideal to her and she didn't want any part of that. Amelia couldn't think of anything else he would want her to do to be helpful and was surprised he would even kind of trust her to do anything that would be a benefit to this camp. The use of the word might left her not wanting to have too much hope. Anything he had said previously made it hard for her to believe that he would possibly let her go after taking what he wanted from the village. But whether she believed it or not, that didn't matter too much as he still held her family over her head. Looking away, she was actually grateful for the threat as it helped serve a reminder that no matter how nice he acted, she was still a prisoner being manipulated to do what he wanted and that for as long as she was here the only person that cared about her was herself; no matter if he tried to make her believe otherwise.

"Yes.." was all she could manage to say. A few days was going to be extremely long in her opinion as she couldn't help but already want this massacre over with. "Whatever you want..." What she said was far from enthusiastic but she meant it nonetheless. Like he mentioned about her family, survival was the key here and if the only way for her to not be harmed anymore was through obedience, then she didn't really see any other option than to do what he wanted.

Clarke hadn't really expected the use of the word right now, but obviously didn't mind it either. It was going to be gun exploring different things with him now that they had the chance. A smile had filled her lips before also whispering a, "goodnight." Now that they were really laying down to sleep, she realized how exhausted she was after closing her eyes. It had been a rather eventful day and tomorrow would probabaly be a long day with trying to figure things out so she wanted to try and get as much sleep as possible. Luckily for her she fell asleep almost immediately and ended up not waking up at all throughout the night.
Clearly, Amelia was not being too cooperative. Sure, she “agreed” to help out but did not sound enthusiastic about anything. It seemed she had regained her senses much sooner than Bellamy expected and could easily detect him blowing bullshit through his words most of the time. Pretty much the only thing he was serious about was killing her family and attacking this village. It was no secret. When she asked how she could help, Bellamy merely shook his head before sitting upright and glancing around the tent. It was nighttime and it was getting late but that mattered little because they still needed to scout ahead at this village.

“We were not able to locate this village so easily. We dealt with that damn fog. Tonight, a few of us are heading back out to scout but you are going with us to lead the way.” Bellamy spoke, not giving her much of a choice or opinion in the matter. She was going to be surrounded by plenty of others from the camp and he could definitely have the numbers game over Amelia. He also did not care if her body was still sore from all their activity. They needed to get a head start on the attacking phase and she was going to help them scout. “Get your rest. We leave in a few minutes. If you try to do anything stupid I swear to God I will attack your village instead. Do you understand? I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want to do anything like that to you but if you leave me with no choice, I won’t hesitate.”


Easier than ever before, Ryan fell asleep. His arms remained tightly wrapped around Clarke all night and he did not wake until early the next morning. The faint rays of the sun peered inside through the tent. God, he was so comfortable but other people were already talking outside. It must be later than he thought. Looking down at his peaceful girlfriend, he decided to let her sleep. Slowly, his arms removed himself from her body as he looked around the tent to gather his clothing and get ready for the day. After her eyes opened, Ryan crawled beside of Clarke again and gave her a kiss. “Good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?” He asked quietly, hoping she slept as good as he did. While he wished to remain inside all day long, they had some chores to do and one of those chores was to go out hunting and looking for firewood. It was going to give them a chance to explore the world further though. Plus, Ryan found a secret spot he wanted to show Clarke.
The thought of scouting was less than appealing to Amelia. Not only was it because she still wasn't feeling much better in the way of pain but also because it was late and getting dark. "Are you sure that's a good idea? There will be scouts no matter how dark it is and harder for you to see them.." It was doubtful to her that he'd care what she had to say, even if she was just trying to point something out. While she obviously couldn't refuse to go, she would have much preferred to wait until the morning, even if it was early morning when people would still be asleep. Not only would it give her a chance to rest more but it'd be easier for them to see.

"I'm not going to do anything. Believe it or not, I'm not stupid or naive." While she hated to admit it, even just to herself, she knew her safety relied on him. Finn was the only other person she had met in the camp so she had no clue about anyone else's personality. For all she knew they could have been worse than Bellamy and she wasn't willing to put blind faith in them showing her any sort of compassion. They might kill her the second anything bad happened to Bellamy. So not only did she have to listen, but she had to worry about something going wrong on this little scouting mission. Until if was time she intended to lay there as long as possible since she knew it wasn't going to be easy for her to travel. "I hope you don't expect me to be able to run, or even walk fast for that matter.." Amelia felt she would be lucky to even walk at a normal pace.


