I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

Amelia felt a sense of frustration. If he was this thick headed now, she didn't believe it would change after he forced her to cooperate. Much like she didn't expect to be treated any better either. Actually, that was a big reason why she felt fearful to give in. What reason would they have to treat her any better than this once they got the information they wanted? If anything she expected to still be tormented each day seeing as they already had ill intentions from the moment they took her and had tied her up even before her refusal to help.

While useless, she tried to move her head in resistance to the rag and right after the first time Amelia immediately had a spilling headache from the lack of oxygen she was getting through these torture techniques. Muffled sounds of pain could be heard by the time he finally did stop and what he said only seemed to confirm her fear of being tormented daily even once she gave in. "Like you won't still do that even if I did tell you anything," she stated simply to the living hell comment after a few long breaths and a slight glare.

Unsure what to expect next, she cried out in surprise when she was suddenly on the ground and the chair on top of her. It didn't seem particularly heavy but with how weak she felt it was enough to cause her pain. Plus it was just at the right angle to be uncomfortable. The pain to her leg hurt too much at that point that one hit had her in tears and now that she was able to move a little more than before, she couldn't help the uncontrollable shaking that her body was doing.

The mention of rape scared her, as she had no doubts that he would follow through. She wanted to say something but it would have just been an empty threat and wouldn't have worked anyway. So instead she resorted to pleading in hopes that might have different results. Though the minute he might ask again for the information she would have grown quiet.


Clarke had expected as much of a response but decided to let it be for the moment. Before he would fall asleep she did want to get him to at least drink a small cup of water to stay hydrated. For the moment she was just happy to lay there with him. It wasn't like they weren't already soaked in blood anyway and really couldn't get much dirtier than they already were. Closing her eyes for a moment she couldn't have felt happier to just simply be able to hear his heart beating after the scare she had gotten a few minutes ago.

"Well we kind of need one," she mused with a laugh and enjoyed the thought of actually doing that when he was better. Who knew, maybe they would get lucky and it would be just the two of them to spend time together for a little bit. It was probably risky considering the people on the ground were dangerous, but they would deserve a little fun after the day they just had.

At the question she frowned slightly and honestly didn't know what they could do. The only thing that made sense to her was The Ark. "We should start working on communication to the Ark. Maybe Monty can help us through the wrist bands. We're going to need the guard," she said and was glad no one was around to hear. Some might have believed they could handle it on their own but after what just happened she didn't believe so and knew Ryan wouldn't think that way either. They needed fighters, guns, anything to help defend themselves.
At this point, Bellamy was finished asking questions. He wanted to take action. With the belt in his hand, Bellamy whipped it over her leg, abdomen, chest, and ass over and over again for almost five full minutes. Her body would be bruised and battered when he finally ceased the pounding, dropping his belt onto the ground. It contacted the floor with a metallic clatter as Bellamy was actually breathing heavy because of exerting his power so much during these strikes. A sly smirk showed across his face while looking at Amelia and taking in how her body appeared.

Despite the bruises and welts forming, Bellamy found her to be quite attractive. Not only that, but it had been quite some time since he was able to enjoy a woman’s companionship. It was not like Amelia had much of a choice but Bellamy saw this as an opportunity to relieve himself and bring himself some pleasure. Besides, he was the leader of this camp and he was working so hard already. Did he not deserve to have a little fun? It seemed rationalized within his head so he began to strip off his clothing one piece by one piece starting with his shirt and traveling further down.

An almost animalistic gaze showed in his eyes. He watched Amelia like a predator watching its prey. Once he was undressed, the male reached down to pick up Amelia and force her against the wall, still tied up. It would be trickier with her ankles tied together but it was certainly not impossible. His hands were underneath her ass and supporting her against the cold, metal wall while he pushed downwards with his palm so her legs would spread out just enough for him to make enough room to enter inside of her.

Teasing her, Bellamy allowed the crown of his cock to rub against her outer folds before finally taking that first plunge with no lubrication or anything, shoving himself inside of Amelia and letting his cock hit deep inside of the girl. Immediately, he moaned out in pure pleasure while closing his eyes and focusing on how fucking good it felt, not caring about her feelings or emotions right now.


Usually, Ryan was a peaceful person and he hated almost everything about the Guard and the Council (except for Clarke’s mother). However, he realized in order to survive on this planet, they truly did need support. While he did not hope for an all-out war with these ground people, having weapons for protection sounded nice. Besides, it was not like himself and Clarke did anything wrong. They were simply exploring and did not initiate anything with these people. Regardless, here Ryan was, close to dying only moments ago. Everything after the situation just felt surreal because Ryan understood how close to death he was today. Anything after that he could experience was by pure luck.

“That sounds like the best thing we can do right now. Hopefully Monty can think of something.” Monty was so good with technology that it was unnerving. Ryan envied his technological prowess but he was thankful to have Monty with them here. Nonetheless, it was getting late at night and Ryan was growing tired. It had been an eventful day for everyone but Ryan hoped after a good night of sleep, he would be fresh and renewed in the morning.

“I love you Clarke. Let’s get some rest, alright? It has been so long since I could fall asleep with you in my arms.” After whispering this to the blonde, he closed his eyes and slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep, his mind clear at the moment and his body able to relax with the comfort of his girlfriend in his arms. It was early the next morning before Ryan woke up to the sound of quiet voices outside the drop ship and the feeling of Clarke moving around against his body.
After the first few hits Amelia couldn't even be bothered to move because of how much pain she felt and how even a little movement on her made it worse. It was unknown to her how long it lasted but it definitely felt like much longer than it really was. Still all she did was lay there to not cause herself more pain, and was also quiet after all the screams of agony. If she could see her lungs, she was sure they would have been bruised too from all the strain she caused them from the cries and screams.

A whimper escaped when he forced her up again and she wasn't sure she could take anymore beatings with how horrible she already felt. It didn't seem to be the case though, as least not like she thought, as she hadn't even realized he stripped down until after she was already standing up again. There wasn't much she could do in protest aside from try to use her legs and plead, but even that caused her too much pain. A cry escaped as she squeezed her eyes shut from how he roughly just shoved himself inside.

Admittedly, the sexual assault didn't hurt nearly as much as the other methods of torture, especially the beatings after she was already bruised and battered, but it was just as horrible all the same. The only difference? A physical reaction that wasn't akin to pain could have been forced from her. Initially she did protest but quickly realized after a few plunges that it only caused herself more hurt so she just gave up in hopes it might be quicker than the waterboarding or the beating she had just received.


While it was a long shot Clarke hoped they could get on contact with her mother and Jaha. While she had an idea of what the bracelets did, who knew how long they would go over the data of them before deciding it was safe to send others down. Because of what happened, the blonde didn't think they had that much time. They needed the support now and they needed to be able to defend themselves. The most she could think to do besides that, which didn't involve violent action in return, was make a wall to protect themselves.

After an 'I love you too' Clarke agreed about getting some sleep. Neither had any for probably over a full day and it felt worse because of the attack. A small smile appeared when he mentioned how they hadn't slept together in a while and it caused her to realize how much she had missed this. After a light kiss on his neck she closed her eyes. She must have been really exhausted, both physically and emotionally, because she fell asleep after only a few minutes.

Internally the girl groaned when it was the next morning and she was woken up to the sound of voices. All she wanted to do was sleep longer but then movement caused her to realize how dirty she was and also felt. Last night she hadn't cared but today she felt disgusting. Shifting slightly she looked up at Ryan and was pretty sure he was awake too.

