I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

“Thank you. I hope so. When these kids were sent down to Earth, the leaders on the Ark promised forgiveness for all their crimes. I don’t believe that for a second but if that’s true and everyone is forgiven, I am all but dead when they get down here. I cannot have those people here on Earth. We’ve been doing fine on our own so far. I can’t let them contact the Ark.” Bellamy continued to explain, already feeling better when Amelia touched his arm and tried to comfort him. It was foreign at first but he ended up liking the sensation. Not even his sister knew how he got on board or what he did to make it here. If she ever found out, it was likely her hatred of him would stem even further. Nonetheless, Bellamy decided it was time to head back to camp. “I think we should get going now and get some rest for the night. It’s getting pretty late.”


After some of the guys carried Raven out of the pod, Ryan decided to inspect the pod one more time. It was a miracle that this thing survived. It looked old and rusty but somehow she made it out alive. Again, there was no radio anywhere inside of the contraption and it was pointless to keep looking. Ryan knew they needed to find the radio somewhere. Even if the thing was damaged, then maybe Monty could figure out somehow to contact the Ark. He was the smartest person with radios and communication so if anyone could do it, it was Monty. Nonetheless, Ryan and Clarke brought up the rear of the group.

He clutched the rifle tightly in his hands, ready to fire if needed but the walk back to the camp went without any accident or trouble. They arrived and Raven was brought inside the drop ship to be taken care of. Since Clarke knew medical things, she was looked to for help. “I’ll put away the weapons and the torches then I’ll meet you inside the ship and see what I can help you with.” Ryan told Clarke with a soft tone.
"Then we'll make sure they don't." It was probably odd to hear her say, even to Amelia's own ears it felt odd, but she had no idea what might happen to her if he was dead and the rest of his people were down here. At this point she wasn't a very optimistic person to believe they might let her go and even if they did she was all alone now. Whether she liked it or not, he was basically all she had left. And even if her thoughts were drastically different, it wasn't like she would ever have the opportunity to tell anyone this information and he had ruined what was seemingly the only object that his people could have used to contact the Ark anyway. It was too much risk with no reward. Giving a nod of agreement she slowly stood up and did want to just go to sleep and forget about all of the bad things that had happened that day.


Thankfully the walk back was quiet and they had no issues, which Clarke was grateful for. The blonde felt like it was only a matter of time before retaliation happened because of what the camp had done but it was just a matter of when. The only good thing was that they had a wall and guns, which the grounders did not seem to be technologically advanced and used primal weapons. When they arrived back to the camp Clarke decided to take a look at Raven and make sure she was alright. Giving a nod to Ryan she lightly kissed his lips before they separated to go about what they were doing. Once inside the ship and Raven was put down on one of the beds, she checked her over and the woman didn't seem to have any serious injuries. It did look like she had a bump to the head but it was doubtful that it was even as bad as a concussion. Though she did work on stopping the little bit of blood.
Silently nodding his head, Bellamy began the trek towards camp. They arrived before the others did with Raven so he slipped inside of his tent with Amelia and immediately tugged off his shirt since it was hot and humid tonight. The male plopped down onto the blankets on the ground on his makeshift bed, attempting to get some rest. He patted the area on the ground beside of him for Amelia to join him. It had been a long day and Bellamy was happy things were over. He could sleep better at night because the closest village was taken down. Maybe those damn Grounders would think twice before doing something again. Granted, Bellamy had no idea what he got himself into but for now he was at peace, able to close his eyes and slowly try to drift off to sleep but it was not as easy as it should be.

Upon their arrival at camp, Ryan took his weapon and the torch into the armory area. He put out the fire from the torch and made sure the weapon was reloaded and ready to go even though he did not fire a single shot. He checked the gun back into the inventory before venturing back outside towards the drop ship where Clarke tended to Raven. Thankfully, she seemed to be alright and she gave some information to Clarke about the Ark was going to start killing people and cutting off oxygen to save air. That meant they really needed to find a way to communicate with them to see that Earth was safe but Raven had no idea what happened to the radio either. It was getting late and it was just another problem for another day so Ryan pulled Clarke away from the work after she had finished with Raven. Raven’s boyfriend Finn was sitting with her so they did not have to worry about keeping a check on her and Ryan was happy to escort Clarke back towards their tent.
From what Amelia could tell, they seemed to have gotten back to the camp before the group who would have found the girl in the pod. Going inside of the tent, the woman could tell it was already going to be hot tonight and she wasn't even laying down yet. Despite that thought she did lay down and even found herself laying close to Bellamy. It somewhat helped her to not think about the bad news, and other bad things, from earlier. It may have been odd but with him showing a somewhat kinder side every so often, it was getting to her. Especially now that she was vulnerable emotionally.


