Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Dean smiled, grabbing and putting on his own clothes for the day, all the way down to his boots. "Stay a little while longer. I'll make breakfast and coffee." He pleaded, not wanting him to go. He worried about him.
Dean frowned slightly, but nodded. "Fair enough." He replied, walking downstairs to the kitchen to start cooking. He was making omelets, because that was the most time consuming food he could think of. He didn't want castiel to go.
Castiel finished getting dress, putting the trench coat and everything else back on before he followed Dean downstairs and sat at the table silently.
Dean walked over to castiel and gave him a passionate kiss as he wipped the eggs and Sam came in. "Well, look who finally confessed. Feeling better, puppy?" Sam asked, only slightly teasing about how his brother had been like a lost puppy while castiel was gone. Dean rolled eyes, adding peppers and cheese to the mix before smiling. "Yeah sammy. I do."
Castiel blinked in surprise and kissed him back softly, still not quite sure if he was kissing right or not. He then blushed brightly when Sam came in and looked away in embarrassment.
The smile on Dean's smile said different. He had kissed him just right. "No need to blush over what everyone but you two realized was inevitable." Sam told Castiel as he sat at the table, drinking his coffee. Dean would give Cas his omlet first, then make Sam one. "Thanks Dee." He replied to the older winchester, sipping his coffee. Dean just nodded, humming carry on my wayward son as he cooked.
Castiel looked down a little. "I... yeah..." He wasn't sure what to say, obviously still adjusting to this new situation and thanked Dean before beginning to eat, even though he didn't have to eat.
Dean smiled softly, kissing Castiel's head. "You're welcome" he replied, finishing off his own omlet and sitting down across frm sam and next to cas. "Is it good?" He asked them both, sam just nodding, cheeks cubbed out like a squirrel.
Castiel was a little more well mannered when eating, cutting of manageable pieces and wiping his mouth if he made a mess and waited to swallow before saying. "It is very good Dean. Thank you."
Dean beamed brightly at his lover, taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm so glad you like it, Cas." He replied, watching as sam quickly put his plate in the sink and ran off. He was trying to give them a little privacy.
Castiel nodded softly and continued eating, noticing Sam hurrying off as he took his last bite. He wore a confused look till he swallowed and asked. "Sam has been quite anti-social lately. Did I do something to upset him?" He asked.
Dean frowned, getting up and taking his hand, squeezing it softly as he gave him a passionate kiss. Hos eyes looked worried, and he took in a breath. "Be careful, cas. My love." He replied softly, green orbs showing his fear.
Castiel blushed brightly in the kiss and let out a soft moan as he kissed back before looking at him and recognizing the fear in his eyes. He smiled gently at him and put his hand on his left shoulder like he always did. "Somehow, I think I'll be fine." He said and turned to leave.
Dean almost ran off the road in surprise. "Ah! Cas, how many times have I told you not to do that!" The look in his green eyes though told the angel he was glad to see him. Sam and he were on their way back to the bunker after a case. They were about 10 minutes away. "When we get to the bunker." He added, driving off.

In a about 10 minutes, Dean let out a sigh of relief, bringing Castiel to his room and closing the door. "So, what's up cas?" He asked, reaching out for the angel, asking him to sit and cuddle. He had missed him.
Castiel dipped his head. "My apologies." He said, whatever he needed to talk about, it seemed urgent, as he was unusually fidgetty in his seat and he kept glancing around uncertainly.

Castiel stepped back from Dean's touch and said. "I have a theory. But I need to try something before you touch me." He said, holding out his hand palm up.
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