I'm Coming Home ||| randomname98766789 x Iikaitlynii

Amelia found that she couldn't think about anything else other than what was happening in that moment. It was especially true as it grew more heated and passionate. It did feel like he was going deeper than previous times and after the pain had subsided some, she actually found herself to enjoy that. Her moans had already began to grow louder, but it grew even more so when he began to use one hand to massage her clitoris and the other to pull at her hair a bit. The woman knew it was driving her even closer to an orgasm and was breathless as he broke the kiss to speak his enjoyment. "Bellamy..," the moan of his name escaped her lips without even thinking about it. There was almost a small protest when his pace slowed, but the massage of his fingers kept her close to the brink despite him slowing down a bit. It didn't take much longer before she was over the edge and arched her back a little as she came. Amelia was breathless as the waves of pleasure overrid everything else,


Clarke continued to stroke up and down as he encouraged her and spoke of enjoying it. Actually it made her go just a little bit faster, but not fast enough to try and make him cum quickly since she wanted to take time with this and really have him enjoy it. So she continued with this while he then decided to put a hand over her mouth. While she did understand that just gagging her with his hand technically meant she could move her mouth out of his grasp, she did like him being the one to keep her quiet. Gags felt nice too, but she did like the feel of him doing it as well. When he decided to play with her as well, Clarke let out a muffled moan as he pushed two fingers inside of her. And the noises continued as he kept the pace of thrusting them in and out of her while she continued to stroke him as well. The blonde looked into his eyes as they did this and it was easy to tell that she was really enjoying this.
The moan of Bellamy’s name added to the young man’s ego. Her voice calling out his name sounded like heaven. The smile was spread across his lips and he could hardly stand it. Judging by how the woman’s body acted, she was getting close to her orgasm. Her clitoris was throbbing underneath his fingers before her release. When she finally released, Bellamy moaned loudly and felt his cock become drenched. Despite her orgasm reaching, Bellamy was picking the pace back up and even rubbing her clitoris throughout the release. Naturally, it was not long before his own release followed. A lustful moan of her name left his throat and his eyes lightly closed when the feeling started. The electrical pulse sprouted from his testicles and quickly zapped up and down his shaft. When the tip started to flex, he knew what was happening. Thick ropes of his semen exploded inside of her tight pussy, moaning during the entire duration of his orgasm. It lasted until he emptied every possible drop of cum inside of the brunette and the euphoric feeling washed throughout his entire body.


The more Ryan and Clarke played together, the more Ryan thought his favorite way to gag Clarke was by using his own hand. Sure, he loved to mix things up but there was something so intimate by using his hand. A smile was still on his face while his other hand continued to slide two fingers in and out of her tight, slick pussy. Truthfully, he enjoyed this way to wake up early in the morning. It was something they should do each and every morning. Her muffled moans were coaxing him closer and closer to the orgasm. Even though he loved feeling her bound hands stroking his cock, the thing Clarke was doing that made him feel the most aroused was hearing the gagged moans from the blonde girl. His cock throbbed within her hands, driving him closer and closer to the edge. “I’m so close Clarke. Make me cum for you baby.” The male moaned again, throwing his head back and writhing in the pleasure as his fingers increased the intensity as well.
The dark-haired woman continued to moan a little as he kept on with the rubbing and even picked the pace back up. It was safe to say her reasoning for wanting this worked out like she wanted, even if it wouldn't be long before  everything hit her again. For now though she was still breathing heavily as he then thrust deeper inside of her and had his own orgasm. She was still feeling pretty good at the moment and even had enjoyed hearing him moan her name.


Clarke continued as she was and could tell that he was starting to get close to an orgasm. She did notice, and already knew, he reacted a bit more when when she would vocalize her pleasure as he made her feel good. And she continued to do so as he kept fingering her. When he spoke of being close she did allow her pace to quicken a bit but allowed him to enjoy this as long as possible. When he did begin to cum, she kept rubbing his cock with her hands. It felt good to pleasure him in this way and enjoyed being able to do this for him.
When Bellamy’s orgasm ended, he slowly pulled out of Amelia and felt his juices dripping all over her tight pussy. The smile grew across his face and he plopped down beside of her, just gazing at her right now. “That was so fucking fun. I’m glad you wanted to do this.” He winked at her, placing one hand on her breasts to gently massage her flesh as he felt his confidence and ego just expanding even further right now. This was the best thing that could have happened in his opinion.