"Morning, do you feel any better?" The question was silly, and she knew that but hoped he at least didn't feel as crappy as last night. "We really need a lake bath. Look how gross we are," she teased with a laugh but definitely felt the need to wash off. Lightly she ran her hand over his chest and it felt good to be able to spend the night with him again even if last night had not been the best first night back together thanks to the events that took place.
Bellamy knew this sexual assault might not be as painful as the other methods he used, but it was still effective. This method was probably the most dehumanizing thing he could do to her and that’s what he was aiming for right now. The actual pain he caused her was not very important but the way she perceived having her body assaulted by Bellamy was important. The smirk continued to grow across his face as his hands gripped her thigh, squeezing and fondling the flesh of her ass while continuing to thrust against the primal girl’s body.

His thick member just penetrated deeper and deeper with each movement of his hips. Like Bellamy told her, it had been some time since he was last able to do this so he was obviously having fun. He moved one hand to wrap in her hair and start roughly pulling on the dark locks and his hips continued to work hard. Her back was violently slammed into the metal wall of the drop ship over and over again. Bellamy had every intention of humiliating her and reaching his orgasm while inside of her. Everything was going according to plan so far.

“Look at you, Amelia.” Bellamy breathed out a breathy chuckle. “You’re so fucking useless now. You’ve just become my sex toy.” Bellamy spoke and gave her hair quite a violent tug as the pace increased, his cock going painfully deep inside of her, much deeper than he probably should be. The smile on his face was one of having fun and being pleasured as he continued pulsing inside of her tight hole. Everything about this situation just reminded Amelia that she was no longer in control and nothing she did could help her situation.


Ryan woke from his slumber only a couple minutes before Clarke. Hell, they must have been meant for each other to such an extent that even their internal sleeping clocks were the same. This was a thought Ryan had and it made him smile as Clarke greeted him. “Good morning, my love. I feel better than yesterday for sure.” While he was not absolutely unharmed right now, Ryan did feel better and he was looking much better too. The coloration returned to his skin, his breathing was not ragged, and his eyes looked just like normal so all things considered, he was doing well.

The thought of a lake bath made Ryan smile. It was not like they had extra clothes or anything so he figured they would just take a few blankets to quickly set up by the lake after bathing and wait for the clothes to dry. He had no idea what that might lead to but he was eager to find out. “Then let’s get started on that bath.” With a grin on his face, Ryan slowly sat up onto the edge of the table. He might be moving slowly but he was still moving and finally able to sit up straight.

Using both hands, he pushed himself off the table and stood for the first time on his own since yesterday before the accident. Taking a couple steps, he noticed that he was a little wobbly on his feet but he could handle it. Once he felt ready to start moving, Ryan reached for Clarke’s hand after grabbing a towel and a couple blankets from the corner. It was going to feel nice to just wash off and have all this blood and grime cleaned off. Exiting the camp, he noticed how people were working on building a wall around the area. It seemed like a good idea in his opinion but they were going the opposite way. Ryan knew they would not linger too far from camp and according to the map, there would be a river very close by in the East direction so that’s where they headed.
While trying not to make too much noise, and thereby giving him more satisfaction, was the goal it didn't quite work out that way. Between her bruised up back slamming against the metal, and him seemingly trying to make it more painful for her, she wasn't quite able to handle it silently. Though she did keep quiet when he said what was probably the most humiliating thing she could imagine.

Every time he pulled her hair she involuntarily winced. Amelia honestly couldn't imagine being in any more physical pain than she already was, but was sure he could come up with a way for that to be possible. She tried to ignore whatever he said, even though it was still a blow to her already bruised ego, and distract herself by thinking of what little she still had control over. Like what 'useful' information to give which might not necessarily be what they wanted, but they wouldn't know that.

Trying to breath through the painful thrusts she was growing worried that the distracting thoughts she tried to focus on wouldn't hold up and that if it went on much longer she would start reacting in a less than ideal way. Not ideal and horrifying way to her, but probably sickly amusing to him.


Clarke was more than a little happy to hear that he was feeling better. While she still believed he was most likely on pain still, and knew it would take time to heal, at least he was looking a lot better. She still couldn't believe that she almost lost him and just the thought of it made it hard to breathe. She truly wasn't sure what she would have done if he would have actually died.

When he agreed about the bath, she looked glad to hear he felt okay enough to go for a short walk. Clarke stayed close as he got up and wanted to make sure he could actually walk okay without help. While wobbly, he did seem to do alright and after she was satisfied that this wasn't a terrible idea for him to walk around so soon, she went and grabbed a few things of her own while he grabbed the blankets and towels. She grabbed a couple more blankets to use as pillows, while also using it as a way to hide the objects.

"Ready?" she asked with a small smile and took his free hand into hers to hold as they walked. It was a relief to see others were working on building a wall and thought that was a good way to help defend themselves she thought. The good thing was the lake wasn't too far away so it wasn't much of a danger for them to go. When they got there she set the blankets down. For a moment she almost thought about taking her clothes off, but those needed cleaned too so instead she waited until Ryan set his things down and lightly pulled him along towards the water.
Bellamy intended for Amelia to scream out and be unable to keep quiet. While one hand continued pulling in her long hair and yanking her head violently, the other started to trail down her body. She might not want this but her body would physiologically react a certain way to stimulation. His words were humiliating and dehumanizing but Bellamy knew one thing would destroy her. If he were able to make her cum while he was raping her, then that was the ultimate win and that’s what he wanted to do right now.

With this thought in mind, he stopped his hand over her clitoris. The pads of his forefinger and middle finger started to rub circles on her flesh, pressing down with ample pressure and rubbing horizontally and vertically against her mound of flesh. This combined with the rough thrusting of his cock pounding deep inside of her would be enough to build an orgasm. No matter what she said, her words could not override her natural reactions.

“Oh yeah… I bet you’re loving this like the little slut you are. God damn… I know you want this, bitch. We’re going to get along together just fine and you can get filled up with my cum.” A deadly smirk crossed Bellamy’s face at this comment, his pace starting to increase even further.


Ryan kept quiet during the short walk. After what happened yesterday, it was easy to overlook the beauty of Earth so he paid close attention to their surroundings and just took all of it in. As they reached the water, he dropped his own towels and nodded in response to his girlfriend, walking towards the lake. They slowly entered the water and found it was very shallow and easy to stand on the floor. No problem there at all. That was a good thing because nobody would know how to swim because there was obviously no water on the Ark to practice in.

Looking to Clarke after they get into the water, a smile crossed his face while both arms wrapped around her body. Chuckling to himself, he pulled Clarke underwater with himself for a couple seconds so their entire bodies could become drenched and so their shirts full of blood would be washed. After re-emerging, Ryan stripped off his shirt and tossed it back onto the ground after ringing out some water and trying to scrub the material with a towel though it did not matter too much sense they did not have any soap.

Still, he was just eager to remove his clothes so his jeans were the next thing to be pulled away and he was happy at least they would be somewhat cleaner. Shoes and socks followed suite before boxers being pulled off last and he was finally completely nude in front of Clarke as he patiently waited for the blonde to strip nude, too. She was absolutely gorgeous and anytime he saw her without any clothes on was a definite good time for Ryan. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen your body, babe. I missed it.”
"Please stop," Amelia begged after another hair pull. If it was possible to pass out from being in too much pain, the brunette felt like she should have a long time ago from how bad everything hurt. It helped even less that he seemed intent on making things as painful for her as possible. Every so often she had a fresh round of tears but it was getting to the point where her eyes were all dried out to where she couldn't cry anymore.