It was hard to say what time it was when her eyes finally fluttered open, but judging by the sun peaking through she knew at the very least it had to be morning. It was probabaly a little later into the morning though since she was hearing a lot of voices outside. Shifting slightly she saw Ryan coming back towards her. "Of course I did. Especially with you here," she smiled and gave him a kiss. Honestly she had slept better than she had in a long time. Maybe it was because it was the first time not sleeping in a prison cell, her first time spending the night with him, or even a mixture of both. Whatever the reason, she did get a good night's sleep which was nice since they would have a lot to do that day. "Did you?" she asked and hoped he had as well. Sitting up slightly she did yawn a bit but still felt refreshed enough from the sleep.
Bellamy just listened to Amelia talk again, making scoffs or sarcastic remarks every now and again. However, she was actually right. They thought the night would give them an advantage but it would probably not. They would have scouts ahead for them as well and Bellamy did not like the idea of not being able to see his enemy so with that in mind he decided to give things a rest, shaking his head and just laying back down onto the blankets and mattresses that were sat up in his large tent. “Fair enough, Amelia. We’re going to leave early in the morning and I expect you to be ready to go. Get your rest tonight and you will be fine for tomorrow.” He did not care how her body felt. She would just have to learn to deal with the pain and soreness because Bellamy was not going to delay this anymore. It was getting late though and Bellamy was tired so he decided to go to sleep.

Looking to Amelia, he gave her a little wink before pulling the covers up tighter around her body and allowing himself to simply just lay beside of her. “Have some sweet dreams Amelia. Good night.” With that, he turned onto his side and rolled away from the woman. His eyes closed and he slowly drifted to sleep. He was confident that she was not stupid and would not try anything right now. Instead, he thought she would just stay right there beside of him while he slept and do the same. Besides, they had guards all around the place and they knew if they saw this woman that something was wrong and they needed to take her back to the tent so she was screwed anyways. Bellamy was not going to worry.


“Of course I did.” Ryan whispered, sitting up beside of Clarke. Again, he pressed a kiss to her lips before moving around to find his clothing. While getting dressed, he turned his attention to Clarke again. “I think we should get ready to head out. We can start hunting and gathering more wood. Plus, there is something I want to show you.” He murmured quietly, a smile breaking out onto his face. This day might go pretty well if Clarke liked his surprise. For now though, he kept it a surprise and did not speak anything else of it. When he finally got dressed, he maneuvered out of the tent and stood to his feet. When Clarke was ready, he took her hand and led her towards their diminishing rations so they could have something to eat before heading out and split a bottle of water. It was gone quickly and soon they were all ready to go. “Are you ready to head out?” Ryan asked, turning his attention to Clarke again after disposing the empty containers.
Sighing ever so quietly, Amelia wasn't sure how she was going to be able to handle this for as long as they decided to keep her alive. Especially the flip-flopping from him. One minute he acted concerned and the next he was basically ordering her to feel better in the morning. She supposed it was something that he actually agreed with what she said, even if it only was a miniscule amount of progress, but it was some nonetheless. Frowning she didn't know what to say at the second comment. Not knowing which personality he was going to present at any given time was going to be difficult. The thought of him being sarcastic occured to her but she was still tired and couldn't care too much about the confusion he was causing her.

Closing her eyes she forced herself to fall back asleep. While she would have loved to leave and get away, she figured there was no way of that happening. Not only did they have walls, but she had never really seen inside the camp to know where to go or how to get out exactly. Thankfully she drifted off pretty quickly considering how early she had to get up and didn't wake up once throughout the night. At some point though she ended up moving closer in her sleep so when he shifted to lay on his back she ended up laying against him with her head on his shoulder and hand on his chest. Of course she wouldn't remember this and would probabaly be embarrassed no matter what his reaction was.


