Teen Titans: Return of Terra (Naomi David & MysteriousD)

Oh damn, those sweet eyes of Beast Boy's. So hopeful and soothing. That little fang that came out of his mouth. She was about to ring the bell, but Beast Boy did it for her. Her foster dad answered the door, and her eyes widened in much surprise when he invited Beast Boy for dinner. She was really surprised that Beast Boy accepted!

Raven was groaning in delight, the sweat was visible on her. She moaned,"I think I will too! I don't know!" She was merrily making out with him, she was hoping they did this more and more!
Beast Boy was pleased to see there was a vegetarian pasta dish for the dinner while there were also other things. The Flints were happy to meet Beast Boy. "Tara, we wanted to apolgozie for not believing about your concerns of being followed," Her mother told her. Mr. Flint then explained how a police offier brought the concern up during one of his routine checks of a potentiall suspicious person following her and brought the attention to them.


Ninjice was feeling more intense as he rested his forehead on the red gemmed-forehead of Raven. He was kissing her, savoring the massive amount of pleasure and passion they were sharing. He was moving even faster. "Can... can I cum inside?" he whispered in her ear.
She was most pleased that her parents finally believed her suspicions about a suspicious person following her... But yet, she did not entirely feel at ease. She didn't show it though. Perhaps it was paranoia, but something just didn't sound too right about it all. But still, she smiled, said the right things, and continued to eat.
Raven was hungrily making out with Ninjice, loving how connected they were to each other. She was smiling as he rested his head against hers. She whispered back,"Yes, you may!"
Beast Boy spent the evening talking to Terra and her folks. He reassured Terra to let him know if anything happened and such. He was also happy to spend time with her and such.

"Thanks for the dinner. I'm glad your folks were understanding," Beast Boy told her.


Ninjice groaned out in ecstasy, feeling Raven's magic flow into him and his eyes glowed though hers glowed brighter when he finally climaxed inside of her, cumming when she did. He felt it, Raven releasing all fo her pent up emotions and such and he took it all in.

Ninjice was on the ground, sweaty, tired, naked and ecstastic as he was lying down holding Raven. He saw that she had all of her pent-up passion released and she would probably not be able to hide herself from him. "Thank you... for being ym first," he told her with a smile.
Terra was glad from the reassurances from Beast Boy. She spoke,"Nice people, yes they are."

Gosh, cumming and being cummed in felt so great. such a rush and release... Finally, they were gently on the ground, and she was exhausted, but feeling on top of the world. She smiled, and replied,"This was a wonderful thing."
"Well, I gotta head back to the Tower. You can contact me if something else comes up," Beast Boy tells Terra with a smile before he began heading off to the Tower, feeling a bit more upbeat.


Ninjice rolled onto his back while he grabbed Raven so she was resting on him. "I never saw you smile before. It's really beautiful. I could see why Beast Boy always tried to gt you to smile," he said with a smile of his own.

"I know that you're always gonna be you and this is new... but I don't want this to be a one time thing. So maybe... we can try being together?" Ninjice offers to her as he strokes her violet hair.
Terra smiled nicely at Beast Boy as he departed, she spoke to him her thanks.

Raven smiled nicely at Ninjice as she rested on top of him. She spoke,"Yes, we can try being together." She did not want a one night stand. She wanted more.
Beast Boy began heading over to the Tower and he felt condident things would be okay. Unbeknowist to him, two figures were watching in a building. "Their guard is lower, we need to get em now," Officer Jacob Volkens said before he drank his coffee, now spiked with cream liquor. He would drink it often as cream liquor reminded him of his dead wife.

"Be patient, officer. While their guard may be lowered, it is not enough. We need to prepare a red herring and then when the moment is right, we strike. Furthermore, I have been contacting our benefactor to ensure we have defense against the Teen Titans... just in case," The Bad Samaritan told him with a smile.

"Just don't hurt the kids. Them good kids," Volkens slurred a bit before he sighed.


Ninjice stood up and picked up Raven before they went inside of her shower to wash the smell of sex off of them. He smiled as he turned the water off while he held her.