Biting her lip as he started rubbing, she right then knew this was more than just him using her for pleasure. That was what she had hoped and was why she hoped it would be done soon, but even with hoping that she knew it wasn't the case and he just wanted to break her as much as possible. There was still some anger in her eyes at the next set of words and she just wanted to make him shut up even if she couldn't stop what he was doing. There was no way for her to do that though except with her mouth and she wasn't too keen on the thought of kissing him, even if it was for no other reason than to try and make him be quiet.

Her legs jerked lightly as it continued and she hated that it was working. What was worse were the comments he made, and was likely to continue to make, as if forcing a reaction would actually support his degrading words. '"Stop" she begged again. It didn't take long before the faster pace coupled with the rubbing of her clitoris started making her involuntarily respond the way he wanted her to. The pain coupled with the stimulation made it impossible for her to ignore and before long she was reaching that climax point, much to her horror.


The scenery was nice, calm, and peaceful as far as Clarke was concerned. It almost made her able to forget about the horrible events that took place the night before and wished all of that could have been a bad dream. Of course it wasn't and them being at the lake was enough to remind her that since both they and their clothes needed a good washing. While they probably wouldn't get the clothes completely clean without soap, at least they would be much more cleanly than they were now.

Taking a breath she allowed the water to compel eyes cover her for a moment before resurfacing. The water felt nice and cool and made her feel much better than she had when waking up. Smiling as they had resurfaced together she watched him take his shirt off and watched for a few moments just admiring him and how lucky she was. He was completely nude before she started taking off her own clothes and even went with making a little show of it as well by taking them off slowly for him.

"I know.. I've missed this," she said after also being completely naked. Walking closer she wrapped her arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his lips. She had a couple thoughts as to what they could do besides getting clean, and was pretty sure he did as well. Hers might have been just slightly different but would need to figure a way to get a moment alone without him to pull out the surprise.
Amelia might be begging for Bellamy to stop but there was no chance of that happening. Every beg or plea she made added to Bellamy’s ego. “Do you want me to stop? You’re out of your fucking mind. It feels too damn good. I might not even lend you out to anyone else. You might be my little fuck toy and no one else’s.” Bellamy relayed in the tone of them having some sort of special connection and relationship. As sick and twisted as it was, Bellamy was realizing how much fun he was having. He never had forced himself onto a woman before but it was so much sexier than anything he’d done in the past.

When Amelia reached the climax and had to go through with her orgasm, the widest and most devilish smirk possible formed on Bellamy’s face. His lips twisted and his eyes widened. A breathy chuckle left his throat while he continued fucking her even while she was going through her orgasm. “See? I fucking knew you liked this, whore. You can’t tell me to stop when you just came all over my cock. Now it’s my turn. Let’s see if you feel as good as I do.”

Again, his words continued while it only took a handful more of the thrusts before reaching the end. With a loud moan, he felt the electrical pulse shoot up and down the base of his cock before reaching the crown again and stopping, allowing the muscles to clench and flex fervently. Without much time passing, he felt four spurts of his hot, sticky semen discharge from the tip and fill Amelia up to the brim. Combined with both juice, she was just overflowing and this was an ultimate victory for Bellamy. Not only was it a victory, but he just felt good physically afterwards, no longer sexually frustrated as he was before.


When the nude body form of Clarke appeared from underneath all those clothing, Ryan found his mind going elsewhere. His hands rested on her hips and their bare chests pressed together. “Damn, Clarke. You look even sexier than last time.” The man commented with a wink, sliding his hands down further to the small of her back and then squeezing her ass firmly with his fingers. Yes, he had quite a few thoughts about what to do. Most of them were kinky and he figured there was no chance of them happening but he liked to think about things.

Anyways, he pulled back from Clarke and decided to pull away from her body. “I think I should go find some tree or something we can hang our clothes over so they can dry properly.” Ryan commented after seeing their wrinkled clothing on the ground. Rest assured, he would return with intent to have a little fun with Clarke but now he pushed himself out of the water and decided to find all their clothing and approach a nearby tree with a low hanging branch that would serve just like a clothesline in a sense. After doing this, he turned around back towards the area where he left Clarke.

During this time, his back was turned to Clarke and he would not know anything she did. He was turned away for a couple minutes, giving her plenty of time to do whatever she needed to do.
Breathless, Amelia felt the tingling surges of pleasure course throughout her. Inevitably she would just feel ashamed but for the briefest of moments she actually forgot about being battered up and bruised. It might have lasted slightly longer than that but his continued words caused that to not last long at all before the reality of the situation was back at the forefront of her mind. As he continued on despite her now being sensitive it just made it more impossible for her to be silent through the rest of it.

Luckily for her it was only a few more thrusts before he finished and that was when the feelings of being ashamed started kicking in. Not only did she hate what he had done but also herself for responding the way he wanted her to. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball until her body didn't ache anymore, yet was fearful that he either wasn't through with her for the night, would rape her at later points, or let others do it like he already mentioned before. It made her not even want tomorrow to get there.

"You got what you wanted.. why don't you just go and get the information in the morning.." It was a mixture of a comment and a plea. Aside from that her tone held very little in the way of emotion as she felt too numb and was too worn out to be much more amusing. All she wanted to do was lay down, even if she was still tied up and couldn't quite lay comfortably. That had to be better than continue to be tormented and beaten on.


Clarke couldn't help but smile as he knew just how to make her feel good even when circumstances were not always the best. Even when she had been in lockup he always managed to make her smile and feel better. "You might want to be careful.. I might get a big head if you keep it up," she teased lightly and reluctantly pulled away when he mentioned about the clothes. For a moment she had completely forgot about them and it was probably a good thing he hadn't or else they would look horrible after drying.

"Hurry back," she said and had a hint of a devious smile as she realized it gave her the opportunity she needed to pull out the surprise. Clarke wasn't entirely sure if it was considered 'normal' the type of thoughts she had but she couldn't really care. Especially after almost loosing him, she didn't want to live with any regrets. Pulling out the rope and duct tape, she knew without help her hands couldn't really be tied so she just tied her ankles to the best of her ability before putting the tape over her mouth.

After she finished and was laying on one of the blankets she waited for Ryan to come back, wondering exactly how he would react. Often times she would have thoughts of Ryan being in control and dominating her, and the thought of it maybe actually happening was enough to already start turning her on.
Did Amelia truly believe Bellamy would leave her alone after this session finished? A dry chuckle escaped the man’s throat before he pulled the woman away from the wall and literally dropped her onto the ground with a thud. While she remained bound, naked, and helpless on the floor, Bellamy pulled up a chair to sit down. He stretched out all four of his limbs and was not in a hurry to do anything. A soft sigh left his lips before his dark brown eyes locked onto Amelia again. Was he done with her for the night? Probably not. In another hour or so, Bellamy would be recharged and likely eager for a second round.

However, he wanted to make her life more miserable. If the combined juices all over her legs was not enough, he grabbed some rope from earlier and decided to tie one end around her bound hands, connecting the other end to her bound ankles. A tight, strict hogtie was completed to leave Amelia even more uncomfortable and more helpless than before. Bellamy did not want the brunette to forget she was no longer a person, but she was now his property to do whatever the hell he wanted with.