Of course she already expected what the answer would likely be, but she was happy to hear it anyway. As he started gathering his clothes she watched for a moment before reluctantly doing the same thing. Nodding slightly she knew they should probabaly get started since supplies were dwindling pretty quickly. "Oh?" she asked but could tell he wasn't going to say anymore about it. Whatever the surprise was, she was interested since it wasn't like they had been apart that much and she couldn't imagine what he might have to show her. Gathering her clothes she got dressed and then left the tent with Ryan and headed over to grab a bite. It wasn't much but enough to tide them over. After she was done she looked to him. "I'm ready," she said before taking his hand to hold again while they started to head out.
Probably because Bellamy was not the one kidnapped, tortured, and nearly killed, he woke up first the next morning. When his brown eyes shot open, he felt a warm body against his own. Turning his head, he saw the primitive woman’s head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. Clearly, this was not intentional but it felt comfortable. Not dwelling on the action for too long, Bellamy slowly untangled himself from her body and from the blankets before standing up in his large tent since he was afforded room to move freely before pulling on his clothes for the day. After he was dressed, he exited the tent for a brief minute to find himself and Amelia something to eat and some water to drink before heading out. Additionally, while he was away, Bellamy found a few others that planned to scout with him before. He told them they were leaving soon and they all needed to get ready.

Returning into his tent, he knelt down beside of Amelia and gently woke her, touching his hand to her face and softly calling her name. Whenever her beautiful eyes open, Bellamy stared into them for a second before tossing down a granola bar of some kind and a bottle of water beside of her. “Eat. We have a big day today. When you are done, come outside the tent and find me.” After giving these orders, Bellamy took his own items and disappeared outside of the tent again as he went to gather the some weapons and items for the scouting trip in case anything went south.


Sliding the backpack over his shoulders, Ryan lightly gripped Clarke’s hand and they were off. Through the woods they walked as Ryan clutched a wooden stake in his hand not holding Clarke’s. It honestly was not much in the way of defense but it was something at least. They were walking off the beaten path but Ryan knew exactly where they were going. During their time of exploration and the small time they were apart on Earth, Ryan found something interesting. He released her hand and eagerly grinned once they reached what looked like some kind of entrance to an underground shelter. Pulling open the door, he nodded downwards into the place. It was lit with some candles for light along with a couple flashlights down in this dump, too. “I found this when I was exploring. Go ahead and take a look. Ladies first.” It was obviously safe so he wanted Clarke to go first so she could react to this place he found in the middle of nowhere.
It was hard to guess what time of day it was when when the voice caused her eyes to flutter open, but Amelia assumed it was probabaly very early. The words barely began to register in her head before he was gone and she slowly sat up. Still she felt sore but she assumed even if she could have extra time that she wouldn't feel much better before leaving. Who knew when she would even feel one hundred percent again anyway. Taking the items she ate and drank them before forcing herself to stand up. Since she had nothing clean to change into, she left the clothes on that she was already wearing and threw on the shoes that Finn had given her. After that she hesitantly left the tent but kept her head down. She didn't want to see the judging looks in people eyes, or at least she assumed they would be judging, so she only looked up enough to see where she was going.

Pulling the jacket tighter around her she stuffed her hands in the pockets and was quiet when she finally found the group that appeared to be going scouting. There was still some fear of something going wrong and she was worried what would happen to her if it did, which was why she was going to watch for movement in the trees like a hawk.


Clarke wasn't sure where they were headed but she was intrigued nonetheless. It wasn't much but she had taken a makeshift knife to bring along just in case. She figured them each having some sort of weapon for protection would be better than nothing. When they came to a stop she looked at him with intrigue. It looked like some sort underground shelter. Looking to him she was obviously interested and might have even looked a bit excited before listening to him and climbing down. She honestly wasn't sure what to expect to see down there or if there would be anything useful but the thought of a secret place to go with him was amazing to think about. It was dimly lit but she could still see well enough. The blonde decided to wait for Ryan to come down before going any farther that way he could point out anything in particular that he might want her to see. "You've been busy finding secret places?" she teased lightly when he reached the bottom.
After Amelia arrived beside the scout group, everyone went dead silent. Bellamy was busy looking at the map but noticed the sudden silence. Turning around, he spotted the woman and handed the map off to the nearest person. Approaching her, Bellamy removed a cable tie from his pocket. Without saying a word, he roughly grabbed her arms and forced her hands together before tying it tightly and latching the cable tie around her wrists. Bellamy did not quite trust her completely yet and was not going to take any chances. Giving a nod forward, he looked from Amelia and to the others in the scout group. “Alright, Amelia. Lead us to this village. If you try anything stupid, we all do have weapons and we can use them.” He pointed out, showing off their knives and spears.