He kissed the gem on her forehead. "We'll take it one step at a time," he said to her with a smile.
Terra was doing her chores right now, wanting to feel confident about everything now, but she didn't. She didn't let it show. She didn't let anyone know she was still worried about it all.

Raven smiled as Ninjice picked her up. She was glad to shower with him, and she spoke,"One step at a time, nice and easy. I wish I could see the place you grew up."
For the next couple of weeks, everything seemed to be going well. Beast Boy would go periodically check on Tara and make sure she was doing all right. It looked like she wasn't being followed, but there was a feeling of something else going on.

"So, everything has been okay with you?" Beast Boy asked her while walking with her. He was happy he kept being invited into walking with her.


Ninjice meanwhile had begun his dating of Raven. While the first bits of their time was with some private hugging and kissing and even the occasional rut, this would be the first date. It was a small date of just them. Ninjice was wearing more casual clothing, but he reassured her it was okay if she came as she was.

It was a picnic on top of a hill and he eagerly awaited her arrival.
Everything seemed to be going fine for the new few weeks, but Terra still did not let her guard down. Constant vigilance was her motto right now. One fine afternoon, she was walking with Beast Boy, and when he asked her if all was well, and she spoke,"Fine as ever. What about you?"

Time with Ninjice was absolutely lovely these past couple of weeks. This dating thing was quite nice. She was wearing her usual clothing, it was just so hard to find normal clothing that looked good on grayish skin. She smiled as she landed on the hilltop where Ninjice was waiting.
"I've been doing all right. We got a new person who has been helping us with crime so things are pretty good so far," Beast Boy said. Unbeknowist to them, they were being followed by the Bad Samaritan, hidden in the shadows. "Have you seen anyone suspicious or such?" he asked her.


Ninjice smiled before he went to go and hug Raven. He was a very huggy person and he liked to show his affection in that way. "How are you doing?" Ninjice asked her as he kissed her cheek. He restrained himself when they were around the others since they were waiting for the right time to say it, but he was much more openly affectionate when it was just the two of them.
"Not that I've noticed. I've still got a bad feeling about the whole affair, but it's probably just me being paranoid." Terra replied.

Raven reciprocated with the hug, and she spoke,"I am doing fine. My magic is far, far more stronger than ever!" She liked him kissing her cheek, such nice lips he possessed.
"Well, you have us to mak sure everything will be all right," Beast Boy responded to ehr with a smile. He couldn't help but feel something off. "Anything besides that, though?" Beast Boy asked her.


Ninjice was happy with the hug and he blushed when she kissed his cheek. He smiled when he saw her beautoful wonderful smile and he sat down next to her on the blanket before bringing the basket filled with a lunch he made for them.

"That's good to hear," he said as he also took out a thermos of tea for her.
"Still, I don't want to bother you or the team. You all have bigger problems to deal with." she replied, though she was still swiveling her head in all directions.

The blanket they sat on was soft. She couldn't wait to try the lunch he made for them. She looked happy when she saw the tea thermos. She loved herbal tea, which was what was in the thermos.
"Don't worry about it," Beast Boy told her though he himself felt as if soemthing was up. "I think we might be followed, but I got ya covered," he told her confidently.


Ninjice smiled as he saw Raven enjoy the tea before took out the avocado salad for them along with some peanut butter and banana sandwiches while he also took some lemonade for himself.

"I heard Robin was taking Star to meet his family or something," Ninjice said, knowing that by family, it was the Batfamily.
Terra spoke,"That's good to know. What was the hardest thing to transform into back when you first received your powers." She hated having to look over her shoulder, she really did. She hated the uncertainty.

She smiled as they began to eat, and she spoke,"Between you and me, he should marry her. Go ring shopping. Do what it is Earth men and women do when they love their special man or woman."
"I uh... I don't remember remember," Beast Boy began before he moved Terra out of the way, having swopped her into her arms. Out from behind them was a sinister looking man in a blue suit. Beast Boy could tell that he meant business. "Stay behind me," he said to Terra before facing the man.