“I am going to have more fun with you later. I’ve given you so many chances to tell me what I wanted to know but you insisted on being a fucking bitch. I am done listening to your shit. I will fuck you and torture you until I break you.” Nothing he said was a mere threat because all of his words were promised. While recharging and regaining energy, Bellamy continued to watch Amelia like a vulture, wondering if she had anything else to say at the moment.


When Ryan turned around, his eyes immediately landed on Clarke. Blinking a couple times, he needed to ensure he was not hallucinating. Indeed, Clarke was lying on the blanket and waiting for him with her ankles tied together and duct tape over her mouth. Ryan glanced downwards and noticed his erection was instant. Licking his lips, Ryan power walked to the blanket and kneeled beside of Clarke. “Either we’ve been having the same fantasy or you can read my mind.” Ryan teased in a husky breath, showing how excited this made him. She did not even need to point out the rope because he immediately grabbed the rope for her wrists.

Pulling her hands together behind of her back, he wrapped the rope around and around her wrists before looping the ends through and tying a tight knot together on top. For fun, he tightened the rope on her ankles before sitting her up as he sat beside her. Taking his right hand, grabbing the duct tape, he decided to rip off another piece and add it on top of the first piece on her lips. The gag was his most favorite thing in the entire world and he could not wait to hear what Clarke sounded like behind her gag.

“I want you to struggle for me, baby. I want to see you try and get loose. Let me see that body of yours squirming around.” Ryan cooed into her ear, reaching his hand down in between her legs to press two fingers to her clitoris and begin massaging her mound of flesh as he started to kiss her over the gag, pressing his lips right to the imprint of hers.
Amelia cried out the moment her back hit the ground. All she could do was breath and yet that just made everything hurt even worse. She couldn't be bothered to move and the only time she did was wincing in pain when he forced her into an even more uncomfortable position. At this point she was willing to make herself hurt even worse if it could just make her pass out for awhile. Although knowing her luck he would just manage to wake her up and torture her more.

As the words sank in Amelia realizing just how bad things were and that maybe she would have been better off being a captive of Ice Nation. At least there was a better chance of her dying there, and death was starting to seem better and better than what her life seemed like it was going to be now. With what little strength she had left, she used it to roll and face the opposite way, primarily to hide her face and moved her hair to act as a curtain. Obviously anything she said just made her situation worse, so all she wanted to do was keep hidden the fact of how low and negative she was feeling.


Clarke felt her heart beating a little faster as she waited. While she didn't think he'd react badly or anything along those lines, she had still been slightly nervous at what he would think. It seemed that her worries were for nothing as he came back over and said words they surprised her slightly but in a good way. She hadn't quite expected that they had the same fantasies, but it seemed they did. They really did seem to be in sync with each other.

She let him gag her hands and do whatever else he wanted to make the bondage 'worse'. Even though he couldn't see it because of the duct tape, a small smirk had tugged at her lips before she started trying to twist and turn a little. She couldn't exactly talk but did try to. While you couldn't exactly understand that words they were something along the lines of begging him not to take advantage of her. It was all for show though but she made it look real.
The remainder of the night went by swiftly. Bellamy left Amelia alone for an hour to check on progress of the defenses and weapons. When he returned, Bellamy did rape Amelia again without any reserve. The entire night was spent dehumanizing the woman and leaving her completely helpless. Just so she did not fall asleep, he continued to torture her all night long. His favorite technique was using waterboarding while she lay flat on her back, only accentuating the affects. Bellamy was wide awake so he intended on using sleep deprivation as another method of torture. Whenever she was close to falling asleep, he ensured she stayed awake.

When the next morning arrived, he added to her bondage and decided to complete what was known as a hair tie. Basically, some rope was tied around her hair and pulled violently as he wrapped the rope around her already bound ankles. Basically, if she leaned forward or tried to allow her head to rest, her scalp would be ripped and cause excruciating pain. Bellamy grabbed himself something to eat from the rations while going through different weapons they created. It was not long before he was called away to check something out by one of the teenagers.

Wells Jaha, the Chancellor’s son, was attacked and killed outside the walls. He was on watch duty alone yet a Grounder got close enough to kill him judging by the spear in his body. While nobody liked Wells, Bellamy was still pissed off they dared to get close enough and now they were on the brink of war. Taking the spear from Wells’ body, he stormed back to the dropship to where the battered and beaten Amelia was on the floor and as soon as he entered, he kicked her violently in the stomach and threw down the spear. “Is this your people?” He asked, figuring she would know the design.


Oh. My. God.

That’s all Ryan could think right now. Clarke looked absolutely sexy all tied up and gagged while being nude. Furthermore, his most favorite part revolved around the noises she made. Those sexy “Mmphs” and muffled words begging him to not take advantage of the damsel were unimaginably sexy. In fact, Ryan had half a mind to just touch himself while watching and listening to Clarke. It turned him on that much. It was accelerated when she twisted around and pretended like she did not want this. Before today, he feared his fantasies were weird and Clarke would look at him differently if he ever expressed those desires. Well, he expected Clarke to look at him differently after today but in a good way.

His fingers continued to rub her clitoris and his other hand groped Clarke’s left butt cheek, fondling and kneading the flesh. His erection was now full and pressing against her thigh but he was not ready to fuck her just yet. Ryan wanted to take his time and show he was in control. He was going to dominate his lover.

“You belong to me now, Clarke. I own you. You will always listen to me or face the consequences.” Ryan purred seductively into her ear, finding the idea of thinking about Clarke as being his little pet to be very arousing. Of course, he did not just intend on actually using her for just sex but the entire dynamic of him being the dom and her being the sub was spectacular in all facets of their life.

Being with Clarke for so long, he knew when she was getting close to an orgasm so when she began showing those signs, he abruptly stopped rubbing her clit and allowed her to teeter on the edge of sublime, pushing the girl onto her back and then straddling her. Taking his cock, he placed them between her breasts and pushed the mounds of flesh together, starting to slide back and forth slowly in a new position and a new mannerism than ever before as he tilted his head backwards and moaned out quietly, clearly not in a hurry.
Amelia wasn't sure how long it had been or if it was even the next day yet, but time just felt like it slowed down to a crawl. Between the rape, torture, and lack of sleep the brunette was really starting to believe she was going to die there but in a slow and painful way. She was pretty sure it had been over twenty four hours since she had actually ate or drank anything, and then the torment to her body on top of that left her feeling far to weak and without any hope.

While it probably wasn't that long of a time, the minutes felt even longer after he tied her hair and she had no way to lay in even a semi-comfortable position until he finally came back and by that point she already expected more pain. Amelia didn't know how she had enough water for tears, but somehow she did despite feeling dehydrated and cried out in pain. She couldn't help the wimpering noises being made and it took a while before she could even look at the weapon with enough attention to  answer the question. There didn't seem any point in lying, or telling the truth for that matter, because nothing helped her situation. She was starting to think of him as some sort of monster who probably should have been born in Ice Nation rather than in space.

"Yes..." she said in a painful tone and was pretty sure she'd now be hurt for whatever happened that she wasn't even apart of. At the same time she wanted to take the small window of opportunity even though her breath was likely wasted. "Please... untie me.. I'll do anything.." she begged. "I'll tell you everything you need to know.." she said and knew that was the only thing she could offer; was compliance. It wasn't likely to work but she thought the use of the word need rather than what he wanted to know might make some sort of difference. "I'll do anything... please.." she begged again. At this point she wouldn't have cared if he didn't untie them all, she was just desperate for a little peace and sleep to try and heal a little bit and she didn't know how else to say she couldn't take anymore so she defaulted to pleas and begs.


