Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Castiel nodded softly, his legs still shaking as he slowly caught his breath and rested with Dean. Castiel looked over when he heard Dean's words and frowned. "Dean." He replied sternly, sitting up a little. "I know why you think you are worthless, why you think you are a mistake or that you can't do things right. But let me point out to you that you have done so much more, made so much more of a difference in the world than any other human could have possibly fathomed. You have saved hundreds of people, saved the world a few times, you may have made mistakes but they do not out way the good you have done. You are grand Dean. Everything you do has a huge impact, whether it is on a single person on the world. So please..." His eyes turned slightly pleading. "Don't let the past tell you that you are worthless, I don't want you to think like that."
You could see the pain in Dean's eyes as his lover spoke, though he listened intently. When he was finished , he pulled castiel closer, planting a vulnerable kiss to the other's soft lips. "I'm trying, Cas. But it seems like anytime I claim a shred of happiness for myself, my father is in the back of my mind, telling me over and over that no one could love a worthless fuck up like me... that I don't deserve you Cas. That an angel could never truly love me." He explained softly, feeling shitty but not being able to get to a better place without first getting the poison out.
Castiel kissed him back softly and held Dean gently, he was never one to be good at hugs, but he was trying to comfort the poor, broken soul. "Your father had many issues of his own Dean. He was not one who handled his problems well, and therefore took them out on other people. His words have more bearing on who he is than on who you are. They hold nothing to who you are Dean. I love you. I am not sure how I can be in love, nor how to handle or understand these feelings, but I do love you."
At Castiel's words, Dean could feel himself crying. No one but Sam or bobby had ever given enough of a shit about him to tell him otherwise. He leaned into castiel, holding onto him for dear life. While he knew this probably seemed out of character the battle hardened hunter he is,the truyh was, he was like a broken mirror whose pieces will never fit together. "Thank you Cas. I love you too i love you so much. Please. Don't ever leave." He whispered, anguish in his soft voice. Maybe he fould be happy, as long as cas stayed by his side.
Castiel held Dean and hesitated before awkwardly stroking his hair to comfort him. It seemed like the thing to do. "I will do what I can... I do not want to leave you Dean."
Castiel blushed a little and nodded. "I love you as well..." He murmured as he laid there with Dean, as the exhaustion slowly faded he could feel even more, incredible strength inside of him. Maybe he was ready to face Raphael...
The next morning, Dean awoke with a small smile at his blue eyes angel laying next to him. "Hey Baby." He muttered seductively, and Castiel would clearly be able to feel his morning wood poking at him, just itching to be inside, twitching slightly.
Dean gave him a sleepy kiss, letting out a soft yawn. "You don't have to help if you don't want, Cas." He promised, snuggling the smaller angel, kissing at his bare chest. Neither of them had bothered putting their clothes bavk on last night.
Dean smiled, snaking one of his free hands into Castiel's squeezing gently. He was hard, yes, but it would go if he wanted it to. Be let out a soft breath, training kisses back up to his lover's mouth, nuzzling his noze a little. When Dean was sleepy, he preferred snuggling over sex, and just being with his angel made him gein.
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