Bellamy wished they found more guns somewhere but that did not look very likely considering the Earth had been wiped out for a while now. Nonetheless, he turned his attention back towards Amelia and waited for her to start moving so they could follow. The plan was simple and he hoped to complete the objective and return home by nightfall. They were desperately low on food supplies and water and everything essential. Hopefully this village had food and other items they needed along with tips on what to do and how to survive on this new Earth that was still mostly unknown to everyone.


“I don’t think this is just a secret place. It was a bomb shelter. They have old cans of food here and other non-perishable foods but I think even ninety-some years might have made them go bad though. I think you’re going to like this, though.”Leading her into one of the opposite rooms, he nodded to show her all the art supplies. Paper, pens, pencils, paintbrushes, canvases, and so many more things. His girlfriend always loved being an artist and this just fit them so perfectly. “I figured you might like this spot but our surprises aren’t even done. There is an actual bed to sleep in here we can use. This can be our little spot, Clarke. Just for you and me.” He murmured, sliding his arms around her body from behind while kissing her neck. This was the second real sense of privacy they had so far. The first time was outside by the water when they had sex the other day but they were still outside in the open. Now they were completely alone and Ryan loved it.
If she didn't loath him before, then Amelia certainly did now after he made a show of tying her hands together. Not only did she hate him but those feelings were seeping off onto any feelings she had towards the rest of these people. Well almost all of them. Not only was she sure she would be punished if any of them were harmed, but now she couldn't really try to prevent it if there was an attack. There was only pure hated in her eyes as he bound her wrists, but afterwards she didn't bother to look at him or any of the rest of them. Amelia didn't even let him finish his threat before she started walking to 'lead' the way. If he wanted her to care about her own life, she was starting to less and less with each day.

After the initial show of anger, her face was void of all emotion and she really didn't listen to any talking that might have been going on, but it was doubtful there was much of any. But as they got closer her eyes were more focused on the trees anyway since they wouldn't know what to look for exactly since sometimes it could be very subtle. It was probably a good thing too because if she wasn't watching like she was, then the metal object might have been missed that was hurling their way just to her left. The girl didn't pay much attention to who it was that was there, and she really didn't care, but was glad the jerk had tyed her hands from the front rather than behind. It made it much easier to shove the person out of the way. What it didn't help with was the pain of the blade hitting her own shoulder and she fell face first to the ground instantly. Her face was hidden by her hair and facing downwards, but was obviously in pain as she tried not to make much noise. It hurt like hell but Amelia would be damned if they blamed her for getting harmed or killed. Her being injured gave them more to heh an enough of a warning to watch out. But she was pretty sure it was only one scout that was around.


It as odd to think about the fact that there was food there that was almost a century old and she figured he was right that it would be no good. The thought of the taste alone was enough to cause her to make a face. Water might not have been bad though, but if it was there she figured he might have already mentioned it so she assumed there wasn't. For a moment she went to look over the painting stuff in awe and couldn't believe it. While there had been stuff on the Ark, everything was always rationed so she never managed to own a whole lot at one time. Here she could use as much as she wanted. "Wow.." she breathed softly and obviously liked the little surprise. But he had more, so she turned back to him and the thought of a bed here was extremely appealing since that meant they could have actual privacy. While they kind of did the day before, that had still been out in the open. Clarke almost turned back around to talk, but he came up to her from behind and she leaned her head to the side more ever so slightly. "You sure know how to give good surprises, Master. How ever will I return the favor?" she asked in a playful manner and pretended to worry about how she could make up for it.
It must have been at least two hours since the group left camp. They saw nothing but trees and more trees along the way. No fresh bodies of water, no animals, no anything. It was both good and bad at the same time and Bellamy was honestly beginning to wonder if Amelia was leading them to somewhere real or not. The blade of the knife was hurled so quickly through the air that Bellamy hardly saw what happened when she pushed one of their people down. He was ready to fight her but when she turned, he noticed that she had been hit. Immediately, he ran to Amelia and pulled her to safety behind one of the nearby trees. An arrow was shot next but it lodged right into the tree and it used them for cover. “Oh damn, Amelia. Just stay calm. You’ll be alright, I’ll help you out.” While this was going on, the others finally spotted the scout in the tree. They tried to make their way there but the scout took out two more of the members with a spear and an arrow from his bow.