Clarke could tell that what she was doing was turning him on. Actually, she kind of felt like he was turned on quicker than other times they had made love. It was actually kind of fun to watch and she continued to do that for a bit until he grabbed her ass and began to rub her which immediately started making her wetter as she had already been turned on by the thoughts she had and then it was amplified when he tied her up more and added more tape to cover her mouth.

Moans escaped though muffled and after she even pretended to protest a little bit more. When he spoke it was actually hard for her to act 'afraid' or 'fearful' by it because it was actually more of a turn on. Part of her already suspected he meant it more than just for sex but in other aspects of their life. Of course she didn't mind that as she already had thoughts about being dominated and doing what he wanted.

A small moan of protest happened when he abruptly stopped right as she was close to a release, but she didn't get time to think about that much as he pushed her back to rub himself in between her breasts. It was kind of a new position for them and she couldn't deny that it was enjoyable. Once the peak of her orgasm slowly went away she was able to enjoy it a whole lot more. Closing her eyes she let herself just enjoy the feel of him on her.
Amelia was correct in assuming she would pay for whatever crimes her people committed. At least she was honest and forthcoming about the information. Well, that did not help her any. It was a lose-lose situation because whether or not she told him, he was going to torture her. The context would change: either torturing her because her people killed someone or torturing her to find out whether or not her people did this. In a dry tone, Bellamy chuckled when she asked to be untied. Did she really think he was going to comply with her wishes? The leader felt amused and simply stared at the naked, bound woman then looked back towards the spear. Nasty and treacherous ideas were spinning inside of his mind before Bellamy finally did decide his next course of action.

To do what he wanted, the rope around her hair would have to come undone so that’s what he did next. After this rope was tossed away, his attention returned to the woman and an evil smirk spread across his face while assessing the situation. “You’re welcome. I untied you just like you wanted. You also said that you will do anything so since I’ve untied you, then I think you owe me a favor or two, isn’t that right?” The male questioned with an evil smirk still playing on his lips. It was amusing how he used her own words against her. Obviously, his desires for her favor would not be anything pleasant but it was fun to keep her guessing until he revealed the surprise.

Taking the spear, he snapped the wooden weapon in half before dropping down to one knee. He flipped Amelia onto her back and spread open her tied legs so her pussy lips were revealed to him again. Using the handle, he all but shoved the wooden item inside of her lips, forcing it deep inside of womanhood. Bellamy knew this would hurt like hell and he could not imagine the pain but he did not quite care, obviously. “See, my cock wasn’t so bad after all? I bet you’d prefer my cock over this.” Bellamy spoke while moving his hand back and forth, fucking her with the foreign object. The dark haired male had no idea when he would stop though. This was actually fun for him and he felt like he would get more information out of her soon enough.


While fucking her tits, Ryan decided to use this moment for some communication. “You will call me Master because that’s what I am to you. You’re my little slave forever.” Ryan spoke, his voice booming and deep, just exuding dominance and ownership. The love for the blonde girl was growing with each passing second as his cock slid back and forth between her soft breasts. Pressed together, they created a tight fit for him and Ryan was starting to moan again and again. Usually, Ryan was rather quiet during sex but not right now. That alone should prove how much he enjoyed this.

“I’ll set up some rules for you, baby. You have to be near me all the time and at least holding my hand. We’ll let everyone know that I own you.” Ryan laid out his first rule and it was something rather cute in his mind. At all times, Clarke should be close to his side and touching him in some form or fashion. After a couple minutes, he stopped thrusting between her breasts and steadied himself on top of her, pressing a kiss to her gagged lips.

“You should also get used to being bound and especially to being gagged. God damn you sound so sexy like this. I can’t even explain it properly.” Ryan smirked, winking at his girlfriend again and allowing his cock to rub against her thigh, kissing down her abdomen and finally down to her thighs in a gentle manner. His cock was continuing to throb and he was enjoying just watching Clarke squirming and struggling underneath him as he was getting close to just fucking her.
Amelia wasn't surprised, and felt extremely stupid for not having figured that her words would be twisted and used against her. It was hard to consider things like that though when she was so desperate for this to be over and for him to take the information and leave her alone. But she was starting to believe he didn't even actually want information anymore or even cared about his people's well being. The more time he spent tormenting her was just more time not spent on working to survive the harsh new world they entered. But how could he even understand that when he was too arrogant and full of himself? That wasn't counting the fact that it was just torture for torture sake at this point.

Her head flung forward in pain and she was actually too scared to make a peep as he spoke of the favor she promised. Her fears weren't unwarranted and she cried out louder than she probably had during any previous torture. If there was one thing she was sure wouldn't heal, it would be if the wood cut her while inside of her. Of course she knew he wouldn't care if she became permanently damaged sexually though. Actually that might have been a good thing at this point. The only good thing about this was she knew she wasn't hallucinating when her consciousness kept slowly going in and out. Not enough to be noticeable just yet but there were times where it felt like she blacked out even though she felt the pain the whole time. While she wouldn't admit it, and the question was likely rhetorical anyway, but it was true this was much worse and she would have rather have just been raped again.

When the pain finally stopped, at least long enough for her to take a few painful breaths, she almost felt like there was no point in talking yet if she didn't then there was less of a chance of the torture stopping. Not that she thought it ever would, and was pretty sure he intended to torture her until, eventually, accidentally killing her even despite if she gave information or not. Obviously she couldn't give away every bit of information as she would lose any leverage she might have to get him to stop but would try logic again. It hadn't quite worked the last time but she intended to be careful with her choice of words and avoid it sounding like a threat as that didn't do any good.

Eventually she managed to speak after enough time had passed for the pain to subside just slightly. "Whatever happened.. don't you realize it might be in retaliation? People knew I was headed this direction before you landed" she told him. "You need food, and supplies right? I could get them to trade for my safe return. You think you can win but why risk it? Even if you did people would still die.. and there's more threats in this world than just my clan.." Amelia wasn't sure it would work but if there was anything that might get him to listen it would be his people's safety. Of course she would have been insane to actually believe he would agree to let her go in exchange for anything, and she didn't believe he would, but really had said it as a way to lead up to her other points about there being other threats that were worse than what they were facing now. Desperation was hitting her again as she tried to stay consious to try and get him to at least see a little bit of reason. "What do I have to do to get you to stop," her voice sounded pained and in anguish. She already feared the answer to that question and was pretty sure she would just be tortured until her body gave out and she died. She was starting to hope that happened soon.


Even though Clarke couldn't speak it was clear she didn't seem to mind what he said. While she had never necessarily thought of names like the word 'Master' the thought kind of excited her. It would have been slightly disappointing if it turned out what he said was just part of the show, like her pretending to struggle, but something told her it wasn't and that he was serious. Nor did she think anything else was said that was just for show. A moan escaped as she enjoyed his rubbing against her and was already excited for what was to come soon enough.

Clarke couldn't have said any of the rules bothered her. She actually enjoyed the thought of touching and being around him constantly. Aside from maybe if she had to tend to someone that was injured then she didn't see a problem with it whatsoever. Right at the same time as he said that, it seemed to be perfect timing as he caused her to moan almost like she was vocally agreeing. It was driving her crazy, in a good way, the way he seemed to be taking his time before fucking her. But she expected this time to be better than any previous time. At least she felt more excited and was pretty sure he did too.