Clarke was a bit frustrated to hear that the Ark would have a culling and kill off a bunch of people. It didn't have to be that way, their people could come down here. They would need the extra hands and guards for protection with what Bellamy and the delinquents were doing. But they were trying to sabotage that in any way possible. They probabaly had no idea about this information but she doubted they cared either. When they did leave to go to their tent she stuck close to Ryan and thoughts were on the Ark. "We're running out of time.. if they don't find out earth is safe soon then everyone up there will die," she said with a sigh.
“I’ll be right back.” Bellamy said before he did lay down. It was a total of ten minutes before he returned, feeling panicked. “Amelia… you know these woods don’t you? And you know how to track? I need your help. My sister is missing.” He muttered lowly, clearly in distress. He hoped Amelia was going to help but he left outside anyways to see if he could find some search party to help him track down Octavia. He had no idea where she was but he specifically asked Finn to help since he was such a good tracker. Nonetheless, after a few minutes and the party assembled, he was ready to go, grabbing flames and guns before moving towards the gates.

When Ryan and Clarke were with Raven, she spoke up. Finally, she remembered that Bellamy took the radio and threw it into the pond. They needed some way to speak to the Ark because that meteor shower earlier was not a meteor shower. It was a culling. Looking to Clarke, Ryan remembered their bunker. “Maybe there’s something like that in the bunker. I haven’t checked so maybe we can head out and look? Then stay there for the night?” He suggested and tilted his head towards the blonde. That bunker was full of different supplies so he saw no reason why there might not be some transmitter there as well.
Blinking a couple of times, the woman decided not to think too much on his sudden desicion to get up and instead closed her eyes. Even though he ended up not being gone very long she had come very close to falling asleep and felt groggy when he did come back in talking of the woods and something about his sister was missing. She had yet to even move before he left but she did slowly get up to follow and eventually found where he was gathering a search party. "It'll be more difficult in the dark," she admitted but knew too well that they'd still search. It would be the same for her and her siblings if a situation like this had occured. Which it did but she was glad they weren't aren't to end up dead because of her.


Clarke wasn't surprised to hear who took and got rid of the radio. It was easy enough to guess, at least for her. Nodding slowly she figured that was their best option. Hopefully they could find something and fix it up to be able to contact the Ark. "Okay we should take a torch it's getting dark," she said and figured they could also use a couple blankets and pillows. Plus it might have been smart to carry a weapon of some kind just in case. All in all she figured it would only take a few minutes to gather the things they would need.
Yeah, I fucking know this Amelia but I don’t care. Either you’re going to help me or you’re not. Don’t waste my time. If you’re going to help, then come outside now. If not, then stay in here.” Angrily, Bellamy rushed out of the tent and gathered a torch and a weapon. The search party consisted of almost one dozen people. The best hunters and trackers were gathered and Bellamy was hoping that Octavia was alright. Regardless, when everyone was outside and ready to go, they started moving from the direction of her tent to the nearest exit of the camp, hoping that they would be able to find out where she left and where she went. It was important to find her as soon as possible. Bellamy did not want to lose her. He could not lose her. It was just not going to happen.

Ryan gathered an assault rifle for himself and another gun for Clarke so they both had protection. He found himself a hunting knife as well that he kept in the waist of his pants. Lastly, he gathered a torch and they were ready to go. It might not be safe doing this at night but he figured it was urgent enough that they could deal with whatever happened. “Clarke, stay close to me baby.” He reminded her, giving her a kiss on the cheek before they were moving out from the entrance. The bunker was not too terribly far away. It might take twenty minutes to walk at night but they were able to arrive without any trouble.
Any other day she wouldn't have cared much the way he snapped at her, but it wasn't exactly a normal day with the bad news of her family being so fresh still. Tense and stiffly she watched him leave first before moving. She couldn't begin to guess if it was a test that she could choose to stay or go, but she didn't feel like she truly had an option and had to go. So that was why she joined the group. Once they left she stayed a little more near the back while keeping a sharp eye open. She planned on not saying anything, just to avoid the brunt of anger. The only reason she would talk is if anything useful happened to be noticed by her.


