Teen Titans: Return of Terra (Naomi David & MysteriousD)

Felix responded by sending a wave of magical blasts at Robin and Injice, both of whom they dodged. Beast Boy snuck from behind Felix and smashed him as a gorilla before he was levitated and launched at Cyborg, who caught him.

"Raven, be careful, he has some strong magic," Ninjice warned her as he saw Felix take some seeds and make large vines to attack them. Felix Faust wasn't a physically fit man, being a little frail. However, he was one of the most competant and powerful sorcerers.


Meanwhile, Officer Flint began to put everyone's thumb print on the scanner. It was announced as part of an experment. They talked about it at the beginning of their rpesentation, done so they could better keep rack of everyone. Terra's fellow students were feeling quite safe and feeling good, not questioning what was going on.

About a couple of students including Terra were left.
Raven knew just by studying him that Felix had powerful magic. He would be a challenge, but per proper thinking, you could only fight the best if you wanted to be the best. She began to use her powers to counteract Felix's but it wasn't easy. She'd certainly need to study more fire magic later on if she ever faced a person who specialized in plant magic.
Terra still felt much misgivings, even as her thumb print was put into the scanner. Sure, it was a nice safety measure and all, she understood the concept behind it and all, but it didn't mean that she wanted to give her prints. At the same time, she didn't want to come off as rude, so she went along with it.
Ninjice pretty much went onto freeze the plants that Felix made while Starfire shot starbolts at them. Cyborg meanwhile fired his Sonic Cannon at Felix, which he countered by conjuring a shield to take it. "You cannot stop my mastery of sorcery," he proclaimed. He then launched a large blast of magic energy at them.

"Raven!" Robin called out, signaling they needed her to make a shield. Beast Boy meanwhile disguised himself as a bug, preparing a sneak attack on Faust.


When it was Tara's turn, she got her fingerprint scanned. Officer Flint followed procedure and looked it over. He was stoic and remained stoic upon seeing the match. Tara was in fact Terra. He remained calm as he was returning the rest of the kids turn. He sent a secret signal on his phone to his co-conspirators.

It was time to move.
Raven quickly made the shield to protect her comrades. No, they were far more than comrades, they were loved ones. Beloved. She would not let them fail in taking down this bad guy.

Terra watched another kid get dropped off. Now she was the only one left to go home. Home. She would be safe there, and this feeling would go away, this feeling of dreadful insecurity.
The shield managed to block the arcane blast and then Beast Boy turned from a bee into an elephant to go and get the drop on Felix Faust to shock him. Cyborg and Starfire then fought back with the sonic cannon and starbolts to distract him while Beast Boy turned into a snake to try and keep Felix contained.

"Raven, hold him down to keep him from using his magic long enough. Ninjice, I need your help with these," Robin said before passing Ninjice a pair of cuffs.

He felt the weight and such. "Nth-Metal... a reliable susbtance against magic users," he explained before Ninjice nodded. "You're the best at stealth so get them on him," he added.

The strategy would begin.


"We need to make an emergancy stop. Your neighborhood has a gas station in front of the entrance," The officer clarified to Terra. His benefactors were there waiting for him. "Then I will complete my objective," he said professionally.
Raven nodded and put much 'weight' into her magic, doing her best to keep the bad magician down. Pressure, weight, force, mass, all of it were very important right now, important to incapacitating those who abused their magical abilities, those who didn't deserve it.

Terra nodded, indeed there was a gas station that was close. Everyone liked it, the citizens could fill up before and after work.
Ninjice nodded before he proceeded to sneak about, preparing to strike. Meanwhile, Felix had been bombarding by the barrage of attacks before Robin threw a smoke bomb at him to disorient him.

"Enough of this child's play!" Felix said before unleashing a powerful shockwave to repel the five away. "I will unleash torment on you like no other," he began to say before he heard a click. He looked down and saw his hands were bound... with the cuffs Ninjice got.

"W-what is this?!" Felix said as he found himself restricted in his magic. Ninjice smirked before moving away, letting Robin knock himout. Ninjice encased the body in ice.

"Wonder why he was here," Ninjice asked.


Officer Vulkens stopped the car at the gas station and stepped out to refill the car. However, he left it locked with the windows down. Someone mysterious was walking by near the car and while Terra was distracted, an arm with a choloform-filled rag went at the open window and knocked her out.

"She's knocked out," the mysteirous person, revealed to the Bad Samaritan said before removing his hat and trenchocat to reveal a cop uniform that Officer Vulkens got for him and got into the front while Vulkens prepared to drive. "To the harbor, we have a secret dock where we will proceed to go," he said to the Officer.

The car drove off, Tara knocked out...
Raven was smiling. So much work was going into taking down this bad guy, and yet, the man didn't even realise that the current barrage of attacks were all one big distraction... And soon enough he was knocked out. She spoke,"Interrogate him when he wakes up. That's the best chance of getting him to talk."

Terra was waiting patiently in the car as the thing got refilled. Her eyes grew wide when an arm thrust in through the open window and chucked in a rag with chloroform... And she was soon asleep.
The police went over to pick up Felix with the sirens sounding over. "The Police said that he'll be shipped over to a super-prison," Robin told them, as he couldn't help but wonder that something may have been up. "All right, Titans, we should head back to the base to relax. I have to prepare for something," he said.

Robin needed to talk to someone.

As they all arrived back at the base, Beast Boy felt a bit buzzy. Something was bothering him, but he wasn't sure what was going on.

Ninjice was holding Raven's hand as they went back to their room. "You were amazing," he told her.
Raven was satisfied that Felix was now taken care of by the police. But she'd be more at ease if they took much caution when transporting him to jail and keeping him imprisoned. Nothing was truly fool proof. It might take a day or years to break out, but anything was possible. Magic taught her that lesson every day. Raven was smiling as Ninjice took her hand, and she spoke,"No, I wasn't. It was a group effort. Everybody deserves equal praise."
"Yeah, though I think we need to unwind. Robin said he needs to check something. Starfire is on patrol with Beast Boy while Cyborg is fixing up the T-Car," Ninjice toldher before arriving in his room. His was pretty barebrones as for now, but there was a bed and such. He laid down while he was holding onto Raven.

"So what should we do?" he asked her with a flirty smile.
Raven was in a good mood as she laid down next to Ninjice on his bed. She spoke,"Oh, I don't know... Maybe... Fun things?" Her voice and face were as equally flirty.
Ninjice wad admittingly still surprised by how much more open Raven was emotionally, but he smirked. He figured it was just because he was kinda a bad nfluence on her. He went over to her to embrace her, before his hands slipped under her leotard to grope her round luscious breasts and he kissed the nape of her neck.

"Let the fun begin them," he said to her with a smile.
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