Not much longer after telling Clarke he was close, it only took a few more strokes and another set of sexy, muffled moans before Ryan reached his climax. When his orgasm reached, he leaned forward so his cum was spurting out and discharging all over her breasts and her chest. It was fun being able to cum on her body again. Thankfully, the river was close enough so they could wash off after their fun ended this morning. Since she had not had an orgasm yet, he started to thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy faster, hoping to bring the girl to her climax right behind himself.
At first she was still looking up at the ceiling when he pulled away and laid beside her but she did glance over when he commented about what has just happened. By that point she was starting to feel a little bit of regret, or at least wondering what on earth had possessed her to think it was even remotely a good idea. She kind of wished to rest but knew that wasn't really an option right now, which was what started making her think about where she was and why they had even been there. "I wasn't thinking straight.." It wasn't said to be rude but more as an explanation so he wouldn't get the idea that she suddenly was coming around and wanted to all of the time. Sitting up suddenly to grab her shirt she didn't want to lay there anymore because it was just a reminder of the mistake she just made and how he could easily use it against her in the future. Plus there was still the thought if her family and she didn't need him seeing her starting to look upset and maybe even depressed by those thoughts.


It wasn't long after Clarke began the slightly faster pace that he reached his climax. The blonde knew a few moments before she felt the warm and sticky liquid hit her chest. Despite the orgasm he was still pumping in and out of her with his fingers which she was moaning to. But it grew louder as he started to go even faster and clearly wanted it to be her turn now. It didn't take too long before it built up and she was pushed over the edge and moaning out his name loudly, though muffled. With his hand covering her mouth she was breathing heavily though her nose as she began to feel the pleasurable sensations.
When Amelia said she was not thinking straight then proceeded to grab her shirt and sit up, Bellamy started to get pissed. Before she was able to move, he roughly grabbed her by the arm and jerked her back down onto the bed with him. He grabbed her shirt and tossed the material away again. “Don’t you fucking do that. You cannot just have sex with me and immediately say you weren’t thinking straight. I know you want this now. I told you that from the beginning. I’m not going to let you leave yet. This is your new role and you better get used to it.” Bellamy spat, keeping her pinned underneath his body now. There was no chance in hell he was letting her get up now. He was also pissed that she was acting this way when they just finished together. Bellamy thought he had finally broken her and flipped her but that did not seem to be the case. Apparently he had more work to do but that was okay. He would perform the work diligently and hope that soon enough, she would actually be changed.


After Clarke reached her orgasm, Ryan slowly pulled his hand away from her mouth. A smirk grew across his face and he looked deep into her eyes. Slowly, he moved to lay down on the bed and pulled her with him. Their lips connected again and she was still tied up but he wanted to cuddle with her. “You always give me the best orgasms baby. I love you so much.” The male cooed to the love of his life, nuzzling their noses together and starting to massage her back. Clarke was tied up and her body had quite the amount of semen all over her but he was feeling cuddly now and decided to change their course of action for the time being.
Even though her situation was far from normal, a small part of Amelia could understand why he was pissed off. It wasn't exactly a brilliant idea to send mixed signals and make him think she was okay with being some object. Under normal circumstances she would be angry too about someone flip flopping like that on her. "I'm sorry... my heads just jumbled and I thought air would help." Amelia was in no state of mind to argue or even try to explain the only reason she wanted sex was for some comfort, or have to tell why she even needed comfort in the first place. Plus she realized how idiotic that even was because it didn't make any sense to expect comfort from someone who thought of her as a slave. At least the word slave was what came to mind when he spoke of her new role and accepting it. That was why she winced when he said that and wasn't sure how to respond. "Why do you even want me? I'm sure there's plenty of other women at camp." Her voice wasn't more than a low tone and she realized how much it came off as putting herself down but being a captive was one thing, and she was sure anyone could keep her in check, so to speak. The brunette just found herself thinking of every horrible thing he ever said, especially the part of no one wanting her, which was technically true now that her family was gone. "Nevermind. I probabaly don't want to know." The girl could barely make eye contact as she carefully tried to keep everything bottled in. It would just make matters worse if he actually knew something was wrong with her, which was the only reason she had wanted to leave. So that hopefully being alone could let the feelings of sadness come and go so that she wouldn't have to hold it in and then break down at the wrong moment.


