Teen Titans: Return of Terra (Naomi David & MysteriousD)

Well, she certainly wasn't going to be much eating later tonight, and that dessert pizza sounded good. She looked up, and spoke,"That sounds like a good idea. And leftovers to go home if that happens."

Raven would once again be sore down there, but really, she didn't care, she got so much pleasure from it all as Ninjice came inside of her. She groaned in delight, cumming as well, she spoke,"Gets better every time!"
"All right, what kind?" Beast Boy asked her as he showed her with a smile. The mood seemed to lighten and he was feeling better than he had been for the past couple of weeks. "We got that's like apple pie, one that's like cherry pie, the typical one that's like a cookie," he listed off.


Ninjice held her tight, cooling down from the intense sensation and from the magic-augmented sexual high they were on. He kissed her gem once more. "I'm glad I was able to help you be more honest and manage your emotions," he said sweetly.
"Apple pie!" she quickly replied. Everybody liked apple pie. She was feeling relaxed, she wished she could have this feeling all the time, every time. The feeling of not worrying about anything was so nice...

Raven was sighing in delight, sex always gave her such a wonderful high, or at least she was sure that was the 'Earth' term for this feeling. She spoke,"I'm glad you give me this feeling of freedom!"
Beast Boy smiled st her own smiled before he ordered the apple pie dessert pizza as well as a refill on their drinks. "Well, hopefully things will starting look more normal after all of his," Beast Boy told her with a smile.


Ninjice kept nakedly snuggling with Racen, caressing her while occasionally squeezing her breast and it her ass throughout it. "I have a fun idea to try something new," Diego whispered in her ear seductively.
Beast Boy had such an endearing smile, bless that sweet gentle boy as the waitstaff delivered the food. She spoke,"That is all one can do is hope. Having hope and faith."

Raven smiled happily as she was happily cuddling with her beloved, loving his merry caressing and fondling. She perked up when he suggested that they try something new. She spoke,"And what is that?"
"And try and help out. It's what my friends and I do," Beast Boy tells her. "So we gotta take one step at a time and deal with change... though they say the past has a way of coming for ya," BB noted to her.


Ninjice went over to kiss her and squeeze her breasts some more before he grinded his cock against her wet pussy and getting it covered in their jucies before poking at her butt, implying he wants to have anal with her. "Wanna try?" he asked.
"The past does have a way of coming and biting people. I think it is more true for people who have unresolved troubles, those who have not paid for their sins. Karma, I think is why the past bites people." she replied as she continued to eat.

Raven smiled as he kept kissing her and groping her breasts. She raised an eyebrow as he poked her butt with his cock, she knew he was implying he wanted anal. She spoke,"Let us try that, try something new!"
"Yeah, you can't run away from it. The Doom Patrol needed me even though back then, I didn't want to about them again, but we patched things up. But it comes to get us sooner or later," Beast Boy noted as he also took another bite of his dessert pizza.


Ninjice nodded and using their love jucies as lubricate, went slowly inside of Raven's tight ass. It was certainly tigher than her pussy and it was certainly a strange and weird experience, but with Raven, it was an enjoyable one. He was moving slowly so they could get used to it. He leaned in so he could better grope her breasts.
"It always catches up to you. At least the only thing that I need to catch up with is homework." she replied, she had been dawdling and procrastinating recently.

It was an odd and slightly painful sensation as he slowly went inside of her ass, but since it was Ninjice, she didn't mind it one bit at all.
Beast Boy nods at her, in his own thoughts about what was said. "Well, then after this, I should probably walk you home so you can get started," he tells her while he finishes up his last slice of dessert name.


Ninjice was massaging Raven's breasts while he was going at the slow and steady pace, growing used to how Raven's hot ass, but he was still kissing her neck and just savoring the intimacy of being with her.
She spoke,"Much appreciated." The dessert pizza really was good. Maybe she would make it herself one day!

Raven spoke,"Physical intimacy aside, what about me is your favorite?" She was moaning and purring in pleasure as he kissed her neck and massaged her breasts
Beast Boy smiledat her before he paid for their meal and offered his arm for ehr to take like a gentleman. "I guess that with the bad stuff, its so we can appreciate the good stuff in the future," he advised as he tried to figure all of this out.


Ninjice looked at Raven as he kissed her forehead and looked at her with a smile. "I love... everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, how you smell like tea. Just that though you're quiet and such, you're such a caring person. How you strove to be a hero despite your dad... just everything about you," he said as he went deeper inside of her to show his intimacy with her.
Terra smiled when he offered her his arm,"I suppose. It makes sense when you word it that way." She took his arm, such a comforting gesture.

She smiled as he kissed her forehead. She spoke,"We must all strive to be better than our parents! But I do love everything about you. You're so kind and gentle and perfect!" She would have said more but it came out as a moan of pleasure as he went further inside of her.
Beast Boy headed out through the streets with Terra in his arms as they were unknowingly being spied on. "I have them in my sights," siad the officer. "Good. Tomorrow, we begin our plan and unleash our distraction upon the city," the Bad Samaritan told the offier through the earpiece.


