Teen Titans: Return of Terra (Naomi David & MysteriousD)

Beast Boy kept looking a bit confused, wondering why she was talking like that all of a sudden. Granted, he didn't know much of the 'new' Terra or rather Tara Stone, but she did seem to act like the old Terra that he knew.

"Glad you learned alot," Beast Boy as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "But we still don't know much about the guy who is after you. If something happens, there's the distress button," he told her.


Ninjice went voer and realized he needed to try something. He gave Raven a hug. He blushed, feeling her very nice breasts on his chest. "Raven... it's oka. You're one of the strongest people I know. We only know one another for a couple of weeks, but I feel like I got to know you," he began.

He then looked at her in the eye. "Raven... Cyborg told me about the whole spooky movie thing. You need to embrace the positive emotions in your life. It's part fo being human. I know there was the whole thing with Trigon, but he's not a part of your life... and I wanna be a aprt of yours," he confessed blushing a bit. "Embrace the positive. The bad comes with the good and you can't be afraid. No one else is here but me, and I wanna help you... so give me everything you got," he said to her, subconsciously putting his forehead on hers and still blushing heavily at how close they were, him still holding her.
"Technology is a beautiful thing. Really, nothing is meant to stay hidden, not with the Cloud and all. The right search phrase, or even a public information request, can blow the lid off everything. And I am grateful for the distress button... But tell me, in all of your bird forms... What is your fastest flight time? Faster than the fastest roller coaster at the amusement park?" she spoke.

Raven was extremely startled, but also touched at the same time, when he hugged her, and in that moment, nothing else mattered. She kissed him.
"Uhhhh I dn't really know. I guess in terms of fast, the peregrine falcon is really fast at diving, going over 200 miles per hour. I don't thin any rollarcoaster goes that fast, but I'm pretty sure none of them too," Beast Boy tells her as he is walking Terra to her place. He is als keeping an eye for anyone following them.

Good news for them, no one was following.


Ninjice looked at Raven's surprised look before she did something that surprised him beyond anything else. She kissed him.

Ninjice could feel Raven cave into the malestrom of contained emotion and he couldn't help but also give in and respond. His tongue began swirlign with hers as he held her tight and he began to caress her through the tight leotard she wore, feelign everyone of her curves. Her lust, desire and such was affecting him. He was feeling warm.
"I wish I could remember my birth parents, but I can't. As long as I can remember, I've lived with the Stone family. I wish I knew why my birth parents gave me up." she spoke.

Raven was surprised at how pleasurable kissing was, and she began to kiss him even more in earnest. Oh, the way he caressed her felt so lovely!
Beast Boy remained quiet. He wondered if the girl was lying or if she made fake memories for her self or anything. Beast Boy sighed before he looked ahead. "My mom died right around when I was a baby. I got my powers from sot of weird injection and I was raised by the Doom patrol," he said to her and letting her react. Doom Patrol were pretty well-known.


Ninjice was beginning to succumb to his desires as he held her tight and he began to make out with Raven, letting his hands go through her violet hair before he went over to affectionately kiss the gem on her head.
"It has to suck, not being raised with a mom or a dad." she spoke, her eyes widening when he said he was raised by the Doom Patrol. They were super famous. She spoke,"You were raised by the very best. And they expected no less than the best from you, did they?"

She smiled as he kissed the gem on her head. It felt so nice to have male hands go through her hair, and she began to work his pants off.
Beast Boy then saw her eaction and smiled a bit. "Yeah, Mento had high expectations," Beat Boy says as he rubbed the back of his head. After the Justice League, the Doom Patrol were very well-known as a team of heroes. "They were my family and they meet along, but we all gotta leave the nest," Beast Boy said wistfully. He wasn't telling the whole story, but the high standards ans the gloomy atmoshphere made thigns hard at times.


Ninjice was seeing that some of th stuff of the room was moving and that Raven's magic was getting a bit more powerful. He let Raven work his pants off yet he didn't try and strip her, namely because he didn't know how. He figured that if Raven really wanted what he thinks she wants, she will reveal herself to do so.

His makeout session with her was intense and he was caressing and holding her. He was getting more energetic and he was beginning to sweat, with her lust making him hornier and he was seeing just how much she had bottled up.
"To be on your own sounds lovely. No rules and no expectations. Total freedom sounds just lovely, and a little bit scary, but that's part of the appeal isn't it?" Terra replied, hanging onto his every word. One just didn't get to listen about what it was like to be in the Doom Patrol every day.