He couldn't have seen it but a smile creeped onto her face at the thought of being bound and gagged for him constantly. She could tell he enjoyed this more than their other times together and she couldn't deny that she was enjoying it a whole lot more too. As she felt hi m rubbing against her thigh it caused her to squirm more in anticipation and was sure he was getting close taking her. Moaning again her legs strained to press closer to him despite the restraints and was clearly a little eager for what was yet to come.
Before Amelia even uttered one syllable, Bellamy had decided nothing she said would convince him to stop right now. Not only was he enjoying himself, but he knew she would completely break soon enough. Not only would he have a source of information, but he would have a little toy to play with as it seemed. However, he simply sat down and waited for her to speak as she tried to plead her case again. Obviously, her pleas fell on deaf ears and Bellamy just laughed and shook his head time and time again, musing over her words and seeing how adorable it was for his captive to plead for her life.

“It doesn’t fucking matter if what they did was in retaliation. They fucking killed some of my people. I don’t give a fuck what I did to you. They can’t do that shit. Hell yeah, I want supplies and food but I think an even better idea is going to your little village and killing everyone and then taking all of your shit. Not trading for it. Are you out of your damn mind? Nothing you do can make me stop. I told you, your new spot will be a slave to me in this camp and you will never be free until you fucking die.”

He figured the point was clear enough so he took the spear handle again and just violently shoved that object right back inside her tight hole, forcing her lips open wider to accept it and when he could fit the thing in deep enough where it would just become lodged inside, he left it sitting there and crossed his arms. Bellamy again had no idea how this felt or whatever but he still did not care. It was something she would have to deal with for a few more moments.

“The pain and torture will never stop. If you tell me what I want to know then maybe it won’t be as bad. I might even give you rewards from time to time. I don’t know yet. So far you have done nothing to comply with me. I am still waiting for you to give me your information about your village. If you do this, I will not hurt your family or anyone else that you care about. If I have to find them on my own… I will kill them all and make you watch them as they die. If you think I’m joking, keep testing me.”

With the venom still flowing, Bellamy removed the wood again and tossed it aside, done with this object for right now. He stood to his feet and decided to grab some granola bar out of the ration pack. He threw it down beside of her right against her face but being tied up and hogtied like this she obviously could not eat it. It was just to tease her and he crossed his legs. “Tell me anything I want to know and if it checks out truthfully, then I will feed you and give you water. I know that’s something you must want right now. I might even let you sleep.”

If he had to resort to bribing her for the information, then he would. That’s what he showed right now. A grin was still across his face as he sat in the chair, just waiting for Amelia’s next move. Her fighting spirit seemed to already be broken down and he knew if he got a hold to her family, he might could completely destroy her. She might want to die but he would keep her alive and that would be torture in itself, right? Everyone was talking about this around camp because word got out and now everyone basically feared him for knowing how ruthless he was acting. Would he do this to any of his own? Nobody knew and nobody wanted to find out either. Everyone just kept their space and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.


Pushing Clarke down onto her back, Ryan wrapped both hands around her bound ankles. Slowly, he brought her tied feet to his face and began to kiss both of her soles. Then, he started to kiss her toes one by one and go down the side of her foot. Yes, Ryan had a little foot fetish he never expressed before. Something else he would make sure to have plenty of was time with her feet. “You also have a new way to tease me, Clarke. I expect you to use your feet often whether you just put them in my lap or actually jerk me off with them. I want to have this more often.”

After this comment, he decided to push Clarke’s knees towards her chest with her feet dangling in the air. At this angle, her pussy lips were sticking out enough between her legs where he could enter her when ready. Still, she was all bound and gagged, looking hotter than ever. Again, Ryan allowed his thick member to rub against the outside of her lips so she could feel how he throbbed already. Ryan enjoyed teasing her but soon enough was enough and Ryan just wanted to let loose. With a smile across his face, Ryan winked at the blonde girl and gripped his hands around her thighs.

“Get ready, baby. I will fuck you harder than ever before. Master will make you scream.” Another wink was followed by his cock thrusting forward and pushing through her lips quickly. He went deeper inside of her than ever before, tilting his head backwards and moaning out loudly. Already, she felt so fucking good and tight as he started to thrust even harder, his hips violently bouncing off her thighs again and again. Ryan smiled broadly at the girl, unable to keep his eyes off that sexy gag on her mouth. He was fucking her faster than ever before and he was having a great time.
Amelia almost countered back in response, at least try to reason a way without mass murder but didn't get that chance before the pain hit her again and she was crying out. Part of her hoped he had done too much damage to where she couldn't be of any use, especially with the spear so she couldn't be used for anything sexual. It felt pointless to help in any way since she would just be tortured anyway no matter if she helped or not. And it wasn't like she believed his words other than the threats and mention of the torture never ending even if she did comply. So she was pretty sure her family would die regardless if she told him or he found them.

Turning her face away from the food she tried to hide how miserably hopeless she felt. In truth she almost didn't want food or water. Even though starvation might have been a slow and painful death she honestly couldn't see how it would be even more painful than being hog-tied for the rest of her days. Gritting her teeth she knew her resolve was pretty much non existent and the only thing she could really do now was test his words about if she were honest.

"Let me help there not be more death then.. your anger is towards the fighters.. the villages mostly consist of common folk, they won't even understand you. Only the warriors learn English.." Her breath was most likely wasted, she thought, but had to be quick to speak again before he decided to do anything else. She could already feel a lump in her throat at the guilt of even thinking to say anything helpful. "If you want supplies quick... there's a village closer from here than mine. It's in the opposite direction and about a few hours less there and back compared to mine. Of course she was well aware that he might not care and still want the other one, or even hers first and then the other, out of cruelty towards her, but it was the only strategy she could think of to assess him without being outright deceiving and claim another village was her own when it wasn't. That would likely just get her harmed even more.


Clarke hadn't been sure what to expect when his hands went down to her ankles. She had no idea that he had a thing for feet, and could understand why since neither of them spoke much about these sorts of fantasies and only just now were learning these new things. It was slightly hard for her not to move her feet but that was partly because she was slightly ticklish. Despite that she actually found it enjoyable while listening to what he wanted her to do on a frequent basis. The ideas that were popping in her head to tease him were already at the forefront of her mind but they quickly disappeared when it seemed he was ready to fuck her.

Her breathing was hitched as he decided the foreplay was done and was actually anticipating it. Especially when he spoke of it being harder than ever before, which she had no qualms about. Immediately a loud, muffled, moan escaped after he entered her deeply and it only continued as he went harder than she ever remembered before. It was probably obvious to tell that she was reacting a whole lot more than usual, not that she didn't enjoy their other times but found this to be even more pleasurable. Unless Ryan decided to prolong it a bit, she had a feeling that a climax for her was going to come much sooner than he might expect.
Bellamy did not care about the bloodshed, especially if it involved the Grounders. All he wanted to do was survive and wipe out any opposition. Amelia’s first statement ended up being pointless but her last statement did catch the young man’s attention. They were already running low on supplies and Bellamy knew the people were getting restless. If she was being honest with him, he could take advantage of this information. Bellamy could rally a group of his closest counterparts that believed everything he told them and they could find this village and take all the supplies. Drumming his fingers across his chin, Bellamy remained silent and stood in thought. After tapping his cheek a few times, he finally made the decision to keep good on his word he had given to Amelia.