Clarke gathered a couple of blankets and pillows to take with them so that they could sleep comfortably. When she returned and took the gun that he offered her, she nodded slightly and didn't intend to stray away at all. Especially not with it being dark. They soon took off and she was glad to get there without any trouble. Carefully she headed inside first and then waited for him to follow before moving again since they just had the one torch. "Hopefully we will be able to find something," she said while setting their things down.
Bellamy did not intend to upset Amelia by snapping at her. She had been through a lot but so had he. It just hit him that she was feeling this same way about her family as he was with his sister, fearing she was dead. Because of this, he told Finn to take point and Bellamy dropped back into the back with Amelia. He put a hand on her back and it was hard for him to say that he was sorry. But he had to say it. “Amelia… I am sorry I snapped at you. I just… I am worried. But you have been through so much today and you did not deserve that.” He murmured, looking down into her eyes and hoping to see forgiveness.


Ryan followed Clarke inside the bunker, climbing down the bunker and locking everything up. He put out the torch before they entered and lit up the candles they found around the room for light. After they had some light, he sat down what he was carrying. “Yeah, I hope we do. Let’s go ahead and start looking. After we find this transmitter, we can get some rest.” With that, Ryan exited to another room right beside, one he had not really explored too much. He just remembered seeing some kind of electronics there but he needed to keep looking to see if there was what they needed.
Amelia tried searching for footprints or anything to suggest that someone had been there recently, but so far she wasn't seeing anything. It was almost instinct to tense up slightly when she realized Bellamy was going slower with his walk until he was finally beside her but she didn't speak when he did reach her. Glancing up when she did feel his hand on her back, she was almost a little surprised to hear an apology. "It's.. okay. I wasn't exactly nice either when you were asking me what was wrong earlier today," she said quietly after a moment.


After setting the stuff down that she carried, Clarke then went about helping light the candles that they found. It definitely helped with being able to see easier and even gave enough light to see a decent amount. Nodding in agreement, she went on searching a different area as Ryan choose one side. The blonde wasn't sure where all he had looked through already while checking things out, but she decided to check a far corner that she figured he might not have reached yet. All she could do was hope they'd have some luck and find something. She did realize though that the real luck would be getting the thing to work if they did anything.
“No, it was not okay. I am sorry, Amelia. I will make it up to you later.” Bellamy assured her and even flashed a small smile, hoping she would overlook his actions. Eventually, they must have found where she fell downhill, finding some of her belongings and footprints and blood. As they walk deeper, they find impaled bodies throughout the woods and this worried Bellamy. He drifted back to Amelia and asked her some questions in a calm voice. “Who marks their territories like this?”

It took all of ten minutes but Ryan finally found something substantive. An old remote control car that had parts of the remote control that could function as a radio transmitter. He had limited knowledge of these things but Raven had explained to them what they should look for. Ryan figured this would work so he showed Clarke and packed it away in his bag. Once that was finished, he returned to Clarke’s side and reached down to hold her hand lightly. “I think we have something good now to use. Do you think we should go ahead and head back or do you want to hang out here longer?”
Nodding slightly Amelia even managed a smile. She was fine and there were more important matters at the moment. It was some time later when they started coming across impaled bodies and she couldn't help but feel tense. "Most clans do it. Especially during times of war as a way to brag," she said and felt slightly uneasy. The only good thing was that Octavia didn't seem to be one of the bodies.


Clarke didn't have much luck in the area she was searching, so it turned out to be a relief when Ryan said he found something. Hopefully they would be able to use it to make a transmitter, since they were going to need help from the Ark. "Well its starting to get late. We could stay here for the night? Unless you'd prefer to head back?" She didn't really mind either way as long as they were together.
Finn had lost Octavia’s trail deep into the Grounder territory. John Mbege then dropped down from an overhead tree and he was dead. Everyone screamed as other Grounders were spotted and they all took of running. Diggs triggered a tripwire and that was the end of him. Roma had been speared by a Grounder. It was then that the Acid Fog horn sounded, causing the group to retreat as the delinquents all decided to hide down underneath a tent hoping it would protect them. However, no fog ever came and they realized it was not going to happen. Bellamy spotted a Grounder running away from the group in the distance so they decided to follow him.