Clarke was still coming down from the orgasm from the orgasm when Ryan went about laying them both down. There were moments with bursts of pleasure still happening, but otherwise she felt in need to rest for a little bit which seemed to be what he wanted as well. Well that and to cuddle a little bit too. Even though she was still bound, it wasn't too hard to lay in a position with him that wasn't too uncomfortable. Smiling a bit at the comment she was happy to know that he really enjoyed their times together. "I'm glad. I love you and want you to always know that," she said but was sure that he did. Even still she tried to remind him of it with her actions when they would pleasure each other. As they laid there she closed her eyes for a moment as her breathing started to even out again and did enjoy moments like this where they just laid there together in each others company. While doing that dhe decided to lightly stroke his chest a bit. But only short strokes as to not make her arms move to much and ruin the nice moment.
Amelia might have apologized but Bellamy did not accept it. Whatever was wrong with her, that apology was pathetic and he did not feel it was genuine. He grumbled to himself and just watched her with curious, dark brown eyes. Something more was happening inside of her head. Bellamy figured that out a long time ago. However, the young man had no idea what exactly was happening inside her head and her mind. He felt like something bothered her and that was why she was so out of sorts. Usually, she was well kept together even when they first met and he tortured her for a while. Instead of pressing her for answered, Bellamy decided to give her some space but not too much. She had to learn that he was going to compromise with her to a point but he was never going to give her all the space she wanted. She belonged to him and it just so happened that her Master enjoyed physical contact and close contact so being around Bellamy all the time was almost certain. Usually, the male was not so touchy but this situation was different and Amelia was different than most situations. Because of that, he acted differently around her and treated her differently. “You’re right Amelia. I can have any woman I want at this camp. I could probably have all of them at the same time but I don’t. I chose you instead. Doesn’t that mean shit?” He asked and shook his head before kicking off from the bed, finding his clothing that was strewn around on the ground and got dressed. They probably should head back to camp now after they scour this village and find whatever resources they were able to find. Plus, he heard voices outside the small hut and knew that the search was already on. Bellamy wanted to help as well and do his part so sitting around the entire time was not a valid option to choose.


Ryan hummed softly when Clarke used her tied hands to start stroking his chest. The smile grew on his face and he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. “I love you too, baby. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” He murmured quietly and nuzzled his nose against her cheek. When they both calmed down, he finally decided it was time to untie his girlfriend. First, he undid the rope around her hands. It actually took quite some time to undo because they were tied so well. When it was finally undone, he repeated the same process with her ankles but they took even longer to untie as well. “We should probably get back to camp now. I think we could stop by the river though and wash off. It’s not even one hundred yards away from us.” He reminded Clarke with a smile, finding a towel so she could wipe off the cum right now so her clothes would not be stained from the short walk to the river from the bunker before they got a chance to wash off their bodies.
It was hard to tell if he believed her white lie, or if he even took her apology seriously, but Amelia was relieved when he moved off of her. Things had definitely changed since her first being captive, as she found herself thinking how weird it was that she hadn't cared about being pinned down, since she was used to having little control now, but was more worried he would have been able to see on her face, or from her eyes, that something was wrong. Or if he did then he didn't say anything. Amelia tried to hide some disgust when Bellamy suggested he could have all the women in camp at once, but the brunette had a feeling he was exaggerating slightly just to prove his point. "I didn't say that," was all she could think to say in response. Obviously his response wasn't exactly an answer to her question, but she was pretty sure she didn't want an actual answer either since it might not be a good one. When he got up, Amelia reluctantly sat up again and grabbed her clothes. At first she was almost hesitant after what just happened but then when she heard voices outside that hesitancy went away and she threw them back on quickly before any of them might accidentally walk by. While she really did want a few moments to herself, she was doubtful now that she'd get that anytime soon, which was why she just followed wherever Bellamy was headed when they did leave the hut.


The blonde smiled a bit just before he kissed her. "I feel the same way," she said in a whisper and truly did feel lucky. It was hard for her to believe anyone else could care about her as much as he did, just like she couldn't see herself caring for anyone else more than she did him. After laying there for a bit he started to untie her and when her hands were undone she rubbed them lightly to get the feeling back into them as he then went to her ankles. "Washing off sounds like a good idea," she agreed while taking the towel to wipe off a bit. "Thanks," she replied and once they were ready she walked beside him and held his hand as they headed to the river. The cool water would feel nice, she was thinking, and refreshing even to get them clean after their activities.
Quickly, Bellamy found all his clothing and pulled them back onto his body. After the session of sex with Amelia, his body felt rejuvenated but his mind was not at ease because of the words she said. Why did he care so much about what she thought? Wasn’t she just some captive to him? Bellamy refused to believe he was actually caring for the woman. That just did not make a bit of damn sense and he realized it. However, being sensible was not as easy as just doing it. He knew how he felt at certain times when dealing with Amelia and he could hardly explain things. Before leaving, he knew that Amelia was dying for some alone time and he decided to give it to her. Maybe if he gave it to her, she was going to calm down and things between them would calm down as well. It was funny to think about how they met and him now thinking that he wanted to give her some space so she would calm down. He stood in the door but stopped walking before turning away and looking towards the woman. “Five minutes… take five minutes to yourself inside of this hut. I’m going to stand outside but away so you can be alone since that’s obviously what you want. Come find me when you’re ready to go.” That was all he said before stepping out and closing the door, just like he said he was going to do.