"Who are you?" he said as he prepared himself.

"They call me... the Bad Samaritan," he said as he prepared a combat stance to attack, having adjusted his sunglasses.


"I don't think either of them are ready yet. They still have to work at stuff, especially when it comes to Robin's side," Ninjice noted before he scooted closer to her. "But I think they'll be happy together. I know I'm happy with you," he added,
She was disappointed in the answer, she was hoping for an answer like a dinosaur or something massive when he suddenly got her in his arms. She cried out in surprise, but saw the situation, and she stayed behind Beast Boy. Who was this 'Bad Samaritan'? Oh, how she wanted to defend herself....!

Raven smiled when Ninjice said he was happy with her, and she spoke,"Well, I'm happy with you." She couldn't wait till Robin and Starfire got married. She knew it would happen, the way they were around each other and all.
Beast Boy spend now time and turned into a gorilla to go and ape punch the Bad Samaritan. He certainly didn't expect it, but he stil mnagaed to flip the ape over through martial arts usage. "Brtual strength? Not enough," he said with a cock tone before he looked at Terra before the Bad Samaritan saw Beast Boy has become a long anaconda and began squeezing the guy.


Ninjice embraced Raven ans he couldn't help but kiss Raven on her gem. "I'm happy I can make you happy. I know you still tend to be pretty restraiend on showing your emotions around the others, but you don't have to hold back with me," he told her with a smile before he took a sip of the lemonade and ate a bite of his sandwich.
Terra was secretly enjoying watching Beast Boy fight. After all, it wasn't every day that you got to witness the Titans in action! Gorgeous gorilla form, but this Bad Samaritan manage to flip him... Then Beast Boy switched into an anaconda and began to squeeze the man... That really was cool.

Raven blushed as he kissed her gem. It always made her so happy when he did that. She spoke,"I still fear of what my full capabilities are when I let myself off the proverbial leash, how much destruction I can cause." She began to nibble the food, it was so delicious!
The Bad Samaritan tried to struggle and found his bones being crushed. He did then something dangerous, he tried to shoot, but not at BB, but at Terra.

"No!" Beast Boy before he transformed into a spider and bit the Bad Samaritan. The Bad Samaritan began dozing and being wobbly before he collasped onto the ground. BB had been bingewatching shows about animal poisons.

He pressed the button on his communicator to summon the cops and theyw ere on their way along with a hospital to get the Bad Samaritan. "You okay?"" he asked Terra.


Ninjice smiled at her. "It'll be okay. I mean, it didn't take us long for us to clean up your room the first time I convinced you to go wild," he said witha bit of a flirty smile, bringing up the time they fucked in her room, their first time with one another.
Terra flinched when the Bad Samaritan shot at her. What a nightmare! So embarrassing and terrifying all at once! Then BB disappeared. The was confused... Then she saw him as a wee spider. She was afraid, little bugs got squashed too much, then Spider BB bit the Bad Samaritan, who then collapsed. She spoke,"That was very terrifying, so not really, no."

She blushed as he referenced their first time, her room had turned into a wasteland that day. Well worth it, but a major mess.
Beast Boy went and took her off, all while a familiar police officer was on the ambulence with the Bad Samiritan. "Their guard is down now. Soon we make the strike, but for now we rest," the Bad Samaritan told the Officer. Officer Jabob Volkens nodded as they went off.

"It'll be okay. THe creep is gone and he won't hurt you anymore," Beast Boy told her with a smile.


Ninjice finished his sandwich before he went in to embrace Raven before he kissed her cheek. "It meant alot to me that we did that and I figure it was special for you too," Ninjice said as he could feel her curvy body he got to know so very well under her leotard.
Terra was glad that the guy was gone, and she spoke,"I still will not let my guard down. He went down too easily for a bad guy. Maybe it's my paranoia, or that I expect villains that you Titans fight to be harder." She didn't like this at all.

Raven finished her meal as Ninjice kissed her cheek, and she spoke,"That day will be special to us, always and forever."
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