That sounded reasonable to Terra, but she soon spoke,"I want to set a trap for this stalker. Is it possible to fit me with a technology that projects a field, invisible obviously in the field, it reads everybodys DNA or their cell phones, and it shows up on a screen back at the Tower with their identities? I mean, if a name pops more times than it should, or is on the screen for too long, we can narrow down a list of suspects?" She took a breath, and spoke,"But yes, walking home would be nice." Where did this sudden burst of intellect come from?
"My emotions, Ninjice. I've been working for a long time on being able to use my powers without my emotions getting in the way. When I get angry, bad, dangerous things happen. Messes happen. The next time I use my powers, I don't want to worry about my rage getting in the way! When I feel for somebody, I don't want the powers I have to work against them in an unknown way!" Raven spoke, her voice full of passion, something that was rarely ever heard in her voice. She moved closer to him, she wanted him in the worst possible way right now.