When the couple was ready to go, Ryan found all of their clothing and piled them into one of his bags that he carried. Then, he took a couple towels to bring with them towards the river. Of course, he did hold her hand lightly while they walked, keeping close to his woman. When they arrived at the river, Ryan dropped everything down and then pulled Clarke towards the water with him. It was rather warm and it felt comforting just like a nice shower should. A smile was growing on his face as he kissed Clarke again, taking the towel and then reaching down to start rubbing her body, especially where he came on her. He wiped that away and did his best to start cleaning her body.
Amelia practically run into Bellamy as she hadn't expected him to suddenly stop and then turn to look at her. The girl had a small hint of surprise on her face when he spoke of letting her have a few minutes inside the hut to herself. It really was surprising and she hadn't thought he would care about her wanting a little space for a few moments. Apparently he was allowing her to though as he then left and even closed the door on his way out. The moment he left Amelia braced her hand on the wall to keep herself propped up as her legs felt weak from having to hold everything in. Five minutes may not have been considered a long time, but she tried to process the newly found out information in that time so that she could try to act normal again around everyone, and in particular Bellamy. When the woman finally did leave the hut her eyes may have been a small amount of red, but she did her best to not make it noticeable that there had been tears following from her eyes. While one, obviously, couldn't grieve and  be over it in five minutes, it did help to let some of that emotion out so that she could think a little easier again and act a little bit more like her normal self. When she did walk up to Bellamy she did feel curious about what he had been thinking and why he had allowed her the time to herself. "Thank you," she did manage to tell him and did appreciate it.


Just like Ryan said the river wasn't too far from the place that he had found. Clarke was more than happy to oblige when he pulled her towards the river and started to clean her off a bit. The blonde did the same thing for him in return, though he wouldn't have been considered as 'dirty' as she was since she was the one who needed the cum wiped off of her. Besides that neither needed too much cleaning off since they had also done this the day before. The water was warm feeling which she was happy for that. "Do you want to stay here a while or head back soon?" She asked and really didn't mind either way. While their help could probably be used at the camp, she also knew there was many other people capable of handling whatever may be needed, and she liked having the alone time with Ryan.
Sometime later, Bellamy might ask Amelia what was going on. For now, he figured he might be better off leaving her alone. He stood outside and crossed his arms for the five minutes he allowed Amelia. She was taking longer than he allowed and the male was prepared to barge into the hut and demand to know why she took advantage of his kindness and disobeyed him but she quickly exited the hut and walked towards him and even thanked him. It was obvious that she was crying about something and Bellamy felt bothered by the notion though he pushed it away from his mind. Taking his large, rough hand and placing it on the center of her back, he gently started rubbing her back against the material of her shirt and softly offered her some kind words. “Everything’s going to be okay, Amelia. I don’t know what the matter is and I won’t ask. Just know I’m here for you. Let’s get going back to camp. We have all the supplies we can carry now.” The group had so much from this village and Bellamy was pleased. However, they were not able to carry everything and might come back to this village soon enough. Plus, they had captured a handful of the villagers here that were going to do work for them back at the camp. None of that was Bellamy’s problem though. Instead, he just walked with Amelia and kept close to her to keep an eye on the woman.


“I want to stay alone with you for longer but we need to get back. I think we should get dressed now after we dry off then take a couple minutes to just lay underneath one of these trees and cuddle before we leave. How does that sound?” After making his suggestion, Ryan gave Clarke a quick kiss on the lips before making sure that her body was clean again. When he was satisfied with both of their bodies cleanliness, he pulled the blonde from the water and handed her one of the towels to dry off while taking the second towel he found to dry himself off as well. “Who ever thought we would be bathing in a river?” He questioned with a grin on his face. It might not be the same as a shower but being out in nature was exhilarating.
Despite her trying to hide the fact it must have still been obvious that she had been upset to the point of crying. Amelia hadn't wanted that fact to be known which was why she made sure to stop before coming out, but it was probabaly still noticeable. It was slightly unexpected when he reached out and rubbed her back, which caused her to move a little closer, while he spoke about how things would be alright. For the most part she wanted to believe him even if there was still some doubt in her mind. It was hard to imagine things being okay but the gesture was appreciated, more than he probabaly knew. Nodding slightly she did feel more calm compared to before did want to get out of there since the village was just a reminder for bad things in multiple ways. She did notice that there were some villagers but she didn't say anything. It wasn't like she could do much to help them anyway and wasn't quite back into a mindset to care about much of anything just yet. So she focused on just heading back to the camp for the moment even if it was hard not to notice that Bellamy was keeping an eye on her perhaps more so than usual, but she couldn't say for certain.