Raven threw off her cape and began to take off her leotard, revealing her glorious form to him. She was pretty sure he liked what he saw, and she was feeling very glad for that.
"Yeah, but then your realize how lonely it is," Beast Boy said with a sad smile. "Of course, I was different from the others just by being a hero. I think that's how was I able to go around despite being... well, kinda a kid at the time," he noted. "But then I met the Titans and I felt like home, with friends and family," he said.

"Of course, the past always catches up to ya... hence when I got a distress signal from them a long while ago," he said, with a mroe thoughtful look on his face.


Ninjice looked back in cimplete and total awe as he looked at Raven. She was completely nude... Her short violet hair looked nicely on ehr and matched the exotic gray skin she had on. Her breasts were perky and firm. She had a good curvy body and seeing every inch of it made him blush and his hormoes were going everywhere.

He sneaked out of his udnerwear, so he was as nude as she was. He had some muscle from his time as a ninja though he had some stretch marks, signs he was chubby in his frmer civilian life. He gazed at her through his glasses. His lips met her and he felt theri bodies touch. "Indulge... let it go," he whispered in her ear. He didn't want her to feel like she had to hold back in terms of the emotions.
"Some people are meant for greatness, like you. I'm just a human, not meant to be special. I still see how you look at me, you expect me to be the geokinetic hero. I am sorry I can't be that for you." she spoke. She hated being a disappointment even though some days she just wanted to give up.

Raven was blushing, she was genuinely pleased that he thought she was beautiful. He also had a gorgeously naked body. She saw the stretch marks, and thought them lovely, it was a badge of honor that proved he brought himself up to be stronger. She kissed him, and spoke,"You are perfect. Absolutely perfect."
Beast Boy raised his eyebrow. "Normal people can do alot of good things. I mean, just look who leads the Titans," Beast Boy tells her, referring to Robin. "And look who taught him and who taught Speedy," he adds, referring to these heroes and proteges who became incredible through their own build-up and development. "I mean, everyone's special," he says with a smile.

He did internally frown at what she said about Terra, but his face didn't show it.


Ninjice blushed at what Raven said, but his mind was becoming overflowed with lust due to all the emotion and passion radiating from Raven. He leaned in over to kiss her once more, his body touching hers before he wrapped his legs around her. His tongue was dancing with hers while his erect cock was grinding against her pussy.
She was quiet. She still felt un-special, so mundane. She wished she had special gifts like Beast Boy. She spoke, trying to sound funny,"You ever going to call yourself Beast Man one day? Not going to be a teenager forever."

Oh, he was so absolutely gorgeous. They were making out so much more, and she softly moaned as she felt his erect length grinding against her. She spoke,"You ready?"
"Heh, maybe, though Beast Man doesn't really roll off the tongue. I thought about Changeling too, but I'm not too sure about that," Beast Boy confessed to her. He saw her rather downcast mood. "Hey, you okay?" he asked her. They were halfway back to her place.


Ninjice was staring at her. His face was red and he was feeling unde rher sway. He wanted to experience it all. He wanted to take everything in and be with her.

He nodded, clear that he was aroused.
"Changeling sounds more of a name for a person who can change their physical appearance on the spot. Like a human who can turn into another human. You could always call yourself Beast. But I think in a comic a guy is called Beast and you don't wanna worry about copyright infringement and crap. And I'm fine." she replied.

"Your face is such a lovely red..." she whispered as she telekinetically lifted them both up.
"Yeah that's true," Beast Boy said with a humorous smile. "I thought about calling myself Manimal, but that's from a tv show," he added. "We're almost to your home. How have you been doing?" Beast Boy aded her, wanting to know if anyone else was following or messing with her.


Ninjice blushed a bit as he kept grinding his erect cock against her pussy, feeling his mind become overhwlemed by her desire feeding his. "Do you want it...? Then take it," he whispered lsutfully in her ear while his legs were tigher around her as they were floating.
"Green Man might be another." she slyly replied, but she spoke,"Relatively fine. I just don't like feeling like I'm being followed."