Finally, they were able to wrestle down the scout and give him a beating before using cable ties on him as well before dragging him to Bellamy. However, Bellamy was not even worried about that. Shedding his jacket, he wrapped the material tightly around Amelia’s shoulder. He knew they needed to get that knife out soon but they would have to wait until they got back to camp. “We’ll get you some help Amelia. Don’t worry about anything. Just rest here for a second.” With that being said, Bellamy found the scout they just captured and sent a hard right punch to his face. This man must not have been able to speak English or understand them because he hardly acknowledged anything. Bellamy and the others must have beat him to the point of near unconsciousness by this time because he was mostly unresponsive. That was a wasted trip but at least they did see the village over the horizon. They were close and they knew to be more careful next time so that was good enough for Bellamy as he returned to Amelia and helped her, assisting her with standing up. “Let’s get you back to camp.” He spoke to her quietly.


Being alone, their bodies touching, and Clarke calling him Master was really all Ryan needed. A smile spread across his lips and he suddenly placed both hands around Clarke’s body onto her breasts. Giving those gorgeous tits a firm squeeze, he smiled at the blonde before pressing a sweet kiss to her neck and rubbing his crotch against her thick ass. “I have a couple things in mind you can try for me.” Ryan spoke in his deep voice, full with love and arousal already. After pulling back from the kiss and the touch, he laced their fingers together and slowly pulled her through the shelter until they reached the bedroom. It was rather large and still neat though the bed might be a little dusty he figured they would manage. He fell down onto the mattress first before pulling Clarke down with him on top of his body. Ryan kicked off his shoes and socks before wrapping their legs around together as he started to kiss his girlfriend. With hands planted firmly on her butt, he squeezed the flesh again and started to rub his hips against hers to create some friction. “I actually have one more surprise baby… I want you to look in that dresser beside the bed.” Inside the drawer were a few kinky items. Whomever was here planned for some fun during the apocalypse. Handcuffs, anklecuffs, and a ball gag with other rope and bondage tape. He wanted to see Clarke’s reaction to that and see what she might wanted to use.
Barely did Amelia have time to try and breath through the pain before she felt someone pull her up and away from the open. Even before she saw who it was she kind of knew it was Bellamy. His words hardly registered to her as she was too focused on the pain. It was kind of hard to believe, at least in the moment, that she would be alright. It just seemed to be one thing after another that happened to her; even though she technically let this wound happen to herself. Trying her best to bite back a cry of pain, she almost wanted to cuss him out for putting more pressure on the wound, but she also knew that was the only thing that would help keep her from getting any worse at the moment. Whether or not he actually meant his words of getting her help, she found herself unable to think much about that.

The same was true for what was happening to the scout. She couldn't think much about that, but still squeezed her eyes shut to block out what she knew was happening. It was a tough pill to swallow that she was going to be in this situation again of watching them kill people in the village, some of which were innocents, and not be able to do anything. She was in no state of mind to argue with Bellamy as he stood her up, which caused her to grimace in pain. While she was still less than thrilled about being trapped in their camp, she didn't really gave a choice other than to go back. It was harder for her to walk now with the added injury but somehow she managed. "I'm not going to make it.." she said at some point but everything was a blur to her after being hit. She felt like she was loosing too much blood, but it was hard to say if that was true or not since she wasn't exactly in a good state of mind at the moment,