"That sounds good to me, Mastsr" Clarke agreed with a smile. Following him out once they were clean she took the towel to dry off. Once dry enough she then started to put back on her clothes and had to be amused by the words of them bathing in a river. "Or being on earth looking up at the sun," she said with a grin and it was crazy to think how things were drastically different now and that not too long ago they were still on the Ark. Once they were both dressed she went with him over to one of the trees to lay down and cuddle up against him. It was a nice day out and she was glad to just lay there for a bit despite knowing he was right about how they should head back to camp soon.
The dark haired male walked at the tail end of the group. With Amelia beside of him, Bellamy was not worrying about much. In his mind, he planned ahead for the camp. Where should they keep the new supplies and weapons? They were setting up a nice armory so far in the drop ship and Bellamy liked how it was looking. Plus, they were in the middle of setting up different towers or posts around the camp for different people to stand and keep watch over the entire camp. With this setup and having people to watch day after day, he doubted they were ever going to be caught off guard again. They had enough people to have plenty substituting in and out so nobody ever got bored or had too much to do. When they finally arrived back home to camp, they were let inside the front gate and greeted by a multitudes of screaming and cheering for them upon their arrival. Especially, everyone congratulated Bellamy on doing such a good job with the camp. He was pretty damn happy right now and he oversaw the weapons being transferred towards the armory and all the prisoners were taken into the upper level of the drop ship and locked into a room until they figured out a system they wanted to use to keep thigns going smooth.


Ryan sat down against one of the trees first before pulling the blonde into his arms. When she was situated against his lap, he kept his arms tightly around her abdomen and lightly peppered kisses along her neck. “I love you so much. This is incredible. I can still hardly believe we are here on Earth.” He murmured, his eyes squinting while tilting his head upwards towards the sky. The sun blinded him at first but the scenery looked so beautiful. The sky was cloudless and the breeze was slightly blowing. He felt so comfortable right now and he hoped this was going to last. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Ryan asked with a grin spreading across his lips, looking down into her eyes and starting his kissing attack on the other side of her neck.
Quietly Amelia had walked back as she couldn't quite bring herself to say anything and she felt a little sick when the group was greeted with cheers and congratulations upon arrival. They were overjoyed by the death of many people and the brunette just didn't want to be around all of the sickening happiness. It was even worse because of her already feeling low and upset from the unexpected information she found out. The first possible moment that she was able, Amelia just headed back to the tent to get away from all of the people in the camp so she could be alone. It probabaly wouldn't be for very long, but she'd take the few moments of solitude that she could possibly get until Bellamy decided to come in and interrupt that after he was finished with whatever he was doing.


Clarke was more than happy to sit in his lap and relax while enjoying the attention he was giving her. Nodding slightly she definitely had to agree about how it was hard to believe they were really here. "I know.. it's amazing," she spoke in a whisper. "Oh once or twice," she spoke with a smile appearing across her face and it made her feel good when he said sweet things like that. She happily enjoyed the kisses and when he took a break she decided to do that a little as well and began to place kisses on his neck while wrapping her arms around him. Then she slowly began to travel upward from his neck to jawline and then to his lips.
At the current moment, Bellamy was not focusing on Amelia. Instead, he focused all energy on celebrating with everyone because this was a massive victory. Before long, all weapons and ammunition were placed inside of the armory inside of the drop ship. After celebrating with all his friends, Bellamy exited the area to take some alone time of his own. Only two delinquents were assigned to watch the prisoners because they did not pose a major threat. He wondered where Amelia might have gone. They had returned over an hour ago and there was no telling where the woman might have gone. However, it soon hit Bellamy she might want some more time alone after what happened. The male deemed over an hour plenty of time so he sought out their tent and found the brunette were he expected her to be. “What’s wrong with you?” He muttered upon entering.


After the kiss ended, Ryan reached for Clarke’s hand. They really needed to get back to camp no matter how badly they wanted to stay out here. With a sigh, he tangled their fingers together and started walking. When they returned to camp, Bellamy and the others were just returning from their raid on the village. While Ryan though the killing was senseless, little he or Clarke did was ever going to stop Bellamy. Everyone was busy with dividing the supplies and taking inventory so Ryan walked with Clarke towards their tent. He dropped off their things and decided to help Clarke with tending to the few wounded from the fight that just took place. There were not too many injured though. He figured nobody was worried about the prisoners anyways.
Amelia wasn't sure how long she had been alone in the tent. It did feel like awhile but also didn't at the same time. Luckily her eyes were dry again by the time Bellamy came in as she was starting to feel physically crappy from too much crying, which was why she had forced herself to stop. The woman almost jumped a little when he did come back in because she hadn't been paying attention at first and the moment he walked in it was questioning why she was behaving the way she was. "Does anything have to be wrong other than what happened that everyone is cheering about?" She questioned in a soft voice that was more to deflect and shift the attention slightly even though it wouldn't likely work. But as she thought about what happened earlier between them she thought of something a little better to say. "Does it really matter if it's what makes me accept things between us?" She decided to ask and even moved a little closer towards him.