With a sigh, he untied the rope that connected her hands to her ankles and allowed it to fall onto the ground though he still left her hands and ankles bound. Taking the granola bar from the floor, he peeled it open and held it to her lips. “Eat.” He demanded, gripping her hair harshly, prepared to pull and torment her again if she did anything stupid. Once the granola bar was finished, he stood from the floor and found a bottle of water, holding it to her lips so she could drink from the bottle until it was emptied. It was not much but it was enough to keep her alive and that’s all Bellamy worried about. However, it was time to get down to business and he wanted to make things clear with his expectations.

“You’re going with us to this village. You’ll lead the way and show us how to get around. If you lead us into anything stupid, then I’ll kill you right on the spot. First, tell me the directions to get there. I’m going to scout it first before I believe anything you say.” Once saying this, Bellamy took a pen and a piece of paper, pulling up the chair again and taking a seat. By this time, the hundred constructed many weapons to use. He felt confident in their ability to take out any threats they might meet. This time, they would actually be ready for a fight instead of being sneaked upon like the last few times.


God damn, Clarke looked so fucking sexy like this. Ryan could hardly believe this was happening. His wildest fantasies were being fulfilled. With each second, his cock thrust deep inside of his bound girlfriend and the tip punched right against the sweet, sensitive spot. Giving her more pleasure, he allowed two fingers to slip in between her legs and start rubbing circles on her sensitive clitoris. Ryan figured his own orgasm would reach quickly as well because he had never been so turned on before. Already, his core was burning and his cock was throbbing inside of the tight pussy lips. His breathing became ragged and he looked down, deep into the blonde’s eyes to show how much he loved her and loved doing this.

To further assert his dominance and keep the entire dominant and submissive concept going, he decided to tease Clarke and warn her about a new rule. “You’re not allowed to cum until I give you permission. If you cum before I say you can, then you will face consequences.” Ryan spoke in a hefty voice, his breathing still shallow. Once he said this, he winked at her playfully. Actually, he hoped she would orgasm without his permission. It was just fun to think about punishing her and spanking her, maybe even teasing her to the edge of the orgasm next time but not allowing a complete pleasure for Clarke. The ideas were already swirling in his mind as his pre-cum began leaking inside of her tight hole.
Amelia wasn't sure what he was thinking, nor could she even tense up to brace herself for whatever he might do as all that would do was cause her more pain. She didn't quite expect him to untie anything but wasn't surprised when he forced her to eat. It frustrated her that he seemed to either know what she was thinking, or had some idea about the thoughts a captive might have. Either way it was going to make it even more impossible to either try and escape, or try and get herself killed. Either option would have been fine with her at this point. With there not being much else in the way of options she was forced to eat and then drink the water. It did help a little but Amelia was pretty sure it just made her stomach angry at her for having teased it with what little she did eat and drink.

The look on her face showed the brunette wasn't pleased by the thought of going with them. He'd probably chalk it up to her not wanting to see her people die but in truth it was a much more selfish reason. Suddenly she was worried about being forced to be seen naked by not only everyone in this camp but also at the village. Not only that but she was ashamed at the thought of everyone seeing the bruises and torture marks. It should have made everyone think badly of him, but she wasn't quite thinking that way and just wanted to hide them from everyone.

"It's the way of the mountains.." she first stated simply. It was actually about the same way Clarke and Ryan went, except the village, and the route to the village, was much farther right and was closer than Mount Weather had been. After telling the way, Amelia was hesitant to say anything else. Partly because there was only one thing she wanted and doubted he would do it. "If your going to make me go could you at least steal some clothes?" Since she was almost positive his answer would not be in her favor, she thought maybe giving a word of warning, before he could say anything, might give some sway. "When your surveying the area there and back, watch the trees," she said and figured he was smart enough to pick up that the grounders in these parts used them to hide in.


Clarke knew she was on the verge of an orgasm, especially when he started to rub his fingers against her clitoris. There was no way she could hold out for very long and she wondered if he knew that when he spoke his next statement. It left her heart pounding, but not actually in a bad way. She knew he wouldn't cause her actual harm, at least nothing that would be worrisome, so she was actually more imaging the different things he might come up with. It was entertaining to say the least and she wouldn't mind 'disobeying' sometime to see what he did. That time might come sooner than she thought though if he kept this up.

Her breath was becoming rough and she could feel the pressure building inside of her. By that point she wasn't completely aware if he said anything else, partly because of the muffled moans and the building of pleasure that was threatening to release. Even if he had yet to give permission she would happily take the punishment as it just felt too good. Even before that thought was finished the orgasm hit her quickly and she shuddered from the release as she came. Since she couldn't really breathe through her mouth, she was breathing pretty deeply through her nose along with the moaning.
“You’re seriously just a dumb little bitch, aren’t you? I’ve told you time and time again that you have no rights anymore yet you think I’m going to give you clothes? Keep on dreaming.” After rolling his eyes, Bellamy considered her warning before crossing his arms. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I bet you’ll be worried about me. Don’t worry, you’ll see me again very soon.” Bellamy chuckled and decided to grab the captive and pull her back into the corner of the room. This time, he gripped some more rope in his hands and decided to wrap another length of rope around her wrists and attach that rope around a pole in the far corner of the room. Also, he straightened out her legs and tightly tied another rope around her ankles, attaching it to another pole in the corner of the room just so she would be absolutely stranded.

“You just stay here and don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back.” Deciding he wanted to keep her quiet as well while he was gone, he found some duct tape and pressed it over her lips before taking one of those towels and wrapping them around her eyes for a blindfold to basically make her unable to talk, see, move, or do anything. The only sensation she still could use was feeling whatever he did to her. Leaning down beside of her, Bellamy took his hand and raised it to strike her breast again violently just so she would not forget who was in charge here.

After his little fun was over, Bellamy without a word exited the dropship and took the map along with him. While her directions were not exactly direct about how to get to this village but if she was telling the truth, he knew exactly where it would be. This area used to be populated and was marked for some reason on the map and it was just over the mountain like Amelia said. Bellamy knew where they would head so he decided to find a couple of his close associates to keep watch on this part of the drop ship while recruiting a larger number of delinquents to scout the area with him. Little did he know that after he left the area for only a few minutes, Finn was slowly entering the dropship and slipping in through the closed hatch that Bellamy did not lock, wondering what in the hell he was doing back here.


When Clarke reached her orgasm and her pussy began squirting out all of those lovely juices, Ryan did moan out loudly, too focused on how fucking good this felt to think about her punishment yet. A few moments later following Clarke’s sexy moaning and a few more thrusts, Ryan reached his own orgasm as well. His lips were kissing her toes again while the climax racked over his body. He felt an electrical impulse run up and down the length of his cock before finally reaching the orgasm as all his semen started to spurt out of his cock and discharge all inside of Clarke. Again, he moaned out Clarke’s name much louder than ever before in his life.