She softly groaned in delight as he ground his length against her, it felt so damn sexy. She slowly, so slowly, pushed against him, wanting him in her, wanting to be slow and careful and then build up.
"Well, I'm ehre to help you out," Beast Boy told her with a smile. "I'm here to protect you," he added, looking at her with fondness. "How have things been? What have you been wanting to do after school?" he askd her.


Ninjice was groaning in delight and then his eye widened when he was slowly entering inside of Raven. He held her tighter as he entered her. He couldn't help but give her a love bite on the neck and he feels the large amount of lust and desire from Raven. He could feel her hips moving.
"Not much for a long time. Tried volunteering, bored me to tears or made me unhappy. I do not believe in being nice to people who are asses, showing an emotion that I don't feel. " she replied.

Oh, it hurt and it felt good, all at once, to have him inside of her, to be a virgin no more. Oh, he was wonderful, every inch of him, she had never felt so much like this ever before. She was glad she was feeling it now.
Beast Boy remained quiet, unsure of what to say. He wasn't sure what could be said and even if he knew he needed to move on, he found it hard to. He took a quick look around, making sure if anyone was following them.

"When did you first notice you were being followed?" he asked a bit mroe seriously.


Ninjice's legs were wrapped tight around Raven and he could feel her curvy legs around him too, holding on to one another as they were floating in the air. Ninjice began kissing and licking the nape of her neck while he was going faster inside of her. He was overhwelmed by her magic and his lust fed into hers, causing a massive cycle where they craved one another.

He went over to make out with her once more as a hand went to squeeze her curvy breasts.
"A little while ago, but really, it feels more like an instinct. It stinks that I don't have hard evidence of stalking." she replied, her face growing stormy.

Sex was wonderful, it really was, and since they could influence it all by using their powers... But that was for later when they had more experience. She groaned in delight as he squeezed her breasts, she was tracing his muscles.
"Well, at leas you have us to be able to help you out," Beast Boy said to her encouragingly as he tried to lighten the mood. "How about your family? Have they noticed anything strange or out of the ordinary?" he asked her.


Ninjice was groaning out and savoring the primal feelings he was sharing with Raven. His hot bare body was on hers and it was intense and amazing. He could feel how all of Raven's pelt up emotions were mixing with magic and he could feel it interacting with his own mystic powers and it was conencting them. He went to give her a love bite as he was going faster.

"You want more?" he asked her. He wanted to see her wild side. He craved it.
"They don't notice anything. They think I'm being paranoid. I really don't like being written off so quickly." she replied

She groaned,"I want more, I need more!" she replied, loving how his skin was on her hands. He was absolutely perfect. Oh, she felt so complete.
"It'll be okay," Beast Boy told her with a smile of encouragement as he saw they were entering her neighborhood. "How abotu you? Have you been okay? I mean, there is always some crazy dude running around from time to time," he said, referring to the supervillains. After defeating the weird shape-shifting thing, things got relatively quiet, but of course, new criminials came in to fill the gap.


Ninjice was surprised by hearing Raven beg and respond to more. However, he was also further aroused by how the stoic young woman gave into her emotions and wanting more. He began fucking her faster, as he held her. "Then take it," he whispered in her ear before he bit her neck lovingly. His body was sweating and it The stuff in the room wa sstarting spin as they were levitating from the wild magic.
"Aside from local gangs and stuff, nothing new. The police are relatively good in keeping them in line." she replied, but she just could not stop thinking about how weird things were, but she didn't want to be called crazy.

She was groaning in pure delight as he began to fuck her faster. Her room was totally trashed, but at least nothing was broken. That would be upsetting. She smiled as she wrapped her legs around his waist, hungry to keep him.
Beast Boy looked at her with a comforting look before he saw they arrived at her place. "Well, we made it back to your place," Beast Boy said before he rang the door bell. Terra's foster parents hugged her and were happy she was safe. Beast Boy couldn't help but smile, but before he could go off, Mr. Flint, Terra's foster dad, invited him for dinner.

Beast Boy couldn't help but agree, though he hoped there would be vegetarian options.


Ninjice groaned as he was beginning to reach his limit. Both he and Raven were virgins so this experience was compeltely new to them. He was sweating intensely and the stuff was swirling faster as they kept feeding each other more and more lust. "I'm... I'm gonna cum soon," he said to her before he went over to make out with Raven some more.
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