While Clarke would have really liked to stay there longer, the blonde knew they were pushing their luck a little by staying outside of the wall so long. Who knew when grounders would come around to try and attack, which she didn't want another near death experience for Ryan or for herself to get hurt. So reluctantly she got up with him and they headed back to see that the raid must have been a success since everyone was happy and there looked to be very few wounded. There were some prisoners too, she heard, and like Ryan she didn't much care for the way the camp was going about things, but almost everyone was on Bellamy's side and they were in the minority. While Ryan put away their stuff she went about tending to the injuries which weren't too bad and we're minimal luckily. But even so she wanted to check the ones hurt out and when Ryan helped she gave him a direction or two when he needed it.
With calm eyes, Bellamy watched the brunette approach him. He listened to both of her statements before giving himself time to formulate a response. “It matters to me because I am starting to care about you. That’s what people who care about someone else do. They worry and want the other person to be happy. I understand what happened is a lot for you to take in right now. I’m sure it looks bad but you have to understand this is for the greater good of our people here. This gives us access to so many new resources and workers. We can find out more information about other Grounders and protect ourselves. This happens when you’re trying to survive, Amelia. You know what side you should pick. All that aside, I’m glad you finally accept what happened between us. I knew you would come around.” After saying this, he placed one of his large hands gently onto Amelia’s face and cupped it only slightly before pulling his hand away and stepping back to allow for a response of her own.


When Ryan and Clarke finished tending to injuries, he realized two of their own were lost in the fight. Judging by the shouts and cheers from the others, it paled in comparison to the loss of the village. When Ryan and Clarke were alone again, they were just outside of the drop ship. It was painful to hear the sounds of sobs and screams being drowned out in the ship. Most of the prisoners were women and God only knew what might happen to them here. Ryan turned his attention on Clarke with crossed arms, his right foot tracing absent figures in the dirt. “What are we supposed to do now?” Ryan questioned because they might be thriving because of these new resources and supplies, but the man that was supposed to be the leader of the group and make decisions was a lunatic. Ryan and Clarke hardly dealt with Bellamy directly so far but whenever they did, they tended to disagree on things quite largely. Ryan just was not sure how to be morally okay with all of this.
Amelia wasn't quite sure what to make of the first statement and she wasn't sure that she could disbelieve it since some of the things he had done over the week made her think he did have to care a little bit. Or at least enough to make sure she stayed alive. The second part she still couldn't agree with and thought there could have been a better way to go about things. But she felt like he still wouldn't be willing to admit that or think differently so she just decided to skip the bit about it being all wrong and remind him of the language barrier. Or maybe she hadn't ever mentioned it? It was hard to remember now. "Well.. just remember unless they're warriors then they won't understand what your saying," she first told him before trying to decide what to say next. Amelia still didn't want to tell him what she knew since it worried her how he would react even though it wasn't her fault. But then upon thinking about it, they would probabaly want to attack her village before too long and if she let them waste the time and Bellamy figured out she knew and didn't tell him, that wouldn't go well for her.

"It has to do with what I overheard," she said after an extremely long pause and felt tense. The woman moved away slightly in a pacing motion before speaking again. "There's no reason for me to want to leave now... and the village that I'm sure you wanted to attack next is gone," she stated quietly. "It sounds like it's been destroyed for awhile now."


Clarke was in the same mindset as Ryan with not really liking the whole thing. It was easy to imagine what the people here might do to the prisoners, especially the women. While she hadn't exactly seen much of the first one who had been captured, she had heard the whispers of what went on. "I don't know.." she said quietly. "There doesn't seem to be many who openly oppose this, and those of us who do are in the minority" she frowned and felt that what was happening was wrong. "This is only going to get worse," she stated and that was her thought on all of it. "Do you have any ideas?" She asked and didn't really have any herself.
Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, Bellamy blinked a couple times while listening to what Amelia had to say. Finally, she was somewhat divulging her feelings to him. It might not be outright what he wanted, but he realized the improvement from before. While thinking about what she said, Bellamy cross over his arms together and just watched the woman for a few seconds before deciding what his response was going to be. “First of all, I have no idea what village I want to attack next. I have to scout the area better and figure out a plan of attack. It might not happen for weeks honestly. Secondly, I’ll keep in mind what you said. Maybe you can translate for us if you know their language or help us figure out how to communicate with them. We need them to work and not just lay in the drop ship and waste our air.”

His tone then took a more serious tone and he approached Amelia again so they were standing right beside of each other. His hand placed onto her back again while slowly rubbing circles and massaging her muscles again. “Now, you said your sadness has most to do with something you overheard. Was it something one of our people said? Or was it something you heard from the villagers?” Bellamy asked with a determined nature, wanting to get to the bottom of this mystery and figure out what was bothering the woman.

Ryan shook his head back and forth because he was clueless. “All we can do is look out for one another and try to stay vigilant in case something happens.” The male continued standing with Clarke before peering into the night sky. He watched as something resembling a shooting star entered orbit. It was unlike anything else he had seen before. “Wow… that looks amazing…” Ryan murmured and watched the star fall as he compared what it looked like to what he always read about in the Ark. As it got closer though, he started to realize it might not be a shooting star and it looked like something from the Ark. Little did they know, it was a pod carrying someone else from the Ark down to earth.
The woman kept her face neautral even though it didn't quite feel like he was being truthful. With hers being the next closest village, and he already mentioned attacking it at least a few times before, she didn't think he would just suddenly decide not to. Or if he did then he might change his mind again when they grew low on food and were desperate. At any rate she listened to the next thing he said about those that were now in a similar situation to what she was. "Of course I know the language," she said with a small amount of frustration that only in part had to do with him. Mostly it was the whole situation of her home, it just didn't help that he seemed keen to ignore who she was before being taken captive. He could try to forget but Amelia knew that wouldn't change the fact of her being born on earth and not wherever these people came from in the sky.