After the last discharge of cum, it took Ryan a couple minutes to recover completely. When he did, the male finally removed himself from inside of the sexy girl, just falling down onto the ground beside of her with a look of pure love on his face. “Mmm… I would untie you know but you’ve been such a naughty girl. You came without my permission and I did promise to punish you.” The tone of his voice showed that this punishment was not the stereotypical punishment. The smirk and seductive tone proved this would be something fun for them both as he began kissing up and down the skin of her neck.
"If you think I'm in any condition to travel then maybe your the one who's crazy," she stated only showing the slightest hint of annoyance compared to what she actually felt. If anything she was positive all she would do is be a hindrance and slow them down, which lead her to believe humiliating her was more important to him than actual supplies or surviving, despite anything he might say otherwise. But she kept quiet after that seeing as hell would have had to freeze over for her to care about his well being. If anything she hoped something bad happened.

Being tied up more didn't bother her much but she did freak out about the tape and blindfold. The thought of sleep seemed impossible now because the fear of not knowing what he would do set in. The only way she'd be able to know if he was back was if she heard him, which wouldn't happen if she happened to fall asleep. No one could really hear but she cried out in pain and was shaking more than a little by the time he left. She felt rather hopeless as nothing she did, or could do, made her situation any better.


Clarke breathed heavily as the sensations passed through her body and she could tell he was enjoying it just as much. She had a feeling they were going to have a lot of fun times ahead like this. Just like him she had been too caught up in the moment to think about punishments but soon she did remember after they were laying side by side. Of course she couldn't say anything but tried to give a worried look even though his tone suggested it wasn't going to be anything 'bad'. That thought was proven right when he started kissing her neck and she shivered in response. Still she was feeling little blips of pleasure and that just added to it. Little sounds of pleasure could be heard even though as a 'punishment' she should have been acting as though she didn't want it.
Merely minutes later, Bellamy recruited almost a dozen people to join him. Everyone equipped themselves with weapons and a map before meeting at the edge of the East Wall to discuss the plan of attack. Meanwhile, Finn slipped into the drop ship unnoticed and continued to follow the long corridor. Almost everyone was talking about what Bellamy was doing. Sadly, nobody truly spoke up against it. The few who did not agree with Bellamy’s actions were too scared, but not Finn. Somehow, Bellamy had a majority of the camp brainwashed, thinking this was the right thing to do for their safety.

Finn slowly approached the naked woman and knelt down beside of her. “My name is Finn… I am going to help you.” His voice was quiet and gentle before untying the blindfold from her eyes so she could see again. The next thing to go was the tape across her lips. Once the sticky substance was removed, Finn started to work on untying her ankles. “I’m going to help you escape. I can’t do too much but I hope it’ll be enough. I’ll find you some clothes and get you out. We don’t have much time.” Finn whispered to her while working on all of the knots.


A moment later, Ryan decided to peel the duct tape slowly off Clarke’s mouth. Rest assured, he would gag her soon enough. However, he wanted to kiss her and talk to her during their break. The gag was removed but he kept her bound. “I love you so much. I hope you had fun so far.” Ryan whispered into her ear before letting his lips trail down her neck. All logic told Ryan they needed to hurry back to camp and not stay in the open but he was having too much fun to quit. Hopefully Clarke felt the same way and she would not mind some naked cuddling with him while she was tied up. His arms wrapped around her body, grabbing her bound hands with his own and squeezing them together softly as he looked deep into the blonde’s eyes, touching their lips together for another kiss.
For the first time since being bond, Amelia found herself in a post on that wasn't extremely uncomfortable and she used that time to struggle against the ropes. They were too tight though and she realized if she kept it up that it would just rub her skin raw. For a last time she pulled in frustration before she heard footsteps approaching and immediately tensed up. There was no way he could be back so soon.. but then she heard a different voice.. as soon as she realized it was a different guy, she suddenly felt self conscious and a sense of humiliation. She hated someone seeing her this way but she couldn't exactly change it.

Then he said what she didn't quite expect. He was going to help her? Blinking when she could see again, she breathed once the duct tape was removed. For the first time it what felt like a long time, she felt a small sense of relieve. She didn't know why Finn was helping her, but at least it showed her that not everyone there was horrible. That was enough for her to believe only certain people deserved what her people wanted to do. "Thank you..." was all she could manage to say and kind of felt like she was dreaming and that she would wake back up to the nightmare that had been happening to her since yesterday. She tried to help as much as she could, but was worried it would just hinder the process.


Clarke hadn't expected him to take the tape off just yet, but used that time to let her breathing get back to normal. "I love you too.. you know I did," she breathed with a smile. Right after that she shivered lightly again from the kisses and really enjoyed this time. Had she not been bound, she would have used this opportunity for cuddling, but that didn't mean she wouldn't still want that in a little while. She knew they shouldn't stay out a very long time but didn't want to rush such a nice moment. Especially it being their first time together since coming to earth. Looking into his eyes she smiled again as he took her hands. At first the kiss was nice and soft, but soon she let it deepen just slightly.
All Finn could do was solemnly smile at this woman. There was no time for condolences or doing anything more than untying her and helping her escape. When all the ropes were finally untied, Finn helped her stand up straight and sit down onto the table. Leaving the area for a brief moment, he returned with some underwear, pants, socks, shoes, shirt, and a jacket for her to wear. In the pockets of all this clothing, he placed some water for her to drink and food to eat if she had to spend the night out and about. With a soft sigh, he helped her get dressed if she needed help. This really opened his eyes. Bellamy was dangerous and violent and it hurt to know he would do this to another human being.

Finally, she was dressed and ready to go, so he grabbed her by the arm and slowly tugged her towards the back exit on this level and down some stairs. He knew she was not in great condition but she would have to make this on her own. This was the only chance at escape and this was better than nothing, he supposed. During this time, the male remained silent and only focused on helping her escape. Bellamy might return at any minute during the escape and that would spell trouble for them both. Finn did not want to think what would happen to him.


Ryan had a new idea once the kiss ended. In fact, he untied her ankles first and then untied her wrists before letting his body cuddle close against Clarke’s. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll tie you right back up and gag you soon enough. I might let you get a few minutes to get the feeling back and then I’m going to put you into a different position.” The smirk in his eyes showed how eager Ryan was for this. He was going to have a hell of a lot of fun with Clarke in this new position and he was already becoming aroused to just think about it as he started to press kisses up and down her neck, cuddling close with her now that she was untied for a few moments. It would not last of course.
When he helped Amelia stand, she couldn't help but wince and feel a fresh set of waves of pain thanks to what Bellamy had done to her. While Finn was gone all she tried to do was sit there and breathe through it since she knew once he got her outside she would be on her own trying to escape in her condition. The thought made her cringe but it was what she had to do because.. the brunette didn't want to think of the beating she would get otherwise. It would likely be to the point where she couldn't even stand at all. Since he wouldn't have expected her to escape, Amelia took back the knife Bellamy stole from her that was just sitting with his other torture objects.

It took her a minute but she tried to dress as quickly as she could despite the aching all over. Once she was, and the knife was hidden in the jacket pocket, the only thing she could do was follow Finns lead since she had no clue where she was going. For precaution she pulled the hood up just so no one would see her face if they did happen to see her at all. Going down the stairs she tensed at the thought of being around people. Obviously most of them were on their leaders side and she was afraid to be caught. It made her keep her head down more as she followed along.


Clarke hadn't expected him to untie her so soon. She had thought he might leave her like that a bit longer to play with her. But then when he spoke of tying her up again soon. "Whatever you want Master." Clarke tested out the new word, and also figured it would please him as well. She closed her eyes to enjoy the few moments of reprieve and let her muscles relax while nuzzling against him a bit. The blonde was really enjoying their time alone together and really didn't want it to end even though eventually they would have to go back.
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