Ryan looked at Clarke because she was right. The night was getting late and going back to camp was probably not the safest thing for the group to do right now honestly. “I think we should stay here, baby. I don’t think we should go out through the night. I would be happy staying here and just sleeping in our comfortable bed.” Ryan admitted with a smile, hoping she would like the same thing, too.
Since Amelia didn't know most of the people, it was hard to keep track of exactly what was happening. First was one falling from the trees dead, then a trip wire, one person got speared, and then the sound of the horn. But no fog actually showed up. They spotted a grounder, which made her tense since she didn't want to see more grounders dead, but she had to follow anyway because that's where everyone was going. They followed and it lead them to a cave. It was probably where the person was staying, or so she assumed, and was tense as the others headed in.


Nodding slightly Clarke had to agree that she would prefer to just stay there for the night. It really wasn't safe to be traveling in the dark. Especially now when the others were causing a war with those here on the ground. "I think so too," she agreed and leaned up to give him a peck on the lips. She figured it might be more comfortable there sleeping on the bed anyway.
The group followed the Grounder inside a nearby cave. When they arrived, Bellamy found his sister chained to the wall. He rushed to her and they greeted in a hug before working to undo the chains. The Grounder returned and a fight ensued. It ended up with the Grounder stabbing Finn with a sword and Bellamy taking the Grounder down but for some reason, Octavia was begging him to not kill the Grounder. He was so confused as why but he finally lowered his weapon and just decided they would take him back to their camp.

Ryan brought Clarke towards the bed and started to strip down. It was more comfortable sleeping in nothing at all. He was unsure if anything more would happen than cuddling but he would be ready if so. The male, finally nude, lay down in the bed and waited for Clarke to join him. When she joined him, he wrapped his arms tightly around her body, pulling her close for a passionate kiss as they could start cuddling.
They finally came to a cave that it turned out Bellamy's sister was in. The grounder, unfortunately, returned and a fight ensued which resulted in Finn being stabbed. Amelia had a feeling Bellamy would have killed the grounder if it hadn't been for Octavia begging him not to. Instead they decided to take him back to the camp as another captive. Once the grounder was dealt with they all went about heading back towards camp now that everyone was safe.


Following along Clarke went about stripping off her own clothes to make it more comfortable to sleep in. Plus she enjoyed them being able to feel the warmth of each other. After they were gone she went about joining him on the bed and eagerly returned the kiss. She wasn't sure if it would lead to more but certainly didn't mind if it did.
The second that they stepped outside, a spear was launched into the air. Bellamy hardly knew what happened when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, causing him to collapse onto the ground beside of Amelia. Octavia screamed in horror and tried to grab Bellamy while the others were trying to pull Bellamy back into the cave to take cover. Someone was out there watching and Bellamy had this spear in his shoulder, starting to cause the loss of a significant amount of blood.

Ryan crawled on top of his girlfriend and pinned both arms down onto the bed above her head. The male hungrily led the kiss, sliding his tongue across her lips and inside of her mouth. It had been a day full of hard work so he decided they should enjoy their night together. He continued kissing her passionately, rubbing their tongues together over and over again. “I love you, Clarke. You’re so beautiful.” He breathed out, now moving to kiss down her neck.
The spear came before anyone could comprehend what had happened. Some managed to pull Bellamy back into the cave for cover and luckily there was some medical supplies that Lincoln had in the cave for Amelia to use. While some went about coming up with a plan of action Amelia went about trying to tend to the wound. "I'll have to pull it out," she warned about the spear but decided not to warn ahead of time before actually pulling it out.


A twinkle sparked in Clarke's eye as he pinned her down. She stared at him with a small smile until the kiss started. The blonde kissed back passionately as their tongues intertwined more and more. "I love you too," she breathed when he started to kiss down her neck. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the feeling of what he was doing.
Bellamy felt a sharp, piercing pain. Not only was the pain around the wound, but the pain existed throughout his entire damn body. He was doing his best to keep quiet and not distract the others. The male was writhing on the ground when Amelia said she had to pull out the spear. He growled lowly and nodded his head, almost unable to speak. "Alright. I am ready. Just do it. Get it over with." He groaned out lowly, looking into Amelia's eyes, hoping she knew what she was doing.


Ryan moaned against Clarke's mouth. He was smiling, too. Her body felt so good against his own and Ryan wanted their night to end with a nice love making session. His hands went to Clarke's breasts, cupping them gently and squeezing his fingers into her body. "Let's make some love tonight, baby girl. You are amazing. You are my world." Ryan purred, pulling back from the kiss so he could work on removing the shirt from her body and expose that chest of hers.
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