"It was my village" she finally said quietly and couldn't really find it in her to think about the other captives right now. Sure she was concerned about what would happen to them, it was jut overshadowed by what was currently wrong her. What he did felt comforting and she tried not to worry about his reaction to her being frustrated and having snapped a little. But with what she just said, and went on quickly to say, maybe he wouldn't have time to think about that. "It's gone.. which means I have no reason to believe anyone in my family is alive," she said while looking away as she tried not to give into the sadness again. "I guess it shouldn't matter.. but it does," she whispered.


Clarke knew that was about all they could do even if she wished there was more. There were far too many people in favor of the 'leader' though that there really wasn't anything they could do. The blonde had to agree about the shooting star looking nice even if she did know what it actually was. Or at least she thought so until realizing it looked like something from the Ark. It didn't seem like what would be bodies falling from space if someone was floated. A pod maybe? "Do you think... was that a pod?" She asked and wasn't sure that she was seeing right. "If it is maybe there is a radio of some kind. Maybe we should try to look for it at first light. If we get to it before Bellamy or one of his people then we could contact the Ark," she said in a low voice to not be overheard. If they could contact the Ark it meant getting the rest of their people down here and then this reign of killing could be put to a rest, hopefully. She wasn't sure if they could make some sort of treaty but she had a feeling the council would try before resorting to just destroying and pillaging the land like the delinquents and Bellamy was doing.
“Well of course it matters. They were your family and I am sorry. I will help you with the grieving process. Come on. Let’s just take a walk together.” With that, Bellamy all but dragged her from the tent and pulled her alongside of him past the camp walls and into the woods. He did of course bring an assault rifle and knife with him just in case. He wanted to make Amelia forget about things again and it seemed like the best way to do that was what they did back at the village. They had been walking for ten minutes when Bellamy suddenly halted their progress and turned to face the brunette. With a smirk he pushed her against a tree and started kissing her passionately, sliding his hand under her shirt and keeping his body right against her as well. It felt like things were going to get heated but a loud noise interrupted them.

Bellamy pulled back to see something falling down from the sky. It got louder the closer it got before a deafening roar of an explosion when it hit the ground. It almost shook Bellamy to the core and he looked to Scarlett before lowly whispering he wanted to check it out. They approached the location and found it was some sort of pod carrying another human. Bellamy was no idiot. She was from the Ark and he just thought about something. The radio. If the Ark knew he was alive when they got down here, then he would be dead because he thought he killed the chancellor. Because of this, he reached inside and grabbed the radio, tossing it into the water nearby. “let’s get out of here, Amelia.” Bellamy hissed lowly after doing that, leaving the girl in the pod and running away elsewhere with Amelia.


Ryan thought about this scenario for a moment. “I think it is a pod. I haven’t seen one of those things in a long time but that’s what they were made for. Besides, I don’t know why something alone would be sent down here and nothing else. It has to be a pod… but why?” Ryan thought out loud. There was a small search party getting ready to grab torches and inspect the crash site. Ryan did not see why they should not go. “Baby, let’s go with them. You grab us a torch and I’ll take a gun with us. I don’t want to take any chances.” After saying this, he went to the armory and checked out an assault rifle. He had been practicing with those things lately since they’ve had guns and was getting somewhat better at shooting. He rejoined beside of Clarke and started walking with her and beside of her as they followed the group in front of them. Honestly, Ryan did not really know what to except to see but it was also dark outside and they needed to keep a close eye out for everything.
Amelia didn't exactly want to go out anywhere and even tried to say as much but it didn't seem to make a difference as he practically dragged her along. It was getting dark she realized as they walked in silence for a bit. The quiet left her to her own thoughts, which was why she hadn't expected Bellamy to suddenly stop and then move to being right in front of her. Maybe she should have expected it, but it took a brief second to recover as she suddenly felt her body being pressed against between him and a tree. The brunette had just started to kiss back and wrap her arms around him figuring it could work a second time to make her not think about anything, but the loud noise caused her to jump slightly. It was deafening to the point that she almost wanted to cover her ears but it crashed onto the ground before she had much time to think.

Slowly she followed but this reminded her too much of the camps landing and it made her feel extremely unease. When they did grow closer she realized the thing was much smaller than the dropship and there looked to be a women inside. Bellamy didn't seem too concerned though as she only saw him grab an object and throw it into the river before telling her they were leaving. "What about-" she began to question and almost wanted to see if the female was alright but didn't get that option as she was forced to follow since he was already taking off. She didn't speak again until after they had stopped. "She's another one of your people right? Why did you leave her there?"