Clarke found it more than a little enjoyable as he fondled her and kissed on her neck. Those sort of thoughts had been sneaking into her mind when he showed her this place, especially the room with the bed, and it seemed they did for him too. Especially with the mention of calling him Master which he seemed to really like when she did. Already she could tell from his member getting thicker. "Oh and what are those?" she asked 'innocently' before following him to where the bed was and climbed on top of him. She loved the way he would touch her and was already growing aroused just from the little they had done so far. Kissing him for a few moments, she was curious when he mentioned looking in the dresser. Doing just that she saw the different kinky items. First she was slightly surprised that such items would be there, just because that sort of thing didn't seem like the first thing to think about when making a survival bunker, but then her surprise turned to a grin as she found herself interested in trying them out. Pulling out the ball gag and handcuffs she figured at least those, but didn't have any qualms about him using all of those things on her. "Why don't you pick something," she told him with a bit of eagerness.
n an unexpected turn of events, Bellamy found himself risking his own life to save his captives. The threat was short lived when the scout was neutralized but Bellamy was serious about saving Amelia’s life. Part of him wondered if she was attempting to just get her life over with and that was why she pushed down the other guy that would have been hit instead. Shaking off those thoughts, he felt how the woman seemed to stagger and seem more out of her mind. The bleeding was becoming severe and Bellamy knew it was just causing her more pain and fatigue to walk. Neither were good for her right now. Bellamy halted the group’s progress to lean the brunette against the tree so she was down against the ground again. Pulling the shirt off his own back, he decided to wrap the shirt tightly around her wound. It was not as direct on the wound since the knife was still lodged into her shoulder but that was still good enough and better than how the situation was before he did this. Regardless, they needed to hustle back to camp because there, they had all kinds of medical supplies from the Ark and for some reason, Bellamy decided to use those resources on the captive.

From that point forward, Bellamy showcased his strength and hoisted the grown woman into his arms, holding her gently and insuring her injured shoulder was facing outwardly so it was not rubbing against his own body when they walked. “Just remain calm, Amelia. I’m going to get you back to camp and get you some help.” Even with Amelia in his arms, Bellamy was able to run quickly and hustle back to their camp. He pretty much memorized the trek step-by-step and it was not very difficult to recall. However, it was almost a two hour walk to begin with and now he was carrying Amelia so that was going to slow them down regardless. Throughout the walk, Bellamy continued to whisper sweet words to her in an attempt to keep her calm and reassured.


Lightly gripping the pink ball gag in one hand, Ryan allowed the plastic to rub against Clarke’s lips. Already, he imagined how sexy her noises would sound behind the gag. Then, the handcuffs rubbed down against her chest before dropping it down onto the mattress. Ryan found himself crawling on top of Clarke again, gripping her breasts tightly again while kissing her. After kissing the blonde for a few moments, he pulled away so he could remove the shirt from her body and once that shirt was gone, he reached down to take the ankle cuffs from the drawer as well and a concrete plan was set in motion from Ryan’s mind about what he wanted to do with Clarke.

He might be moving quickly but that was because he needed to undress her before adding any restraints. Kissing down her bare abdomen, he followed down her body towards her legs until he removed her jeans. Ryan was going to move towards her underwear and bra next but he had another idea, making him smirk just thinking about it. “Actually… let’s try this baby. Give your Master a lap dance and undress him while you dance. I want to see your sexy body move all against mine.” Ryan purred sweetly into her ear before kissing her neck a couple times and then pulling away, situating himself on the edge of the bed while waiting for Clarke to start dancing for him.
Amelia wasn't sure how long they had been walking before he stopped them and had her rest a moment. Between the pressure of the jacket and the shirt now tied around her, the pain was even worse. Of course she knew it would slow the bleeding but that didn't help her to feel any better. All she could really think about was her life flashing before her eyes and how horrible of a death this would be if she died for saving people who had done nothing but torment her the past couple of days. Not only that but she might not live, and the only reason was because she hadn't wanted to be tormented again which was the reason she was now in this situation.

Wincing slightly when he picked her up the words did help to at least take her mind off of the gloomy thoughts. It helped her focus on staying awake because she was kind of worried that if she fell asleep then she would never wake up again. Everytime her eyes would drift closed she would try to force them back open, which helped when he would talk. The thought eventually hit her, and it was probabaly insane that she was even thinking it. "Is anybody else hurt?" Even to her own ears her voice was extremely low. Suddenly all that she could think about was what would happen to her if she didn't die and somebody else did get hurt.


Clarke could guess fairly easily what he was thinking as he looked at the ball gag and then the handcuffs. He may have had more in mind but she at least had a decent idea of the first little bit. Happily she kissed him back before he pulled away to remove her shirt. Already she was starting to get a little excited thinking about the activities they were about to do and she shuddered slightly as he touched her and kissed her abdomen before her jeans were removed. Clarke figured he would just quickly remove her undergarments but it turned out he had something else in mind.