Ninjice kept going faster and harder inside of Raven's ass, all while holding her. Their sweaty bodies wrapped around one another as he kept planting kisses on her. "I'm gonna cum soon," he whispered in her ear.
Terra was glad to walk home with such safety next to her. She was glad knowing she was in good hands.

Raven was moaning and groaning in pleasure as he kept thrusting in and out of her. She groaned,"Then cum!"
Beast Boy smiled as it didn't take too long before they ended up back at her place. He was sure that whatever was gonna come their way, things were gonna be okay.


Ninjice groaned out Raven's name before he came inside of Raven's butt, holding her tight before he leaned in to kiss her neck. The intense release of their pent-up lust and emotions was amazing for him. He rested on the ground, holding onto Raven.
Terra was glad that she arrived home safely with Beast Boy. Hopefully whatever came up next, they all came out just fine.

Raven groaned in pleasure as his hot and wonderful seed flowed into her ass. She smiled and spoke,"So wonderful...!" She was giving him such a lovely smile.
Beast Boy opened the door and once she was safe inside, he headed back to the Tower, hoping things would be okay.

The next day, he was keeping an eye on Tera, following her as a bird. Apparently, her high school was having a special day about public servants so classes were held to talk to various firefighters, police officers and so on as part of a career thing with Tara's class listening to some police offiers.


Ninjice cuddled with Raven for a while before picking her up and sneaking them back inside the tower for a shower.

The next day, Ninjice was assigned with Robin on patrol over the city while Raven was with Starfire and Beast Boy was out on his own with Cyborg staying to update several of the transportation modes.
Terra smiled and thanked Beast Boy as he dropped her off at home, then she got started on her school work. The next day was a day about public servants, and they would talk to the students about their jobs. That was a good thing, classes were shortened, and who didn't like that sort of thing?

Raven smiled as Ninjice snuck them both back into the Tower for a shower. She loved showers with him, it felt so good to have somebody else's fingers massage her scalp. Next day was all about patrol. It would have been nice to have something attack, big bad guys were good for practice.
For the most part, everything seemed to go out all right. Officer Flint was in position and making sure everything would go all right. He knew that the girl was being followed and that everything would be planned. Now, the distraction would come and he would escort her, all as a way to test her blood. If it was her... then the next phase would commence. If it wasn't..., well they had a plan to put her back and continue their search.

He looked at his watch. By now, the building targeted would soon be void of people so the attack could be done to minimize casualities. That was of part of the cotnract Flint had with his partners.


"Friend Raven, I was talking with Robin and he felt concerned. He mentioned that the city was "too quiet." What did he mean by that?" Starfire asked Raven as he was flying alongside her checking the city. Everything seemed peaceful.
It wasn't bad, this day of talks about public servants, seemed like a good thing to do. Then there was some side talk about volunteering at hospitals and soup kitchens, also a nice thing to do. Soon enough, the day was close to being over, and the people speaking were rushing to finish what they were going to say!

Raven was flying around with Starfire when she asked her a question. She spoke, looking thoughtful,"What I think it means is that the lack of criminal activity in the city is too suspicious. I also think he means we should be getting prepared for whatever comes next." Indeed, it was to quiet. Normal human criminal activity and supervillain criminal activity was too quiet. While lack of crime was a good thing, having such silence was worrying.
Officer Flint got the signal when he saw the Bad Samaritan drive by in his disguise, waving at the Officer. It was time. Suddenly, alarms were sounding as explosions were happening in the city.

"Robin, who is that?" Ninjice asked as someone suddenly came from the blue and began causing a whole lot of trouble.

"It's Felix Faust! What's he doing here?" Robin noted to himself before he summoned the Titans. Beast Boy had to leave and head out. Meanwhile, the cops and other forces wer eresponsible for getting the kids to their homes safe.

Officer Flint corraled a couple of kids into his car, including Terra.
Terra and her classmates heard many alarms go off as explosions started to go off. Yeah, she got that it was the end of the day and all, but shouldn't the school have gone on lockdown rather than herding people home? Still, she didn't question it as she and some other classmates were put into a police car. Still, some inkling in the back of her mind said that something was wrong.
Robin was calling the Titans to get them to the area while Ninjice began to launch spears of ice at the malevolent magician. Unlike Mumbo, this guy knew some of the darker arts and they needed Raven if they were to be able to beat this guy.

"Shouldn't you be running away from your debtor?" Ninjice taunted. Beast Boy was on his way over, taking a swooping path to make sure Cyborg was on his way, and he was speeding there in the T-Car.


"We'll be dropping you off in your homes in order to ensure your safety," Officer Flint said as he was driving off to the suburban areas and slowly began dropping everyone off.
Raven and Starfire were in bound, on their way to help, occasionally stopping to help calm citizens, letting them know that the Titans were helping keep order.
Terra liked what she heard from the officer, the idea of being taken home right now sounded incredibly appealing, but for some reason, she did not trust his words, even as he began to drop others off.
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