Clarke had no idea why a single pod would come down but it gave her a tiny bit of hope. Of course she didn't want to be too hopeful since things just seemed to be going downhill. In all honesty she felt like the only good thing about coming to earth was that she got to be with Ryan again, but that was more of a personal thing rather than anything to do with the wellbeing of the entire camp or what the camp was deciding was best to survive. Nodding slightly she went to grab a torch and while she didn't like that a group was already going to look, she knew they had to go with these people if they had any hope of finding a radio. If they waited then something could go wrong. So when they were all ready the group headed out to find the pod and Clarke stuck close to Ryan just in case something bad happened since he was the one out of the two of them that had a gun.

When they arrived it was easy to tell that there was someone inside and upon closer inspection it was a female. Clarke didn't really recognize her, but Spacewalker seemed to. Before she had moved to let Finn check on Raven she had quickly seeped the pod with her eyes but saw no radio. Once she did move she went back to Ryan and spoke in a low voice as to not be overheard. "I didn't see a radio..."
At first, Bellamy did not want to answer Amelia but he decided to entertain her. With a quiet sigh, he pulled her down behind some bushes with him while hearing voices all across the forest along with footsteps. “I left her because some of our people are on the way and I don’t know anything regarding medical or first aid.” Bellamy commented with a soft sigh before looking back towards the lake and then back towards Amelia. He knew Clarke and other medically trained individuals would take care of the girl and Bellamy just had to save his own ass. She was probably wondering about that too, why he threw the radio into the lake and it was something he had not told Amelia before but now seemed like as good of time as any to tell her about himself.

“As you probably realized, I’m older than most of these kids out here. That’s because they were all sent down as juvenile delinquents in the prison in the sky. The Ark, as you’ve heard. I was not supposed to be on there but my sister Octavia was and I had to protect her so…” He paused before sitting down and slumping against the tree. “I worked out a deal with someone on the Ark. They gave me a gun and passage on the ship. All I had to do was kill our Chancellor, our leader, so I did so I could be down here with Octavia but things haven’t all gone like I thought they were.” Bellamy commented, realizing how Octavia all but hated him right now and it made him feel like all of this was absolutely pointless to do.


Thankfully, Ryan and the others did not encounter any Grounders or wild animals in the forest that night. It was so pitch black and it was impossible to see anything even with half a dozen torches lighting the way. It was a couple miles out before they reached the site and inside was a pod. Ryan thought he saw this girl around before on the Ark. Ryan did not remember her name other than she worked on the Ark as a mechanic of some sort. While Finn tended to Raven and others helped pull her out, Ryan was searching for a radio with Clarke. However, there was no radio inside but that was not right. There was no chance in hell that it and only the radio fell out during the descent. Someone got here before them and took it and Ryan could only think of one person with the motive to do so. Bellamy Blake, just like he did with all the wristbands. Ryan knew they needed to contact the Ark but their chance was gone.

Raven was finally coming to and Finn was reuniting with his girlfriend. At that point, Ryan stood beside Clarke and stood with the others. “I don’t know where in the hell this radio went. Someone got here first.” He muttered and shook his head before glancing around them. They should probably get back to camp before it gets any later and tend to Raven back there because she was conscious now but could not really walk.
At first Amelia figured he just wouldn't answer or maybe he would eventually just say that it was none of her business. But finally he did and she wasn't quite sure that she believed his answer. It did not seem like he checked on the woman at all to even know if she was alive, let alone have any thoughts of her needing medical attention. It had looked like all he went for was the radio but she didn't say any of those thoughts. Plus he started to speak again soon anyway which she hadn't quite expected. And it had to do with himself as it slowly dawned on her that this was probably not something that everyone knew. Slowly she moved to sit beside him and actually found thinking about this to serve as a distraction from her own things as well. Hesitantly she reached her hand out to touch his arm in a comforting gesture. "Things will work out I'm sure."


Clarke did find it a bit frustrating even though she was careful not to let it show. Even if it had been obvious she doubted anyone could tell other than maybe Ryan because it was so dark and hard to see with even the torches. He had to be right about someone getting there first and she couldn't think of anyone other than Bellamy. He was the mastermind behind getting rid of the bracelets and would have the most motive to want the radio disappear. Either it was him or one of the delinquents who worked closely with him but either way the radio was gone and whoever took it accomplished getting there before them.

"Maybe Monty can work on a way to contact the Ark.." she said quietly as some of the guys figured to carry Raven back that way she could be better tended to and then rest. The landing had obviously been rough for her but luckily she wasn't dead. Then maybe they could figure out what was going on and then come up with a plan. At least that was what Clarke hoped.
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