Softly she smiled before getting off the bed to stand before him. Despite the fact there wasn't any sort of music going, she began to slowly dance for him and first started by climbing onto him in a straddled position and stayed there for a few moments while taking her time about removing his shirt. After that was gone she rubbed her body against him a little more as she removed the belt to his pants and then worked on pulling off his jeans. All the while she had been whispering dirty things that she thought he would like to hear. "I've been very bad. You might have to teach me a lessen..." she whispered teasingly.
Surprisingly, Amelia asked about the well-being of the others. At first, Bellamy just cocked an eyebrow at the woman, wondering why she even cared. “Uh, we did lose a couple people. Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s not make the death toll three.” It would truly not do Amelia any good to think about these two guys that were killed during the process. Still, he felt confused about why she would even care about any of them. Did she have a death wish or did she actually try to save someone when that blade was hurled their way earlier? Bellamy started thinking on everything now while continuing to run through the woods as it started to slowly rain from the sky, falling all over the delinquents rushing back through the forest.

During the long trek, Bellamy did his best to keep Amelia’s face hidden from the falling rain. He also did his best to keep talking to her so she did not fall asleep. Whenever they finally arrived back at camp, Bellamy took her immediately into the drop ship. He was asking for Clarke since she had some medical training but the girl was nowhere to be found. Then he asked for anyone else that knew something about medical things and a couple people were around to help. “Just relax, Amelia. We’re going to get you fixed up. Just stay with us.” He murmured to her, leaving her on the table to swiftly grab the first aid kit and all their needed items.


Clad in only his underwear, Ryan felt the bulge reaching its full peak. Smirking at Clarke, he started a kiss with her while reaching his hands along her back to start undoing the straps of her bra. Once it was removed, he pulled back with a smile, giving her a nod with his head. “You’re right baby girl. I am going to teach you a lesson.” The young man growled before kissing Clarke’s neck, raising his hand high before smacking it down onto her left ass cheek one time before basically just ripping down her panties and tossing them onto the floor.

With the naked girl in his lap, he just turned and dropped the blonde onto the mattress before removing his own boxers and now they were both on equal grounds of nudity. Crawling on top of her, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips before taking the ball gag and dragging it across her lips again. “Master loves you so much. Give him one more kiss before you are gagged.” He purred before starting another kiss, sliding his tongue inside of her mouth to deepen the kiss. After the kiss finished, he pulled back and swiftly pushed the ball gag in between her teeth, strapping the straps together at the back of her head underneath her hair, now proceeding to fondle her breasts with his hands, using his mouth on her collarbone again.
The mention of two deaths made it feel like she went even paler, but without a mirror she couldn't be certain. It did make her feel a sense of dread, however, and almost didn't look forward to being back at the camp now. But she really wasn't able to think about that much because not only did it start raining but he kept talking about other things. It was odd to her that he was being rather.. kind? She wouldn't have thought him to be very concerned except for the fact that he wouldn't have a captive anymore if she died. Which that reasoning wouldn't warrant this much help, would it?

Amelia tried to keep her face buried in his chest to keep the rain off as much as she could, but eventually they made it back. She really was feeling out of it but going into the dropship did nothing to help that other than make her tense because of her previous experience in there. While she was happy when they did remove the blade, it just caused her another surge of pain as whoever was fixing her up worked on the wound. "It's bad isn't it?" she asked and was on the verge of of either passing out or falling asleep, she wasn't sure which but knew neither one was a good thing.


Happily kissing back, she helped with her arms to remove the bra once he had undone the straps. A smile grew on her face as he agreed and made an 'omph' side as he smacked her ass. The bed was fairly comfortable and she sunk right into it as he dropped her. They were then both nude as he climbed on top of her before giving the kiss. Seeing the ball gag she knew what was coming next and gave him a hungry kiss before he placed the ball into her mouth. Once the gag was on, it was a nice fit. It wasn't too uncomfortable nor was it loose at all. Clarke couldn't help the muffled moans she made as he fondled and touched her. She was clearly enjoying it and would enjoy feeling his body until he decided to put restraints on her hands.
“Well, I do not think you will be doing a push-up anytime soon.” Bellamy quirked, hoping to lighten the mood at least a little right now. Disposing of the blade, he made a mental note to clean the blood because it was another weapon the camp just gained. Plus, they also found a couple things from the Scout’s body after killing him, too. However, Bellamy’s focus was completely on Amelia now and helping her. He was tasked with stitching her up as soon as the blade was removed. It would obviously hurt like a bitch and he would not be surprised if she passed out from the pain but they had no choice but to do this.

After cleaning the wound, sterilizing the equipment and taking all the possible precautionary measures that they could, Bellamy spent a good five minutes stitching Amelia and when he was finished, he dropped all the utensils onto the side and wiped the sweat off his brow. He felt so much pressure and felt the intensity of the situation before looking back down at Amelia. Whether or not she was still awake, her vital signs seemed to be doing well and she was out of the clear for now but she needed to take things easy the next few days and Bellamy would make sure that she did.


For the time being, Ryan intended to only gag Clarke. He would not bind her hands and feet quite yet because a few of his fantasies needed to be played out. One hand dropped down to her core as he slipped two fingers inside of that tight pussy and his other hand rested on one of her breasts to continue fondling her there. His cock was resting against her thigh at this angle and he continued looking down at the girl beneath him. “Fuck, I have such a sexy slave. Your Master really loves you. You sound so hot with that gag in your mouth. I’ve always wondered what you would sound like with a ball gag and I am not disappointed." Soon enough, his one hand stopped playing with her breasts before kissing down her abdomen and stopping at her clitoris. With a smirk, he kissed her clit and then shoved those fingers deeper inside of her womanhood, keeping his eyes trained on Clarke.
Amelia had managed to crack a smile at the thought of doing a push-up and she couldn't even remember the last time she had done one. While she had kind of expected to need stiches, or something along those lines, because of the hole the blade left, it didn't help her prepare for it when  he did start. It was maybe only a couple of minutes into it that she ended up passing out and stayed unconscious the rest of the time they were working on her. While she had been scared about not waking up, and also worried about what was going to happen to her if she lived and was fine, none of that could really stand against the amount of pain that came from the wound and being stitched up.


A louder moan escaped as he pushed two fingers into her. Opening her legs just a little more so that he could do whatever he pleased, she was already getting excited for what all they were going to do. While she couldn't exactly respond to his words, she was happy that he liked it so much and that they could have so much in common like this. And to think she had been worried at one point about her hidden fantasies... it was evident she was really enjoying everything he was doing, and she moaned even louder as he shoved his fingers deeper inside of her. When he did that her back ever arched, ever so slightly, towards him as he continued to play with her.
After the stitches were sutured, Bellamy cleaned up the area around the stitches. When the cleaning was finished, the male realized he had done everything he possibly could to help the woman. Now, he would simply have to wait for her to wake up and see how she does later. He dismissed the others and decided to go into his tent to lay down after instructing one of the delinquents to watch her and let him know of any changes over her condition. It had been a long day yet it was only starting and Bellamy was already tired. The burden of losing two of their own was heavy and made him rethink everything. Only one of these scouts killed two of their people. Strong teenage guys. They needed more firepower or something to attack this village.


Ryan ceased touching her whenever her pussy became nice and wet. Before pulling back, he puckered his lips and then pressed a kiss to those pink folds of Clarke before climbing back on top of her to straddle the girl at her abdomen. Reaching down for the handcuffs, he attached one cuff to the left wrist of his girlfriend and the other cuff to her right wrist but kept them in front. Reaching for the center of the chain, he forced her arms down onto the bed and above her head. Parting his lips, Ryan kissed her over the gag and allowed his erection to rub against her clitoris. “Beg for me. Beg for your Master to fuck you.” Ryan ordered, desiring to hear Clarke beg though she was gagged.
It was some hours later when Amelia found herself waking up and didn't have a clue as to what time of day it was, how long she had been out, and barely even recognized where she was since it was a little dark in the dropship. Moving slightly, that caused some pain which made her quit and just continue to lay there. She did notice there was someone with her and that they were now leaving. Maybe to give news that she woke up? It was hard to say but she still felt sore, exhausted, and still a little bit out of it. But despite that she made herself sit up, even if she didn't feel like getting up and moving around.


Breathing a bit more as he had stopped suddenly, Clarke made a small noise of protest and had clearly liked what he had been doing. Though it was hard not to find it more enjoyable when he pulled out the cuffs and placed them on her wrists before placing her hands above her head. Twisting her hands slightly, she liked the feel of not having any control, she thought, right as he then told her to beg. While he probabaly couldn't understand it too well, she did so by pleading for him to not only fuck her but to do it hard. She thought he might like that and knew she would once he did do it.
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